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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1917, p. 2

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es@ 'WW* PÿS'j'i '-fflSSîJ'vÆ.îîî The Standard Bankof Canada The 42W Auul Meeting ef dw eharehelder» of the Standard Bank of £*"*5** WM J^ ",*• Hewâ Office of the Bank, IS King Street West, Teroete, on Wednesday, the 28th February, 1917, at 12 o'cleck noon. The Editor Talks A large number of shareholders was present. « °^f a ? t T Ion ' the Preeident ' Mr. W. F. Cowan, took the chair, and Mr. -Bor, Chief Inspector, who acted aa Secretary of the meeting, read the report: Your Directors, in presenting to the Shareholders 'the Forty-second An- ? eport , th ® of the Bank for the year ending 31st January, 191, have pleasure in stating that the funds have been well employed during during the past twelve months and a satisfactory increase is shown in all partmenta de- . t The 2s et Profits, after making provision for bad and doubtful debts, rebate rebate of interest on unmatured bills under discount, exchange, cost of management, management, etc., amount to $580,230.10, being at the rate of 18.90% on the aver-, age paid-up capital of the Bank for the year. This amount together with the balance forward from last year and the sum of $333,242.14 for premium on neW rr?v° ck 165116(1 durin E' the year, makes the sum of $975,119.13 This has been appropriated as follows:-- Four quarterly dividends at the rate of 13% per annum Contributed to Officers' Pension Fund Contributed to Patriotic and kindred objects.'..V* *..*."! ar ■ 18-X on Bank Note Circulation to 31st December, 1916 . so 483 75 Transferred to Reserve Fund from Premium on New Stock ..W" sîülÜÏ! Balance of Profit and Loss Account carried forward 163^598 63 $398,899.61 50.090.00 38.900.00 During the $975,119.13 year Branches of the Bank have been opened rr Dayton, and Travers a ihp-h-o . niot.ie. Out. usual Inspection lh = •«« have faithfully "and* "efficiently W. F. COWAN, ih tirer xr ÛTr . ty ♦ , ' L Lnc - Danh - nave been opened at Burdett, mâcher (DM Thl r 0 "* t T ^ ave J 8 ' Alberta i Blchlea, Sask.; and Schu- r J' ,? at : 7 7 ® B ^ anch , at Goodwater, Sask., was closed. The usual Insnecrinn Office and Branches has been mad* general statement President. Notes of the Bank in circulation 8 * L, " ri P rr ÎL b 5 ar L n * interest (including interest ac- crued to date) 13401c 0,3 1 - Deposits not bearing interest 'i .11, 8,843,10 $ 4,546,513.00 Some weeks ago we. discussed the unfairness of comparing results of Jrural schools with those of city and town schools at entrance examinations examinations because the latter have chiefly male teachers at big salaries, while the country schools are in charge mainly of young girls. The Peterborough Peterborough Daily Review, in which the article appeared which we criticized, in a fair and well reasoned reply to our comments, very truthfully says: The Review compared the Entrance results of city and country schools, not to reflect in any way on the former, former, but to make the point that these schools will never reach a proper degree degree of efficiency until they are consolidated consolidated and placed on the same footing as to grading and teaching staffs as the city institutions. The stand taken justifies the assumption assumption that the editor who "Talks" himself has at some time or other been a school teacher. At any rate, he understands the responsibilities which rest upon the man or- woman whose vocation is the training of the young. The character of the future generation depends upon the teacher's efficiency. If there is a profession on earth that calls for the best men and it until into a hack yard and lash ridges appear on its body, of to-day, in spite of all our church- warmed civilization and humanity, often fares worse than the dog or the horse. Lastly, let us appreciate our friends, for "there is yet no culture, no method method of progress known to man, that is 1., uum S °. r . ich and complete as that which is The child : miTds t ere d by a truly great friendship, and he who hath a thousand friends hath not a friend to spare." Let us not forget to act the word in the home among those with whom we spend our time. Let the mother be appreciated The excuse is given that the parents w w J mot ?f r be appreciated consent to such punishment. Then it ; k hl . Idren and husband, the fais fais time to look after such parents • by Wlfe and chüd ren, and the themselves. If they whipped the boy 1 Jl - I children by parents and by each other, as the court