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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1917, p. 5

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Boarding Houses Wanted. Any party wishing to take in boarders please notify The Goodyear Time Office. Summer Foot Comfort is possible to a .greater extent if you wear white shoes. Women's white canvas and cloth boots and pumps at prices from $1.50 to $5.00 Men's White Canvas Boot at $3.00 A complete range of 1 -FLEET FOOT" OUTING- SHOES and BOOTS for all, sizes in white, tan, blue or black at KNOX'S The Store of Quality and Service. Bowmanvllle. Phone 120. The Model Grocery Will Save Money For You Friday and Saturday May 25th and 26th The Splendid Bargains will begin to move the minute the door opens at 7 a. m. Better leave your order early. 10 bbls Granulated Sugar, "Redpatbs" 22 lb for $1.99 10 boxes Fancy Mixed Biscuits _^..2 lbs for 29c 50 lb Dutch Set Onions for planting, while they last, 17c per lb 200 lb Choice Table Butter ^42c per lb 200 lbs Lima Beans, a snap, 2 lbs for 29c 2Q0 lb Fresh Pork Sausage 2 lb for 38c 200 lb Sliced Breakfast Bacon, while it lasts 34c per lb 2 cases Holland Rusks IScperpkg 3 boxes Fig Bars, American Biscuits, try them 24c lb 5 cases Petit Pois, extra fine French Peas,. 2 cans for 29c 5 cases Campbell's Soups, asst'd flavors, 2 tins for 29c 5 cases Boy Scout Sardines 3 tins for 25c 2 cases Norwegian Sardines, in pure olive oil, 2 tins for 34c 5 bbls Rolled Oats, still advancing, 5 lbs 29c 10 cases Pineapples, 2 for 25c or $1.50 per doz. 3 bags No 1 Japan Rice, very fancy 3 lbs for 27c 10 cases Finest Canned Tomatoes, not more than 6 cans to a customer, 2 cans for 37c 50 lb English Breakfast Cofiee, in tins 25c per tin 10 cases Clover Leaf Salmon, a bargain ...29c per can 2 cases Sheriffs Marmalade, large jars, ...reg. 50c for 44c 100 lb Fresh Grd Coffee, reg 45c 39c per lb 2 cases Pancake Flour and large btl Table Syrup, one each for 39c 100 lb Choice Cooking Figs, while they last.. 2 lb for 25c i pkgs seeded for 27c ..r cases package Raisins | 2 * k * s seedless for 31c 5 cases Maccaroni, a snap, ...2 pkg for 25c 100 lb White Rice Pop Corn ;....3 lb for 24c 12 doz Jelly Powders, Pure Gold, asst'd flvrs, 3 for 25c 100 lb Cook's Gem Baking Powder, reg 40c 29c per lb W. Blake McMurtry Ltd Highest Cash Price paid for all Farm Produce. Phones Nos. 72 and 182. ' Bowmanville. BOWMAN VILLE, MAY 24 1917 List of Y. M. C. A. subscribers next week. Sunday was one of the most pleasant Spring days yet. Miss Eva Sanders, Toronto," spent the week-end at home. Trees are mostly out in leaf and vegetation vegetation is coming along. High School Entrance examinations will be held June 20--22. Rev. Dr. Crews was guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James oyer Sunday. Mr. Leonard and Miss Mae Bottrell, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Oshawa King-st., Methodists reduced their church debt $1500 last year. Mr. C. U. Peeling and family have moved from Oshawa to Cornwall. Mr. D. M. Tod, Oshawa, is President of the Dominion Bakers' Association. Don't miss "Mrs. Temple's Telegram" in the Opera House Thursday and Friday evenings. Capt. W. J. Hoar of the 252nd Batt., Lindsay, was home over the week-end on final leave. Mr. J. B. Tinning, travelling Passenger Agent of the C. P. R. was in town Thursday Thursday and gave us a call. Miss Nellie Pattinson, Domestic Science Teacher, Technical School, Toronto, spent the week-end at home. Bowmanville and district enjoyed a grand rainfall on Friday but it did not extend as far west as Oshawa. District Meeting of Bowipanville District District was held in the Methodist Church here Tuesday. Report next week. Rev. Dr. George Coulson Workman, Toronto, attended District Meeting here Tuesday, guest of Mr. M. A. James. The returned soldiers of Whitby Military Military Hospital will give a Minstrel Show in the Opera House May 31st at 8 p.. m. Miss Peters was in Port Hope last week visiting her niece, Miss Peters who is sick in the hospital suffering wtth typhoid typhoid fever'. Men'sand Boys' Ready-to-Wear Suits and Rain Coats in all sizes and qualities at Couch, Johnston & Crvderman's Limited. Limited. No better value anywhere. The paper is issued earlier than usual this week owing to Victoria Day being on our publication day. Late correspondence correspondence will appear next week. A violent electrical storm passed over this district Saturday about. 