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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1917, p. 7

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Tnr. Canadu.5 Statesman a.nd The Bowman- News are published erery Thursday and Frida./ iroraing, respectively, At THE Statesman Office, James Blocx, 36 and 27 King-st. West, Bowmanvlllb, Ontario, Canada. Id. James <5. Sons Publishers and Proprietors, at 11.60 per annum, payable in adrance; 92.00 alter first three months. T a J. HAZLEWOOD, M.D., C.M- ^ BOWHirraiE, - ONT. . 0 -y OLD MEDALIST OF TRINITY UNI- f verslty, Toronto. Four ye ?/. a Attending Physician and Surgeon at ML Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg. Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington St Telephone No. 108.- GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barristers and Solicitors, TTotarle* FuhUc. A.V. CCDDMAH, D. C. GALBRAITH Lumsden Bldg., Tonge & Adelaide Streets, Toronto, Ontario. X W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary Veterinary College. Diseases of all domestic animals treated by latest known methods methods Office at his residence. King-st. East. Bowmanvllle. Phone 192. 30-lyr J. T. ALLEN, TAILOR At Rear of Standard Bank Bowman ville J. T. Allen announces that he now makes suits to order at lowest prices. Ladies' suits cleaned and pressed. Gentlemen s suits altered, repaired, cleaned and press- cd. All work guaranteed and prices right. Give the old reliable tailor a trial. A Safe, Sure and Qûick Rôute to a good business position is via the LUOTT , y mm -- Yonge and Chasles-st, Toronto Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Bookkeeping, Banking, High Accounting, Correspondence, Correspondence, Penmanship, Spelling, Office routine, Business Forms, Commercial Commercial Arithmetic, Business Law, Civil Service, etc., taught quickly and correctly. correctly. Experienced teachers, careful attention, moderate rates, best results. Demand for our graduates is far in excess excess of our supply. Enter now. Catalogue Catalogue tree. . , W. J. Elliott, Principal. "Her Money Troubles"--They Troubles"--They get more vexatious vexatious as the cost of foods climbs skyward. Meat, eggs and vegetables are almost beyond the family purse. Happy is the housewife who knows Shredded Wheat, its low cost and its high food value. A better balanced ration than meat or eggs and costs much less. Two Shredded Shredded Wheat Biscuits with milk or cream make a complete, complete, perfect meal, supplying supplying all the nutriment needed for a half day's work at a cost of a few cents. Delicious for any meal with milk or cream, or with fresh or stewed stewed fruits. Made in Canada. CAB AMAN ORDER OF FORESTERS HAS SPLENBID RIGORD FOR 1916 WILL READJUST ITS RATES Society Proposes to Place Its Business on a Basis of 100 Per Cent. Actuarial Solvency. First: There would !>• gains from actual Interest earned in excess of 4 per cent., which is the amount the Actuary fixes as the basis of calculation. calculation. As a matterXot fact, the average interest earned by the Society, upon Its Insurance Fund, as at present Invested, Invested, is 5.44 per cent. As the securities securities held by the Society are mostly mostly for long terms, there should be a substantial gain on interest account. Second : There would be a saving from a lower death rate by reason of the fact that the first-five years of ifrembership has been .eliminated by Mr. Landis in constructing his mortality mortality table. Third; There would also be gains from r < cumulation forfeited through lapses. No allowance was made for ! such gains In fixing the schedule of i ra t0 S Fourth: There would be a surplus ■ in contributions owing to the fact that, ! after eliminating the first five years of membership, the Actuary loaded the tabular rates by an arbitrary sum to make assurance doubly sure. Notices of motion have gone out to the membership providing for read- I justment, and this legislation will be i considered at the next meeting of the ! High Court of the Order in June. I The rates for merfnbersjseho .are now j in the Order start at sixteen, with a I monthly assessment of 65c; at twenty the rate Is 69c; at thirty, 85c; at thirty-five, $1.08; at forty-five, $1.53. with gradually increasing rates for the older ages. The rates for new members members start at- sixteen, with a rate of 65c; at twenty, 73c; at thirty. $1.02; at thirty-five, $1.23; at forty, $1.52; at forty-four, $1.83. Two options are given to those who 1 are already members of the Order. ! One option provides that all members members who are between the attained ages of sixteen to forty-five, inclusive, ages elect to take term Insurance, which will entitle them to carry their present Insurance at their present fate until they have attained the age of