whips him the same magistrate magistrate would very likely fine or send the parents to jail. Horses and dogs are worth money in the open market. Children are not. Perhaps, after all, that accounts for the difference in the treatment accorded accorded them. * "* * * We rejoice to see a growing interest interest manifested in the public schools of this great country--we - refer more The following verse_ by Margaret Sangster js full of meaning and truth : We have careful thought for the stranger, And smiles for the sometime - guest, But oft for "our own" the bitter tone, Tho' we love oty* own the best. * * * * Music has charms that nothing else can give. A revival of music is in evidence all over the world and is like- particularly to the rural schools, for £3 intensity. Music should the children of the larger towns and Ï P art of the life of every home. cities have many important advant- i S recentl y aa ages over those in the average coun-i Tt ir \. whl ? ne says. It is a salutary practice to try school. The work average of the s"chwï'teachers'shôuM not ^expected Twlek" f° ho " e ' s ® v <ff even " ■ . . - v > ings a week. I am tempted to sug- to -- compare with that of the'] urban i • -, , , . ~ schools for many reasons-mainly be- ! ÎJL ? almost^ every^evening, qualified tochers, | ^ e „î n V meal ' .473,721.42 Dividend Xo. Balances due Balances due to Banks than in Canada Acceptances under Letter. Capital paid up Reserve Fund 105, payable 1st Februarv, 1917 to other Banks in Canada and Banking: Correspondents elsewhere 46,292,564.57 106,399.61 639,598.51 cause of better qualified tochers, j an hour after the more modern equipment and greater '[,'2 1 f 1 we be at tile = ^"ore'S sparse, rs ett,ed sections, women, it is that of the teachers. They deal with the human mind when it is j parts of receptive and when impressions that last throughout life are formed. As I terribly handicapped in the progress their classes owing to the regret- 386,475.55 58,645.84 3 333,242 14 Balance of Profit and Loss' Account' carried forward* i i i i i ■* i i i Current coin held by the Bank ...... 11532 743 47 Dominion Notes held 7 729 781 nn Deposit in the Central Gold-Reserves' ' $59,850,274.99' 1,500.000.00 for the purposes Correspon- Securities Deposit with the Minister Circulation Fund Notes of other Banks Cheques on other Banks Balances due by Banks and Banking* dents elsewhere than in Canada Dominion and Provincial Government not exceeding market value Canadian Municipal Securities and British,' foreign dian C0 on al pubIlc securities other than Cana^ Rail Z t rt ay and " , other bonds, debentures' and stocks noa exceeding market value Ca \*n n n- Sh ° rc (nat exceeding thirty days) ' Loans in tenada on bonds, debentures and stocks $10,762,524.47 F 150,000.00 210,240.00 1,769,623.07 594,376.27 1,574,349.49 5,371,937.46 298,656.63 1.656^56.71 11,626,139.63 Loans and discounts in Canada (less rebate of Other current interest) Liabilities of customers under Letters of" Credit Estate other than Bank Premises ... Overdue debts, estimated loss provided for '.'.'.' Bank Premises, at not more than cost, less amounts written off" Assets not included in the foregoin- ... ten off 22.388,664.10 the twig is bent so is the tree inclin ed. The preacher has none of the opportunities opportunities for good, none of the chances in moulding character, that the teacher has, and yet, by some process process of reasoning not perfectly clear, the pastor is generally paid fifty per cent, more than the other, and is usually usually provided, besides, with a free residence. ***** of The Review's next point may strike some of our readers as open to question, question, but we endorse every word of it gans and. processes of the body. Listen Listen to this bit of testimony from an observant physician: "Voltaire, that v/itty critic, when he said that our purpose in going to the opera was to promote digestion proclaimed an established established truth, the full meaning of which he undoubtedly had no idea of. table irregularity in attendance. Here is someone's tribute to Canadian schools: Nations are built in the public schools. The ideals set up by the theTdearofthe^pn throughoutTfï I n ° t ana his conception of patriotism will j mel° although von mow h^l ^ •" be what he has been taught during tivt'to'Bu^tLn T other It is not too much j tunes, you will feel much better for 15 !My own. experience is that" I never digest my food better than when I listen listen after dinner to some opera or symphony." In this there is nothing mysterious. * * * * The poet truly