6 p.m. and lightning struck several buildings with destructive results in the Province. Oshawa people come regularly to Bowmanville to deal, many of them, and now Oshawa firms are advertising for Clarke and Darlington trade' Funny, isn't it ? Mrs. (Rev.) W. H. Montgomery, Chip- pa wa, Ont., arrived on Tuesday to spend a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. P. Gordanier.--Napanee Beaver. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Walker, Port Hope, announce the engagment of their daughter, Olive Claire, and Mr. Roy Edward Edward Piper, St. Catherines, the wedding to take place in St. Paul's Church in June. Annual meeting o f Bowmanville Woman's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Cecil Osborne, the Pres- sident, Friday afternoon. Every member attend. Electron of officers and other business. Mrs. F. A. Parrett and son Frank who have been here the past ten months, during during the illness and death of her mother the late Mrs. M. A. Washington, left Wednesday Wednesday for their home at Glendive, Montana. Montana. ^ Rev. W, J. Cadman, pastor of the Church of Christ, Owen Sound, a former Bowmanville pastor, delivered the pledge to the graduating class in nursing at the General and Marine Hospitals in that town. Citizens who met Prof M. E. Wright of Listowel when in Bowmanville a month ago will regret to learn that his condition of health continues quite, serious, a con-, sultation of physicians having been held last week. Congratulations to Miss Madeline M. Stephens, daughter of Mr. Geo. A. Stephens, Stephens, Deputy Reeve of Darlington, on passing passing her second year exams in Mathematics Mathematics and Physics at Toronto University standing second in first class honors. Don't miss the Returned Soldiers' concert concert in the Opera House Thursday May 31st. Entire program by the soldiers. Congratulations to Mr. Alan G. Gale on passing his first year's course at Toronto Toronto University. We are sorry to learn that since he wrote his exams he has been taken dangerously ill and has been confined confined to his bed ever siqce, his mother being in attendance on him. Who* can beat this ? One of our enterprising enterprising business men set a hen on duck eggs recently and hatched twelve good strong Black Minorca chicks. He will believe his wife after this as she told him they would hatch chicks when he set them under the hen. We are not sure after all that potatoes are the best food product to plant. We prefer the common white beans--they thrive in any kind of soil and are excellent for food, green or ripe, and require much less attention and will keep for years. Try a few hills in the spare spaces if you still have any. Plant anytime within a month. Death has claimed another of Little Britain's citizens in the person of Mr. Silas Irwin, who passed quietly away Wednesday evening Mav 9th, after a prolonged prolonged illness, at the age of 62 years and II months. The funeral took place Friday Friday afternoon to the Methodist church for service, after which the remaims were interred in the adjoining cemetrey. Mr. Lewis Irwin, Bowmanville, attended the funeral of his father. Sergt.-Major Roy E. Werry, son of Mr. Luther Werry, Montreal, and grandson grandson of Mrs. Wm. Werry, Solina, has received received from the Faculty of Law of McGill McGill University, Montreal, the degfee of Bachelor of Civil Law. As Sergt.-Major Werry is serving the Empire on Military duty the degree at Convocation was granted granted in absentia. His many friends in West Durham will be pleased to hear of his success in his chosen profession of the Law. Granulated sugar a snap--20 lbs for $175, 10 lbs for 89c. R. Snowden's. Carpet Squares in all qualities and Nairn's Linoleums in all widths at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's Limited. . We handle the famous Bayne buggies and they are good ones. See us before buying. A. W. Pickard, The Garage Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Several news items crowded out. Mother's Day-by Chas. M. Bice pa ge 2. Young men--read Editor Talks page 2. Auto Tires at the old prices at F. O. Mason's. One dozen pines and 20 lbs sugar for $3.45, a special at R. Snowden's. Heavy .rains fell Monday and Tuesday nights thoroughly soaking the ground. A good laugh is assured to all who attend attend the concert in the Opera House May 24th and 25th. Help the returned soldiers by attending the concert Thursday May 31st in the Opera House. Bowmanville stores, shops and offices will close at 12.30 p. m. Wednesdays dur- June, July and August. 