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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1917, p. 7

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The Canadian Statesman and The Bowxan- mlle News are published every Thursday and Friday morning, respectively, at The Statesmaji Office, James Block, 26 and 27 Kinglet. West. Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada. M. A. James & Eons, Publishers and Proprietors, at $1.60 per annum, payable in advance; $2.00 after first three months. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M.D„ C.M- BowMJurvrc.M, - owt. C 'X OLD MEDALIST OP TRINITY 1 ve rarity. Toronto. Four Attending Physician and Surgeon at ML Carmel Hospital. Pittsburg, Ka Office and Residence, Wellington St Telephone No. 108. GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barristers sad Solicitors, Vo't&ri.M ynMlô« /. K. GOODMAN, D. C. GALBRAITH 508 Lumsden Bldg., Yonge & Adelaide Streets, Toronto, Ontario. J. T. ALLEN, TAILOR At Rear of Standard Bank BOWMANVILLE J. T. Allen announces that he now makes iuits-to order at lowest prices. Ladies' suits cleaned and pressed. Gentlemen's suits altered, repaired, cleaned and pressed. pressed. All work guaranteed and prices right. Give the old reliable -tailor a trial. Hard to Drop^Meat? All depends on what you eat as a substitute. It is a good time to study "food value." You Tnay be eating the wrong foods, the foods that cost most and give the least nutriment. Shrédded Wheat Biscuit contains THRIFT AND PRODUCTION. They Will Prove a ' Bulwark of Strength To Our Empire. Thrift is the handmaid of production. production. Of what avail would lavish, pro- ; duction be without the strong restraining restraining power of thrift? A fight-, ing force in action, unsupported by reserves, reserves, is like a runner whp exhausts, himself by an ill-judged spurt,. and when he most needs it finds his re- to which is fixed a segment of .black glazed leather cut in a particular form. One sheepskin provides about five linings ; for making three million helmets about six hundred thousand skins have been used. The lining projects projects a little below the helmet, so that the metal in no place cornés into contact contact with the wearer's head. NEW READINGS OF OLD WORLD. Out of Present Turmoil Will Come a Future of Joy and Peace. Here are a few pertinent questions. Is it possible that Germany's infallible efficiency as crystallized in her army is doomed to failure? Will England's insuperable navy be conquered, by the submarine? Will the "France of "fashion and. frivolity" be known 1 hereafter as the land of sobriety and heroic endurance ? Will the United YOUNG WOMEN MAY AVOID PAIN Need Only Trust to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Compound, says Mrs. Kurtzweg. Buffalo, N.Y.--" My daughter, whose picture is herewith, was much troubled iwith pains in her back and sides every month and they would sometimes be so bad that it would seem like acute inflammation inflammation of some organ. She read your advertisement in the newspapers and tried Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Vegetable Compound. She praises it highly as she has been relieved of all these pains by its use. All mothers should know of this remedy, and all young girls who suffer should try it. "--Mrs. Matilda Kurtzweg, 529 High St, Buffalo, N. Y. Young women who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, headache, dragging-down sensations, fainting spells or indigestion, should take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Thousands have been restored restored to health by this root and herb remedy. X If you kn ow-uL an y young worn worn an'who is sick aXd needs helpful helpful advice, ask her to write to the Lvdia E.Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Only women will receive her letter, and it will he held in strictest confidence. serve strength gone. What a reserve, more real, body-building force is to an army and reserved j iv-- Tvuinrl strength is to a runner the product of nûtrimefït, pound for pound, thrift is to the individual and the nathan nathan meat, egg8 or . potatoes. t | oti in time of dire need, and costs much less. Two . From "one end of Canada to the of these Biscuits with nillk women> an d even children, have begun and a little fruit make a a campaign of production which is ex- nourishing meal at a cost of ,hunting ytoie of, Fly PoiSOIVS Attract a few cents. Make Shredded jequal ardor! energy and' FUeS àlld Babies St !