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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1917, p. 6

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R 99 MUM Tea îs Delicious and Pure Sealed Packets Only » Never in Bulk g2i8 BLACK, MIXED or NATURAL GREEN , « Advance in War Surgery. j Corps, which has solved great medical In surgery and sanitation the war j problems during the war. The Somme has brought out many improvements. | advance with its death grapple of There have been no great epidemics ! mighty armies lasting months was such as have marked other wars, and great test for the medical service^ England is greatly pleased with the ; with many and serious wounds to work of the Royal Army Medical j treat and the danger of infection. In time of need Every woman should know the comfort, and experi- enc ethe relief of a. reliable remedy that can be de- u P on *9 conditions which cause head- a Izziness, ][a:nguor, nausea and constipation. At such times, nothing is so safe, so sure and speedy as P E i?55Fs V th ® past sixty years, millions of women have found them hHnVnifït m t ? ni 1 1 ? 2 and strengthening the system, and for regu- st ° mac ^> liver and bowels. These famous pills are entirely wlfh cnUrTconfidfor th™ nlraplManuTtS^SsJand will not fail you Worth a Guinea a Box YOUNG FOLKS IN THE FAMILY Health The Frog That Wouldn't^Hop. One fine morning old Mrs. Frogj No Sign Of Dropsy And K*Iney Trouble hopped out of bed^ and put the kettle j Since Taking "FRUIT-A-TIVES" on the kitchen stove. Come, children!" she called. "We're g'oing on a picnic to the Big Pool. "What fun!" cried Reddy and Jier brothers Eddy and Neddy and Steddy. Then old Mrs. Frog tied on her bonnet bonnet and took the lunch basket on her arm. Reddy took her skipping rope ! and Eddy and Neddy and Steddy took • their néts for catching flies, And nothing had been forgotten except-- "Why, Freddy Frog!" exclaimed his mother. "Aren't you cpming?" Freddy Frog yawned and stretched. "No," he answered. "It's too far." Having a son like Freddy *\vas enough enough to make any mother worry, for a lazier little frog never'lived. And fat! Why, his inside grew so much faster faster than his skin side that really it was a terrible strain on his jacket! So old-Mrs. Frog and the other children children went away, hippety hop and hop- pety hip, to their picnic at the Big Pool. And the other frog families, went hunting, or swimming, or took : their croaking exercises. But Freddy Frog still slept on his lily-pad bed. By and by up came the bigfhot sun. He squinted his hottest at Freddy HATTIE WARREN Port Robinson, Ont., July 8th, 1915. 'We have used "Fruit-a-lives" in our house for over three years and have always found them a good medicine. Our little girl, Ilgttie, was troubled with Anri " in T" -7-^ Sidney Disease* The Doctor said she And the other frog families: was threatened with Dropsy. Herlimbs ntm*. or -- • and body were all swollen and we begaa to think she could not live. Finally, we decided to try " Fruit-a-fcves ». ' She began to show improvement defter we had given her a few tablets. In a short time, Frog, until at last Freddy Frog sat g ™ enhera f ew tablets. In a short time, up and rubbed his eyes. the^swelling had all gone down and her I hope mother left some breakfast for me," said Freddy Frog. But the fire was out and the kettle 3,° m ° re headache for you-take these" Take ci^beSTn-rstomach^d^rrr 'T the headache but give you a buoyant, healthfl. f L 7 C * re =oce ,h ' B '™" --a All DrartbU, 2Se., or hj **U CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE CO Tenet», Oat. 13 five roses flour FOR BREADS - CAKES - PUDDINGS -PASTRIES *u uu .1 a y a UAxqma uium Crisp, Crackling COOKIES and a glass of milk--taste the delicious blend of flavours. put away. As for the cupboard, there were no sandwiches and no pickles and no cake in it. "I'll catch some flies," said Freddy Frog. So he sat and waited. But a frog that could not jump has not much chance to catch flies. It made him dreadfully hungry to watch them alighting just out of reach, and hungrier yet to hear them buzz. For the first time in his life - Freddy Frog wished that he could jump like his brothers. By and by up came a big--something big--something much worse than a sun or a wind or a wave. Up came a big! pelican! "Oho!" said the pelican. He gobbled his hungriest at Freddy Frog, until Freddy Frog was not perfectly perfectly sure that he had not been eaten up already! My, but he was unhappy! And my, but hq was shocked! "Aha!" said the pelican. He opened his bill, with its pouch, --it was a shockingly big one!