Is Through the Rich, Red Blood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Actually Make. The blood is responsible for the health of the body. If it is good, disease disease cannot exist. If it is bad, the door is shut against good health, disease disease is bound to appear in one form or another. One person may be seized seized with rheumatism or sciatica, another another with anaemia, indigestion, heart palpitation, ' headaches or backaches, unstrung nerves,^or any of the many other forms of "ailment that comes when the blood is weak and watery. There i just one certain, speedy cure --Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They make new, rich, red blood, and this good blood strengthens the whole system system and brings good^health and happiness. Thousands owe their present good health, some, life itself, to the pills. Mrs. Charles Goddard, Chatham, Ont., says:--"Four years ago my nervous system was so run down that life seemed nothing but a burden. I doctored for two years with little or, no bënefit . I could neither work, eat or sleep well. While in this condition a friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Before Before doing so I thought I would consult consult my doctor and he told me he knew of no better medicine for building building up the nervous system. • I started to take the pills and after a short while found they were helping me. I took the pills for nearly three months and am thankful to say that they com- *>Nsa\ v* urt . 71 Grenville St., Toronto, Ont. Toronto's Select Family Hotel. Centrally located just off Tonge Street. Convenient to Shopping and Theatre district. Hates: America Plan--£2.50 up per day. „ T,. ! Single, $1.2oup per cay. European P.an - - Doublc _ j 1>60 up per day. pçyv > -or Descriptive Booklet. RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMAN VILLE. ■ -^Express Express Passeng Local Mail Grand Trunk Railway Going East Going West 8 52 a.m. 10 31 a.m, r 3.29 p.m 6.49 p.m 9.58 p.m Express 4.22 a.m Local 7-4 1 a - m Local 10.41 a.m Passenger 7.01 p.m Canadian Pacific Railway Going West Golng East 6.07 a.m 10.46 a.m 4 27 p.m 12 57 a.m. C. B. Kent, Town Agent Canadian Northern Railway Going East Going West Express II.42 a.m Express 9.36 a.m Express 6 40 p.m Express 7.31 p.m GRANDTRUN K system 1 WINiER TOURS S PECIAL Fares now in effect effect to resorts in Florida Georgia. North and South Carolina, Louisiana and other Southern States, and to Bermuda and the West Indies Return Limit May 31st, 1917 Liberal Stop-Overs Allowed For full information write to C. E. HORNING, I). P. A.. Union Station, Toronto, Ont. Or J. H. H. Jury, Town Agent, Bow- manviile. Notice to Creditors In the estate of WILLIAM JAMES COLLACUTT. late of the Township of Darlington in the County of Durham, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having having claims upon the estate of'the said William James Collacutt, who died on or about the 9th day of January 1917, are required to fyle with the undersigned, the solcitor for the Executors of -the sain estate, by the 8th day Of March 1917, a htll «tatement duly verified, of their claims and of any securities held by them, and that after that date the Executors will distribute the assets assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been so fyled or brought to theirattention. Dated 7th of February 1917. E. S. SRNKLER, Bowmanville, Ont. Solicitor for the Executors herein. 6-iw Wood's Phosphodine, , The Great English Bemedy. FToncs and Invigorates the whole PnervoLut system, makes new Blood in old Veins. Ourrt Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despon-. dency, Lots of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Failing Memory. Price 91 per box. six for J5. Ous will please, six will cure. Bold by all druggists or mailed in plain pk*. price. .YHo pamphlet mauedfree. THE WOOD WEPICINE CO.,TOtOHTe. err. (FenwftyWsiw.) The Canadian Order of Foresters has had a record possibly without parallel In the history of Fraternal Insurance Associations operating in Canada. This Society was instituted in 1879. In 18"5 it enacted a table of monthly assessments which has been in force from that time down to the present without a single change. During that period all other Fraternal Insurance Societies, it is claimed, have found it necessary to revise rates, until this Society stands as the only^prominent Institution operating upon a remarkably remarkably low schedule of rates. In 1916 the Society paid out in death claims over $726,000.00. Notwithstanding this large payment, it added to the Insurance Insurance Fund, for the year, over $422,- 000.00. The balance standing to the credit of the Insurance Fund on the -31st of December last was $5,628,343.00. In spite of this most unusual record, the Society decided to have^ a most thorough and