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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1916, p. 3

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. X". . »rw Xr »•-•■- t tss- ■jgaÿ SUDDEN DEATH Caused by Disease of the Kidneys. ' The jcloee connection which existe betweHP'the heart and the kidneys is well knjk~n nowadays. As soon as kidneys are diseased*, arterial tension is increased and the heart functions are attacked. When the kidneys no longer pour forth waste, uremic poisoning occurs and the person dies, and the causers often given as heart disease, or disease of brain or lungs. _ It is a good insurance against such a risk to send 10 cents for a large trial package of ^ Anuric" -- the latest discovery discovery of Dr. Pierce. Also send a sample of your water. This will be examined without charge by expert chemists at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Bunajo, JS. Y. When you suffer from backache, frequent or scanty urine, _i i.: : ^ rw fKom rv*r i.Viftt PUBLIC SCHOOL INSPECTORATE NO. 1 U&lkUUuC, UCt^u^aw v/* v -- -- -j I rheumatic pains here or there, or that constant tired, worn-out feeling, it's i. _ -- I» ^ tS-- "Dï /^ocpriVvA "VOTIT W ll-lühv vutui n vi** v •' time to write Dr. Pierce, describe your symptoms and get his medical opinion without charge--absolutely free. This r Anuric' 1 of Doctor Pierce's is found to be 37 times more active than lifchia, for it dissolves uric acid in the system as hot water does sugar. Pimply ask for Dr. Pierce's Annno jV^Aets. There can be no imitation. Accommodations and Equipment grants for 1915-16 and Teacher's for 1916-17 half Government and half County. . The Legislative part dTthese grants is apportioned by the Department to the Townships on the basis of the number of Principal teachers and assistants m each --this year $11.31 to each principal and half that amount to each assistant County County Council is required to duplicate these grants. In 1915*16 Darlington had 20 principals and 2 assistants, hence its grant of $11.32x21x2 or $475.02; Clarke with 18 principals and I assistant, +H.3IXI0/2X2, or $418.46; Manvers with 16 principals and I assistant, $li.3lxl6%x2, or $37 2 -24 an( l Cartwright with 9 principals, $11.31x9x2, or $203 58. These amounts are divided among the schools of the respective townships, townships, by the Inspector on the basis of the grading of the accommodation and the value of the equipment. The average grant for 1915-16, now being paid to rural School hoards, Rould be $22.62 for a After Taking Only One Box Of "Frult-a-tlm" OCLIOUI UUdl uo, nwuiu ^ j " single (with one teacher} school and $33 93 ® . it 1 _ J gpL - ««f'tTt rr nnn Every Package of "Anuric" is sure to . Pit he Di. Pierce's. Y ou will find the signature signature on tne package just as you do on Dr. Pierce e Ufoideu Medical Discovery r _ t-- ' -- -- -J n v W TT-1 n rt n for blood arid stomach, WORRY, DESPONDENCY. Kidney Disease is suspected by medical en when patients complain oi backache j ♦ u «.1-, « « l-rfrioflnn n 1Q • Vn P.n A Dell j*ALicmc UJUipioiu ui ji or suifer with irreguiar urination, disturbed disturbed too frequent, scanty or painful passage The general symptoms are rheumatic rheumatic pains or neuralgia, headaones, dizzy spells, irritability, despondency, we 2,1er -ss and general misery. Worry is a Vecuent, cause and sometimes a ' * - : * J 1. r-ftx rni' A'lCO TlnQ for**a double school. Schools with good accommodations and suitable equipment will, of course, receive more than the average average grant, while those with inferior accommodations accommodations and scanty» unsuitable, equipment will receive less. Cartwright 1 Lyall A. Wallace $ W 50 2 Bertha Jones 2 9 64 3 Elizabeth G. Burgess T 4 4» 4 Marvyn J. Hobbs 21 04 5 Vera H. Lobb (26 80 6 Maud H. Young } J 7 34 7 Frances E Payne - 23 34 8 Dora K. Beamer 20 60 9 Alice M. Taylor 32 24 East Ship Harbour, N. S. "It is with great pleasure that I write to tell you of the wonderful benefits^ 1 have received from taking "Fnrlt-a- tives". For years, I was a .dreadful sufferer from Constipation and Headaches, Headaches, and 1 was miserable in every way. Nothing in the way of medicines seemed to help me. Then I finally tried "Fruit-a-tives" and the effect was splendid. After taking one box, I feel like a new person, to have relief from those sickening Headaches". Mrs. MARTHA DEWOLFE. 