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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1917, p. 3

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i -a ■ '-iSJ X This is what the Kin Drugg Health / Say About Dr. Chase's Nerve Food No one has so good an opportunity as the druggists to find out just what medicines produce the best results. If a prescription or a medicine does not do just what it is expected to do the druggist is first to hear about it." , On this account we appreciate these lettersfrutu the druggists of Kingston as the finest compliment that was ever paid to a medicine. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has woh the good will of the druggists because it has so well satisfied their customers that they come back to buy more, and also advise their friends^nd neighbors to do likèwise. These letters from the druggists_back up the splendid tribute which has come from the people of Kingston for Dr. Chase's Nerye Food. , Mahood Drug Co. Mr. G. W. Mahood, corner Princess and Bagofc Streets, writes: '■We nave always found Dr. Chase's Nerve Pood to be a good seller and to give gcod results to the purchaser, but since the personal testimonials of Kingston people were published in The ^Vhig our sales have increased verv considerably and are keeping up steadily." The "Best" Drug Store Mr. L. T. .Best, Druggist, 124 Princess Street, writes: "Since the large testimonial advertisements of people who have been_cured by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food were published in The British Whig our sales of this preparation have increased very much, as you will have noticed by our recent repeat orders. The demand still keeps up." T. H, Sargent, Druggist Mr. T. H. Sargent, Druggist, corner Princess and Montreal Streets, writes: "Our sales of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food have increased greatly greatly during the past few weeks. When I noticed the heavy advertising advertising vou were doing I used my own space in The Whig simultaneously to let tha peopleTsnow I had a good stock of these goods on hand." Prouse's Drug store Mr. A. Lake, Manager Prouse's Drug Store, corner Princess andv Clergy Streets, writes: -"Wo are selling much more of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food than formerly. The special advertising has helped a great deal, especially the personal testimonials of Kingston people." Hoag's Drug Store Mr. Frank J. Hoag, Druggist, Kingston, Ont., writes: "I wish to say that the sale of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has increased to ab most threefold during the past six weeks, during which time the heavy advertising campaign has been in force." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Steadily, year in and year out, the dèmand for this great food cure has increased until the sales have become enormous. And~this, after all, is the strongest proof of the merits of any article. People who try it tell their friends of the benefits obtained, and so the good word is passed along. Dr. Chase's Nerve As a Spring Restorative to enrich the blood and build up the system there is nothiug to compare to Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Put it to the test now and you will soon realize why druggists as well as thé general public are so enthusiastic in recommending this well-known medicine. 50 cents a box, 6 for $2.50, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Ltd , Toronto. THE CURE FOR DOWNHEARTEDNESS God Is Our Sure Defence, Our Refuge and Strength, A Very Present Present Help in Time of Trouble. "Why art thou cast down, 0 my soul ? and why art thou disquieted in me? hope thou in God."--Psalm,.xlii., 5. It is a great comfort to us to discover discover that the moral heroes of the past were just such people as we ourselves are. They fell before temptation sometimes, just as we do. They struggled to their feet again and went on just as we have done many a time. They had to wrestle in prayer to get a victory, exactly as we have to. They were heartsick about their failures, as we often are. You are a very strange person if you never are low spirited. We may fairly be suspicious of one who is never disposed to be a bit melancholy. Our aims cannot be very high if we are always able to reach them. We have not undertaken very big enterprises enterprises if we always have been able to carry them out. And just as surely as a man has aims so high that he cannot reach them or has plans so big that he cannot fully achieve them, he will now and then be cast down in 4451 W x Clean floors, doors, woodwork with GOLD DUST Gold Dust is such a marvelous cleanser that a little of the product sprinkled in your scrubbing water will save you most of the back work--and clean much more quickly and thoroughly than any other way. For anything and everything about the house Gold Dust spirit. The best people.in the world have "the blues." It is the man who wants to do something, who tries to do something, who feels that he must do something worth while, who is peculiarly peculiarly liable to this temptation to be despondent. Causes Physical and Spiritual. It is true that sometimes the cause of downheartedness is physical. Dul- ness is sometimes a matter of bad air. We are sure to take dark views of things if we do not live in the sunshine sunshine . If the body does not have the right sort