18-tf Mr. Solly Solowitch pays the highest price for poultry, eggs, sweet butter, and junk of all kinds. See his advt. The annual meeting of the Farmers' and the Women's Institutes will be held at Newtonville on Friday June 22nd. Be sure and see us before buying your new tires--we can save ydif money. A. W Pickard, The Garage, Bowmanville. Having purchased à number of tires before before the advance in price we have some good bargains to offer. A. W, Pickard. Get our prices on Field Corn. We have: Compton's Early; Longfellow; Wisconsin Wisconsin oN. 7; Improved Learning; Giant White Ensilage. R. Snowdéh. Patronize Red Cross Collector --Persons who do not GIVE old papers, magazines, rags etc. to the Red Cross may sell them to L. Pike the collecter who will pay the highest prices He will be pleased with your patronage. Call at 7 Argyle St, Bowmanville, or Phone 289. Mr. R. Milton Jamieson, who has been in the repairing dept, of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., for the past two years, is opening a repair shop in Mr. T. H. Knight's show rooms, at the corner of King and Silver-sts. Bowmanville, where he will be prepared to do all kinds of tire repairing, etc. See his advt. We congratulate our town students of the College of Pharmacy, Toronto, on their success in their final examinations both of whom passed successfully--Messrs J. Ross Stutt and Fred J. Van Nest. The final year tests were considered quite severe severe but the Bowmanville boys got through without a star. Ross carried off honors. This is pineapple week at R. Snowden's. Prices $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 per dozer.. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES The competition for the Tamblyn and Galbraith prizes in Public Speaking has been postponed until Friday evening June 1st, at 8 o'clock. In the standing of Form II students published two weeks ago the name of Gladys Power was omitted, on 14 subjects her aggregate was 823 marks, which gives her an average of 58.8% and a rank of 26 in a class of 30. THE HONOR ROLL Pte. Charles Gibbard Venning, of Cartwright, Cartwright, who was reported missing, is now a prisoner in Lemberg. Killed in action--G. Eldridge, Port Hope: J. W. Garrow, Oshawa: M. W. McLean, Whitby: E. A. Bats, Whitby: A. T. Morris, Whitby: H. Darkins, Cobourg: R. H. McGill, Janetville: A. F. King, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Wounded-- J. A. Living, Bowmanville: T. Gibbs, Tyrone. Gas Poisoning--Driver M. F. Harland, Oshawa. ENNISKILLEN On Thursday May 24th at 3 p.m. a baseball game will be played between the married and single men. At 4.30 p.m. a football game is expected between Enniskillen Enniskillen and Tyrone. Supper served at 5 p.m. At 8 p.m. a high-class concert will be rendered by the following:--Miss Clarice Spencer, entertainer, Toronto; Miss Gertrude Stevens, contralto, Peter- boro, Mr. E. Franke, violinist, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Miss Shaw, Bowmanville, and Miss Young, Peterboro, accompanists. Admission: Admission: adults tea and concert 50c; tea or concert 35c, children: tea and concert 35c, tea or. concert 20c. Public cordially invited. invited. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souch, and Mrs. Alan Hayes, Hampton, at Mr. John Pye's; Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Slemon, Mrs. Thos.and Mr. Cecil Slemon, Haydon, Misses Grace Trewin and Rilda Slemon, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ed. Elliott, Cadmus, at Mr. John Slemon's; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormiston, Enfield, Mr. Hugh and Miss Marjorie Annis, Mt. Vernon, at Mr^H. J. Werry's; Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones and Dora, Whitby, Mrs. C. J.Pascoe, Toronto, at Mr. F. W. Lee's; Mr. and Mrs. Norman James and family, Mr. J. J. Mason and Miss Marion Van Nest, Bowmanville, Miss Nora Werry, Solina, at Mr. J. A. Werry's; Miss Irene Braj, Mrs. Leslie Pascoe and Mrs. John Ormiston, Enfield, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Scott and son, Bethesda, at Dr. C. W. Slemon's; Mr. Albert Gale, Misses Mary and Mildred Souch, Hampton, Mr. Frank Bray, Enfield, at Mir. Rd. Bentham's, Union; Miss Maggie Maury and friend, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wotten and family, Union, at Mr. Wm. Herring's;Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Virtue and daughter, Toronto, with relatives; Messrs. Wm. and Robt. Stewart, Cooks- ville, at Mr. Chas. Stewart's, and with their sister at the hospital; Rev. H. Wilkinson Wilkinson preached in Whitby on Sunday ... .Mr. Norman Redpath was in Toronto Toronto Mr. H. J. Werry is still suffering greatly with erysipelas... .Miss Mary Ann Stewarfis still