- tes ' digal t son in Iw^'may Wheat your "meat." A satis-; determination, let n, learn the leseon WgWgffiWK Sueted'wld ftom its e^ fying breakfast on which to lamil yf social and national thrift. ! "nberance? Will Rus8ia, its monstrous Start the day's work. . It IS Thrift in each of the varied and com-1 . autoçraey dead, set a luminous plex ways in which we live and move I f."P le . of fZZtZi h.^an hbertV-" and have our being; thrift in what we tskts PubllQ tions join a league of human liberty . eat or drink; thrift in what we buy ! Will you and I forgo luxury and sel- or sell; thrift in the things we use - to practice the Golden Rule? . ,, 1 ana owü* toth. rassmbUiice of »rs.nfc»l polKmlag to mmiMi dlarrh» an* , Tiipqp ClUestlOnS aT6 UPPermOSt the very clothes we wear. Thrift in „boi.T»Ufmtum.n î.beiured iob r■■■'j• Lneae 4 ue ® , . J , . - .. eomprlM the total. Arwalcal fly-d.itroying d.rioM must b. raUd as cx- ' .v, „tVo minJs a nr) ovpnt.S (1»V 1 the sunshine of prosperity, that we tr.ro.l£dant«rou,, tixl should Mil! b« used, «T.n If oth.r Bulml ere no» may be prepared and seasoned for the , *' T ^ e on< , gafe, sure, non-poisonous, efficient fiy ready-cooked and ready-to- eat. Made in Canada. Cr An Up-to-date Costume Don't let it run too long, it will lead to chronic indigestion. In the meanwhile you suffer from miserable, sick headaches, nervousness, nervousness, depression depression and sallow complexion.!ust try CHAMBERLAIN'S STOMACH & LIVER m TABLETS. They re- 1 lieve fermentation, ' indigestion -- gently but rarely cleanse the system and keep the stomach and liver In perfect running: order. At ill drattists, 25c., er by *i3 fre* 11 Chamberlain Medicine Co.. Toronto Foulard figures among the smart silks for summer this year, and the polka-dot pattern is especially favored. favored. The bolero dress illustrated is developed in this silk. Highly up to date is this model with the short bolero and straight skirt attached to a yoke belt. McCall Pattern No. _ 781b, Ladies' Bolero. Dress; round or instep length. In 6 sizes; 34 to 44 bust. Price, 20 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer or from trying times thàt are bound to come when we will feel the pinch of adversity. adversity. Let the rich màn --as well as the poor man--study and practice thrift. No selfish, miserly thrift however, but wise, timely and patriotic tWift, worthy of the Canadian name--that will prove a bulwark of strength to our-Empire, our allies, and a staunch support to the fighting cause of justice justice and freedom. ST. VITUS DANCE Even the Most Severe Cases Can be Cured by Dr. Williams' Pink PUls. Is your child fidgety, restless or irritable irritable ? Are the hands shaky or the arms jerky ? Does the face twitch ? Do the. legs tremble or drag ? These are signs of St. Vitus Dance, a nervous disease which is confined Chiefly to young children, but which often affects highly-strung women, and sometimes men. St. Vitus Dance is caused by disordered nerves, due to poor blood, and is always cured by the use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills, which fill the veins with new, rich, red blood, stengthen- ing the nerves,, and thus drawing out the disease. Here is proof:--A^rs. John A. Gumming, Lower Caledonia, N.S., says:--"When my daughter Myrtle was about nine years of age she became afflicted with St. Vitus Dance. The trouble ultimately became became so bad that she could not hold anything in her hands, and had to be fed like a child. She could not even which catches the fly and embalms it and all the deadly germs It carries In n thick coating of varnish. (107) Made in Canada by THE 0. & W. THUM COMPANY, WalkerviUe, Ont. American Address: Grand Rapids, Mich. passed on to the next house. The handbill contained printed orders that every member of the household must rise and dress immediately, pack up a couple of blankets, a change of linen, a pair of stout boots, a spoon and fork, and a few other small articles and be ready for the second visit in half an hoqr. "When the officer returned the family family were marshalled before him, and he picked out those whom he wanted with a curt, 'You will come, 'And you,' 'And you.' Without even time for leave-taking the selected victims were paraded in the street and marched to a mill on the outskirts of the town. There they were imprisoned for three days without any means of communication communication with friends or relatives, all herded together indiscriminately and given but the barest modicum of food. Then, like so many cattle, they were sent away to an unknown fate." in men's minds, and events day unto day will answer them. The .only one we can answer now is the last; the others will be answered