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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1917, p. 8

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~r x The answer is "Deal at Onr Store." We have a choice lot of Groceries, the best the market produces and we are selling at prices in many cases not touched by war conditions. Here are a few of the many good things we have that makes it worth your while to favour us with your custom : 100 lbs Granulated Sugar $9.00 20 lb Granulated Sugar £1.80 2 lb Prunes 25c 3 Packages of Jellies 25c 2 cans Peas 25c 1 gallon Maple Syrup, $1.75 4 lb Good Rice,.... 25c 1 lb Red Rose Tea ...40c 1 lb Tlipton Tea, 40c 2 packages Maccaroni 25c l bottle Olives 10c Extracts, 3 bottles 25c 3 packages Handy Ammonia 25c Brooms ' 50c Don't forget we have fresh Fish every week. Highest Cash Prices paid for. new laid Eggs, Butter ° and all Farm Produce, HARRY ALLIN Phone 186 Bowmanville Bread Goes Up. 12c per Single Loaf Owing to the advance in the price çf flour we are compelled to raise the price of our bread to 12c per Single Loaf. Hot from the Oven with all"its fragrant freshness is the way early callers get our bread. If you cannot come to us we will come to you. Order us to leave a loaf or more at your. house daily. We will be there in plenty of time for dinner which our delicious bread is bound to make more enjoyable than evei. Thomas Tod Baker ând Confectioner Phone 3, Bowmanville •...-v v --■ v WallPapers Although the price of papers has greatly- increased, increased, we still have dainty and up-to-date designs for 8c per roll and upwards. Suitable for any room. , BOWMANVILLE, MAY 24, 19 L7 BN FIELD A Memorial Service will be held at Enfield Methodist Church on Sunday May 27th at 2.30 p.m. for Pte. Chaç. Wesley Wotten who laid down his life atVimy I Ridge on April 9th. Orangemen of Enniskillen Lodge will be present in a. body. Orangemen are invited to join I them in honoring their fallen hero. Farmers--See F. O. Mason's notice. FARMERS NOTICE. W. T. ALLEN Big 20 Bookstore - - Boojmaribtlle TYRONE Visitors: Miss Mary Crydermany Bowmanville, Bowmanville, recently visited at Mr.-A. E.- Clemens'; Miss Greta Oke, Bowmanville, spent the week-end at home; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gully, Bowmanville, at Mr. Thos. Woodley's; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wight, Mr. Alex. Wight and Misses Effie and Ella Wiftht, Providence, at Mrs. Wm. Wight's; Miss Ettie Jamieson, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, with Miss Maud Virtue; - Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Souch, Bowmanville, at Mr. Albert Hawkey's; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Virtue and Misses Sadia and Laura Virtue, Enniskillen, visited at Mr. Alexander Staples; Mr.and Mrs. Wrightson Wight, Bowmanville, at Mr. Harry Collacott's; Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Collacott, Salem, at Mr. Levi Skinner's; Miss Verna Jewell, Bowmanville, Mrs. ; Jos. Wight and Mr. Fred Wight, Providence, at Mrs. G. Phare's; Mr. and Mrs. \ > ill Riddell, Mr. I and Mrs. Ball, Orono, at Mr. Will Virtue's; Miss Mabel Wight, Bowmanville, at home ... "Anniversary services on Sunday were a splendid success. Lieut. John H. Garden Garden addressed the children in the morning on "Habits" and in the evening the older people on "Prayer". Music was provided by the - school. Collections arid subscriptions amounted to $85- See F. O. Mason's notice elsewhere, j Improve your rugs by applying Chi- | Namel around the border. Only at W. H. Dustan's Farmers, if you want a new Buggy see Mason & Dale Hardware before purchas- | ing. It will pay you. SOLINA Eldad Sunday School Anniversary will be held as follows: On Sunday May 27 at 2.30 and 7.30 p m. sermons will be preached preached by Rev. Geo. Brown, pastor. Singing by the school under direction of Mr. C. N. Ruse. Collection. Monday May 28th a foot-ball game will be played, Enniskillen vs. Solina. Tea served from 4 p.m. At 8 p.m. a