says' that hath charms to sooth the savage breast." No doubt about it. Music that, is thoroughly enjoyed "tranquil- izes the mind and creates a pleasur- ideals fostered education. ! as per contra. G:ht 35,892,084.87 58.645.84 19,507.15 172.799.89 1,229,935.38 88,637.76 .W. F. CO WAX, President Manager. „ $59,850,274.99 GEORGE P. SCHOLFIELD. General AUDITOR'S REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS at the h ch?ef C o«KTo d l ""5 ,he b00ks »eeom,t, returns received from its brandies M ïfter C 0 heckta# 1 the' V c'ïh t » S / ertl IJ' a irg the securities at the chief office and certain nfthJJ- lnd venf y- January Sut, 1917. I certify that in my opinion auch Shee"«hfbi" his school years. to say that the present world war due to a difference of by different systems of unqualifiedly. It says : We believe the Great as is the importance of the pub editor who Talks is wise according ter j lie school in old and well established the wisdom of earth. It must know j countries, this importance is even that many things are strangely out of. greater in the new lands which are be- joint in this world. Children after all i ing called upon to assimilate popula- are not so well cared for as some do- j tions from the more congested coun- mestic pets and other livestock. A ; tries. It is worthy of note that in man with a valuable horse is vastly j Western Canada, which may be cited more concerned with the qualifications ; as a case in point of a country which ! ab le mood*"devoid nf of the trainer to whom he entrusts the ■ is called upon to assimilate o popula- d ' deV0ld of to be prepared for its life work , tion of many races. * * * * music than he is about those of the teacher who brings up his child. A dog fancier fancier will not whip an erring It is any irritating, emotional excitement. Such a mood is pre-eminently favorable to the propèr functioning of the j j ■ ~ -- organs of diges- , , grand fi uallt Y to possess to | tion. If for this reason onlv, all of us lest he destroy its spirit, while he still ! anHx^Tust ^/proper fppredï ' U:611 ^ S ° m6 mUSiC in the even the *:e and correct beet oi books of certify that view of the state WSnT* 011 ' the expIanations Siven to me, and bank's affairs according to the as shown by the In addition to the «^nation 1 «««oned the caah and securities at the ehmf <=«!== and certain of the principal branched w7rï 7h7=KdTnd"vetiflS b> me at another time durin books of the Bank. Ail Information S the year, and found to be in accord with the ail transactions of the Ba^k^which ^ ired have been given to me, opinion, been withiTtS^ po^i of^the ^ n ° tiC6 have ' and and my adheres to the old maxim of the past ( tion. Some persons are niggardly over expression of thanks for favors received, while others are never at a loss to say the right word at the psychological psychological moment. A recent writer AV __ , . . , • said ver y truly that there are differ- ZZ fl h ZÎZ ™" cles of the of - i ent grades of appreciation, and I ficial flogger. That instrument of mod- not sure that I ern torture, the cat-o'-nine-tails, ages with reference to sparing rod and spoiling the child. Yes, children are still whipped with official sanction, too. A boy breaks the law, and the magistrate turns him i B is particularly to be recom mended to those in a nervous condition condition or beset by business or other cares. Worry of any sort, experiment experiment and observation have shown, has a most disturbing influence on the digestive digestive process. It diminishes am . flow of saliva* and gastric . G. T. CLARKSON. F.C.A.. Toronto. February 13th, 19 0 ^ Clarkson - Gordon & Dilworth, Toronto, Canada. the knowing gentlemen e e" e ec P ted 8e a d a 8C ? Ut,a6 , 6rs app ointed reported W. F. Cowa| W F e "'Æ ^ r: Mr * H. Langlois, Mr. T. H. McMillan, Mr. G P. Cowan, Mr. H. Langlois" '*Mr"T"iT*^ Y V>* b '- Allen - Mr - F. W. General Manage^ animal to distract her attention from Lieut. Bouwer, who was badly hurt, At Grips With a Leopard. A correspondent in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, of the London Express, I and D r - I vor Haslem finally sent a sent an account of a thrilling battle j dum-dum bullet home, which closed between a British officer and a full- j career of that leopard. grown female leopard in German East j* $ Africa. An expeditionary force was , , | It Has Many Qualities.