when and in the way God sees best. There is something new under the sun every time is rises. History is in a fluid state. So are men's opinions. War itself cannot efface the record and the promise of human life upon this confused confused and busy planet.'" The eye of faijbh' serenely looks beyond the hideous hideous turmoil to the age that must arrive arrive when the law of love shall be paramount and the character of an individual individual or of a people shall be seen and known for what it is. walk across the floor without help. She was treated for some time by a physician, but did not show any improvement. improvement. One day a neighbor said she had read of a case of St. Vitus He Knows Just Why He Admires AMICABLE ADJUSTMENT. Between Britain and Argentine Regarding Regarding Whéat Embargo. - The^ diplomatic quarrel between Argentine Argentine and Britain over Argentine's wheat embargo has been settled. The two nations have reached an agreement whereby Argentine agrees to send to Britain and the Allies 180,- 000 tons of wheat and 20,000 tons of flour. In return Britain contracted to forward to Argentine at a later date 200,000 tons of wheat from Qanada, Australia and elsewhere. Delivery of the British wheat is to be between July and September. Presuniàblyx/thé Argentine wheat wilTbe sent to Britain Britain at once. Argentine's wheat embargo was instituted instituted because of apprehension- of her Government officials that the tempting prices offered for export trade would drain "the republic of grain. The crop just harvested was a disappointment, and it was feared thé nation faced a serious situation. - BABY'S OWN* TABLETS OF GREAT VALUE Mrs. J. A. Lagace, Ste. Perpetue, Que., writes:--"Baby's Own Tablets have been of great value to me and I would strongly recommend them to other mothers." Thousands of other mother» say the same thing. They have become convinced through actual use of the Tablets that nothing can equal them in regulating the bowels and stomach ; driving out constipation and indigestion; breaking up colds and simple fevers ; expelling worms and curing colic. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. * -- _ Tactful Father. "Father," said Clementina, "do you enjoy hearing me sing?" "Well," *was the answer, "I know but it's rather soothing in a way. It makes me forget my other other troubles." ROYAL M4PF IN CANADA > Z U <r V MAKrs ;/ PFRFFCI BREAD YEÂST Certain chemists are endeavoring to adapt the horse chestnut to the human dietary. The nuts are more, than half starch and sugar, with some protein and fat, and are nutritious. Their value chiefly depends on the elimination elimination of the bitter elements and the irritating irritating saponin-like glucosides. mswsPAgB»» fob bai»b P ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale In good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Full information on application to Wilson Publishing Company, Company, 73 Adelaide Street. Toronto. lnscEMjurBOtra I CYCLES, NEW AND SECOND . Send for special Cycle "Works. 411 13 Hand. $12.00 up. price list. Varsity Spadlna Ave- Toronto. C ANCER, TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC., internal and external, cured without without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Colllngwood. Ont AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE -( A-i n CADILLAC IN A*/ LD ntng condition, tire. Price $250. GOOD RUN- Has spare Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured Mrs. Mercredi. MAKING STEEL HELMETS. The McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, | Dance cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Dept, W. V -v>-- TAKE THESE Codfish for Bindings. A bookhinder"*at Bremen is using codfish skin as a substitute for leather in bookbindings. The new material is said to give excellent results, results, and it has many advantages over shark-skin, which has frequently frequently been used for de luxe bindings. The strength and durability of the new material have been tested and approved -by the Imperial Testing Office. Office. It is easy to work, literally untearable, and has the beautiful markings of snake-skin. 71 Grenville St., Toronto, Ont. Toronto's Select Family Hotei. Centrally located just off Yonge Street. Convenient to Shopping and Theatre district. Bates: American Plan-- $2.50 up per day. L, p. I Single, SI.25up per day. Europeaji flan - £) ou ble, SI- 50 up per day. Wri'e for Descriptive Booklet. Wood's PfcospliodiM, The Great English Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole nervou? system,' makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility, Alental