--and he was just bending over to snip up Freddy Frog and stow him away for supper, when--Freddy Frog jumped! He did not wait to remember that he did not know how to hop. Right over the pelican's head he plopped, and went plump right into the water!--- flesh began to look more natural. Now she is the healthiest one in the family and has no signs of the old ailment. TVe can riot say too much for " Fruit-a- tives" and would never be without them WILLIAM WARREN. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid on receiptof price by Fruit a-tivesLimited, Ottawa. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand..'.., I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink.".... naked, and ye clothed me......." Then shall they answer him, saying-- Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? ....or naked, and clothed thee?" And the King shall answer "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have - done it unto me". \ Overseas, in ravaged Belgium, more than 3,000,000 of "the least of these" are hungry, thirsty, thinly clad;--looking to us! Have you done what you could for any of them? Whatever you can give, send your subscription weekly, monthly or in one lump sum to Local or Provincial Committees or 41 \ SEND CHEQUES PAYABLE TO TREASURER Belgian Relief fund 59 St. Peter Street, Montreal " The Greatest Relief Work in History. Doctors Fail "Terrible case of Eczema--contracted when a mere boy--fought disease for ten years, with half dozen specialists. Both legs in terrible cond tion. Almost a nervous nervous wreck. It took just 8 bottles to clear up this disease." This is the late testimony of a prominent newspaper man. His name and his remarkable remarkable story in full on request. We have seen so many other cures with this marvellous liquid wash that we freelv offer you a bottle on our personal guarantee. Try it to-day. Jury & Lovell, Druggists Bowmanville, Ontario. D. D. D. for Skin Disease Jory & Lovell, Drug-grists, Bowmanville. PAINS AFTER EATING WIND IN THE STOMACH--AaDITY, HEADACHES--CONSTIPATION ARE SIGNS OF INDIGESTION. Indigestion--the complete or partial failure of the digestive processes--frequently processes--frequently throws out of gear the whole machinery of the body. You can't enjoy the vigour and vitality of good health unless your stomach, liver and bowels do their work regularly and efficiently. MOTHER SEIGEL'S SYRUP tonic - and stomachic remedy Mother Selgel's Syrup is esteemc|Q in tens of thousands of homes, wherever the English language is spoken. If you suffer much or little from .disorders of the stomach, liver or bowels, try the effect of taking 15 to 30 drops of this famous remedy in water, after meals, for a few days and note its beneficial effects. ASSISTS DIGESTION The ncwl.OOsixe contains three times as mack as Uic trial size sold at 50cper bottle. ■erz--nr-- « with the big wave and all the big friends of the big wave, too! _But Freddy Frog did not mind them! He dived and swam under the lily pads, an'd stayed very still, and hoped that he did not show; "Soup and supper!" cried the pelican. pelican. "What became of it?" He meant Freddy ! And he began to poke his bill, with its shockingly big pouch, in and out among the lily pads. And Freddy Frog shivered--although he tried to stay still. "Frog and fricassee!" said the pelican pelican crossly. "I'm hungry. I've had nothing to eat all day!" It is amazing how"anxious thatNpeli- can was to find Freddy Frog. But Freddy Frog was more anxious not to be found, and that is not amazing at all when you think that he was to be the supper. "Will that pelican never get tired of poking his big bill about?" Freddy Frog got so tired that h e could not keep still any longer. And then--he showed! And the pelican was just bending over to snip up Freddy Frog, when-- The pelican stepped on a crab! •She was-the school-teacher crab who had taught Freddy Frog his letters. She could not bear to see him eaten, she was so tenderhearted ! "Claws and nutcrackers!" screeched the pelican. "Let go!" The pelican forgot Freddy Frog. He forgot everything but his foot! The school-teacher crab gave him a final nip, and away that pelican went, flying! flying! Freddy Frog jumped about, making the fire and putting on the kettle for tea. My, but he was a happy frog! And when old Mrs. Frog and Reddy and-Eddy and Neddy and Steddy came hippety hop, hoppety hip home, with a basketful of fresh sandwiches for supper, supper, there was the table spread and the dishes waiting. "I've learned to jump, mother," said Freddy Frog, "I've learned to jump." --Youth's Companion. Causes