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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1917, p. 8

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..... X • 't: .-v-' --r • - ;. : .. Farmers and Builders ! We bave purchased the Builders' Supply business of Mr. Wm. Brock, and will be glad to supply any requirements of Hydrated Hydrated and Burnt Stone Lime, Cement, Wood Fibre, Paristone, Alabasfcine, Glazed Tile in all sizes and shapes, etc. We have a car of Land Plaster coming. Can furnish Ground Limestone ranging in size from dust to size of sand. These sown on land will materially increase production production of field crops, also good for orchards and costs very little. We sell Lehigh Valley Coal--the coal that satisfies. Give us an order. John A. Holgate & Son Office and Yards, cor. Queen and Division Streets. Telephone No. 153 office. House Phone 202. Bowmanville, Ont. Coal & "Wood Best grades of Coal only kept, also Wood of all kinds. If you have not ordered your Winter supply yet, you had better do so as it is liable to advance any day. E- W. LOSCOMBE Standard BanK Building, Temperance St, Phone 177 A Yours for Big Business 11 "Quality Groceries' They are "Good" today, they are "Good" tomorrow, they are "Always Good"--at The Corner Grocery. Good fresh groceries always on hand. We .will do our best to satisfy our customers. We have the choicest of Winter Fruits--Oranges, Lemons, Grape Fruit, Bananas, etc. Pickles, Olivee Prepared Mustard and Canned Goods Leave your order with HARRY ALLIN Phone 186 Bowmanville »«*»»»####♦»#**#***##**** * i Something That You Want in Your Home Is one or two of our folding tables. Come in and see them. They are neat in design, ' and new, and are just the table for sewing or games of any kind, We have them in different sizes and designs, designs, Square with green felt top at $2.95. BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 12, 1917 DISTRICT DIVISION. ZION A "Mock Trial" by Bowmanville Ep- worth League will be given in Zion church Tuesday March 6 at 8 p.m. Good music. Mr. R. G. McConochie, B. A., will recite a poem of his own composition on Kitchener. Kitchener. Admission 20c; children ioc. AUCTION SALE Friday, Feb. 23rd--Mr. W. Chas. Werry, lot 25, Con. 5, Darlington, (Solina) will sell all hie farm stock implements, etc. Sale at I o'clock. See bills. Geo. Jackson, auctioneer. Monday, Feb 26,--Mr. Jas. Gallagher, Enfield, will sell at his residence, buggy, wagon, harness, cook-stoves, organ, and grocery stock. Sale at I p.m. Terms cash. See dodgers. JAS. Ben- NET, auctioneer. Tuesday, Feb. 27. Entire Herds of registered registered Holsteins owned by Geo. J. Northcott,"Clarum-BraeFarm", Lot 24, Con. 4, Darlington. C. N. R. Station, Solina, on the farm. Sale will commence at 1.30 P. M. See posters or write for catalogue. L. A. W«*TOLE, 7-2w # Auctioneer. HAYDON Mr. Fred and Miss Mabel Mountjoy and Mr." and Mrs. Tames Mountjoy, Enniskillen, spent Sunday at Mr. Thos. Mountjoy's ..Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. A. Grant on the arrival of a son.... Miss Emma Worry, Tyrone, visited the Ep- worth League last Thursday evening and gave an interesting talk on "Missions".... Mr. Douglas Moore has engaged with Mr. Chas. Wight, Providence, for the summer .... Messrs. Leslie Graham and Henry Ashton are in Oshawa.... Mr. Rd. S em- on and Mrs. Rd. Ashton are under the Dr's care.... Salem Epworth League are expected expected to visit here this (Thursday) night. Durham District Division intend holding holding their annual meeting in the Sons Hall Maple Grove, on Wednesday Feb. 28th at 2 p.m. sharp for the election of officers and general business. Bro. J. O. McCarthy, P. M. W. P., Toronto, is expected expected to be with us. At 8 p.m. a good program will be given by local talent also an address by grand officer McCarthy. Collection to defray expenses. B. G. Stevens, a. D. Langmaid, D. W. P. D. S. NOTICE TO INSURERS EBENEZER MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mr. Fenton Stevens, Town, spent Sunday at Mr. R. R. Stevens' and Mr. J. D. Stevens'... .Misses Reta and Erma Power spent the week-end with friends in Town... .Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Noble Metcalfe on the arrival arrival of a young son Rev. W. C. Par sons occupied the pulpit very acceptably on Sunday and will be welcome here at any time... .Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Snowden recently visited friends in Hampton.... Our church received a nice letter of gratitude gratitude from the Northern Ontario Fire sufferers sufferers for the clothing and bedding donated donated last Autumn. ENFIELD Mr. John Ormiston and Mr. Wesley Knapp have purchased new piano players .. Mesdames Arthur Hubbard and John Hepburn have recently had medical attendance. attendance. .. .Mr. Norman Sc ott is preparing preparing tore-model his reside ice... .George Ormiston and John Campbell are each having their wells drilled deeper... .Mrs. W. Strong has been seriously ill but is improving... .John Campbell, G. Ormiston Ormiston and Fred Smith have recently sold horses at high prices... .Geo. Cochrane and family have moved ha. k to his farm from Columbus. Welcome back.... Horses Horses now seem to be typsy from the manner they try to see which can hold the whole road--icy? Yes, decidedly so. League Social Thursday evening was largely attended. Miss Gerda Pickell, President, occupied the chair. Mr. Harry Balson spoke on "The Citizen and the. Slum". Readings were given by Misses Alta Picked and Dorothy Brooks; solos by Mrs. Geo. F. Annis and Miss Alma Courtice and Mr. Frank- Walter; gramophone gramophone selections by Mr. A. Phair. Refreshments Refreshments were served... .Mrs. W. R. Picked visited her husband at the General Hospital, Toronto, on Saturday. Wally is doing as well as can be expected.... Miss Louise Osborne of Albert College, Belleville, was home over Sunday... .Rev. W. C. Parsons preached most acceptably here Sunday ... .ÿrs. John Beer is seriously seriously ill Mr. James Rundle is getting around .again after his serious fall....A> B. C. Boys were beaten at Hockey by Bowmanville team by 4 to 0 last Wednesday. Wednesday. .. .Mr. Wilfrid Rundle,.Toronto; was down for Sabbath Sunday evening Rev. R. A. Delve will preach to Women, special music by a Ladies' Choir. His morning subject will be "The Virgin Mary" .. ..Sgt. Elmer Rundle, Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents -- .A teacher training class was started in our Sunday School last Sabbath with Mr. R. E. Osborne in charge... .Rev.R. A. Delve preached special sermons at Pontypool last Sunday Maple Grove League visits us this evening... .Mr. Geo. Reynolds Reynolds has bronchitis... .Goodly number from our Sunday School attended the convention convention at Bowmanville Wednesday.... Red Cross concert Tuesday night was very en joyable. SergL Morrison, Oshawa, gave a splendid address and also two readings. readings. Good program by local talent. Proceeds $14 Harness oils, etc, at old prices at F. O. Mason's. F. O. Mason is selling a 25 lb pail of Pratts Animal Conditioner for two dollars. Ladies' and Men's Suits cleaned and pressed at Couch, Jchnston & Cryder- man's. Haring purchased the late Mr. Han Gann's Insurance and real estate business, business, I solicit a continuation of the liberal liberal patronage extended^to him in all of the branches of the business as carried carried on by him. Thorough experience gained in some of the large city offices, I can assure the public that any business entrusted to my care will receive personal, careful careful and competent attention. Insurance is a matter of vital importance importance and we will be pleased to advise advise you about it. I cordially request a call from my own friends and those of the late Mr. Cann so that old friendships may be renewed and new acquaintances made. I am yours truly, John J. Mason. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL. HAMPTON TYRONE Visitors: Miss Greta Virtue, Orono, is holidaying at home; Miss Myrtle Moore and Mr. Russel Virtue at Mr. Talbert Finlay's, Unionville; Mr and Mrs. L. Skinner and Miss Ethel Skinner Sunday- ed at Mr. Geo. Scott's, Oshawa... .Miss i Marjorie Peel left this week for Toronto j to take a business course.... Misses Maude | Virtue, Olive Skinner, Clara Woodley and Messrs. Albert Hills, Clarence Wood- ley and Russel Wright were delegates to S. S.'convention in Bowmanville... .Messrs. .Messrs. Lance Phare and Garnet McCoy have gone to Bowmanville to work in the Goodyear Goodyear Rubber Factory... .Glad to know that Mr. Thomas Woodley has returned home from Toronto Hospital, and Mrs. Albert Hawkey from Bowmanville Hospital Hospital to Mr. J. H. Mutton's. We wish them a speedy recovery... .Congratulations .Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Collacott-- it's a daughter... .Don't miss the Mock Trial given here Friday night by Bowmanville Bowmanville Epworth League. Newly elected officers of the "Win One" class are: President--Miss -Maida Amsbary; 1st Vice--Miss Irene Werry; Secretary--Miss Reta Amsbary; Treasurer --Miss Grace Edwards. Social Committe --Miss Evelyn Brent, Miss Edith Clemens; Flower Com.--Miss Mary. Aldred, Miss May Wright; Membership Com.--Miss Clara Woodley, Miss Grace Edwards. SOLINA Alan M. Williams, Phone 58 or 159 Bowmanville £- Undertaking . ^ receives prompt attention day or night. ^ "The Danger Signal," a drama in two acts will be given on Wednesday March 7 at 8 p.m. under auspices of Epworth ^eague. The characters are well chosen and a pleasant time is expected. Good musical program solos by Miss Irene Bray, Enfieid, Mr. N. Redpath, Enniskillen, and Mrs. John Baker. Admission 25c and 15c 8-2w. Messrs. A. J. Reynolds and J. D. Hogarth Hogarth attended the Farmers' Dairy Go's annual meeting at Toronto Saturday Don't forget Mr. W. C. Werry's big sale to-morrow (Friday)....Mr. Silas Williams Williams has purchased a new piano--. Councillor Baker & Son have sold their herd Bull to Mr. J. Miller, Brougham, at a good big price... .Miss Ellen James has been visiting friends at Bowmanville Miss May Reynolds attended the teachers "At Home" at Peterboro Friday. In her absence Mr. A. J. Reynolds taught the young ideas how to shoot... .Epworth League are having a social evening this (Thursday) night....Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pascoe, Enfield, visited at Mr. R. J. Mc- Kessock's... .Mr. Frank Westlake had a vood bee Wednesday... .About 25 members members of Solina Division visited at Taunton Thursday night and had a very nice time. Maple Grove Division was also present ... .Mr. Milton Pascoe,of Creelman, Sask, and his sister Mrs. White, Oshawa, visited friends here Mr. Chas. Shortridge vis ited Mr. Norman Reynolds at Toronto. He is now in the convalescent Hospital and doing well....Mr. R. C. Henders, President of the Manitoba Grain Growers Association, will address the Farmers' Club probably Tuesday afternoon March 6th... .Pleased to see Mr. Frank Hocka- day out again after his accident. The unmarried people of Hampton are preparing a Valentine program to be jliven Friday evening Feb. 16th, consisting consisting of solos, duets, choruses, dialogues, drills and tableaux. The famous Kitchen Kitchen Orchestra will be in attendance. Admission 15c and 10c and 5 cents extra for refreshments. J. A. COLE, Secy. 7-2w. The people of Durham should soon become become very musical if* the number of pianos sold around there recently is any criterion. Among the many purchasers of Cecilian instruments lately are, Mr. Joe Adams, Mr. J. Hooey, Mr. N. Stainton, Mr. F. Cryderman, Mr. F. Ashton, Mr. L. Pascoe, Mr. Chas. Bigelow, Mr. F. Smith, Mrs. H. J. Werry, Samuel McKnight, C. E. Rehder and last but not least the Methodist Methodist church at Hampton after examining examining various other makes has purchased a beautiful Cecilian piano in fumed oak for use in the church.--Advt. Visitors: Miss E. E. Rundle, Enniskillen, at Mr. E. Ward's; Miss Wood, Base Line, with Miss Lyra Trenouth; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. C'yderman with his sister, Mrs. H. J. Hoidge, Lindsay; Mrs. W. Jeffrey àhd son Wallace with friends in Toronto; Mrs. Pearson, Scarboro, with her sister, Mrs. G. Carr, who has been ill with rheumatism... .The ' oung ladies' club met at the home of Miss Lottie Horn Monday evening for work and sociability. During the evening the members of the young ladies' Bible Class presented their Sunday School teacher Virs. E. Ward with a handsome casserole it being* the eve of her departure from "the village The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ward and family regret their removal from our midst. We wish them all prosperity. Mrs. F.G. Kerslake was called to Toronto Sunday by the serious illness of her brother-in-law, Mr. J. T. Trewin... .The concert given by the young people of the congregation Friday evening was a great success. The weather was