60c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa. OVERSEAS LETTERS. CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL. Statutory meeting of the Council Dec; :5th, members all'present; Reeve W. A. VanCamp, presiding. Minutes of last gular meeting was read and adopted, win. Venning's tender was accepted toy use of rink at $8. E. Fallis' tender accepted accepted to supply culvert at $197?* J* J* J°bb appointed to have road guarded opposite 'ot 9, con. 5. Orders were passed as follows: J. Hall Sec-treas of S. S. No 1 $289 49 J. Wright " " 2 770 75 T. Hvland « " : 3 227 24 W. Darcy " " 4 100 9 2 J. J. Bruce » « . 5 3^5 73 W. G. Philp" " 6 247 92 S. T. Bruce « " 7 23829 J.Forder « * " 8 22285 G. Nésbitt « " 9 167 37 N. C. Marlow, refund dog tax.... 1 00 L. Whitfield - " school " .... 4 20 J. Emerson, one pick. . . . 75 H. Parsons, printing 55 5° E. Riches, repairing road 120 R. Willan, refund business tax 3 08 Pearce & Ward, irisufl Tp. bids. 28 50 F. Thompson, refund dog tax I 5° Mrs. J. Parr, refund statute labor 2 20 W. Seacock,.postage 9 65 Dr. F. M. Howe, sanitary Inspector 6 00 G. Hill, wood for HâÏTf. .. 3 00 Council adjourned sine die. - W. BE ACOCK, T. C. Better Cake and Biscuits OBITUARY $203 58 Clarke sympi m"oi Kidney disease. Thousands •/jt mod to immediate relief from 0 ^ i 1 Li IVl w 4 **-4 u* w. * m w-** » -- - -y- ---- - ---- rhi^-A ' ms after using Dr. Pierces A Mi ! ■ 'lS- S1.00000 1 2 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 REWARD For information that will lead to the discovery or whereabouts of the person or persons suffering from Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Motith and Throat, Blood Poison, Skin Diseases, Bladder Troubles, Special Ailments, and Chronic or Complicated Complaints who cannot cannot be cured at The Ontario Medical Medical Institute, 263-265 Yonge.St, Toronto. Correspondence invited. Jane Robinson Zetta McFarland Agnes A. Annan Greta E Crozier Mabel M. Sleeman Nettie M. Staples Irene Walker Allan A. Martin Blanche A. Wilson Winnifred Williamson. Nancy L. Johns Clara E. Moffatt Anna Clancy J. Valleau Ames Mrs. P. Wilby Helen G. Dunnett Beatrice H. Glanville 2l..Hazel I. Clark 22 Jessie L. Williamson $24 40 22 30 22 80 24 30 15 26 20 CO 27 10 17 70 56 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 18 62 23 00 22 10 20 88 22 00 20 20 23 40 18 70 19 60 $418 46 Important Change in Addressimg Letters to Soldiers. Major H. W. Cooper of the 2lst Battalion, Battalion, formerly of the Goodyear Works here, writes from France to give Canadians Canadians this important information. Dear Mr. James--The regulations call for letters for all ranks serving in France to be addressed as at foot and that no further information regarding brigade, division, or contingent be included included non-compliance with these rules may cause delay. Might I ask for your assistance assistance in making this generally known. Of those who left Bowmanville with me 26 months ago Dew and Goodall are still with the battalion. Col. W. Carruthers has now returned to us having recovered from his wounds. H. W. Cooper. No.--Rank.--Name.-- Coy. or Section No Canadian Bn. France Example--No. 60032 Pte. E. A. Watts, E. Section, 21st Canadian Bn. France. Rev. Thomas H. McDonald. There entered into rest at his residence, 86 Mason-st, Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 15, Rev. Thomas H. McDonald who spent most of his life in the Methodist Ministry in Ontario, being 36 years inactive service. Many of our readers will remember him as a popular successful Pastor of Black- stockvCircuit, tho his last charge was at Coboconk north of Lindsay.