comprehensive investigation investigation made of its actuarial standing. This course was thought wise on account account of the legislation passed by the Ontario Legislature at its last session. The Legislature in 1916 passed an Act which requires that all Fraternal Insurance Societies shall, on or before the first day of April, 1918, file a report report with the Registrar of Friendly Societies, which report shall contain a valuation of all its Insurance Certificates Certificates in force on the 31st December, 1917. This report must not only show the Insurance Liability which the Society Society has undertaken to pay, but also the Assets which the Society has available, available, in the way of accumulated Funds, and future assessments for the payment payment of the Insurance Liabilities as they mature. The object of this statement statement is to show the degree of actuarial actuarial solvency which each Society has, as of December 31st, 1917. The Act provides further, that at the end of each three-year period, after 1917, a similar statement of valuation shall be filed in order to ascertain whether or not the Society has maintained its degree of actuarial solvency. The object object of the Act is, that where a society shows at the end. of the first three- year term that it has not maintained its degree of actuarial solvency that there shall be such an increase in rates as will insure that the society shall maintain the degree of solvency which it had on 31st December, 1917, or improve that position. In view of this legislation, the Canadian Canadian Order of Foresters ddbided not to wait until the 31st December, 1917, to ascertain the facts required by the Act, and, shortly after the Act was passed in 1916, this Society engaged Mr. Abb Landis, of Nashville, Tennessee, Tennessee, for the purpose of investigating its actuarial standing, as of the 31st December, 1915. Mr. Landis is one of the leading actuaries on the American' continent to-day, and is so recognized in the Insurance "world. His experience experience extends over a term of twenty- five years, eighteen years of "which has been devoted exclusively to Fraternal Insurance Associations. In these eighteen years Mr. Landis has advised with one hundred and eighty-six societies, societies, six of these societies being Canadian. Canadian. He has also been for fifteen years on the Committee of Statutory ! Legislation of the National Fraternal j Congress, and has been prominently i identified with the drafting- of all bills dealing with Fraternal Insurance legislation. legislation. Mr. Landis is also the author of eight books on Insurance, which are accepted as authorities to-day. Tho Actuary has found that.during its whole experience of thirty-six years, the Canadian Order of Foresters Foresters has had an exceptionally favorable favorable mortality experience. Because of this exceedingly favorable mortality experience, and the large amount of accumulated funds, Mr. Landis has been able to prepare unusually favorable favorable monthly assessment rates, w-hich will enable the Society to provide for the payment of all future claims. These rates of assessment, as compared compared with rates deduced.from other mortality tables, is very much to the advantage of the members of the Canadian Canadian Order of Foresters. In constructing a mortality table on the experience of the Society, Mr. Landis Landis has eliminated the first five years of membership duration. The object of this course is" in order to insure the death rate under more nearly normal conditions than would be possible by taking the first five years of duration into consideration. During the first five years there is a gain from recent medical selection. He has recommended recommended a schedule of rates, which, based upon the report which will be filed as of the 31st December, 1917, should show more than 100 per cent, of actuarial solvency, because of margins of safety which may be classified as follows : -- sixty years. . Members between- the ' pletely cured me. Ever since I have attained ages of forty-six - and fifty- | kept a box of the. pills in the house but five, Inclusive, may elect to continue have not found it necessary to take , tfie present amount of their Insur ! ance, at the present rates, as term In- j surance for a period of fifteen years, j Those members who are between the ; attained ages of fifty-six and sixty- nine, inclusive, can carry their pre- them." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine, or they will be sent by mail postpaid, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for Commerce at Ottawa, all three of the western provinces show large increases increases in the number of livestock raised in 1916, as compared with 1913 the year previous to the war. The figures for hogs show a decrease, due to the several large war orders received received by some of the western packing firms from the allies. One firm alone is said to have received an order for ham and bacon, that called for 359,000 head of hogs. The increase in the number of sheep is one of the outstanding features features of the -government report. The increase, approximately 30 percent, is very gratifying. Many of the smaller flocks of sheep as they have found out that the climate was very suitable to them, provided a certain amount of shelter was supplied during the short periods when the weather might otherwise be too severe. Tim report estimates that there are at present 2,048,354 cattle irf the three western provinces, 565,709. being milch cows and the balance beef and other cattle. This shows an increase of nearly. 16 percent over 1913, and also the very large number of beef cattle that have been marketed during the past couple of years must be taken into into consideration. Many large war orders'were filled in Western Canada. The Dominion and Provincial Governments Governments and the Canadian Pacific Railway, through its Agricultural and Animal Industry Branch, have all aided aided the farmers in every possible way y and have published broadcast literature literature showing the best results that have been obtained on the various experimental experimental and demonstration farms. The Canadian Pacific has several ^ of these farms throughout the West, with an expert in charge of each, and at every cattle sale these farms are represented by animals of a very high class, both for breeding, milch and beef animals. The experts in charge of these farms will at all times aid in any way they can the farmer who seeks advice with reference to the best there are about l,600,000_acres of per manent pasture-in Scotland, and 1,- 500,000 acres in temporary pasture. Much of the permanent pasture is only suited for grazing stock and certain areas also of grazing land are unsuit- . able to break up, but, it is added, in th^ hands of both farmers and occupying occupying owners there are many acres which, in present circumstances should be brought under the plough. The report considers that steps should be taken to find out what land now in grass is suitable for growing grain and other crops, and to secure that it be cultivated. Also that steps should be taken to cultivate lands now let as grass parks and home policies, where the ordinary organization of a farm does not exist. It also recommends that when deemed advisable, the Board of Agriculture for Scotland, by themselves or their nominees, should enter, occupy and cultivate such lands. * -- ROYAL YEAST CAKES ijAl The best^ yeast in the world. Makes perfect bread. He Feels He Owes His Life To Them Telegraphed 200 Miles Dodd's Kidney Pills. for ; unie, iuuiuüiv c, vo.ii. vonj v ~ . . ' TT7 . 11 . , I sent protection as term Insurance, at j $2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams I their present rate, for ten years, i Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ! Term protection" of members between I ! the attained ages of seventy to seven- | at o | ty-six gradually decreases from nine j BRITISH COLUMBIA MINERALS years at the age of seventy to three j ----- years at the age of seventy-six and Development of Mineral-bearing Lands Sandy Goulette, Now Strong and Hearty, Tells How He Found Health After the Doctors Had Given Him Up. MADE IN CANADA E.W.GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO, ONT. WINNIPEG MONTREAL ItiiMnuiiMuuiMiiiiatMdNUUiimiH Largest Artificial Harbor. The' world's largest_a.rtificial harbor harbor is planned for Rotterdam. It will be 28 feet deep and cover 766 acres. After the Movies Two Eyes for a Lifetime Murine 1» for Tired Byes. Red Byes -- Sore Byes -- Granulated Byellds. Beets --Refreshes -- B e e to res. Murine Is a FavoriteTreat* ment lor eyes that feel dry and smart. Give yonr Byes as much of your loving care as yonr Teeth ana with the same regularity. Care for Them. You Cannot Buy New Eyes! Sold at Drug and Optical Stores or by MalL Asie Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for Free Book •A novel bathtub stool has but two legs, hooks that engage the rim of a _ I tub helping to support it. Old Fort Bay, Labradore, Que. -- j _____ Feb'y 26th (Special.)