Z N, PARKER SERVICE Known Everywhere Available Everywhere Just because there is not a "Parker" Agency near you is no reason why you should do without "Parker Service." •The excellence of our work is so well known that it need only be mentioned here. But the convenience of our service by mailto distant customers is not. Articles of any sort can pe sent us either by parcels post or express, and returned in the same manner. We pay the carriage charges one way. Every precaution is taken to ensure their safety $n transit So many things can be "rescued" by cleaning or dyeing dyeing that the value of this service will be apparent to everyone. When you think of cleaning: or dyeing, think of PARKER'S. Send for a FREE copy of our useful and interesting book on cleaning and dyeing. ■ Be sure to address your parcel clearly to receiving dept PARKER'S DYE WORKS, LIMITED 791 YONGE ST. - TORONTO 39 RAMSAY'S .fiS TA3LISHED 1843 cst. u Liu V->WHiTE( ^AiNrrjr THE RIGHT PAINT Tp_ PAINT RIGHT •TRadc Mask • Q And now for a grand cleanup. cleanup. Ramsay's Paint the smartest, brightest and most economical helper you ever employed. Quality Paya in Paint 3 A. RAMSAY & SON COMPANY--Makers of Quality Paints MONTREAL TORONTO VANCOUVER Poctor Tells How To Strengthen Eyesight SO per cent In One Week's Time In Many Instance » Cleaning the Cellar. The cellar as a storehouse for canned canned goods and vegetables should be kept scrupulously clean, as authorities state; that disease may occur because of. thé impure air which gathers in some cellars. The cellar that contains contains impure odors should be thoroughly thoroughly aired on a mild winter t day. The floor should be swept and mopped and all cobwebs brushed down from the walls and ceiling. One method of removing odors in a cellar is to fill a bowl with lumps of quicklime over which a few grains of dry copperas have been scattered. Slack the lime thoroughly and "'The steam «-.rising from the mixture will remove bad odors in the cellar. Powdered Powdered borax is a good disinfectant to scatter around the floor and corners of a damp cellar. Chloride of lime is an excellent deodorizer and an inexpensive inexpensive substance to use for purifying purifying the air in damp, ill-smelling places. Charcoal has great powers of absorption and a few bags hung up in the cellar will act as a deodorizer and absorb moisture. Powdered slack lime will also prevent the musty and mouldy odors which are prevalent in many damp cellars. Because of the cellar being out of sight the conditions there may become very, bad before demanding attention. Such conditions should not be tolerated, tolerated, especially when the room is used as a place for storing food products. A, few hours time can be very profit- ally used in protecting the food stored stored in the cellar as it undoubtedly bears a great influence on the general health of the familv. "Fruit-a-tives" Made Him Feei As if Walking fin Air Obillia, Ont., Nov. 28th. 1914. "For over two years, I was troubled with - Constipation t Drowsiness, Lack of Appeiite and Headaches. One day I saw your sign which read "Fruit-a-tives make you feel like walking on aii?" This appealed to. me, so I decided to try a box. In a very short time, I began to feel better, and now I feelfine. I have a good appetite, relish everything I eat, and the Headaches are gone entirely. I recommend this pleasant fruit medicine to all my friends ". ■ DAN McLEAN. 60c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa. On Cake-Making. The mixing and baking of cake requires requires more care and judgment than any other branch of cooking, notwith standing the fact that it is the one most frequently' attempted by the be ginner. Always mix your cake in an earthen bowl. The order in which ingredients are combined is most important. Measure dry ingredients and' mix and sift baking powder and spices, if used, with flour. Flour is always measured after being being sifted. Fruit, when added to cake, is usually usually floured to prevent settling to the bottom. This is not necessary if it is added directly after the sugar, which is desirable in all dark cakes. When baking cake arrange to have nothing else in the oven, and place as near the centre of oven as possible so it will cook uniformly. Remove cake from nans as soon as It comes from oven. .... Cakes are classified as follows: 1. Cakes without butter, sponge cake, etc. 2. Cakes with butter, pound càke, cup cakes, etc. 1. Method of mixing cakes without butter.--Separate yolks from whites (if both are used), beat yolks until thick, add sugar gradually, continue beating, add flavoring. Beat whites until stiff and dry. Fold into first mixture. Cut and fold in the flour Do has A Free Prescription You Can Have Filled and Use at Home. Lender..