- He was at prayer meeting the evening previous to his death and Dr. R. W. Kimball, 709 Dewey Ave., an officer of Grace Church, writes us that he made a splendid prayer. He was seized with apoplexy about noon the next day and the following morni g passed to his reward. He was in his 75th year and is survived by his wife, four sons and seven daughters, three daughters and four sons being in-Ontario, one daughter in the north-west, and one son and two daughters in -the United States. Since going to Rochester he has been identified with Grace Methodist Church on Driving Park Ave., where the funeral service took place Monday afternoon, interment taking place at Riverside, cemetery. : In all recipes calling for Baking, Powder use Royal Baking Powder. You will get better and finer food and insure its healthfulness -Housewives are sometimes led to use inferior inferior baking powders because of apparent lower cost, but there is very little difference in practical use--about one cent for a whole cake or pan of biscuits--a mere trifle when you consider the vast difference- in healthfulness in favor of food made with Royal Baking Powdeiy Arc.:, .-A . £r>.- Royal Baking Powder is made from cream of tartar, derived from grapes--a natural € ood product, as contrasted with alum, derived from mineral sources, and used in the manufacture of some baking powders powders because it is cheaper. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., New York' FRENCH GOVT. EMPOWERED. Wood's Phosphodine, The Great English Remedy. . J i ? 1 4 w» K 10 II Tones and invigorates tho who! l _ . ----. -- l. a a ^ ft R 1 r\j~\ 1 nervous system, makes new Blood • " Veins, ~ ' "in old Veins, " Cures Nervous Debit il y. Mental and Brain Worry, Dtspon- dVicy.' Loss of Energy, Palpilatxon of the Heart, Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, six for 45. One will please, six will cure. Sold by ail allée" ror 40. une ïïiu . - . druggist* or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of price .WtJ, pamphlet mailed fret- THE WOOD M ED 1C ! N ECO., T0I0NT0, OUT. (Ftmutr Wl»fc»r.) In all countries. Ask for our INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S AD^.TSLP.,which will be sent fra*. MARION & MARION, 364 University St., Montréal. THEY'RE Fl NE FOR KIDDIES-- ~ * 1 You should always keep a bottle of Chamberlain s Stomach and Liver Tablets on the sheli. The little folk to often need a mild and safe cathartic and they do appreciate Chamberlain 1 instead of nauseous oils and I rfliTtiirts For itom$cn troubles and constipation, srive one just before 1 S m bed. All druggists, 25c. or send to CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE CO., TORONTO 10 Darlington Mildred Smith Neva Allin Marion M. Van Nest Reta M. Caldwell Myrtle Bichan Florence Brokenshire Amelia Lear Ruth Bennett Jean Calder F. J. Groat Evelyn Currie Elmer R. Frost Alice E. Werry 14 E. May Reynolds 15 Mildred F. Ode 16 Elsie E. Rundle $12 14 32 60 23 52 14 30 17 84 30 70 29 40 16 04 17 84 38 66 CLUBBING LIST 12 13 17 Rena F. Bçntham " ' ™ ight 18 Pearl Wrigl 19 Effa G. Wight 20 R. J. McKessock 21 Nelson McDowell 20 64 15 24 23 74 15 30 26 04 17 88 43 00 20 14 30 94 29 06 Manvers $475 02 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I 20 Edwin Irwin Carrie M. Poast W. Milton Lewis Annie E. Wood Edward Mitchell Hazel A. Brown Geo. A. Beggs Annie V. Brown Bertha V. Jackson . Miriam Richardson Alice M. Rafter Union Mervin Ghent Wilma Dobbin Wellington Higgins Gertrude J. Dewell Mrs. T. Richardson Pearl R. White $16 40 21 80 21 26 Statesman $1 60 Bowmanville News 1 60 The Statesman or The News will be furnished for 1916 in connection with the under named publications at prices stated :-- Daily Globe $4 50 Daily Mail & Empire 4 50 Toronto World 4 00 Toronto Daily News 4 00 Toronto Daily Star 4 00 Weekly Witness 2 50 Weekly Sun 2 25 Farmers' Advocate 3 00 Farm and Dairy • 2 25 Family Herald & Weekly Star 2 50 Ladies Canadian Home Journal 2 50 Christian Herald 3 50 Christian Guardian 3 00 Canadian Farm 2 25 Canadian Countryman. 1 « 2 50 Saturday Globe 2 50 Toronto Sunday World 3 50 'Stop the Cough.