$655 r z X?t.*: vpSiSSÎ t- -- E & s Tn Cajcadiah Statxskah aad Thk Bowxxn- "4illx Krws a.re published every Thursday and Friday moral»#:, respectively, at Thk Statxswjlx Office, James Block, 26 and 27 King-et. West, BowmarrlUe. Ontario, Canada. M. A_ James <6 Bona, Publishers and Proprietors, at $1.50 per annum, payable in ad ranee; #2.00 after first three month a B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M.D„ OM- BOWMJUT7TMB, - OFT. G old medalist of trinity dni- rerslty, Toronto. Four years Attending Physician and Surgeon at ML Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ka Office and Residenca Wellington SL Telephone No. 108. J. T. ALLEN, TAILOR At Rear of Standard Bank Bowmanville OPINIONS ON WORLD PROBLEMS BY CHAS. M. BICE, ATTORNEY - AT-LAW, DENVER, COLORADO. THE RED CROSS FUND. J.T. Allen announces that he now makes bod y present seemed filled witty inits to order at lowest prices. Ladies' able enthusiasm that the humai suits cleaned and pressed. Gentlemen's ian cause of the Red Cross had been Like the big Liberty war loan, the Red Cross donation of $100,000,000 has been over provided. With colors flying and bands playing, Denver's triumph in raising an amount largely in excess of its allotment, was celebrated celebrated last evening in a very spectacular spectacular manner. Slackers, if there are any in this neck of woods, were missing missing at the big demonstration. Every- laud- nitar- Kuits altered, repaired, cleaned and pressed. pressed. All work guaranteed and prices right. Give the old reliable tailor a trial RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Railway Going East Going West Express 8 52 a.m. Express io 31 a.m. Passenger 3.29 p.m Local 6.49 p.m Pa-senger 7.18 p.m Mail 9.58 p.m Express Local Local 9.45 a.m Passenger 1.36 p.m Passenger 7.01 p.m Canadian Pacific Railway Going West Going East 6.07 a*m 10.46 a.m 4.27 p.m 12 57 a.m. C, B. Kent, Town Agent Canadian Northern Railway Going East Going West Express 11,42 a.m Express 9.36 a.m Express 640p.n1 Express 7.31 p.m so signally successful in its campaign, campaign, not only here, but throughout the country. The success of the "Liberty Loan" nearly paralyzed the Kaiser, and now comes the Red Cross donation, both largely over-subscribed, to warn Germany Germany that America is irT dead earnest and will throw all her resources of 4.22 a.m I wealth and men into the grand cause 6.57 a.m I 0 f w iping out kaiserism and autocracy autocracy from its last refuge in Central Europe. ... * * * * We -need the Red Cross with its spirit of merciful relief, but we need also a million or more men out yonder yonder where the heroic spirit of Britain and France and Belgium and Italy are holding the foe at bay, to wrest from a militarism which embarrasses the great God while calling on Him, the sword to-night is cold with the blood of faultless nations. Americans have been accused of worshipping at the shrine of mammon but let no one dare again to repeat the calumny, for two weeks ^o^were seen four millions of men turni^ig their backs upon this shrine of mammon mammon to place their offerings upon holy altar of patriotism, and f"now Bound trip tickets to pointa in I the y e they A ac- Ttr •. 1 q v. i_ u J 1^ cused of worshipping beside thVJban- Mamtoba,Saskatchewan, and Alberta L er 0 f the Red Cross on the alteTrô via* orth Bay 3 Cochrane and Trans- mercy and charity. The hearts of continental Route, or via Chicago, these donors were made one) by the St. Pauls' or Duluth, on sale each vision of our soldier boys, the brav- Tuesday until Oct., 30, inclusive, at est and best in the land, the o^pner low fares. bearers of our hopes and liberties, go- Through Tourist Sleeping Cars to] * n g forth to face the perils of the sea, WINNIPEG on above dates, leaving the hidden terrors of the submarine Toronto 10.45 p. m. no change of f nd sunken mine, going forth to live cars, via Transcontinental Route in sodden trenches, and face the with- Return Limit, Two Months Ex- e f n ^ fire of she11 and shrapnel and elusive of date of sale. Berth the chokmg ag0Q * y ° f P° isoned gas. H The Red Cross felt that the very write C V^ B S °^ CeS . °l l6aSt that C0Uld be done fOT these Patriot J heroes, who are fighting our fight, - was to supply them with all the helps empire have been receiving a new light and have _ been asking themselves themselves the question, "What "gain in the war, no matter how it ends, is there for us?" If Germany wins it is becoming becoming evident to them that their nation nation will simply be the adorning tail to the Germaii kite with what little freedom they now have materially curtailed. * * * * If Germany loses, and she surely will lose, then a valuable portion of Austrian territory will be donated to Italy, and as a result Austria-Hungary Austria-Hungary will be still more, dependent on Germany for its very existence. As long as Germany was conducting conducting the affairs of Vienna and Budapest, Budapest, as she certainly was during the old Joseph regime and before Charles, the present emperor, took the