--Do, you wear glasses? Are you a victim of eye strain or other eye weaknesses? If so, ycu will be glad to know that according to Dr. Lewis there is real hope for you. Many whose eyes were failing say they have had their eyes restored through the principle of this wonderful wonderful free prescription. One man says, after trying it: "I was almost blind; could not see to read at all. Non" 1 can read everything withoutany gi&ssc-s and my eyes do not water any more. At eight they would pain dreadfully; now they feel fine all the time. It was like a miracle to me." A lady who used it says: "The atmosphere seemed of ever getting glasses. Eye troubles of many descriptions may be wonderfully benefited by following the simple rules. Here is the prescrip- c°r, i0 À ny ac ^ ve drufe store and get a bottle çf Bon-Opto tablets. Drop one Bon-Onto tablet in a fourth of a glass of water and allow to dissolve. With this" liquid bathe the eyes two to four times daily. You Should notice your fro " -- Ui Wiuum uuuic YUUX eyes clear up perceptibly right flora the start and w . jl L Quickly disappear. If your . ..... ll your eyes are bothering you, even a little, take steps T n Rnvp +hl»m .Am ^ ' _ -t i . - 1 - - » uvuo, LU.K.0 etens to save them now before it is too late. Many hopelessly blind might have been saved if thev had cared for their eyes in time. * in which the salt has been sifted, not stir or beat after the flour ! been folded in. j 2. Method of mixing cakes with but- j ter.--Have the bowl slightly warm, ! cream butter and sugar, add sugar I gradually, and yolks well beaten, flav- ' oring. Sift flôur, salt and baking powder thoroughly and add to the batter alternatingVwith the milk. Fold in the egg whites beaten very stiff. Sponge"Cake. 2- Eggs (whites and yolks beaten hazy with or without glasses, but after using this prescription for fifteen days everything seems er y' clear. I can even read fine print without glasses." It is believed that thousands who wear glasses can now discard them in a reasonable time and multitudes more will be able to strengthen their eyes so as to be spared the trouble and expense Note; ^Another prominent Physician to whom the . &Bon-Op to Is a above article was submitted; said: „ very remarkable remedy. Its constituent Ingredients are well known to eminent eye specialists and widely prescribed by them. The manufacturers guarantee It to strengthen eyesight 60 per cent In one week's time In many Instances or refund the money. It can be obtained from any good druggist and Is * one of the > separate), 1 cup sugar, salt, 3 tablespoons tablespoons cold water, 1 cup flour and 1 teaspoon baking powder sifted together. together. Beat yolks of eggs and add sugar, water, flour, and lastly the whites beaten stiff. Bake in a moderate oven about Vz -hour. Mocha Coke. "'< 2 Tablespoons butter, % cup milk, *4 teaspoon salt, 1 cup flour, 2 squares chocolate, % cup sugar, 1 egg* % teaspoon-vanilla, 1 teaspoon baking powder. Cream, butter and sugar, add yolk of egg, beat well. Then add milk, salt, vanilla and flour, alternately. Add melted chocolate, mix well, fold in beaten white of egg. May be cooked in one layer or two, as desired. Filling. 1 Cup confectioners' sugar, 1 tablespoon tablespoon soft butter, 2 teaspoons cocoa, Vz teaspoon vanilla, 2 or 3 teaspoons strong coffee. Chop almonds fine and sprinkle on top of mocha icing. Soft Ginger Bread. ! * %Cup molasses, 1 cup brown sugar, % cup butter, 1 cup sour milk, 3 eggs, 3 cups flour, 1 tablespoon ginger, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon soda. Cream theb utter and sugaj*, and add the molasses. Then add the eggs, one at a time, and beat thoroughly. Melt the soda in the sour milk, mixing well. He is not young, although his years be ; , Who is not glad when skies, grow clea^ and.bine; When from the south the winsome Spring returns And earth is clothed with verdure soft and new. He is not young, who with unheeding _ eye,. Sees the procession of fair days move by, Passing in golden glory down the west, Nor feels his -heart with happiness beat high. step, Nor is he old, though slow his once free, Who finds a temple in each stately tree; Whose soul rejoices in the scented . hours » With bird and flower and honey seeking seeking bee. He is not young who can in earth bé- hold Only a stage where he wins place and gold; But he who feels its wonder day by day-- Whate'er his years, he never can be old. --Ninette M. Lowater, in N.Y. Sun. INVENTIONS AND NEW FACTS. Great Britain and Ireland together consume about 30,000,000 rabbits for fobd annually. Geologists have estimated that one deposits of soda in British East Africa!-contains Africa!