--Coughing is caused by irritation in* the respiratory passages and is the effort ta dislodge obstructions that come from inflammation of the mucous membrance. Treatment with Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil will allay the inflammation inflammation and in consequence the cough will cease. Try it and you will use no other preparation for a cold. ~ Drastic Measures Which Can Be Put Into Force in France. The text of the bill under which thé French Government will obtain summary summary powers to suppress the liquor trade and carry out other drastic measures follows : "Until the end of hostilities the Government is authorized to take by decrees decided on by the Cabinet all measures which, in addition to or derogation derogation from existing laws, shall be ! required by the needs of national de- 1 fence, notably in matters appertain- ing to agricultural and industrial production, production, equipment of ports, food supply, supply, hygiene, public health, recruiting labor and the sale, distribution and consumption of provisions and produce. produce. " In case of a decree necessitating necessitating a special appropriation application application for it shall be made within a ! week. Penalties not to exceed six I months' imprisonment and a fine of j 6,000 francs may be attached to a de cree. One of the mysteries of life is the mystery men make of it. NEW USE FOR TELEPHONE. Audiences to Hear Speeches Made Miles Away. 23 74 34 50 22 70 37 20 15 90 21 02 20 48 20 48 2 40 30 00 20 60 25 06 17 40 22 30 Persistent Asthma.--A mostdistress- ing characteristic of this debiliating disease, disease, is the persistence with which recurring recurring attacks come to sap away strength and leave the sufferer in a state of almost continual exhaustion. No wiser " precaution precaution can be taken than that of keeping at hand a supply of Dr.J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy, famous as the most potent remedy for eradicating the disease from the tender air passage. v * Circumstantial. $373 24 New York, it seems, is the first state in the American Union to propose propose having its capital city an auditorium auditorium permanently fitted' with,, telephone telephone receivers which will make it possible for the entire Legislature, if need be, to sit and hear words spoken by men in any part of the state or nation. That the plan is practical, a recent trial at an educational convocation convocation has proved; that it holds great possibilities must be apparent to everyone; but that the idea it embodies embodies is new will be disputed by all those who have read Edward Bellamy's Bellamy's "Looking Backward, ' which although it was written years ago, predicted uses of the telephone similar similar to that set forth in the New York scheme. > ip on Christmas is not Christmas without music -- it started with music and has continued. so CHAMBERLAIN'S . TABLETS- . ZION. The abondent, creamy lather oi Lifebuoy Soap is laden with treat cleaastnt tnd s&tUepttc properties as well , lifebuoy health eOAP S«, whe* yeeksv* m*#d LIFEBUOY LIFEBUOY 00. tkfc. ******* or upA*» *• kemey*»** be ears of SAFETY. «tier *ee. Report of S. S. No 12, Darlington, for I the Christmas Examinations: marks given in per cent. IV--Gertie Herring 73, Jack Flintoff 64, OrmaFlintoff 63, Reford Cameron Cameron 59, Nora Robbins 58; III--Flossie Sonley 63, Anson Balson 58, Jessie Ba\ s °n 57, Norman Herring 56; Sr II-Wilson Richards Richards 81, May Armour 78, Wesley Vivian 76, Irene Pascoe 73» Madeline Richards and Carl Ficc 72, Frank Pascoe 70, Flor- t ence Flintoff 68, Ivy Walker 67; Jrll-- I Percy Stainton 63, Will iiVclsh 61, Everett Herring 60, Theodore Welsh 53! I-- T-Ç na Hosk n84, Harvey Brooks and Ethel Chinn 80, Lily Vivian 76, Ray Cameron 74, Harry Chinn 73, Ruby Armour 79, Effa Balson 64, Garfield Welsh 46; Primer--^ lad J a Herring, Violet Fice, Evelyn Richards, Stanley Stainton. Perfect attendance for December--Reford Cameron, Nora Robbins, Robbins, Orma Flintoff, Anson, Jessie and Effa Balson, May Armour, Florence Flintoff, Flintoff, Irene and Frank Pascoe, Wilson Richards, Richards, Wesley Vivian, Everett Hernng, Harvey Brooks, Ray Cameron, Lena Hos- kin. Winners of Prizes: I Lena Hoskin, j 2 Wesley Vivian, 3 Wilson Richards, 4 May Armour, 5 Effa Balson. Number on roll 36. Average 32. 