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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1916, p. 6

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V It is one of the delicious "good things" that has a real food value, A-slice of your good homemade bread, spread with "Crown Brand", ferme a perfectly balanced food, that is practically all nourishment. So--let them have it -on"biscuits and pancakes, and on their porridge if they want it. You 11 like it, too, on Griddle Cakes--on Blanc Mange and ! Baked Apples. And you'll find it the most economical sweetener i you can use, for Cakes, Cookies, Gingerbread and Pies. Have your husband get a tin, the next time he is In town-- a 5, 10 or 20 pound tin--or a 3 pound glass jar, THE CANADA STARCH CO. LIMITED MONTREAL, CARDINAL. BRANTFORD, FORT W1LUAM. Kalcerv of "XUy'fF7tU<"' Com Syrup--iBauon'j Cam Starch-- filllrtoy. and "Silver QlotC iomxîty Starch. 4 feom*?, just- as. -* mirage, elaborate the inaypiia «f do gentleman days. ' ; 'however!, ; ' taste.' ; in. both watches and clocks tie undergone: à < * an 8 e * _ Inatead of using the largeet possible timepieces, there is more and tilore a tendency to choose a small watch for personal use, and equally is this true of the family clock. ^ It is unfortunate, but true, that ! m ^ n 7 of these small. timepieces are neither reliable nor durable, mainly because they are so small, and jewelers jewelers say that it is impossible to produce a small watch with perfect mechanism at a low price. The tiny watch or dock with reliable works is usually too costly* for the average family. If a new clock for the living room or hall ; Do not leave saturated handkerchiefs handkerchiefs lying carelessly about, or allow children to do so . ' ' r£- : Remémber that -in .. ho instaupe should a handkerchief be dried and "re-. . D** Holnies,;the weH* known-skin spec- ' nuisfrwrites» ' ... _ Plenty of fresh air in a room of "I am convinced that thç D. D. D. Pre- even temperature, rest, and abundance scription is as much a specific for Eczema i °I water and a cutting down of food as quinine for malaria. I have been pre- for a day or two, together with a laxa- scr.bing the D. D. D. remedy for years." , tive or some simple remedy for colds, ; the dis- j patiente re- ! is now a favorite, «thedv of skih sDecial- ■ ailu , ituuut ' 1L °^ n han S s °v!' ista for all skin diseases. It penetrates the for weeks and sometimes for months^; pores, gives instant splLef from the most distressing itch. Its soothing oils quickly heals the infl med tissv es. Come to us_and we will tell you more about this remarkable remedy. Your --The Youth's Companiorf. 220 Our nêwrecipe book, "Desserts and Candies", will show you how to make a lot of really delicious dishes with "Crown Brand". Write for a copy to our Montreal Oftice. " needed, don't be influenced too much 1 money tack ÏSSM'uta by the smallness" thereof, no matter r,nn ^ Tt vn , ■ • • how much you prefer unobstrusive- Health Notes. A flannel dipped in boiling water and sprinkled with turpentine laid on you. D. D. D." Soap keeps your skin I the chest as quickly as possible will] .- Hoaithv Ask about it. J releieve the most -severe " clod or Presortption-h ho 25 se,,es =Y ... „ r ' Flaxseed Lemonade for Colds--Four r 'fe.' About the House Useful Hints and General Information Information for the Busy Housewife drop into cold -iwyitervto .'prevent - turning turning dark until 'needed'. Place one cup 'granulated sugar, one cup water and a few tiits of stick cinnamon over the fire and. simmer fifteen minutes, healthy. ness in other furnishings. There are two kinds of clocks--one, ------ - rm *K '■ ^«uuuauu 1U1 kind operated by a spring and the oth-j e. |Q|* £l2lMA tablespoons flâxseed ; . (whole), er by weights. The spring clock is T urv &r nv .i. n rn( ,„., 0 B ... j quart boiling water poured on the flax the smaller, style, but because each 40 4W ' 8g ' Bowmanviile. j 3ee d, juice of two lemons; sweeten to i.L - • ■ • • f D.D.D, one winding of the spring wears ytie vari-4 ous parts, it naturally follows thatYhis type of clock will wear out in a Very j few years. In the