very low at Bowmanville Bowmanville Hospital... .Mrs. W. Shaw, Ponty- pool, at Messrs. Alex. Wm. and Fred Smith's, Enfield.... Messrs. Elias. Ashton and George Preston in the city....A Bible Society meeting addressed by Rev. W. E. Hassard, Toronto, was held in the Presbyterian Church Monday evening.... League service is withdrawn this week ... .Anniversary services on Sunday were very successful. Good music by the school while Rev. A. H. Foster, Whitby, delighted his two large audiences with his earnest, fluent and forceful addresses. This is Mr. Foster's first appearance here but he will be very welcome again. Collections Collections over $22....Mr. Poole of Y. M. C.A., Toronto, will 'deliver an address here on May 30th to the boys on the farms, when "service buttons" will be distributed. Public welcome. Window Screens and Doors at F. O, Mason's. Ohoice potatoes at $4.25 per bag at R. Snowden's, notices of Births SO cents 1 Marriages BO cents vDeaths, BO cents, each Insertion. When fnnerel cards are printed at thla office. Insertion free. MARRIAGES. Hawley--Jones--At Oshawa Rectory, May 15, by Rev, C R.' dePencier, Miss Jessie Amelia Jones and Mr. James Hawley, all of Oshawa. Hall--McGregor--At Knox Manse, Swift Current, Sask., by Rev. Dr, Nichol, April 30th, Rupert Henry Hall, son of Mr. and . Mrs. Wm. Hall, King-st. East, Oshawa, and Miss Martha Beatrice McGregor, Regina, Sask. DEATHS Lbask--In Leaskdale, May 19th, George Leask, Sr„ in his 96th year. Chapman--In Clarke, May 16th, Amanda Morey, Morey, relict of the late John Chapman, aged 83 years. Hosken--Charlotte Pelham, wife of Rev. B. S. Hosken, formerly rector at Fenelon Falls and Cartwright. Tamblyn--At the residence of W^"6. Hawthorne, Hawthorne, Moorish, May 16th, Lavinia Tamblyn, in her 83rd year. Clark--In Whitby Township, May 18tb, Samuel Samuel Allin, son of Samuel A. and Margaret Clark, aged 2 years and 2 mos. Interred in Bowmanville Bowmanville cemetery. "Lest We Forget" E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., In Granite and Marble, Bowmanville, Ontario. NOTICE During DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE'S absence with the Canadian Expeditionary Expeditionary Force his Dental Office will be conducted by J. j» CRAIG, L D. S., D. D* S., Honor Graduate in Dentistry of Toronto University. Bowmanville - Ontario Office Phone 40. House Phone 16 B O Y OR MAN WANTED--For delivery. C. M. "Cawker & Son, Bowmanville. Phone 64. 21-tf G G IRL WANTED for light housework. Good wages. Apply to Drawer B, Bowmanville. 10-t ENERAL SERVANT WANTED--At once. Apply to Mrs. E. W. Loscombe, "The Elms", Bowmanville. 21-tf W ANTED--Dwelling house, 6 or 7 rooms, with garden, centrally situated. Fall possession will do. Apply to H, Drawer B, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. - 21-2w P IGS FOR SALE--26 young Sows in pig for sale cheap. The best that money can buy; also 50 young pigs. JOHN Mackay Co., Bowmanville. Phone 6. 21-lw H ORSE FOR SALE--Horse, Buggy, Cutter and Harness. $100 for outfit or will sell separately. separately. Apply to A. W. Pickard, The Garnie. Garnie. age, Bowmanville. 17-tf P EARL BROOCH LOST--In town on Sunday last, a pearl brooch. Supposed to be on Silver or King-st. Finder return to Mitchell's Mitchell's Drug Store. 20-tf G IRLS WANTED--3 Dining Room and HaU girls for Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby; also a cook, oy June 15th, Apply to Mrs, R. W. Woodsworth, Matron. 21-2w F OR SALE--A new Bungalow, on Elgin-st, jtist north of the bridge $ acre land. An elegant home for someone. Apply to J. H. Varcoe, or Norman Pingle, town. 20-tf H IGHEST PRICE PAID-For scrap and metal, also poultry and eggs by the Bowmanville Bowmanville Iron <S Metal Co. Joe Kosenvolt, Proprietor,. Proprietor,. 7 Argyle-st, or phone 289. 17 D OG FOUND--Came to my home, Concession street, Sunday evening, a dog. Owner may have same by paying expenses and proving pioperty. Foster Snowden, Bowmanville. M ECHANICS WANTED--Body builders, cabinet cabinet makers, trimmers, painters and handy men for various departments. Chevrolet Motor Co'r of Canada Ltd., Oshawa, Out. 21-2w O LD FALSE TEETH--Bought in any condition. $1.00 per set or seven cents per tooth. Cash by return mail. R. A. Copeman, 2579a Esplanade Esplanade Avenue, Montreal, P. Q. 16-13w* W ELL DIGGING. OUTFIT--For sale, roller and stand, 2 buckets, one large and one small, nearly new, 40 ft of chain, 2 shovels and pick, also 3 sets of light driving harness in first class shape. Apply to Thos. Percy at the Blacksmith Shop. 21-lw F OR SALE--Five dwelling houses, corner King and Brown streets, Bowmanville, the property property of the late Mrs. Wm. Rowe, (known as the Westcott property). Will be sold en bloc or separate. separate. Any reasonable terms may be made to suit purchasers. Apply to L. A. W, Tole, real estate, agent, Bowmanville. 