and Brain Worry, Despondency,' Despondency,' Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Ecart, Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, six for $5 One will please, six will cure. Bold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on ««JP 1 S rice. Nctc pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD I ED I Cl NE CO., T0I0MT0, ONl. (F*r«rijWi«iur.) Experimenting. It is surprising how" ignorant girls can be at times. They should all know what a kiss means, but they often insist on having it repeated. ' Salt should never remain in anything anything rubber. It causes the rubber to rot. In all countries. Ask for our INVEN TOR'S AD VISER, which will be sent free. MARION & MARION, 364 University St,, Montréal, Seagulls are undoubtedly weather prophets. Dwellers on the coast have noticed that when certain winds begin begin to blow the gulls collect-in large flocks and fly to the fields nr circ'e high over the land, screaming all the while uneasily. After such demonstrations demonstrations it is said that a rainstorm is certain to follow. THE LIFTUP Pills, and we decided to give this medicine a trial. By the time the third box was used there was some improvement in her condition, and we continued giving her the pills for about a month longer when she was entirely cured, and has not since had the least return of the trouble. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be obtained obtained from any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -4- F.OLICY OF ENSLAVEMENT. (Patented) BIAS FILLED CORSETS The Support You Need and Just Where You Need It. All the latest styles of corsets to suit apy figure. jf your dealer cannot supply you, write us direct for catalogue and measuring form. Repreeentatlves Wanted BIAS CORSETS LIMITED 37 BBITA32T ST. TOBONTO. Deliberate Plan of the Germans in Occupied Occupied Countries. Mr. J. P. Whitaker, an Englishman, who recently effected his escape from Roubaix, and arriving at Copenhagen, gives an interesting account o^his remarkable remarkable experiences behind the German German lines?" "Enslavement is part of the deliber- , ate policy of the Germans iri France. It began by the taking of hostages at the very outset of their possession of ,■ N Rorbaix," said Mr. Whitaker. | ** "A number of. the leading men in j the civic business life of the town, were marked out and compelled to | attend by turns at the town hall . to . he shot on the spot at the least sign ; of revolt among the townspeople," continued Mr. Whitaker. "Not a few of the mill owners were ordered to weave cloth for the invad- j ers, and on their refusal were sent. to Germany and held to ransom. Many j ^ of the mill operatives, quite young girls, were directed to sew sandbags for the derm an trenches. They, too, refused, but, the Germans had their own ways of dealing with what they regarded as juvenile obstinacy. They dragged the girls to a disused moving moving picture hall, and kept them there without food» and water - until their will was broken. "Barbarity reached its climax in the so-called 'deportations.' They were just slave raids, brutal and undisguised. undisguised. "The procedure was this: The.town was divided into districts. At three o'clock in the morning a cordon of troops would be drawn round a dis trict--the Prussian Guard and especially, especially, I believe, the 69th Regiment, played a great part in this diabolical crime--and officers and non-commissioned non-commissioned officers would knock at every door until the household was roused. A handbill, about octavo (note-paper) size, was handed in< and the • officer Special Sort of Material Needed for the Purpose. The steel helmets adopted by the French and British weigh from one and a quarter to one and a half pounds each. The materials used, says the Sphere, consist of plates of steel for the convex helmet and for the visor and neck" piece, leather and cloth for the lining, and aluminium for the waving plaquettes that form the springs between the lining and the interior interior surface of the steel. The rolled-steel plate has to be supple supple enough to be worked cold, as heating heating would lessen its resisting qualities. qualities. That requirement compels the -manufacturers to use a special steel obtained from very pure castings that are free from phosphorus or sulphur. The helmets are coated, with a dull gray similar to that used on the 75- millimetre gun, which is difficult to distinguish even.at a short distance. In painting them, the manufacturers use a spraying process that has the advantage advantage of being very rapid