of Indigestion. The teeth are the first factor in the process of digestion. Tpey represent the millstones that cut and grind the ood. As they do so, alkaline secre- tions^are given out by glands in the mouth and mix with the food to make the first change it undergoes in the :? em CeSS ° f being at) sorbed by the sys- Good teeth are essential to normal lges ion . Teeth which...are diseased or artificial teeth held in place by settings settings which retain foodstuffs are injurious injurious to health because they provide places in which disease-producing germs grow and multiply . If you have diseased teeth or false teeth not easy to keep clean have them attended to. The germs they foster are producing poisonous substances that interfere with the normal func- tions of vital organs, such as the heart and kidneys. put your te eth in order, provided provided the organs have not become chronically affected by long subjection subjection to improper conditions in the mouth, the discontinuance of the poisons will permit nature to reassert herself and the organs whose functions functions have been affected will resume trieir normal course in sustaining the scheme of life. Care of the teeth should begin with the advent bf the child's first ones. ,, ey should be ept clean by means tnat will insure no wounding of the gums. They are usually destroyed t>y acid, therefore no mouth washes containing acids should be used. Con- su your dentist before using mouth washes or preparations in the form of powders, cream, etc. If you are interested in your diges- j tion yo^will avoid incongruous mix- I tures of foodstuffs made up solely to tickle the taste. Potato salad in the Canadian style is a good example. The potato is. composed chiefly of starch. I That is digested in the second stomach | where the secretions are alkaline. If: you soak the potato in vinegar you j have something whose nature is strict- ! ly opposite to the alkaline, which it ! fights. . Therefore, you are mater- j ially delaying the digestive process. I Poor cooking often makes proper | food either difficult or impossible to • digest. The hard earned money of the household goes to the purchase of good food which is often ruined by the housewife ignorant in the art of cooking. Good cooking is not a matter, matter, cf whim or^flattering the palate. , It is an absolute essential to health. 1 Therefore the art should be taught in ' all our public schools. If you eat too-fast when the body is -tired, heated or chilled, you will often suffer distressing indigestion. Eating in impure or stale air will in- tei fere 'with digestion. If you are compelled to take a meal under such circumstances the quantity of the food should be reduced to a minimum. Outside of some of these things which have been mentioned, all of which can be controlled to a greater or less extent, it will be found that certain foods do not in themselves agree with certain person* If you Use Fertilizer- Why fly in the face of Providence? The sound advice, contained in the bulletins of the Department of Agriculture, Agriculture, is based on the knowledge of the best agricultural experts in the country and the accumulated experiences of thousands of farmers. ' Almost every soil lacks some element of the plant food necessary for a maximum crop, and each crop leaves the soil poorer. Therefore, t/hoee important siistainers of plant life-- potash, nitrogen and phosphoric acid--must be put back into the soil in the form of a fertilizer. Shur-Gam Feriili mixed fertilizer _ ---- r --.w--w.oned to meet the requirements of both soil and crop arid are blended Into a perfectly balanced plant food. Expert chemists have prepared these formulas, checked by Government analysts, and the mixing is done under careful supervision. in humus. There is a formula to fit the requirements requirements of every soil and every crop. These are fully explained m our booklet, riBumpar Crops, ' and also general directions for their use. A copy is will ask for it. ready for you, if you Gunns Limited, West Toronto 79 C ,-A- ' '£& V V» L W i-yGUHXS |j Increase Your Yields and Profits sS:» while to look into this îreat opSSS?7 Even ît ylr ££g y ° U «" "««• an? better^eM makèVo™ Biturai fertilizers stimulate the plant, without imnover- They'nourish both lend and crop. They ar^mlde tWn b bo '? e8, trimmings*, etc., and have no unnecessary filled in - them. Every ingredient has proven fertilizer value Everv one Î3 our twenty-five different fertilizers 1» a proven success. ^ 6 ° f to y" tîle oîcba" g t nS " d bookiet - We will promptly mail them Ontario Fertilizers, Limited, West