second type of clock which is operated by a system of weights, or what we call "clockwork," there ip then remove the spice, put in the : ap- ! n °thing to wear but once the weights ! pies and cook until tender, but not are Properly adjusted. There is no : broken. Lift out fhe fruit and ar- ! sketch or-friction of the parts, as in range, open end .up, in. a- glass dish i ^©.spring clock. However, the clock taste; steep three hours in covered pitcher ^ keep warm. If too thick, "put. in cold water with the lemon juice and .sugar. That Common Malady--A Cold. Now. that winter is here, it. behooves Selected Receives. Simple Egg Dish.--A simple | with stock and cook it until it is thick; and ! then add a cupful of seeded raisins and : and on the top of each put one teau-.] of this kind must be protected by a .every mother and every father to take SDoon iellv. To the syrup add one- ; *" Ia3S c& se in order to keep out the an immovable stand, in the interest satisfactory way of fixing eggs on toast when only & few are wanted is to butter a slice of bread, break the «ré on to it and place it in the oven. When the eggs cooked the bread will be toasted, saving time. Apple and Celery Dressing.--Use equal quantities of chopped celery and tart apples, with one half cupful of sugar, and one teaspoonful of ground cinnamon for seasoning. This will be found equally good for stuffing a capon or pork. Delicious Tarts.--One-half pound butter, stir them in. Rice and Celery Dressing. -Take two cupfuls of cold boiled rice, one cupful of minced celery, one heaping tablespoonful of melted butter, and salt and pepper enough to season the TO FULL ASSISTANCE third box gelatin dissolved in cold wat- *nd also to protect, the median- n bt only of thé famüy but of justice ! Bank of Montreal Annual Meeting Marked by Striking Refer- A* /svt v* -- -- L. --. 21 f L * - L 1 BTY1 Tr/MVI* AH A À Ma n ' î-- -±1-- -- A - --' A 1 ' . -- " - - -- Jl-. -- - A. - Vfc j TM * *# 1 W • - » 1 W T\ . TU 1 ♦ er and one-hj^ cup boihng water,, from changes^ the temperature and right, against the pernicious habit stirring the whole briskly. Take at! There are two things to observe if Q f allowing a child to go about, mix- once from the fire and pour Around the you want your house clock to give îng unreservedly, with family and corn- apples Stand m a cold place to lpng-continued, dependable service, panions, after he begins to show symp- congeal. Serve with whipped cream. Une 18 to hang or -place the clock so toms of a cold Boston Brown Bread.--One cup rye S?™„ wi JL n Zl. ke „„ S _^ ected sbar £ Two or three days of isolation in bed flour, one cup granulated corameal, changes of' temperature. mass. Mix the ingredients, and add : ° n .® graham flour, one and one A clock win do neither child nor adult harm; enough sweet cream to moisten them well. In stuffing the goose, be careful careful not to fill it too full. Potato and Egg and Bread. Dressing. --Take equal quantities of stale bread crumbs and mashed Irish potatoes, and season the mixture with butter, Mix one-quarter cup milk, two j chopped onion, salt and pepper. cakes cream cheese, enough flour to hold all together. Roll thin, cut in three-inch squares, put a little jam or preserves in center, turn corners over to the center over jam and bake. A package of strawberry or cherry jello gives, a nice flavor as well as a _ B- TA r £ r d .°° r m 1 a warm and it is mere justice to humanity to half teaspoonfuls soda (level), one ls . box ? nd be irregular--too cease scattering the germs broadcast, teaspoonful salt, three-quarters cup ™ or to ° f PW--beca ?® e of tbe abar P or allowing those over whom we have molasses, two cups sour milk. Mix chan ? e . s ° f hot and cold from the doors control to do so. In children a cold and sift dry ingredients . And mo- ®" d '... T be clock should be mea ns loss of vitality, and the possibil- lasses and milk, turn into well-butter- plaped J vp11 ia the interior of the room, ity G f pneumonia, tuberculosis or some ed molds, cover tightly, with buttered uft7 ind ° WS form of kidney trouble, and ini adults lid®. Set molds on a rack in a'deep 3lble ? f° that Jt WÜ1 ^ surrou nded by ] oss of tinle and of attention to bus;- kettle. Surround with hot water to a even temperature. _ ! ness. thSIwen'rthen addl^o^tablespoon- i half their depth, cover kettle and cook c]o ^ e re Xt A y° un 8f woman, in speaking the fuis of minced walnut meats and three ' * bree and 0I \f' balf bours - Molds ou t break If the rlnpk otber day of a severe cold from hard-boiled eggs, chopped fine; then ; fK 0, ^ d J 1 *?? 