--The man on the march when the animal was ; who possesses a bottle of Dr. Thomas' sighted, and Lieut. Bouwer dropped out to try a shot. The leopard suddenly suddenly charged the officer, and the best he could do was jam his rifle in the open mouth of the beast. Bundles of burning grass were thrown toward the Eclectric Oil is armed against many ills. It will cure a cough, break a cold, prevent" sore throat; it whl reduce the swelling from a sprain, cure the most persistent sores and will speedily heal cuts and contusions. contusions. It is a medicine chest in itself, and can be got for a quarter of a dollar. used. The victim never forgets, and it goes without saying that he never forgives. * * * - * Of course, this is an awful reflection reflection on parents but who will dare dispute dispute the statement ? The vagrant and predacious cur escapes, a horse balks on the street and kicks himself out of bondage. The man who would beat that horse as the officially-flogged child is whipped, would be arrested and fined. No mag istrate has ever been known to order a policeman to take a fractious horse i . would not prefer the | slows down the movements is : grudging appreciation of one whom ! stomach and one knows to be an honest friend than 1 or woman who goes over everything and in or Wash Skin Away H. D. D, the liquid wash, has become a household word. It has proved itself a remarkable remedy. If you are a sufferer sufferer from skin diseases, including ulcers, pimples, scales, crust or Eczmn in any form, this remedy will not disappoint yeu. It has stood the test and to -day is the' master preparation for all skin diseases. Try D. D. D. We guarantee it. D: D. D. Jury 8c Lovell, Druggists, Bowman ville r Hnj Low Fares and through Tickets TO ALL POINTS IN Western Canada and the Pacific Coast r; ""Electric Lighted and comfortably equipped Trains. To obtain the lowest fare and the most convenient routing apply to M. A. James, Town Agent or W. Gr Giffler, Station Agent, or write to R, L. Fairbairn, General Passenger Agent, 66 King St. East., Toronto. vUTCANADlAN NORTHERN that of a man into raptures everybody without any apparent reason reason for such exuberance. * * * * It is one of the hardest things the world, to properly appraise appreciate the simplest acts of anybody. anybody. It is much easier to deride what we do not understand. It is hard for anyone to understand the motives of sublime conduct, for instance, unless he is him- fif by pure and noble motives. motives. But of course it is essential that we should learn to appreciate, in so far as our faculties enable us to, all that is good and pure and true. By so doing we stamp a value on ourselves ourselves and raise ourselves in the esteem of others. We should in fact, never try to undervalue any person or anything that is worthy of commendation. commendation. It is a debt and therefore a duty, as mothers, teachers, sisters, whoever we be, to speak the kindly word of appreciation. * * * * Goethe in some of his writings puts this question and answers it pointedly, pointedly, yet briefly. He asks: Who is the, happiest of men ? He who values the merits of others, and in their pleasures pleasures takes joy as though 'twere his own. Then speak your appreciation to the teacher who is giving of hîsfor'fim 1 life to help your children along the rough pathway of knowledge. For, • If any little love of mine May make a life the sweeter; If any littl^ care of mine May make,-a friend's the fleeter, If any little lift of mine may ease The burden of another, God give me love and care and strength to help my toiling brother. is the | juice, it of the intestines. In many cases it has a temporarily paralyzing effect on these organs. * :!-■ * * If these writers are correct in their views--and they reason well, let us all induge in more music. For the sake of digestion, and especially after „ heavy meal such as the evening meal often is, some means should be found for banishing care and pa&ijjpng the mind while the stomach is endeavoring to do its work. Such a means available to all through music. Not everybody, of course, van go to opera or concert at will. Not everybody can play a musical instrument. instrument. But modern invention, with its admirable mechanical players and talking machines," does indeed give everybody ready access to enjoyment of the best there is in music. And let the music you have in your home be of the best. Don't be satisfied with tawdry, .inferior .inferior compositions. The more you cultivate a taste for really good music music the greater will be the enjoymènt you derive from music. The greater the enjoyment the greater will be the physical as well as intellectual and spiritual benefits coming to you from music. Always remember this. -- - In 25 years ?8,000,000,000 in