concert will be given by Miss Elena Murdock, elocutionist, Toronto, Miss RetaR. Cole, Bowmanville, and Miss Lazelle Brown, Hampton, soloists; and other talent. Lecture by Kev. Geo. Brown entitled "Mistakes". Admission Adults--tea 35c, concert 25c; Children-- tea 15c; concert 15c. Miss Gussie Luke, Kedron, is helping to wait on her grandmother Mrs. W. Werry who is slowly improving Mrs. A. Bea cock, Nestleton, has been visiting -her daughter Mrs. C. Scott....Mr. Jack Brooks is progressing nicely--his arm is out of the sling... .Rev. G. R. Clare, I Orono, preached a good sermon here Sun day on "The Sunny Sideof Life" always look upon the bright side of things.... Our foot-ball team is practising for the scheduled games in the North Darlington League.... Mr. Richard Walter, East Whitby, visited his sister Mrs. John Pascoe, Sunday... .Saturday night abjut I 11 o'clock the barns and outbuildings of I Mr. Chas. Scott, one mile west of Solina, (the old Pascoe homestead) were burned to the ground, only one driving shed being being saved. How the fire originated is unknown. The family had retired for over an hour. It may have .been from the electrical storm earlier in the evening and had been smouldering. With great difficulty most of the stock was saved. The hens, seven head of Shropshire sheep and some implements in the barn, quite a j quantity of hay and grain were burned. It was partly covered by insurance in the Maple Leaf Co Officers of Solina A"omen's Institute: President--Mrs. Jas. Moorey; 1st Vice--Mrs. J. J. Smith; 2nd Vice--Mrs. John Baker; Sec. Treas.--Mrs. H. G. Pascoe; Patriotic Treas.--Miss Margaret Pascoe; District Director--Mrs. Silas Williams. Hardware at old prices at F. O. Mason's. Bicycles at last year's prices at .F. O. Mason's. Linoleums in all the best qualities and patterns at Mason & Dale's Hardware. The easiest, cheapest, and most satisfactory satisfactory wall finish--Muresco. At W. H. Dustan's. - Having rented my storehouse I will sell the balance of eight McLaughlin and Gray buggies at cost also 20 Ton of Fertilizer if sold within the next week to avoid moving same. F. O. Mason. SALEM Sunday School Anniversary services will be held Sunday May 27th Rev. Wm. Higgs, Millbrook, will preach at 2.30 and 7 p.m. Subscriptions and collections in aid. of Sunday School funds. 20-2w. Auto Owners'--Use Dixon's world-renowned world-renowned grease lait* F. O.-Mason's. DARLINGTON SL S. FOOTBALL FOOTBALL LEAGUE Following is the Schedule of games for 19J 7, all games (excepting at anniversaries) anniversaries) to be called at 6 p. m.-- May 29-- Ebenezer at Maple Grove June 5--Maple Grove at Zion " 11--Zion at Ebenezer ' " 15--Zion at Maple Grove 11 22-- Ebenezer at Zion 26 -Maple Grove at Ebenezer. DARLINGTON Visitors:-- Mr. and Mrs. Luke Buttery, town, at Mr." J. Bell's; Mr. arid Mrs. M. Wilkins at Mr. Ernest, Foley's; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Snowden at Mr. Howard Foley's; Foley's; Miss Annie Holt at home;.Miss Acy ! iundle, Oshawa, at home; Miss Margaret Oke, Oshawa, visiting old friends; Pte. Jas. Abernethy, Convalescent Home, . Kingston, spent a. week at home Base Line Union Sunday School held very interesting interesting Anniversary services on Sunday the 24th year of the organization of the School of which Mr, F. T. Guy is superintendent. superintendent. The school room was prettily decorated with flags, plants and cut flowers. At the afternoon service Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, Wilson, Oshawa, gave a very suitable, talk to the children. Mr. Robt. McLaughin, Oshawa, Oshawa, also addressed the school. Rev. R. A. Delve occupied the chair. Suitable music was furnished by the school. Miss Lorraine Tod, Oshawa, favoured the con gregation with a solo accompanied by Miss Dorothy McLaughlin; Rev. R. A. Delve had charge of the evening service and gave a very interesting address. Solos were sung by Miss RetaM. Caldwel accompanied by Miss Lena Bragg, Providence, Providence, and by Mr. Frank Walter,. Court- ice, accompanied by Miss Muriel Pen- found. The meeting was very largely attended. attended. 