perfect and and everything conspired to make a very enjoyable evening. The basement was well filled and the entire program listened to with great enjoyment. The drill by the young ladies was quite the prettiest ever given here. The dialogues were well received and every one performed their parts splendidly. The music by the famous "Kitchen Orchestra" was enthusiastically enthusiastically received. The different parts of the program were all well given and reflects reflects great credit on those taking part. Mr. W. R. Allin ablv performed the duties duties of chairman. After the program refreshments refreshments were served and a social hour spent. Proceeds $43 00. W atoh for particulars of the concert to be given by the married people on March 9th. Bargains in hardware. See Mason & Dale before stock-taking. Sewing Machines--$50 machines for $30 at F. O.Mason's for next two weeks. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are giving giving great bargains in Ladies Muskrat Coats--Coats worth $60.00 for $45.00 Coats worth $75 00 for $60.00." These Coats are 50 inches in length--Full furred and well lined. Mr. R. H. McCalpin, G. T..R. Station- master at Darlington has handed in some particulars of the death of a dear friend of his, Pte. W. G. F. Davis of the 156th Leeds and Grenville Batt, who died at the Isolation Hospital at Aldershot, England, Feb. 4th. Deceased was the only son of Mrs. Thos. Gardiner, Wolford Centre, On-* tario, and was 22 years of age. He was a probationer for the Methodist ministry when he donned the King's uniform. These lines by George McGregor, "The Valley of the Shadow" seem appropriate to this'occasion: I entered the Valley of Shadow The path seemed open that way And naught could I do but to follow Where darkness lay deepest that day. I found it the valley of sorrow, Scarce a ray through the darkness shone, It was night in the Valley of Shadow And there I was walking alone. And ohl in the valley of sorrow, How dreary the way seemed, and long, And often I wished for the morrow To bring me the sunshine and song. Then somehow my heart seemed to borrow That sweet, loving message of cheer: "Though I walk through the Valley of Shadow, Yet need I have nothing to fear". And loi through the Valley of Shadow Came One who made day of the night, And my heart knew the gladness and glow Of walking with Him in the light. With Him in the valley of sorrow All fear of the evil has gone; 'Tis light in the Valley of Shadow For I am not walking alone. Pearl Rings Signet Rings 1Rings With All Kinds of Stones We would, advise you to come in and see our stock of Ring» before buying, and let us convince you that right here is where you get value for your money. 'Phone 88 Diamond Rings from $8.00 up Pearl Rings from $2.00 up Signet Rings from 75c up Birthday Rings from $1.50 up - Emblem Rings, any Society, $5.00 *p But come in and see for yourself, what good values we offer. SEE OUR WINDOWS ALEX ELLIOT Successor to C. H. Haddy Watchmaker Jeweler Engraver ENNISKILLEN Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Milton Werry and daughters, "Tyrone, at Mr. J. A. Werry's; Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Trewin at Mrs. Anson and Mr. Joe Taylor's, Cartwright; Cartwright; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hooper, Tyrone, Tyrone, at Mr. R. McNeil's....Mrs. Stanbury Aunger and children left for Toronto Tuesday and will leave shortly for Rim- bey, Alta... .Next Sabbath the Dominion Alliance Field Day on this circuit, and the Social Service work will be taken up by Lawyer A. R. Hassard, Toronto Monthly Temperance program Sabbath morning A union consecration and missionary program was given at League last* week. Topics taken by Rev. K. Wilkinson Wilkinson and Mr. J. A. Werry... .Recently on Citizenship night a mock municipal election was held, and this week on Social night the newly elected officers--Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, etc.,--will treat the Leaguers. Leaguers. League will be held on Thursday night.. . .The resident members of the Boys' Conference met at Dr. Slemon's Tuesday evening... .The W.M.S. met at Mrs. F. W. Lee's Wednesday afternoon. A good misstonarv and Patriotic program was given, and numerous vocal and instrumental instrumental selections. The hostess served oranges and