and of giving n6 inequality of surface. To add to the permanence of the paint they suspend the helmets on bars in a gas drying oven. The lining consists of a cloth cap, She Had Been III Two Years and Could Find No Cure. That's Why Her Husband Is Enthusiastic Over Dodd's Kidney Pills. Fort Smith, Alberta, May 21st (Special)--^Among all the thousands of Canadians who praise Dodd's Kidney Pills for the good they have done there is no more fervent admirer of the great kidney remedy than Isidore Mercredi, Mercredi, of this place. "Yes, it always gives me pleasure to say - a good word for Dodd's Kidney Pills," Mr. Mercredi says. "My wife was sick for two years. We could not find anything to restore her to health. Then we found a pamphlet telling of several persons who had been cured by Dbdd's Kidney Pills. "My wife used just two boxes of them and she is perfectly well, to the great surprise of all our neighbors. They can tell you the same thing. I cannot recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills enough." Dodd's Kidney Pills are the greatest of all remedies for Weak, suffering women. They cure the kidneys. The kidneys are the root of nine-tenths of women's ills. Moreover, cured kidneys mean pure clear blood all over the body. That means good health everywhere. everywhere. A Pill that Proves its Value -- Those of weak stomach will find strength in Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, because they serve to maintain the healthful action action of the stomach and the liver, irregularities irregularities in which are most distressing. Dyspeptics are well acquaintei with them and value them at their proper worth. Thev have afforded relief when other preparations have failed, and have effected effected cures in ailments of long standing where other medicines were found unavailing. unavailing. H udson. i9i6 model, e cylin- der, 7 Passenger Touring Car. Elec- don't i trie lights and starter. Recently overhauled overhauled and newly painted. Tires in good shape. Price $1,300. __ H udson, 1915 model, .6 cyltn- der, 7 Passenger Touring Car, with electric lights and starter. - Thoroughly overhauled in our shop -and newly painted. painted. Seat covers on all seats and doora. Oversize tires. Price $1,200. H udson, model 37, 5 passenger, 4 cylinder Touring Car. Electric lights and starter, in good running, order and newly painted. Looks like a new car. Price $650, - P AIGE SEDAN. A VERY FINE looking closed car seating lio-Vits nnri starter, als windows Definitions. A philosophe! is a man who can bear, another's troubles with equanimity. equanimity. A philanthropist is a man who tells others where to give their money. A pacifist is a man who permits others to fight his battles. Jj" UPSON. five. Electric lights and starter, also inside dome light. Nearly all the open, which gives ample ^ventilation for summer driving. Price $700- ^ Jl,, MODEL 33~ 5 PASSEN- ger, 4 cylinder Touring Car. in good running order, at a special price, $350. H udson 1913 model "54." a high powered, six cylinder, 5 passenger Touring Car. In good running order and looks like new. Price $750. S TUDEBACKER, SEVEN PASSEN- ger, 4 cylinder Touring Car. in good running order. Tires in good shape. This car was painted this year and looks very nice. Price $350. J ACKSON. 5 PASSENGER. 4 CYLIN- der Touring Car. Has electric lights and starter, good tires, and is a bargain j at the price, $300. . | T>US3ELL, 3 PASSENGER CABRIO- : let. A very handsome closed car, I suitable for a doctor. Price $1,000- Mlnard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. Papa's Haircut. A woman said to a little boy with \ We only sell used cars after the pur- his hair bobbed in his neck, "Franklyn, | ^as^^ia^had a. ^^^^ng^uaH- when are you going to have your hair cut like papa's?" "I don't want my hair cut like papa's" he replied, "with a hole in the top." "What dirty hands, you have, Had ship's anchor fall on my knee and leg, and knee swelled up and for six days I could not move it or get ties of the car he is buying. Call at our showroom next time you are in Toronto and let our salesmen show you any or our used cars and give you a demonstration. demonstration. THE DOMINION AUTOMOBILE CO., Limited 146-150 Bay Street. Toronto, Ont. -o--o--o--o- WITH GOOD LIVING is excellently attained attained by adding to the daily menu a ration of Grape-Nuts Goodness--Energy---Ease Goodness--Energy---Ease of Digestion--Excel Digestion--Excel lent Flavor--are all found in this truly remarkable wheat and barley food. An Italian grape-grower accidentally accidentally discovered that the presence of tomato