6 * ^ filled more than two- down «a+nn" -e v -e v. ° w kich she had just recovered, remark- ' ' th i rd s full. Baking powder cans are ™ and 8 t°P for a f ^. bours ' ed, "Why, it was simply awful, but I, attractive for this purpose,.though a tben re w°und whenever one thinks of went to church just t he same!" She five-pound lard pail wil^do. -Raisins £ gets irregular and undependable. seem ed to feel that in some way! or currants make a pleasing addition. ^' V r e Y, er ' as ™ d i n S a clock helps credit instead of most severe blame 1 Sponge Cake.--Beat the yolks of til * * d - Y vt should be awarded her for thus scat- three fresh eggs until thick and lemon e i„ht dav clock Wm m5, 1 6 e tering germs throughout the congre- _ m ^ colored, add gradually one-half cupful ei ent-qay clock. i gation. all well mixed. Grease and flour the! of cold water. Add a quart of boiling °f £ ran ulated sugar, beating con- f a P ° C ' , a Another young woman was forced baking pan or tins well. j water, less one cup, juice of four ^7? nex f f dd one-half tablespoon- „ ' " _ ' _ - to sit throughout the church service i French Chestnut Stuffing.--Take ! lemons, and two cups of sugar. Stir u * ° 3 u .ice, a few gratings of _ ' , ... . f ^ . n ° beside a friend who was suffering from ! three pints of Italian chestnuts, boiled | until dissolved, strain into the mold rin ^; heat the three whites stiff, monev a W ell-made cloc^with 11 » a cold * As a result, she caught it and : until they are tender then peeled and! and. set away to harden. It should addm & a fpv Y gra j ns °f sait; add three ,. . , , h '. was forced to give up virtually all of mixed smooth with two tablespoon- ! stand 12 hours before using. i ead one-half cupfuls of sifted flour in haniXt IX. hèr work for ^veral months, fais of butter, a little parsley, shallots, j Apple Compote.-Pare and core six alternation, folding them in gently so ^d fro m a Sance ISch a dock " pepper and herbs. Cover the paste] or eight apples of uniform, size and' ^ ^ is much more serviceable and cost " ' ~ " - - | into a small, deep pan lined with light-1 * dss than the very ornate models. I ly greased paper, and bake 40 minutes ! , . --~~ ! in a slow oven. During the first 10 i filings to Remember. ences to Part Plày ed "by Dominion and Lays Down Policy For Country's Guidance. Campaign of Thrift Strongly Urged. Bank's Record at Front.. Canada's 1 position in the great i "The Minister of Finance t« European war--the policy the TDo- j whom the country owes much for minion should follow - In order to be j his wise and far-seeing administrant! administrant! the better prepared for post, war ' tion of bur financial affairs, will conditions--the resolve of the coun- j doubtless keep. In view these condl- try to continue to give, in youth • tions when making further calls on and money, full assistance to the great cause were among some of the outstanding features of the Ninety-Ninth Annual Meeting of the shareholders of the Bank of Montreal, Montreal, held at the head office. The Importance of the announcements. announcements. made and their bearing on our resources, which of necessity he rçust do. from time to time. Outlook Tor'Poet War ; Period. " And now. as my remarks draw to a close, I am tempted, contrary to my usual nractico ' " and unrestrained unrestrained by tha old adage ' Never rophesy unless you know,' to look add the uncooked yolk of one egg. Jellied Tongue.