-contains more than 200,000,000 tons. A fly swatter that resembles a pistol and is operated by a trigger has been patented by its Michigan inventor. A new electric power station in the Siamese city of Bangkok will use the refuse from ricéf milling for fuél. A machine has been invented by a New York man to scrub ceilings and catch the water that falls so that it will not wet floors. An additional step for automobiles that swings under the running board when not needed is operated from the driver's seat by a lever. Apparatus that enables one surgeon to perform the operation of blood transfusion without assistance has been invented by a New York doctor. The United States army owns a patent for wireless equipment for aeroplanes that weighs but seven Sift the flour and spices and j pounds and will transmit messages add to the other mixture, alternating seven miles. with the milk. Bake either in gem | Government wireless stations have pans or in a ginger cake tin. This ! been planned for Indo-China that will will make 24 gems or 1 large cake. Excellent Layer Cake. lVz Cups white sugar, 2-3 cup butter, butter, 2 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, Vz cup milkf-8 eggs. Cream butter and sugar, add beaten egg "yolks, then the beaten whites, i be powerful enough to communicate with points more than 3,000 miles away. French . hospital attendants have succeeded in impregnating rubber gloves with the salts of certain metals metals and making them impervious to X- milk, and mix thoroughly. Then add ! f ays . * or the P™ tection of persons us- flour in which baking powder has j ln ^ Inys ' been sifted. Bake in à moderate I . . oven about 20 minutes. Ice with m a minutes. chocolate or any well-flavored icing. Hermits. 2-3 Cup sugar, % cup butter, salt, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon cream of tartar, 3 tablespoons milk, V 2 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, pinch of nutmeg and cloves, Vz cup seeded raisins cut fine, few chopped walnuts, 2 cups flour. Roll about 14-inch thick. Bake in moderately hot oven. Bright Eyes indicate buoyant health. When the eyes are dull, liver and bowels bowels need regulating. Quickly restore healthy conditions with a dose or two--in time--of Eliminate Waste. BEECHAM'S PILLS your d-uggst cannot." AFTER SIX YEARS OF SUFFERING Do your hurt your FEET? Perhaps you have been using some Inferior dressing dressing on your shoes and the leather has got hard and caked and will eventually crack. Woman Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham'* Vegetable Compound. Columbus, Ohio.--"I had almost given Up. I had been sick for six years with female troubles and nervousness. I had a pain in my right side 'and could not eat anything without without hurting my stomach. I could not drink cold water at all nor eat any kind of raw x fruit, nor fresh "meat nor chicken. From 178 pounds I went to Some of the ways to reduce waste are: Bring the market trimmings home and use them in cooking; save all trimmings of beef and mutton, drippings from roasts, bacon fat, fresh j pork fat'; sausage fat and chicken fat, which may be combined or used singly in cooking in place of butter or lard, use the cracklings from tried out suet for shortening in corn cakes or suet puddings. Good cooking and attractive appearance appearance of dishes do-much . to reduce table waste and promote good digestion. digestion. Waste can be reduced by judicious judicious serving.. Small portions should be served at first and second helpings helpings given if necessary. : Skin, bone, gristle and fat, which will not be eaten, eaten, should .not be sérved, because if not served they can be used for soup and the like. This is not-.a time for hysterical thinking or action. For immediate relief every individual and community should consider earnestly the matter Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World. Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25c. Cock's Cotton Root Compound. A safe, reliable regulating medicine. Sold in three degrees degrees of strength--No. 1, $1; No. 2, S3; No. 3, $5 per box. Sold 'by all druçgisis,. orient id prepaid on receipt of pn Free pamphlet- ot pi Addr- rice, ess : THE COOK MEDICINE CO., T080NTC. ONT. (Formerly Windsor.) EAGLE MOTC/t STYLE USE Shoe Polish It will keep the leather soft and pliable and give a brilliant, lasting shine. Buy a tin to-day. 1 BR4CK, TAN, TONEY RED, DARK BROWN. 10 CENTS A TIN. "TAKE CARE OF YOUR SHOES." r f-5 118 and would get so weak at times that I fell over. I began to take Lydîa E. Pinkham's Vegetable" Compound, -and ten days later I could eat and it did riot-, hurt my stomach. I have taken the: medicine ever since and I feel like d- new woman. I now weigh 127 pounds so you can see what it has done for me already. My husband says he knows your medicine has saved my life."-- Mrs. J. S. Barlow, 1624 South 4th St, Columbus, Ohio. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Compound contains just the virtues of roots and herbs needed to restore health and strength" to the weakened organs of the body. That is why Mrs. Barlow, a chronic invalid, recovered so completely. It pays for women suffering from any female ailments to insist upon having Lydia K Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Compound . , y of food conservation, and the. limitation limitation of waste. As a nation we have a disdain of economizing. There is an annual food waste of thousands of dollars in families of moderate and ample means. This waste is the result of bad preparation and bad cooking; improper improper .care and handling; from serv> ing too many courses; and from failure failure to utilize the food not consumed. For example, in preparing potatoes it is asserted that 20 per cent, of the' e_dible portion may be discarded. ! -With food at present high prices it leïtobves every housewife to seé that j all food is property prepared and I cooked to eliminate waste. I Write to-day for our big Free Catalogue showing our full line of Bicvcles for Men and Women, Boys and Girls-- Tires, Coaster Brakes, Wheels, Inner Tubes, Lamps^ Bells, Cyclometers, Saddles, Equipment and Parts, for Bicycles. You can buy 3-onr supplies from us at wholesale pricea. T. W. BOYD & SON, 27 Notre Dame Street West. Montreal Replied in Kind. A young Scottish recruit had beer- placed on guard for the night outside the colonel's tçrit. In the morning the colonel stuck his lieâ'd out. '-'Who are you?" he demanded, sternly. The A fraternal and Insurance society that protects its members In accordance with the Ontario Government Standard. Sick and luncral benefits optional. Authorized tp obtain members and charter lodges in every Province in Canada. Purely Canadian, cafe, eound and economical: economical: If there i»no local lodge oLChoeen Friends In your district, apply direct'to any of the following .officers; Dr, J. V7. Edwards, M.P. Grand Councillor. YZ. F. Montague, Grand Recorder. young man turnfri and affably-replied --"Fine; hoo's ye^sel'?" W. F. Campbell, Grand Organizer. " HAMILTON J. H. Bell. M.D., Grand Medical Es. - ONTARIO OUR BLOOD WE LIVE Jf you tire easily, sure subject to cold hands or feet--if you catch colds readily or have rheumatic pains--your blood or circulation is probably at fault and you need - scorn ENOISIM OF THE PUREST COD LIVER OIL which is nature's easily-assimilated food, to increase your red corpuscles and charge the blood with lifesustainingrichness. lifesustainingrichness. Scott's creates warmth to throw off colds and gives resistance to prevent sickness. Always Insist on SCOTT'S. Every Druggist has it. SCOTT & BOWNE. Toronto, Ont. le-ia The Select Family Hotel Centrally located--Just off Yonge Street Rates : American Plan--$2.60 up per day. European Plan--Single $1.25 up per day--Double $1.50 up per day. e Write for descriptive booklet. 71 Grenville Street, Toronto, Ontario eoO-D DIGESTION --- When your difestioja I» faulty, weakness and pslnsre certain andjdJsjt**i^»iayite(L^^ Mother Self el's Syrup correct* and sdmolateei the digestive'- orf ans. and banishes the many ailments which arise from indigostion. FOR 40 YEARS The Stamm REMEDY FOR STOMACH AND LIVER Trouble Kll At all Druggists, or direct on receipt of price, SOc. end $1.00, Th» lutte bottle contgini three time* m ■menas the smaller, A. J. WÉ1TK A Co. Limited. Crsig Street West Mentreaf. if you feel bilious, "headachy" and irritable-- for that s a sign your liver is out of order. Your food is not digesting--it stays in the stomach a sour, fermented mass, poisoning the system. Just take a dose or Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets-- they make the liver do its work--they cleanse and sweeten the stomach and tone the whole digestive system You'll feel fine in the morning. At all druggists, 25c., or by mail.from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto 14 ns®r Westminster Hotel, Toronto "A Real Hotel Without a Bar" wim Bright and attractive. Fireproof. Every bedroom bedroom has a bathroom. Elegant furnishings. Splendid cuisine. Easy access to shopping districts districts and theatres. Free taxi service from Union Station and wharf. Ask for Provincial Motor taxis. RATES: Single room, with bath, $1.50 to $2.50. Breakfast, _25c to 50c. Luncheon, 85c to 50c. Dinner, 50c to 75c. Inclusive rates, - American plan, $2.50 to $3.50 a day. Write for booklet to 240 JARVIS STREET, TORONTO. As toothsome as the name implies. Delicious,long- lasting. The third of the Wrigley trio of l'efreshing confections. Good for teeth, breath, appetite,1 appetite, 1 digestion. Seated Tight-- Kept Right I Chew H after every meal MADE IN CANADA ON SALE WHEREVER CONFECTIONS ARE SOLD Flavour Lasts .z z ■■■% 1 m -'ê, ..j,....