1 5 E. R. FROST, teacher. A jackknife lost in the bushes> search and an insinuation of | theft had precipitated a noisy quarrel ! among the boys of Mutton Hollow school. The teacher was investigating investigating the affair. "Budd," she began, "did you lose your knife 7 " • Budd nodded. "And you accused Ton\ Withers of taking it?" "Ain't a-sayin' nobody took nothing," nothing," explained Budd gruffly. "All Ï say is that I'd have found the knife ef Tom hadn't of helped me hunt fer it." Children . suffering from worms soon show the symptoms, and any mother can detect the presence of these parasites by the writhings and fretting of the child. Until expelled and the system cleared of them, the child cannot regain its health. Miller's Worm Powders are prompt and efficient, not only for the eradication of worms, but also as a toner up for children thatare run down in consequence. Suitable Christmas music is found, on Victor Records and is all music of merit. No more acceptable Christmas gift can be found than a good selection of Victor Records. Here are some ten inch, double-sided Victor Records at 90 cents for the two selections: ABSOLUTE Women in Krupp's. Before the war women were employed employed only in the selling departments and as cleaners at Krupp's. How the hard work in the cannon factory affects affects the women is shown by the report report of the sick benefit fund for 1915, which gives the number of cases of illness among the women workers as 76.60 a 100, compared with 62.31 a 100 among the men. Beautiful Valley of Eden The New Born King Mr. and Mrs Wheeler1 16563 Hamilton Hill J Oh Come, AU Ye Faithful (with Chimes^. ^ - * * irj Joy to the World Christmas on a Troopship Christmas in Adtion Trinity ChoirJ Harrington & Scott! 12 0309 Harrington & Scott J SECURITY. Genuine Carter's A REMEDY FOR BILIOUS HEADACHE. To those subject to bilious headache, I Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are r ÇC° n V mended as the way to speedy Mief. Taken according to directions they will subdue irregularities oL the jomach and so act upon the nerves and blood vessels that the pains in the head will ce^ae. There are few who are not at sometime subject to billiousness and familiar with | its attendant evils. Yet none need ■ suffer I with these pills at hand. A FEW LATE RED. SEALS All Through the Night Geraldine Farrar 87254 Don Giovanni . " John McCormack 74484 - m :v. Minuet in G (2) Gavotte in D (vmh^ mbaUst 74444 • V -v" ••TV', Hear them at any "His Master's Voice 99 tT •• ^ • What Soldiers Read. Miss Beatrice Harraden contributes to the Cornhill Magazine _sn article entitled "What our Soldiers Read, which presents; a most interesting series of observationrupon the literature literature chiefly in demand in the hospital wards. Very favorable books are those dealing with wild animals and their habits, and aU stories of adventure adventure and "travel, and, of course, de- tective stories. The, sporting novels of Nat Gould appear to outrun every Must Bear Signature of other-type ot fiction to. Harraden notes that "when the AtmB Gr--mrt -Miss .Harraden ---- --- , 1 men once begin on a better class of book they do not as a rule return to the old atizff which formerly constituted constituted thèlr whole range of reading. A sample of Stevenson, for instance, lhas raised many a young soldier to a higher plane of discrimination. Pse-SUeHe Wra#»er 8elew. TOilUIAMIt m usinait ft* ro* ■ihb me. ***t mw * - Trerita «•.. ^ Money by the Handful. • A dozen small boys in Sacramento, California, recently found five thousand thousand dollars in bills hidden in an old can. The boys soon got rid of three thousand dollars, buying candy in • a number of stores* leaving a handful of bills in each one. When overtaken by a policeman they had two thousand thousand dollars, and if an, owner is not found this will be returned to the boys. • The most obstinate corns and warts fail to resist Holloway's Corn Cure. Try it. . ■ • • • - Be sure to get a free copy of our 450 page Musical Encyclopedia listing over 6000 Victor Records. -- BERLINER GRAM O PHONE CO., Limited Lenoir Street, Montreal *v. 1 73 rafiTOMIlUl OUSS SICK HKADAAHg. Insured. ' ŸDombind yez don't git hur-rt, Pat," Bald Bridget. "It's a dangerous a-workin' in that quarry^' . "That's ah! roit, Biddy," said Pat. "Oi've borrowed two dollars frim th' i f oremaiC and he don't let me do any j- dangerous wx>rk anny more," •42 453 DEALERS IN EVERY TOWN AND CrTY ONE PRICE FROM COAST TO COAST VICTOR RECORDS ~ MADE IN CANADA LOOK FOR "HI» PIASTER'S VOICE" - TRADE MARK, mm ®SE V* His Master's Voice" Bowmanville Dealers i - ï^lÊÉÊh Levi Morris & Son Jury A Lovell - R. M. Mitchell & Co.. I ..SeS I .... I - - i - mÊS

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