--Boil a-tongue tender, tender, so the skin will peel off readily. Cut it in thin slices and arrange in a delicate color to an ordinary sponge- J mold lined with thin slices of lemon on cake, adding it moistened with a little the bottob. Cover with jelly made of water after the other ingredients are j one box of gelatin dissolved in a cup .. ; p conditions that the Dominion, would \ into the future. The thoughts of most likely have to meet sgemed to j many men are, turned towards the impart a special- significance to the | problems that will confront us after meeting, and the shareholders were ; the war. Government Commissions quick to give their heartiest sup- ! are dealing with them; the press Port to the suggestions firmly . devotes much space to their dls- offered by Sir Vincent Meredith, : cussion; international conferences ■Hart., President,: and Sir Frederick ■ have met, but our first, obvious vv llliams-Taylor, the General Man- I and Imperative duty is to WIN THE ager. j WAR. 4.T. Th « ere was no misunderstanding ! " When that is done, new - condi- the firmness of the suggestions, as ! tions will unquestionably supervene. Boni Take Risks If your stomach is strong, your liver active, and bowels bowels regular, take care to'keep them so. These organs are important to your health. Keep them in order with Beediam's Pills and avoid any risk of serious illness. A dose or two as needed, will help the digestion, stimulate, the bile, and regulate the habits. Their timely use will save much needless suffering, fortify the system and Insure Good Health P ^! d . OBlT u fc7 Be-cham, St. Helens, Lancashire. England. Sold everywhere m Canada and U. S. America. In boxes, 23 cents. Every mother knows that, when one! member of the family begins to trough 1 and sneeze, nine times out of ten the cold will run through the" entire household. household. Facts, science and. common ! sense all urge us to apply the oft-quot- If You Want a Safe Investment Let us send you particulars of an investment that never depreciates and never defaults in dividends, the new Compound Investment Policy in the Crown Life. With a Crown Life " Limited Payment Lifp Policy " you oot have to die to win. Your insurance is ftflly paid for during the years of your beet earning power. Let us send you some new insurance facts. Crown Life Assurance Co. TORONTO. - Agents Wanted In Unrepresented Dlutrleta. minutes the cake should begin to rise; ! Live within your income regardless ed but seldom-adhered-to golden rule during the second 10 minutes continue of others. . - j "As ye would that men should do to ; rising and begin -to color; continue Nothing is more honorable than a you] do ye also to them." ; browning during the third 10 minutes; good housewife and home-maker. j Many physicians believe that the (finish browning and begin to shrink : It is a pleasure to work in a well- ] time is not far distant when a per-f j * be pa J l 1I k tbe ^ as * 10 miutes. j kept home. I son suffering from a cold will be ! ! . Mincemeat.--The expense of mak- ! An early riser makes the best wife as certainly isolated as if attacked by ! j a fl uan tity of mincemeat prevents and home. measles, mumps or chicken pox--nol I many from undertaking it. It may Odd bits of toilet soap should be one of which, according to eminent au- ! i b ® sorted in a really small way and slaved and melted 'into a shampoo thorities, is so serious a menace to! j added to from tune to time at a very mixture. health as the common cold is. But - small cost. The ■ most . economical It is much better to remove the until that time arrives, we can at least • time to begin is when you are going skins of all fruit to be eaten by chil-. use a little kindly consideration for ; to have a boiled dinner. Get a couple dren. j our own families, and also for the I of Pounds of beef extra; then you can When watering house plants add a stranger outside our gates, and when ! use the . choi c e st portions for the din- little sweet milk to the water occa- a cold appears isolate ourselves--or ; ner, Taking all that is left for the sionally. ^j.oûr child--as much mincemeat. The^fSeat must be taken - When a plant is dying, put a des- til it,is past, out before vegetables are added.' Put sert spoonful of castor oil about the The'"foilowing common-sense j the m cat, fat and all.through the food roots. This will sometimes revive are worth keeping in