homemade candy. There were 26 present. Proceeds $5.40... .Rev. H. Wilkinson rec.eived an unanimous invitation invitation to remain another year on this circuit. Cutters--One left--will sell at a bargain at F. O. Mason's. Take the Hard WORK out of Washing This Maxwell "Home" Washer takes all the back-breaking work out of washing. Just put the clothes in. The washer does the work-neasier and better-in less than half the time. Delicate fabrics are washed and cleaned as easily and as well as blanket* table-cloths or sheets--no tearing or wearing. See our display of washing machines before placing your order. Great bargains in all lines of Hardware during our annual stock-taking. RICE & CO., Sole Agents Phone 66 -> t AV WEDDING BELLS Thorn--Barrett. A very happy party gathered at the home of Mr. Edward Barrett, Manchester, on Wednesday, Jan. 31st, when his eldest daughter, Clara P., was united in marriage with Mr. Harry Cameron Thorn, of Indian Indian Head,-Sask. Guests were present from Indian Head, Oshawa, and Darlington. Darlington. The bridéwaé a very popular young lady and looked queenly in her beautiful bridal robes. The presents were numerous numerous and many of them costly. The happy couple left on the evening train for a short honeymoon at Niagara Falls, Toronto Toronto and other points. They will live at Indian Head, where Mr. Thorn is a large and prosperous farmer. Langmaid--Garbutt A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mrs. C. T. Garbutt, Stouff- ville, Feb. 14th, when her only daughter, Mary Priscilla, was united in marriage with Mr. Frederick W. Langmaid, of Zion, Rev. W. B. Bruce officiating. The bride, who was given away by her uncle, Mr. A. S. Collins, was unattended, and wore a charming gawn of ivory crepe de chine with silk shadow lace, caught with pearls and crystals. Her veil was of embroidered embroidered tulle with orange blossoms. Mrs. L.H. Clarke of Toronto, cousin of the bride, played the wedding music and Miss Géorgie Géorgie Langmaid, cousin of the groom, played played during the signing ofjthe register. Mr. and Mrs. Langmaid left on a honeymoon trip, the bride travelling in a silk plush coat trimmed with black wolf, and wore a wolf muff to match, the gift of the groom, and a black velvet hat. Bite a Treat and a temptation. That is how our bread tastes to the average growing youngster. No other food tastes so good all the time, and no other contains contains all the elements that r make for growth and strength as our bread does. For the sake of the youngsters, give it a trial. Thomas Tod Baker ând Confectioner Phone 3, Bowmanville Hampton Hills The mill has been thoroughly renovated and Is now ready for all kinds of work. Thanking all our customers for past patronage and soliciting a continuance of same or any new ones. -- -- -->r Stock-taking Sale This is a Genuine Bargain Sale--save money by securing the bargains we are now offering: 2 cases Pie Peaches, regular 25c 4 cases French Peas, regular 18c 2 cases Asparagus Tips, regular 20c, for ....15c 2 cases Green French Beans, regular 18c each 200 lbs Sulphur, while it lasts ....7 lbs for 25c I case Burnham's Clams, regular 20c . I case Lyn Valley Asparagus, regular 25c • I5C I case Condensed Lye, regular 15c ." Jelly Powders, regular 10c Soap Powder, regular 5c Anti Drudge, regular 10c, for 5C Transparent Jelly, regular 15c for Package Starch," regular ioc for. 5C 4 only Bissell Carpet Sweepers, regular $3.50 for.... 20 lbs Granulated Sugar, highest grade, for $165 4 cases Laundry Soap, regular 2 for 5c 2 cases Roman Meal Nuggit's, regular ioc, for...,. 8c Tea special, black, green or mixed, regular 40c. ..., ' 2 cases Flaked Rice, regular 5c pkg ... .3 pkgs for ioc phone es Archie Tait, Bowmanville The Reliable Grocery House Chas. Horn, Hampton Phone 129 r 6 to «S* Miss Sarah W. Renwick, 14 Oliver-st., Rochester, N.Y., formerly of Bowmanville, but spending this winter in the Flower City, writes: The fact that I have taken your paper for such à length of time is proof that I enjoy it. The Editors Talks are full of truths and suggestions that readers may well ponder. Your paper sustains my interests in the town and its citizens altho many of my-dearest friends have passed to the Great Beyond since I left Bowmanville, ' <S ■

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