50-tf H OUSE FOR SALE--That desirable brick residence residence on Centre-st, containing six rooms and two large halls, heated by furnace, hard and soft water in kitchen, tine cellar, electric lighted, good garden. Soldvery reasonably for immediate sale. Apply to Alex. Colville, corner Centre and Concessionsts., Bowmanville. . 45-tf S UITCASE LOST--On Saturday, between Toronto Toronto and Blackstock, one tan suit case containing containing varions things, clothing, purse, wrist- watch, money, etc. Special sentiment attached to purse and watch. Substantial reward to the finder. Kindly notify or return tô R. A. Pink, Blackstock, or T. C. Stewart, 1368 King-st., W., Toronto, Ont. 20-tf. Port Darlington Harbor Co-, Annual Meeting. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual GENERAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the Port Darlington Harbor Company will be held at the office of the Company, Port Darlington, Darlington, Town of Bowmanville, on Monday, the Fourth day of June, 1917, at the hour of FOUR O'CLOCK in the afternoon for the election of Directors for the said Company for ensuing year and for transaction of such business as may come before the meeting. J. A. McClellan, Secretary. Dated at Bowmanville, May 16th, 1917. 20-2w Township of Darlington Court of Revision and Appeal. Notice is hereby given that the first sittings of the Court of Revision for the Township-of Darlington Darlington will be held at the Town Hall, in the village village of Hampton on Saturday, May 26th, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., to hear and determine the several complaints and omissions in the As sessment Roll for the said Municipality for the year 1917. All persons having business at the Court are requested to attend as aforesaid. W. R. ALLIN, Clerk of the Township of Darlington. Dated at Hampton the 14th day of May, 1917. 20-2w Town of Bowmanville Court of Revision and Appeal NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the first sittings of the Court of Revision for the Town of Bowmanville will be held in the Council Room, Town Hall Building, on Tuesday, June 5th, 1917, at the hour of 7.80 p. m., to hear and determine the several complaints and omissions in the Assessment Roll for the said Municipality for the year 1917. All persons having business at the Court are requested to attend as aforesaid. * JOHN LYLE, Clerk of the Town of Bowmanyüle. Dated at Bowmanville-, the 26th day May, 1917. - 21-2w GIFTS FOR THE - * JUNE BRIDE The Wedding month of June will soon be here, and,we offer a few suggestions of what the Bride is sure., to wish for. Jewellry--Who. does not treasure a ring, a pin, a necklace, à watch, which has been received as a gift at a certain time --especially if it be Wedding time ? Then we have a splendid assortment of Flatware in Community Silver plate and Rogers 1847 plate. These are the best made and the priées are right. Our line of Hollowware, such Casseroles, Bread Trays, Baker's Pie Tray, (just to mention a few) are all iÿt the newest and most beautiful designs. £» Before deciding on your gift come in and see us and we T will he pleased to show.you our stock. ' ALEX ELLIOT I Watchmaker Successor to C. H. Haddy Jeweler Phone 88 Engraving Free il it lit tffiii tfin jjfit ijfi in jit jt ar m From the Cheapest that is Good to the Best that is Mined Is the kind of Coal we carry. Better order your Coal early and be sure of your winter supply. No order is too small or none too great to receive our prompt attention. Lehigh Valley Coal " the kind that satisfies All orders will receive our best attention John A. Holgate & Son Office and Yards, cor. Queen and Division Streets. Telephone No. 153 office. House Phone 202. Bowmanville, Ont. The Ladies' Store Have you seen ouri'entrancing display of high class novelties in Ladies Spring ::Suits, Coats, Skirts and Waists. We believe without exception we are showing this Spring the most attractive assortment of these garments it has ever been your privilege to see in Bowmanville. Our Dress Goods department also abounds with the latest and most desirable weaves of every description. description. We kindly invite your inspection. Telephone 106 > • S. W. Mason & Son Next door to Standard Bank Bowmanville

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