mind- ! chooper and add one pound of cur- it. ' - | When coughing or .sneezing, cover rants, seeded raisins, two pounds of Before frying food, first roll it in your mouth and nose with a handker- brown sugar, a pint of molasses, quar- bread or cracker crumbs to dry it, chief. ter peck of tart 'hpples, chopped; two then dip in egg and roll in mimhc n -- .. quarts sweet cider, the ground peel second time. and juice of one orange, with salt, pep-' To clean a white wool coat, it is per and spices to taste.. Cook slowly said to be a good plan to rub - the for half an hour; put in a stone jar, soiled spots with dry ground rice, and and keep in a cool place. To keep then shake off. Bits of fresh cloth the jar replenished add to it all the^ should be used as each becomes soil- bits of cooked fresh meat ( chopped )T ed. canned fruit, jelly, jam, etc., that you Could you not mâke your kitchen a happen- to have left over, together bit lighter than it is? Think how with a few chopped apples and gome many, many hours you spend there sugar occasionally. You will be sur-, every day! Put in another window prised to find how cheaply it can be and make the room as bright and kept going all winter and how much cheery as you can. as. possible un rules it was clearly shown that many of the conditions that prevailed- in the country were purely of a temporary temporary character, and what was most Important was to get ready for the time when normal conditions conditions only might exist. In this connection it was pointed out that all efforts should be centred centred on the attainment of three objects, objects, viz., Economy, Production and Immigration, but at the same time a note of confidence was struck as -to the -ability the country would show in dealing with any new problems problems that might present themselves. Proud Record, in Overseas Service. Sir Frederick made special mention mention of the' record of the staff of the Bank-of Montreal overseas, saying; saying; * As for the Bank of Montreal Contingent with the colours, I have no words sufficiently eloquent wherewith to full>xexpress our pride in their achievements, our grief in their losses, -.48 per cent, of our total male staff, or .67 per cent, of those of military age, have enlisted, ol of our best have been killed and 107 are wounded, missing or prisoners prisoners of war. Several of- our men have been decorated by the King for conspicuous valour, and the whole contingent is illustrious." A very cordial demonstration was given by the shareholders when Mr. Yuile, on their behalf, asked, to be allowed to especiallv compliment Sir Vincent Meredith on the great honor which had been conferred upon him during the course of the past year, in being created a baronet. baronet. Mr. Yuile pointed out that this was regarded by the shareholders shareholders not as an honour to Sir Vincent alone, but to the Bank as we)!, and the honor conferred was alike popular with the shareholders and the public generally. The vacancies on the Board of j It seems probable that for some j months to come, orders for munitions munitions and war supplies will oon- . tinue to keep our industrial plants j actively employed. i "Canada is bearing up magnlfl- j cently under the strain of this ' world-wide war, and her sacrifices will be amply repaid by the engendering engendering of a spirit of self-reliance, and she will emerge a comparatively comparatively little known country to take her rightful position in the affairs of the nations. " The future, as I have said, is beset with new problems and Is not entirely free from financial anxieties, but by a young people possessing great national spirit, a territorial Empire and unrivalled ■ natural resources resources the future can be Jacked forward to with hope and' confi- . dence." General Manager's Address. Sir Frederick Williams-Taylor. the General Manager, dwelt especially especially with the main features of the changes in the . Bank's business during the course of the vear. and the manner in which Canada's adverse adverse trade balance had disappeared disappeared as though by magic. Sir Frederick Frederick said in part : " The outstanding business feature feature in Canada is an industrial condition condition more abnormal in oh •'•peter than ever before in the hi:a of this Bank, or of this count ,- v. " The same statement applies in a greater or lesser degree to several belligerent and neutral countries, but in Canada economic conditions as well are in an unnatural state. This is partly due to the war. also a result of suspended immigration and of a lengthy period of an ex- tra\agance of which . we are now feeling the cumulative effect. " Canada sold her record crop of last year at high prices, as in" the years of .