--"Do I believe in Dodd's Kidney Pills?. Well, I telegraphed telegraphed two hundred miles to get two Mlnard'a Liniment Cure* Distemper. FOB SALE, boxes of them." The speaker was ttior sale cheap--good board- ci /-i t , „ 1z i .,-hIqv Viovp J? ing House in Owen Sound. In good Sandy Goulette, an old settler heie.. repa j ri good location. Near Depot and Nor did Mr. Goulette require to be j Factories. Apply R. McGrath, Executor, pressed to tell the rest of his story, j Transcoha. Man. "I was swollen out of shape from j head to foot. I was so short, of ; STEWSFAFERS TOT* SALE T> ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB J - Offices for sale in good Ontario over. The second option insures to all members no matter when admitted, j when they attain the age of seventy, I and over, the right to paid up Insur- I ance for amounts set out in the j schedule prepared by the Actuary, , -- , , where such members do not desire j garding the development ot the mm- to continue to pay the life rates. This in North Thompson Valley. The following interesting letter has been received by the Canadian Northern Northern Railway Company at Toronto, from Chu Chua, British Columbia, re schedule entitles the members from sixteen to eighteen to paid up Insurance Insurance for $900 at the age of sevénty, which amount gradually decreases as the attained age of the member Increases. Increases. The adoption of the proposed readjustment readjustment will place the Society on a basis of absolute solvency from an actuarial standpoint, and enable it to maintain its splendid position in the world of Fraternal Insurance. This Simple Rule Soon Strengthens A Delicate Stomach It reallv is unnecessary to dose yourself yourself with 'pepsin pills or artificial digestives digestives or to live on a miserable nursery diet If you will observe one easy rule eral-bearing areas tributary to its main line through the North Thompson Thompson Valley:-- • "There are about twenty claims staked near here; the first car of gold ore taken from the surface of the Wind Pass Claim had a gross value of $1,6.48.00, and there is another car load ready for shipment. "As soon as the Spring opens up so that we can build wagon roads, seeks advice with reterence to me Dest : breath j could hardly spea k. The doc- i , . Q wa°fto se g c°u« the res"" I '° r " uld d ° ** • Th * : ffïïï" tSS.'ÏÏÏÎ W£ W .. s ® cure } ne greatest results.. mm j ster gave me the holy sa-crament ■ application to WJlson Publishing Com- While there is no prospect of an im-l ^ d j t came and told me 11 pany. 73 West Adelaide street. Toronto. mediate reduction m the price offneat Jd t much longer . __1 as a result of the increase! interest „ Then j telegraphed for Dodd's displayed by the farmers of the west , gy Pills . , took three pills the the prairies of the* Canadian . Wes . rni g ht they came and I got relief be-: pain" by our home treatment Write have unlimited room for the raising oif). b pilk' us before too late. Dr. Bellmar oil kinds of livestock, and with the I fore . mornm f ' D ° dd . b 1 f ,d " ey : cl. Limited. Colllmrwooa. _Ont " , 1 • '. . , , . cured me. I am able to do my clays -- ~~ ~ farmers taking a greater interest m , ,, T ..„ nrq : Money in - t , c r, i • work now as well as I vas ten y eat a. N^xVvw I V I ercial Poultry bus!- livestock than ever before, Canada is | ness?Yes! ifyouhavTa destined to play a large part in solv- & ~ nnv' 1 V laying strain. We admit - - - - - - . Mr. Goulette offers to answei any ; ours to be the greatest letters" written to him regarding his Ær» Poultry success in Can- He feels that lie owes his health, if not his life, to Dodd's Kid- ■ neÿ Pills. ICTSCEIiI.AK'EOTJS Tanger] tumors, lumps, etc. j internal and external, cured wlth- " me treatment. Write Dr. Bellman Medical ing the meat problem which the world now faces, and which is likely to be-, come still more acute at the close of the war when European countries will be buying animals to replenish their herds. FRETFUL BABIES Mrs. John M. Weaver, Blissfield, N. B., writes :--"I can speak very highly there will be large shipments during ! 0 f Baby's Own Tablets. I have used the coming summer. At present the 1 them for my children and find they y in x_/ ada. Circular of facts Free. Hatching Eggs 100 per cent fertility guaran- teed. Stock for Sale. ! BffiCHCUFFE POULTRY FARM Box 3? BIRCH CUFF, OUT. Go Right Along. "Is there no way of stopping these cyclones ? " asked a man of the tiavel- er who was recounting his experiences in far countries. " "No," - replied the narrator. "The best way is to go right. along with 'em." The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the " OTTO HIGEL!' PIANO ACTION ore is being taken down the mountain mountain side by hand sleds. There is Minard's Eifflment Cure* Cold*. Etc. The Diadem of Old. The diadem of the nations of a.n- are the best medicine a mother can ; - - ; give her little ones. I would strongly j about $50,000 worth of ore in sight on ; recommend them to all mothers who j these claims without very much | have fretful babies." The Tablets re- j development work. ! gulate the bowels and stomach; break | ***" n-F c ilL- two inches "At the. head waters of Boulder and ; up colds and simple fevers; expel j * ™ U nd the head and tied Canyon Creeks, there are large .worms; cure vomitmg «id indigestion. Its ' co lor was generally bodies of copper ore that carry gold and make teething easy. They ai e ; D ^in . ... that of and silver values, and large deposits | so ld by medicine dealers or by mail at j white. S - , n J. J j L. ^ tVinf novrir c n VYY n /-> •-- J -P r l'Vi a I 1 v* W111 1 TYÏ Q * 1 Dâl ID America's Pioneer Dog Remedies 1 BOOK ON dog diseases And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. 