1917. HORSE ROUTES . TERRINGTON CETEWAYO, [401] '9568) the pure bred Hackney Stallion, the property of Robert Beith will stand at his own stable, Waverly Stock Farm, 3owinanville. Terms $15. KING'S LYNN [10743] (14204) the pure bred Clydesdale Stallion, the property property of Chester Power, Maple Grove, will stand at his own stable, Maple Grove, for the season except eacn Wednesday noon. Terms $15, If your Linoleum is beginning to wear Chi-Namel will add several years of wear. At W. H. Dustan's. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Suits tepaired, cleaned and pressed at Couch, Johnstdri & Cryderman's Limited. Beaver Board and Roofing--just the thing for your spring repairing. For sale at Mason Dale's Hardware. The finest stock of Curtain Scrims and Bungalow Net ever shown in town at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's Limited. ■ÎT3 BÀRON'S PRIDE [I393 0 M I][ 507) the imported Clvdesdale Stallion, the property of Robert Beith, Waverly Stock Farm, Bowmanville, will stand for the season at iis own stable. Terms $15, CHAS. FLIGG, Manager. ROYAL MONTRAVÈ (18638) the Canadian bred Clydesdale Stallion from imported stock, the property of W. C. Ashton, lot I, B. F., Darlington, will stand at his own stable for the season. Terms $10. W. C. ASHTON, Manager. ROYAL RIBBON--The property of the Clydesdale Horse Breeders' Association Association will this season of 1917 take the same Route as last year, leaving his own stable at Enfield on Monday noon May 21st. Terms $15.00. W. J. Ormiston, 20-2 wks Manager. WAVERLY BARON. (18013) the pure bred Clydesdale stallion, the property of Robert Beith, Bowmanville, will make the season as follows: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at home stable, Archie Black's, Scugog Island. Thursday Thursday May 31, to Roy Taylor's, Cartwright, Friday and Saturday at his own stable. Terms $14. ARCHIE BLACK, Manager. TIPPERARY (826) the purë bred Hacknev Stallion the property of Robert Beith, Bowmanville, will make the season as follows: Monday at his home stable, Archie Black's, Scugog Island. Tuesday May 29, proceed to Robt. Philip's, Cartwright. Cartwright. night. Wednesday to Tuesday at his own stable. Terms $14. ARCHIE BLACK, Manager. Maple Syrup z" < We have just rèceived our first shipment this year's Maple Syrup and Maple Sugar. It is of the highest quality. We have it in gallon tins or smaller quantities. Don't fail to try it as we never had better. Special attention to phone orders Phone 65 Archie Tait, Bowmanville The Reliable Grocery House FARMERS' ATTENTION EBENEZER HAMPTON Seed Time Coming! Where will you buy your Seeds? We have a limited supply of the following: WHEAT--Arnecta (Goose) and Brince Imperial BARLEY--0. A. 0. No. 21, and 2-Rowed OATS--White Wave, Waverley, and O. A. C. No. 72 GRASS SEED--Red Clover, Alsike, Timothy, Sweet Glover and Alfalfa. The Grass Seeds are all Government Tested,.and the grain is of good quality and free from noxious weeds. Our prices are reasonable and we shall appreciate_your trade. Phone 15 , McClellan & Co., Ltd. King Streét East - - Bowmanville . League meeeting Friday evening in charge of Miss Cassie_Rusé, 2nd vice president, president, opened by singing and prayer by Mr. F. J. Groat. Scripture lesson was read by Miss Lottie Horn. The topic "China 25 years ago and to Day" was taken by Miss Mildred Cole. A duet by Misses Mary and Mildred Souch was nicely nicely given. Reading from the book "The Emergency in China" was given by Hilton Peters. Meeting closed with the League Benediction.. . .May meeting of ! W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. R. Avery Tuesdav 15 th when about 25 mem- 1 bers were present, Mrs. Salter, President, in the chair. Treasurer Miss Mary Roach presented the year's report which proved very satisfactory^ mite box contributions $17. Watch Tower was presented by several members; also description of I mis