tomato plants in his vineyard made short- work of the phylloxera, with which his vines .were infested. This insect destroys both the root and the stem of the grape-vine. Johnny," said his teacher. "What 1 , help. I then started to use MUSTARD'S would you say if I oazne to school that LINIMENT way?" "I wouldn't say nothin'," re- PROSPER FERGUSON, plied Johnny, "I'd be too polite." An Oil That is Famous--Though Canada was not the birth-place of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, it is the home of that famous compound. From here its good name was spread to Central and South America, the West Indies, Australia Australia and New Zealand. That is far afield enough to attest its excellence, for in all these countries it is on sale and in demand. Corns cannot exist when Holloway's Corn Cure is applied to them, because i goes to the root and kills the growth. One of the largest retaining walls in the world has been built at Rangoon, Rangoon, Burmah, to prevent a river shifting shifting its channel. Miller's Worm Powders are sweet and palatable to children, Wlio show no hesitancy hesitancy in taking them. They will certainly certainly bring all worm troubled to an end. They are a strengthening and stimulating medicine, correcting the disorders of digestion that the worms cause and imparting imparting a healthy tone to the system most beneficial to development.^ YES ! MAGICALLY ! CORNS LIFT OUT WITH FINGERS .. -Q--- O C You say to the drug store man, "Give me a small bottle of freezone." This will cost very little but will positively remove every hard or soft corn or callus callus from one's feet. A few drops of this new ether, compound compound applied directly upon a tender, aching corn relieves the soreness instantly, instantly, and soon the entire corn or callus, root and all, dries up and can be lifted off with the fingers. This new way to rid one's feet of corns was introduced by a Cincinnati man, who says that freezone dries in a moment, and simply; shivels up the corn, or callus without irritating the surrounding skin. Don't let father die of infection or lockjaw from whittling at his corns, but clip this out and make him try it. The condition of the war sufferers is : jf y OUr druggist hasn't any freezone pitiful, but it will be a still more piti- bim to order a small bottle from ful figure for history to record if those hlg -wholesale drug house for you. - , . , . , i who can fail to give that others might i : A windbreak is desirable whereever. " 6 j. an orchard is exposed to strong winds, 1 hut it should be at least 30 feet from the orchard,. Mlnard'B Liniment usea "by FfeyBlcian». Interviewer: "What must a maffdo, doctor, to attain a ripe old age?" Doctor: "Live." , After the Movies Nothing as Good for Asthma.-- Asthma remedies come and go but every year the sales of the original Dr. J. D. Kellogg Asthma Remedy grow greater and greater. No further evidence could be asked of its remarkable merit. It relieves. relieves. It is always of the same unvarying unvarying quality wnich the sufferer from asthma asthma learns to know. Do not suffer another another attack, but get this splendid remedy to-day. . Two Eyes for a Litetime Murine is for Tired Byes. Red Byes -- Sore Byes -- Granulated Byellds. Rests --Refreshes -- Restores. Murine is a Favori teTreat- nient for eyes that feel dry and smart. Give your Byes as much of your loving care as your Teeth and with the same regularity. Care for Them. You Cannot Buy New Eyes' Sold at Drug and Optical Stores or by Mail. ASk Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. lor Free Bco.; "Clean All 1 ss BOILER QDmpOUNP For All Boiler Fçed VT alors Cyclone Staking and Dumping Grate • Bara for all requirements Canadian Steam Boiler Equipment i o.. l.l rlt d Tel. Garrard 3660 20 McGee St. - Toronto Unpreparedness for peace will be nothing short of criminal madness. Keep Minard's Liniment in th.8 house. Camphorated chalk will remove grease spots from wall paper. If an article has been scorched in ironing, wet in cold water and lay where the bright sunshine will fall directly on it. . This will take the mark entirely out. MONEY ORDERS Remit by Dominion Express Money Order. If lost or stolen, you get your money back. Keeping Your Friends. Don't, .expect to keep your friends if you give them away. Ask for Mlnard's and take no other. BOOK ON [DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc 11B West 31st Street, New York The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the t ï i f ^ e « i 1 3 J OTTO PIANO V" f) ISSUE No. 21--17.

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