-the American Civil if 0 your family will appreciate home-made mincemeat pie. real! Hints About the Clock. . . A large substantial clock was considered considered the ornament of old-fashioned Ju TUNNEL ENGLISH CHANNEL. 0 &ne name thatstcrndsrfor J | Quph'tjf /n Farm Machinery !. LISTER ENGINES ARE ^ BRITISH BUILT g . 2 and 5 lb* Carton*^- 10, 20, 50 and lQO ib. Bags. Was a favorite name among the long-forgotten food products o| half a century ago, just as it is among the live ones ot to-day. Only exceptional quality can explain such permanent popularity. , Sweeten itS* f 2 in one grade only--the highest ! To Be Considered by Imperial Defence Defence Committee. The long debated question of a tunnel under the Channel from Eng- I land to France is receiving much at- tention in British Parliamentary circles, and the question will probably be submitted to the Committee of Imperial Imperial Defence. The Westminster Gazette discusses the tunnel scheme, as follows: "Wë believe that the tunnel can be so protected as to" "make its construction construction a lafgeZnet increase of our power to co-operate with an ally in Europe, and to provide us with a new routé which will greatly facilitate and cheapen transport aiid stipply of troops in rtirne^of iwarjwithout depriv-- ing xis of the security which the sea offers. -.Experience in, this war has furnished" a great mahy new-vreasons for providing „uâ with such a means of communication, if thesfe conditions are fulfilled. The tunnel, iporeover, would be a. door not only iiito France, hut. Into Europe generally; and from jEu- rope to lis. From, all" rthese points of view it must be an unqualified, good, and we^can do 7 nothing but -welcome a project which -will ipitigate our insularity insularity without depriving us of the advantage pf being an island." Have the Largest sale in „the British Empire. 1 •f I 1 ♦ || 76-9 HP. On Skids or Truck. 11 ? High Tens 1 orx Magiveto Iriixitiorx^ Automatic Dubrica-Tlorv. ^ j( Lister Silos, Ensilage Gutters, Yl U Threshers, Sprayers, Milkers; U ^ Electric Light Plants, Melotte $ Cream Separators. * THE LISTER . GRINDER Write for price of our famous Grinder. Outfit; comprlsintf f H.RListe? npClne and a Wr. Lister Grinder. "Write/hr Catalogue to Dept. RA-LISTER & Co.Limited „ . TORONTO ' -- -Sîiî^ : S Directors v^re filled by the election while this year we are disposing of or Ca-ptain Herbert Al oison of - Mont- a moderate crop at such st A a<Mlv resi. and Mr. Harold Kennedy of mounting prices that we again r^.n Quebec. "At the first meeting of a golden harvest about equal in Vvif ne 7" Board of Directors Sir amount to that of 1915. Th« to tad V ^ ln< r e nt Meredith. Bart., was re- ; value of last year's eroo was elected President, and the Vice- ! ?298.000,000. ^f® sl A ency * had been vacant ' " Qur much criticised adverse the Past few years, was re- ' trade balance has üisaope iîv-d as established bv the appointment of ; though by magic, and our ' exports Dominmn'TexUlTco 1 ° f the | vastly ln excess of our im- Slr Vincent Meredith. Bart.. Pre- I sident, in referring to the principal ! developments of the vear and the plans that should be laid to cope with them, said in part: I hoped when I last had the pleasure of addressing you that before before this Annual Meeting the end of the cruel and devastating war. wfilch has convulsed Europe would be, if not reached.' at least within measurable distancie. In this expectation expectation we have been disappointed No one can j^et .fix the day of its termination, but I