ion work in Toronto^ among foreign- ers; and a series of questions on "Making j our society a success in Christian Work . Visitors: Mrs. W. Burnett, Markham, at 1 Mr. M. B. Cryderman's; Mrs. H. Elliott visiting friends in Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. IT. Salter, Mrs. J. Ranton at Mr. Ed. Ward's, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. R. Johns, [Newcastle, at Mrs. C. Johns; Mr. and Mrs. Wragg and Master Oswald, Stark- ! ville, visited at Mr. F. Corden's... .Large number from here attended the anniversary anniversary services at Enniskillen - Sunday.... Rev. Geo. Brown preached anniversary I sermons at Orono, Rev. G.Clare supply- l ing the pulpit on this circuit Sunday.... Remember the meeting in Jthe interest of the Bible Society Wednèsday evening. Rev. W. E. Hassard, Toronto, will address the meeting.... A meeting will be held m the church Friday evening addressed by a Mr. Poole of the Y.M. C. A., Toronto.... Evening service will be withdrawn next Sunday on account of anniversary ser vices at Eldad, Sunday School to be I held at 10.30 ajn. - Paints at the old prices at F.O. Mason's. . Martin-Senours paint is I against all circumstances. Sold by W.rl. Dus tan. Our final League service was held Tuesday Tuesday evening, over 50 present. Program consisted of readings by Misses A. Osborne Osborne and S. Pentound; solos by Miss A. Pickell, piano solo by Miss M. Gardiner A literary game followed and refreshment of candy served. Pastor Delve gave a few words of counsel and after a most prosperous season's work closed with "Goc be with you 'till we meet again". Pastor Delve attended the District Meet ing at Bowmanville Tuesday... .Mrs. Joseph Armour is home again after a long stay at the hospital, and with her daughter in Oshawa. All hope to see her out again soon No evening service in our church Sunday. In the morning Mr. Delye preached arid Sabbath School was held in the afternoon Regular services next Sunday Miss McLaughlin, Osh awa, spent the week-end with Miss E. Gardiner A large number of foreign ers have been working nëar Darlington G. T. R. station, raising and levelling the track B. F. Gardiner is building a driving-shed for W. H. Nichols,.. .Quite a severe electric storm passed over us on Saturday evening, with a good fall of much-needed rain Miss Acy Rundle of Oshawa spent Sabbath with her parents ... ,Our Anniversary is June 10 and nth. Sermons Sunday by Rev. Prof. McLaughlin McLaughlin of Victoria University, Toronto. Monday Monday afternoon, Drama, "Sowing Seeds in Danny", by Miss M. Van Nest's scholars; drill by young ladies, recitations and music. Tea served, and "Valley Farm" played in evening by Newcastle talent MissC. McCalpin spent Friday in Toronto Toronto Ebenezerites turned out well on Sunday to the Base Line Anniversary services... .Mr. and Mrs. Casev Trull have been visiting at Napanee... .Mr. Milton Gay is assisting his brothers with their contracts in Oshawa.... Mr. and Mrs. O. Worden and babe of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents... Mrs. W.H. Rundle has left our neighborhood, neighborhood, after many years' residence, and moved into Bowmanville. She will be missed by church and social circles.... Congratulations to Mr. Clarence Pen- found on being elected President of S. S. Football League for this season. Mr. H. Nichols is also a member of the executive Epworth League met Thursday evening evening May 17th. Mrs. G. F. Annis gave a splendid paper on "Influence". We also lad a piano duet by Misses Gardiner, reading by John Delve and a piano solo; jy Miss M. Penfound, Jill of which was greatly erijoyed. MONTRAVE IMPERIALIST THE HIAWATHA HORSE [12646] (16310) £he imported Clydesdale Stallion, the property property of R. M. Cale, Bowmanville, will make the season as follows: Monday, will leave Thos. Harness', Clarke, and proceed to John Brown's west of Kirby, noon; to Arthur Annis, Tyrone, night. Tuesday to his own stable, Manvers Road, noon, until Thursday morning. Thursday Thursday