of food, if we are so clothed that the body's functions are not properly properly .performed, if we do not take exercise enough to keep our blood moving, we cannot expect to be buoyant buoyant and hopeful. For some spiritual ailments the best cure is not a verse of Scripture or a prayer,^but a better supply of fresh air. We do not need to ask God to help us out of such a plight. Our common sense is enough -v is the best known cleanser. Try it once and you'll use it always. -Sold in 10c and large packages. Buy the- large package for economy's economy's sake. The GOLD DUST TWINS Never "Break A Date" Nature's Way Is Best Nature's laxative is bile. If your livér is sending the bile on its way as it should, you'll never be constipated. Keep the liver tuned right up to its work. Take one pill regularly (more only if necessary) until your bowels act regularly, regularly, freely, naturally. carters WlTTLB HIVER BpT^s £*nutnc bears 'Signature And Rest on the 7th Day 'Let the COLD DUST TWINS do your work' THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY LIMITED. Montreal, Canada Colorless faces often show the absence of Iron in the blood. er's Iron Pills help this condition. \« X ) < ■ - O >. ,» • .. ' to tell- us that if We give our- bodies a fair chance oqr spirits will revive. But sometimes our gloominess of spirit comes from the failure of our plans for ourselves and others. We aspire to be so much'better than we are, and the more we try the worse we seem to be. Instead of acquiring more graces of character we become daily more conscious of our shortcomings. shortcomings. And when we work for the good of others either there is no response at all to our efforts or there is so little response that we feel like giving up forever. And sometimes, it cannot be denied, trying to be good and to do good becomes monotonous, and we realize realize that there is such a thing as"the spice of wickedness," and so we fall a prey to spiritual weariness. "Hope Thou in God" Well, what is the cure for this malady ? To start with, we ought to make "it-a principle never to shapè our lives by what we know are our worst hours. The best thing to do when we are low spirited is to go right on working according to our convictions of right. Doing that, we may assure ourselves that at the last we are sure to be successful in all that is right and true and pure and good, since there is a God who stands back of these things. The discouraged man who wrote our text said, "Hope thou in God." What can'fret us if we know that God stands back of us ? He is able to take care of us'. He is pledged to take care of us. We can lean on Him with all our weight and not disturb Him. His strength has no limit, and His willingness willingness to help is equal to His strength. If you believe that, you will have such a sense of rest 1 ' come over you as you can get nowhere else.--Rev. Frank M. Goodchild, D. D. ^ ; WAITING. When I call you in the darkness, With regret and love and pain, Shall I never hear you answer, Never hearty ou breatlîè" my name? Will the echo of my sighing Never cross your spirit's sleep? And, through all the long forevers, Will you never 'know I weep ? In the spirit-world of silence, Can you feel my thought of you ? Do you know that I am waiting, Waiting all the ages through ? If I must endure fhe silence, 'Wait with faith till life is past, Will you .meet me at the portals ' When I come to you at last? - M. F. A. ■ If grease has been spilt on. the floor wash with a strong solution of borax. Farming and love-making are the two essential industries of the earth. --Harry Lauder. I Whooping Cough. Whooping cough, while in the main a disease of childhood, is not to be lightly regarded as a simple disease - or as something, to be "had early and gotten over with." i It is a serious disease and very con- ■ tagious, especially among children. In this country, thousands of children die every 'ÿear from whooping cough and , its complications. Adults sometimes I g^t- it, and when they do it is extremé- ly serious. ^ Every motjhèr of young children should be familiar with the symptoms sa that she may not only give prompt attention to the ailing child but also take immediate steps to keep the disease disease from spreading to others. In the beginning of the disease the child shows no signs of an ordinary cold. There is running of the nose, slight fever and a dry cough. The eyes are bloodshot. After a week the cough becomes worse instead of better^ and the coughing fits develop. "The child now coughs many times in succession. It becomes pale, and when it draws in its breath there occurs occurs the sharp,/shi i'll noise that is known as the "whoop." The "Whoop," however t is not always present, but, even in cases where it is not, great cure must be taken of the sick child. In attacks-of the disease that might be classed as iîKld a child will have four or five coughing fits daily^ while in severe cases there will be many more. Carèlessness ; is largely responsible for the great spread^of the disease, and during the wet, cold months of early spring mothers should be on their guard against it. Unless a child sick with whooping cough is isolated the disease will spread like wildfire among its playmates. If your child has the disease you must not allow it to play with other children. Even after the "whoop" has stopped there is danger of spreading the disease