am sure I express express your feelings when I say we "Old an unshaken confidence of the ultimate victory of Britain and her Allies. " Canada, inspired l>v a deep- rooted loyalty to the Empire, has - ports. Note of Caution Sounded. " The transient nature of vu'- increased increased exports alone is a simule index to a situation that commands commands the attention of all thinking people. T1 > ese -views may^not be acceptable acceptable to all, but , they are common sense and based upon arithmetical lacta. To be forewarned ls co be forearmed. "These are the main factors that have influenced and will Influence the _ banking position--the move- m deposits and loans and the Sa f e f y o£ both. Therefore in my W*\on, the business of this Bank snould be conducted with such views plainly before us situation "êiêïr8.' v '"'" "• ■ the given and is 'stfll prepared" Jo' give ligMAmnl t '^° , obviou , R msans of freely her gallant youth and mone- I viz 1 thHft s F omins burden - the"success "penT l0nal . eXlstence ~ «*>»<* ! «çgnomylr thrmîin "As the"result of the Dhenomonni ! uo OS <" o£ ^ving--that most effoutcrop effoutcrop of a year ago, coupled with va^t ; mfgr^H^ er to lmr T i F ration - l ' |ldn im - expenditures by the Allied Govern- migration w» ^ - TYl An i V, - 1 - ** merits in this, country, for munitions, and by our own Government for requirement# in connection with the high wages are being paid for alfi classes of labor, and trade conditions conditions at the moment in. Canada migration we mainly depend for the iuxier development of our unsur- natura ^ resources. Thrift is, overdue but. . can be started forthwith; immigration must, wait, but should follow in natural sequence. I have no words are buoyant In nearly all linesof N COmmand wlth which to a de business. The few exc 6 ntion« e tin f l uate1 ,^ ar Se_ the necessity x of. an The few exceptions will generally speaking. be"found in industries industries concerned with the production production and sale of luxuries. Buccesa of Domestic loans. a . httk more than a vear Canada has issued two Domestic Lo 5' n ?r. amounting to $200.000,000 and the Canadian Government has borrowed in New York $95,000:000 success of our internal loans is a matter of pride and congratu- lation. It is due largely to the spirit of loyalty of our people and a de- hH^ n t a u l0n to a11 within them to bring the war to an early and successful successful conclusion. . :, . far ' a depletion of Bank de- consequence of these con-: îo!î+ Ut +S ns ba® not taken place; in fact, they show, month by month a . increase. It must not be forgotten, however, that these Increases are only partially due to the •savings of our people. They may be accounted for to a very considerable considerable extent by the husbanding tinr, r a eSOUrCes /i by r our la rge corpora- tions, a prudent and Wise pretiau- ln y Iew of the uncertain, conditions conditions which now prevail and will ..continue to exist during the continuance continuance of the war. organized and an individual effort to promote thrift. a T ^. 6 ijmciy and eloquent*'Call on of our Minister of Trade ana Commerce commands attention, l am not sure that it should not be preceded by a ' Call to Reason. 1 in order that the importance of the problems of the situation ho i m- pressed upon those who are living in, let us say, the paradise of the unwise. » i ^ Sane optimism and self-confi- mence are admirable national quali- V*® ami ahould be the order of the Pay - There is a point where optimism optimism loses Its value and the danger of over-confidence begins. That is the-point for nations to avoid." ; N®lpinr, the Xondon Market. ., -Frederick drew attention to IP® important position occupied by the Bank now in the London mar- « t* « thls connection he said: w-' out of place to men- tion here That . this Bank is among the Important and appreciated lend- * 8 bort mopey in the London market, and though it is not for us £ ake praise for this, yet the fact ilLrSS* be lost sight of when c anada's assistance to the Empire in this- war." œeeiBxœsf»a»it&xT» V tV 1 - \ A. 'A

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