118 West 31 et Street, New York I of magnetite iron ere that carry some you'can eat the hearty, nourishing foods ! values ! that your appetite crates and 1 our body ; , "Rlacknool there* ic ore being I needs That rule is to take a teaspoonful 1 At rsiachpooi entre is UC1 "= ! of Bisurated Magnesia in a half glass of ' shipped that carries both lead and ! hot water with each meal. Bisurated j .-r-^ I Magnesia is non-laxative and harmless | S'-Ver. and possesses medicinal qualities that "From the Fog Horn Lrroup at the promptly overcome impaired digestion, fermentation, acidity, catarrhal conditions conditions of the stomach, gas, distress after _ eating and other stomach disorders. As ! ""'UT va l ue 0 f $4,000.00. A further magnesia is prepared in various ways be ; gross value ui v ' certain to insist on obtaining it in the Bl- shipment of this ore will be made wv -- _ __ ,. Pai'inc it xvas of blue. It was sown., 25 cents a box from The r. 1 ïams , p êarls or other gems and enrich- : Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. e d with gold. It was peculiarly the . head of Boulder Greek there were shipped 50 tons of Galena ore with a this .winter "In addition to this part of the North Thompson Valley being a fine renaiu lu luoiuu .... -* v - T surated form, especially recommended for stomach purposes. Bold by all druggists. Tommy's Appreciation. _ As an appreciation of the efforts of ! farming and ranching country, it is our fair enthusiasts, this comes from j destined to be one ox the richest mm- j er al-producmg districts in B. C. All Dear Lady, I thank you for the socks j it.needs is capital for development." --some fit! ( * I use one for a hammock, the other for j How To Relieve Catarrhal a mitt; ! Deafness or Head Noises Some day I hope to meet you, when I If VQU have catarrh, catarrhal deafness LIFE ON ANTARCTIC ISLAND. How the Men Marooned on Elephant Island Spent Their Time. 6 mark of Oriental sovereigns. Mansonville, June 27, T3. j Minard's Liniment Co., Limited, j Yarmouth, N. S. Shackleton's men, marooned on Ele-:. Gentlemen,--It affords me great phant Island, whose death from star- | pleasure and must be gratifying to vation was predicted if they were not I you to know that after using 36 bot- presently rescued, do not appear to | ties of your Liniment on a case of have been in real danger of any such j paralysis which my father was af- , fate. A letter from one of them, ; fitted with, I was able to restore him 1 written x at Punta Arenas, and pub- ; to normal condition. _ Hoping other j lished in the London Chronicle, de- j sufferers may" be benefttted by the use ■ scribes their life on the island. of your Liniment, I am, have done my bit; But in the meantime, tell me--Where the deuce you learned to knit? C old weather aches follow exposure. Soothe and relieve relieve them with Sloan's Liniment, Liniment, easy to apply, it quickly penetrates without rubbing. _ Cleaner than mu^sÿ plasters or ointments, does nof^tain the skin. For rheumatic pains, neuralgia;, gout, lumbago, sprains, strains, bruises and stiff sore muscles, have Sloan's Liniment hand or head noises caused by catarrh, or lr phlegm drops in your throat and has caused catarrh of the stomach or bowels vou will be glad to know that these distressing distressing symptoms may be entirely overcome overcome In many Instances bv the following treatment which you can easily prepare in vour own home at little cost. Secuie from your druggist 1 ounce of Parmint (Double Strength). This will not cost you more than 75c. Take this home and add to it 1 pint of hot water and 4 ounces of granulated sugar : stir until dissolved. Take one. tablespoonful four times a day. An improvement is sometimes noted after after the first day's treatment. Breathing should become easy, while the distressing distressing head noises, headaches, dullness, cloudy thinking, etc., should gradually disappear under the tonic action of the treatment, l^oss of smell, taste, defec- tive hearing and mucus dropping in the back of the throat are other symptoms which suggest the presence oL. catarrh and which may often he overcome by this efficacious treatment. If nearly ninety per cent, of all ear troubles are caused bv catarrh, there must be" many people whose hearng may be restored by this simple home treatment. Any druggist can supply you. or a bottle bottle will be sent on receipt of 75c..'postal note or money order. Address