to Geo. Armour's, east of Zion, noon to A. E. Rundle's, Ebenezer, night. Friday Friday to W. E. Gilbjnk's, Kingston Road, east of Bowmanville, noon; the Oriental Hotel, Newcastle, night. Saturday to Robt. Cowan's Co wan ville, noon; to Thos. Harness' until Monday. Terms $15. THOS. HARNESS, Manager. Does your kitchen need a new Linoleum? Linoleum? Mason & Dale, Hardware, can suit you. _ No ending or beginning marks with Muresco. Easily applied. * Sold by W. H. Dustan. New and elegant voile, crepe de chene, and Georgette Crepe Blouses just opened out at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman, Ltd. Martin- S enour 10 0 p er cent Paint Protect your buildings, fences, and sheds and especially your farm implements, by applying a good coat of paint. This insures them against weather wear--the wear that junks more farm machinery, machinery, takes down more fences and makes more repairing, also on buildings, than anything else. One coat of paint prevents your implements from rusting. It not only sticks to metal but gives a very tough film that is impervious to moisture and keeps out rust. Buildings that are principally wood will last for a long time without without painting but they will last for centuries if they are kept well painted. An unpainted or poorly-painted building shrinks in value faster than by rotting shingles or blackened warping clapboards. clapboards. Look over your house and implements and figure for yourself the improvement and economy there will be for you by giving them a good coat of Martin Senour 100% Pure Paint. w. H. DUSTAN, SOLE AGENTS. Phone 74. Over 70 colors Bowmanville. AR CANADA'S FAVORITE DRUG STORES Special HOA/IESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS MAY 8th TO OCTOBER 30th . Every TUESDAY "ALL RAIL" - also by THURSDAY'S STEAMER « Great Lakes Routes" (Season Navigation) Your Futur® Is In the West The fertile pralrlee heve^put Western Canada on the map. There are i^ll thousands of acre* writing for .. the S&KStf SïfiiKKïE- £"* f Canadian Pacific Information from Ticket Offices : 141 -145 St. James SL Phone M 8125, Windsor Hotel, Windsor and Place Viger Stations. Scientific Optical Service We have established a reputation for testing eyes in the most scientific scientific manner. Mr. Jurv graduate of th^bësnTptical Colleges in Canada, Chicago, New York, and Detroit. Mr. Hendry, graduate Optometrist and Optician. KODAK It doubles the pleasure of every outing. Let us show you how easy it is to get splendid pictures. You can rent a kodak lor 10 cents a day. Let us do your developing, printing, and enlarging. KODAKS, FILMS and SUPPLIES. Rexall Blood Builder. Nearly everybody requires a good blood cleanser at this season. Bad blood is thé source of many ailments. ailments. Rexall Blood Builder will make new, rich blood and build you up generally. $1 00 bottle. Service Special Advertisements : P URE PEROXIDE--It is an ideal cleanser, mouth wash, and an antiseptic for cujygg^d minor injuries. Keep a bottle of Rexall Peroxide in the home. 25c a bottle. Jury <fc Lovell. A FINE TALCUM--Fit for the daintiest skin, in fact its velvet-like properties together with its delicate odor, make it a most pleasing toilet requisite for man, woman, or child. Ask for it by name. Special Rexall Violet, Rose, or Yucca, 25c a tin. Jury & Lovell. P OULTRY PAN-A-CEA-- Young chicks and old chickens which do not thrive should have our poultry food. Begin feeding it now and hare plenty of eggs which are high. 35c pkg. Special 5 lbs pkg 85c. Jury & Lovell. N ourish the nerv\e^- When you feel fatigued jçtiûcl sleep does not refresh you, it is time to take notice of your nervous nervous system. The nerve centres must be revitalized in a way that will overcome all forms of debility. Take Dr. Dean's Nerve and Blood Builder. 25c a box. Jury <fc Lovell. O. B. KENT, Town Ticket Agent. JURY & LOVELL, When we Test Eyes it is Done Properly ,uiv éV>-. £ > <.'/ r. .jmXLtoA .• . .w 4* -1

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