Toronto. Pills That Have Benefitted Thousands. Thousands. Known far and near as a sure remedy in the treatment of indigestion and all derangements of the stomach, fiver and kidneys, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills have brought relief to thousands when other specifics have failed. Innumerable Innumerable testimonials can be produced to established thé truth of this assertion. Once tried they will be found superior to all other pills in the treatment of the ailments ailments for which they are prescribed. * Primitive Way of Heating. With coal selling at $60 a ton and the Government gradually taking over all existing supplies and prohibiting prohibiting its use by hotels. and boardinghouses, boardinghouses, and with gas • and electricity dear or the supply reduced, Italian households and business offices have had to revert.to the ancient method of burning finely-powdered wooij^ charcoal charcoal dust in a two-gallon earthern jar. The jar is filled half full of charcoal dust, placed in the open air or near an open window and some live coals of wood or charcoal put in the centre of the dust. Slow combustion is started and gradually the entire surface of the dust burns to ashes while the smoldering fire reaches downward. When, after 12 hours, no more spioke or little gas is" given off, the heated jar, is placed in the cold room and let stay there for 24 hours, after which a fresh layer of <just is placed in the jar and the process repeated. Before ;he war this means of heating had been abandoned except by the very poor. are eating sensible food in a sensiblè manner and you find that some particular particular thing does hqt agree with you, the only thing to do it to cut it off your list. -------•:*--- A Corrector of . Pulmonary 1 roubles.--Many testimonials could be presented showing the great efficacy of Dr. Thomas'Eclectric Oil in curing disorders disorders of the respiratory processes, but the best testimonial is experience and the Oil is recommended to all who suffer SC Mi SC L rc ^ r5 wit h th e certainty that they will find relief. It will allay inflammation of the bronchial tubes as no other preparation can. Men Carry Fans. In China and Japan men and women women of all classes, callings and professions, professions, carry fans. Thousands of mothers can testify to the virtue of Mother Grave's Worm Exterminator, Exterminator, because they know from experience experience how useful it is. New Motor Tire Pump. An electric motor of one-fourth horse-power runs a new pump for inflating inflating automobile tires. PEERLESS POULTRY FENCE A"®» / feaoo-Ato# Netting m&ao and rinse! v «mnvi c: OUR SERVICE AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE No matter where you five PARKER Service is right at yoyr door. Wherever the postman or the express company go we can collect and deliver whatever you want cleaned or dyed. Our service to distant customers is carefully handled so that goods are insured of safety in transit. The excellence of our work has built up the largest dyeing and cleaning business in Canada and is known from coast to coast. Almost any article can be cleaned by one process or another, brought back to a freshness that will surprise surprise you--or made new by dyeing. We pay the carriage one way on all articles sent to us. dyeing ° f PARKER ' S whenever yon think of cleaning or *han{%Znddye?ng° Py ° f book on ' Be sure toaddress your parcel clearly to receiving dept. PARKER'S DYE WORKS, LIMITED 791 YONGE ST. . TORONTO / b's are Nothings, till our Pens Not Big Enough for Swiss Needs. Cette, the sole sea outlet permitted ;o Switzerland by the German submarine submarine note, is absolutely incapable of supplying the country's needs, according according to a representative of the Matin, who went to the port to make an investigation. investigation. , T he trouble with you, sir, is--if j > ou will pardon me for saying so jthat you think nobody is good enough ;for your daughter." "Yes, sir, and j that is where we differ so radically, j You appear to think anybody is." i ^Waris are disfigurements that disappear j when treated with Holloway's Corn Cure. Act so in the valley that you need not fear those who stand on the hill." is a Danish proverb. "X .. / - mm m ii iiS:i . Redpath refining methods produce no second make ..f n£ * sell one grade only--the highest so that you will never get anything but the best tinder the name of Redpath* \ z^dSlb.CMton-- _ _ " Lef Red P ath Sweeten*" " , 10,20,50 and 100 lb. Bag». Canada Sugar Refining Co., Limited, Montreal

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