International'Laboratories, International'Laboratories, 74 St. Antoine St., Montreal, Canada. The day began with , breakfast, which consisted mainly of penguin fried in blubber, with, a drink of water. water. The morning's duties were clearing clearing away ■ snowdrifts and catching penguin. Lunch was served at one Sincerely yours, y GEO. H. HOLMES. The Sister's Reply. » j He was a young subaltern. One penguin, uincn was savcu ^ """r | evening the sister had just finished j o'clock;, it consisted of a biscuit and , ma ^i n g him comfortable for the night, j raw blubber. The afternoon was oc- | and> fc e f ore going off duty, asked: "Is j cupied with regular exercises over a | t h ere anything I can do for you be- i A fraternal »nd Insurance tbat protect* it« members In accordance with the Ontario» Government Standard. Sick ana funeral benefits optional. " .s' Authorized to obtain members and charter lodges in-every Province in.Canada. Purely Canadian, safe, sound and econo- toi cak . - If there is no local lodge of Chosen Friends in your district, apply direct to any ot the following officers; Dr. J. V/. Edwards, M.P. Grand Councillor. W. F. Campbell. Grand Organizer. HAMILTON W. F. Montague, Grand Recorder, J. H. Ball, M.D., Grand Medical Ex, . ONTARIO CANADA AND BEEF PROBLEM. ISSUE No. 9--T7 Farmers of Western Provinces In créas Number of Live Stock. With the price of beef and other pleats soaring to hitherto unheard-of heights, and every newspaper carrying carrying stories about" the future prices of boots and shoes and other articles made of leather, there may be a modicum of comfort to be taken from the fact that the farmers and ranch ers of Western Canada are now turn ing their attention to cattle and stock raising to an extent that would not beeri believed possible a few years ago: According to the figures given in the Census and Statistics Bulletin issued issued by the Department of Trade and track one hundred yards in length. A.t five o'clock, when darkness fell, came dinner, consisting of penguin breast and beef tea. Lacking tobacco, the men smoked grass from the padding padding in their boots. Their pipes were carved from birds' bones and wood. The members of the party took turns in reading aloud from the only available available books, namely, the Bible, an encyclopaedia, encyclopaedia, Browning, Bacon's Essays and Carlyle's French Revolution. Saturday Saturday evening was always marked by a concert, the feature of which was banjo playing. A banjo was the only musical instrument in camp. On one occasion there was a welcome welcome addition to the diet; we found several undigested fish in the stomach of a seal, and greatly enjoyed them. They were the only fish we caught during our st*y. In August there was a change in our diet, for we, could gather gather limpets and use seaweed as a •vegetable. We were in the midst of one of these sea-weed and limpet lunches when the rescue boat was sighted. "When was the war over ? was the first question asked. fore I leave?" D.ear Little Two Stars replied: ! "Well, yes! I should like very much to be kissed good-night." Sister rushed to the door. "Just wait till I call tij£ orderly," she said. "He does all the rough work here." Strangled with Asthma ; is the only expression that seems to convey what is endured from an attack of this trouble. The relief from Dr. J. D. Kel- ogg's Asthma Remedy is beyond measure. Where all was suffering there comes comfort comfort and rest. Breathing becomes normal and the bronchial tubes completely cleared. cleared. This unequalled remedy is worth many times its price to all who use it. Mlnard's Liniment Cure* Barret In Cow* * PLOUGH UP GRASS LANDS. Increased Production in Scotland to Utilize Pastures. The Scottish Department Committee Committee on Food Supplies report that Save the wood .ashes and keep them in a dry place. They are a splendid. splendid. fertilizer. ^ 1 , A number of forestry battalions are to be raised throughout the Dominion, Dominion, being urgently called for by thç War'Office. Mlnard'* Liniment Cure* Diphtheria, MICA AXLE GREASE forms a smooth, slippery slippery surface on the axle spindle. The ground Mica fills the pores of the steel and makes easier turning. Dealers . everywhere. THE ~ IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Limited BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA FOR DISTEMPER Sure and positive preventive, no matter how horses at any a it a r$ afflicted or "exposed." Liquid, given ori the f nnnl d ! flC.tH on th A Moorl fl nrî fflunriq • aYnalo t Li nnlfiiinmiPl FIKX BYE, JBPIZOOTIO, SHIEPIEa FEVER, and OATAhBXAL FEVER. vfcp Will artet it for you. Free Booklet, "Distempe and Cures." SFOKX MEDICAL COMPANY, Chemist* and Bacteriologist*, Ooehen, ma., XT. a. X.

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