have.been mined in the world. "gold Snow is said to. be the poor man's fertilizer, and it is--in the sense that any man who depends on it is bound to be poor. v Possibly no one who reads this page goes too profusely into expressions of gratitude for kindnesses \ bestowed upon us. Anyway, is it not better to ! err on the best side if we err at all in giving due appreciation to those who befriend us? Be assured that there is nothing more helpful to a person, either employer or employee, than to be appreciated. --The employer who thinks he can't do enough for the employees appreciates them and they keep on doing better all the time, and become more valuable. If the employee does his or her best, it pays first, last and all the time to assume that he is appreciated, and when an employer is not finding fault with his employee it's ten to one that he does appreciate them very much. We shouldn't feed our mind with the thought that we are not appreciated, if we are doing our duty faithfully at all times. It pays to appreciate and to be appreciated, and at the same time to be humble. Flattering to the Original But Imitations - Only Disappoint There are many imitations of this great treatment for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and whooping cough. They usually have some sale on the merits of the original, but it should be remembe red that they are like it in name only. .This is a facsimile facsimile of the package bearing portrait and signature Of A. W. Chase, M.D. MAKE YOUR DOLLARS FIGHT AT THE FRONT. BUY DOMINION OF CANADA THREE-YEAR War Savings Certificates $ 2&.00 F-OR $21.50 60.00 " 43.00 100.00 " 86.00 INDIVIDUAL PURCHASES LIMITED TO $1503. FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY AT ANY BANK OR ANY MONEY ORDER POST OFFICE JAN. 9, 1917 Finance Department Westminster Hotel, Toronto ! in I "A Real Hotel Without a Bar " H8 BBSS Bright and attractive. Fireproof. Every bedroom bedroom has a bathroom. .Elegant furnishings. Splendid cuisine. Easy access to shopping districts districts and theatres. Free taxi servlf-e from Union Station and wharf. Ask for Provincial Motor taxis. fill laffifixfiHil KATES: Single room, with bath, $1.50 to $2.50. Breakfast, 25c to 60c. Luncheon, 35c to 56c. Dinner, 50c to 75c. Inclusive rales, American plan, $2.50 to $3.50 a day. Write for booklet to 240 JARVIS STREET, TORONTO. , lf ,7 oa feel bilious, "headachy" and irritable-- lor that 8 a sign your liver is out of order. Your tood is not digesting--it stays in the stomach a sour term fin f-p.rt ma«a l t. _ , , t 7 -- --~ a u Ota fermented mass,, poisoning the system. Just take a dose of Chamberlain's Ston . v i IV--,v-- % Stomach and Liver Tablets-- they make the liver do its work--they cleanse and ?HT*r en t -^ la A t ° Inac ^ ? nc * tone the whole digestive system You'l! feel fine, in the morning. At all druggists, 25c„ or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto 14 X New Vidor Records for March A delightful selection from the March list of Vidtor Records that will delighf, entertain, and please. You will want these in your collection. Ten-inch, double-sided Vidtor Records--90c for the two seledtions: Pack Up Your Troubles m Your Old Kit Bag and Smile, Smile, Smile - Hamilton and Mixed Chorus 16222 Home Again Rolling Stones 18215 Alice Green and Lyric Qyartet. (All Come Rolling Home Again) ") Don't Write Me Letters Campbell Burr ) On the Sandwich Isles Peerless Qyartet ), Yukaloo . (My Pretty South Sea Island Lady) l 16227 Sterling Trio j Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag and Smile, Smile, Smile--Medley One-Step r . _ Vidtor Military Band f 182,8 Century Girl--Medley Fox Trot Victor Military Band, Tweve-inch, doube-sided Vidtor Records Carmen Selection Vessella, Italian Band ) Coronation March (from "Le Prophète") Vessella's Italian Band j So Long, Letty--Medley Fox Trot Victor Mil. Band ) Pasa Around the Apples Once Again--Medley l One-Step Vidtor Military Band j 35610 35612 Two Charming Red Seal Records Chiming Bells of Long Ago Evàn Williams 64634 Murmuring Zephyrs Geraldine Farrar 87251 Hear them at any "His Master's Voice" dealers' Write for free copy of our 450-page Musical Encyclopedia Encyclopedia lifting over 6000 Vidtor Records. Berliner Gram-o-phonc Company LIMITED T . «95-244 Lenoir Street, Montreal Made in Canada One Price from Coift. to Coast Plaved Dealers in Every Town *nd City Y " Everywhere "His Master's Voice" Bowmanville Dealers Levi Morris & Son R. M. Mitchell & Co. Jury & Lovell ËiÉÉliBùÉi ÜSfeeas r *,:

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