to others. If, on the other hand, you hear of some other child in the neighborhood who has the disease, take every precaution precaution to protect your child. All matter that comes from the mouth and nose during the time ' a child is sick should be received in pieces of old linen or rags and burned. Separate cups, glasses, plates and knives, forks and spoons should be kept for the sick child. Fresh air at all times is an important important part of thè treatment and cure of whooping cough. During the day. if the weather is fine, see that the ailing ailing child plays in the open air, but alone, of course. Night and day keep its bedroom well aired. The feeding of a child suffering from whooping cough is important and is best carried out under the supervision supervision of a physician. There, is frequently- frequently- vomiting during the disease, with the result that many children rapidly lose weight and strength. This leaves the child in a condition where it is apt to contract tuberculosis or pneumonia--diseases that frequently threaten in the wake of whooping cough. o--:-- AGED OFFICE BOYS mÜ$8 WÈÈ f M 3 A BRANTFORD SLATÈ. 1 .-Fibre Base. SL--First coating of Asphaltum. 3--Second coating of Asphaltum. 4-- Coating of crushed slate. Old Boys Making "Good as Messengers and Office Boys. Enter the aged office boy. Greyhaired Greyhaired telegraph messengers have for years been a common sight in the city, but not until recently, when the shortage shortage of office and errand' boys became acute, have business houses, both big and small, harried by the lack of the youngsters, resorted to the employment employment of elderly men in their stead. The head of one of the biggest printing printing and publishing houses in New York is now depending almost entirely upon elderly men for work in and out of the'bffice previously done by boys. He advertised for active, elderly men to act as messengers, etc. Fifty applications were received in the first mail, well and neatly written, proof of the ability and common sense of the applicant; The first three were engaged, engaged, and that firm " will never 1 go back to boys._ These men are paid more money, it is true, but it is also a fact that they perform their duties much more effectively ; their understanding, understanding, naturally, is better, and they are more'reliable. Looked at from a humanitarian point of view, it is giving employment to men of 50 and 60--men who have been thrown into the discard. --*--: Kind Neighbors. x "Good morning! I came to tune your piano." "Piano ? But I didn't send for you." "No, ma'am, but the neighbors said I ought to call." To cut new bread try using a knife which has been dipped in very hot water. Eczema Wash A touch of D. D. D. to any eczema sore or itching eruption and you'll be able to rest and sleep once more. Think-- just a touch! Is it worth - trying? Get a trial box today. Your money back if fhe first bottle does not relieve you, Jury & Lovell, Druggists, Bowmanville. Yesterday and To-day Wooden shingles of twenty or thirty years ago were of splendid quality, and answered the purpose very well. There was nothing better at that time. In fact n6 other roofing material was on the market. Yet who would think of putting on shingles to-day ? When the deterioration of wooden shingles became noticeable, efforts were made to. invent a roofing that would riot only be an economical and permanent substitute for wooden shingles, but one'that would outlast them in service. ' Brantford Roofing was the result. It has "made good." The secret of its success is this: First, the base is of pure, long-fibred felt which is thoroughly satùrated with asphalt or mineral pitch. The asphalt and crystal roll roofings are then thickly coated with crushed rock particles, which adhere tightly to that base, and the whole forms a permanent fireproof, wàter-tight roof. Brantford .Asphalt and Rubber Roofing are made in three different weights. Crystal is made in heavy weight onb\ and in red or green natural colors, x All three grades are pliable and well suited to either flat or steep roofs. & i'ïi. • V - ' -*• comes in rolls with protected ends. The layers do not stick together and the roofing is easily laid. It requires no painting or tarring when put on. It does not crack with the cold nor 1 melt with the summer's heat. It does not curl, split, rust or blow off. It givéà permanent weather and fire protection at a reasonably low initial cost May We send you our roofing book and samples? They will show you the real value of these roofing materials. e Brantford Roofing Company, Limited Brantford, Canada For sale by F. O. Mason 87 There are fifteen military camps in Canada, comprising 330,000 acres. The best potato soils are loose and friable, varying in --texture from a fine sandy or gravelly loam to a silt loam. The light-working soils produce produce potatoes of better quality and appearance than heavy soils, and both tubers and tops produced in such soils are freer from disease. WRIGLEY'S .«V Three of a kind JEeep them in mind As toothsome as the name implies. Delicious,long- las ting. The third of the Wrigley trio of refreshing confections. Good for teeth, breath, appetite, appetite, digestion. Sealed Tight- Kept Right I Chew H after MACS JN ON SALE WHEREVER CONFECTIONS ARE SOLD The Flavour Lasts I ÉÉÈ~- :'V*

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