sceptre, the people were totally ignored and practically a dictatorship prevailed. Parliament was not allowed to meet --for it might be bothersome, if not extremely perplexing, if the people's voice were to be heard. * * * • The new emperor saw what was coming elsewhere, and determined to take his chances with parliament, rather than with a people beginning A LINE OR TWO. Send me a line or two, Telling me how you jdb-- . Send me a line or two, I-long to hear! You are so far away, I miss you every day-- You are so far away, Once you were near! Tell me the little things, Nothing of wars or KirigsA-- Tell me the little things, Dearest to me. \ Do "your thoughts ever turn To the far hearts that yearn ? Do yoür. thoughts ever turn Over the fcea? I cannot let ybu go, Because I love you so-- I cannot let you go, Out of my life! My. love shall be a shield, My prayers a blessing yield, For you upon the field-- All through the strife! Nina Moore Jamieson. ff Health HEAVY LOSS FROM BARN FIRES. Hay, Improperly Cured, May Cause Spontaneous Combustion. During the years 1912-1916 inclusive, inclusive, no less 'than 5,200 barns were de- to awaken to the outrages of German j stroyed in Canada, with an aggregate intermeddling. Hence as soon as theU°ss of over $7,850,000. These, like mailed fist of Berlin was removed ' the majority of fires, might have.been GRAND TRUNK syst^ Homeseekers' Excursions. from Vienna, the government itself, as well as the people, showed signs of open revolt against the continuance continuance of the war, and the privations it wrought all over the land. Inklings of how the old Joseph regime regime had "kept. the peace" trickled at last through the empire. There had been wholesale executions of the leaders of -certain nationalities in the empire, so now there is revolt and threats of open rebellion. The new emperor sought to impose liberalism on a polyglot nation long accused accused to autocracy and clericalism, and there was sure to be an explosion, explosion, the wonder is that it did not come earlier. to: .The Value of Fruit Acids. Many persons are afraid of fruits because of the acids which they think they contain. _ Professor Bunge, _ of Basle, has shown that thé acids of fruit are valuable as nutrients, a given given weight pf the acids of lemons, apples, apples, or grapes--citric, malic, or tartaric--being tartaric--being equal in nutritive value to one-half the quantity of starch, or sugar. Acids are valuable as disinfectants to. the stomach, thus corresting certain certain disease processes. Only those suffering ffom gastric ulcer or chronic catarrh of the stomach or intestines need avoid acid fruits, and even in such cases fruits may gradually be introduced introduced into the dietary, providing proper curative measures are adopted. . Fruit acids increase intestinal activity, activity, and thus relieve constipation. They are extremely valuable for persons persons subject to billiousness, coated tongue, gallstones, chronic rheumatism, rheumatism, Bright's disease and gout. The acids of fruits become alkalies after digestion arid oxidation, hence do not produce an acid state of thé blood, as do mineral acids. The great quantity of apples usually found' in most parts of the country renders it an easy matter to secu.e an abundant supply of fruit acid in the form of canned apple juice, or sweet cider. Apples should be selected, washed and made into clear juice, which may easily be canned In glass jars or jugs at a very small expense. Half a pint of fresh apple juice (unfermented) (unfermented) taken a half heur before each meal and on going to bed at night is an excellent remedy for "biliousness" "biliousness" and constipation. Acid fruits of all kinds should en- ggg V T H E OF C^ADA z x HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Your surplus earnings in our Savings Department earn inter- E6T D 18 73 est at current rate. 236 BOWMANVILLE BRANCH A. N. McMILLAN, Manager. avoided by the exercise of intelligent forethought and proper care. Investigation Investigation shows that the most prolific sources of barrijfires are lightning and spontaneous combustion. Evidence gathered from all parts of Canada and the United States proves that rod- ded buildings are practically immune from lightning damage. The cost being being a mere fraction of the possible loss in case of fire, it is of economic ter more freely into the average bill Passenger Agent, Toronto, Onb. , J- H. H. Jury, Local Agent GRAND TRUNK IVsTiï ATTRACTIVE TRIPS to MÜSK0KÀ LAKES ALGONQUIN PARK MAGANETAWAN RIVER LAKE OF BAYS KAWARTHA LAKES GEORGIAN BAY Round trip tourist tickets now on sale from stations in Ontario at very low fares, with liberal stop overs. Get your tickets In advance Berth reservations and full infoma- tion at all Grank Trunk Ticket Offices, Offices, or write C. E. HORNING, District District Passenger Agent, G. T. R*y System, System, Toronto, Ont HOMESEEKERS* EXCURSIONS MAY 8th TO OCTOBER 30th Every TUESDAY " ALL RAIL" - also by THURSDAY'S STEAMER " Great Lakes Routes ". (Season Navigation) Your Future Is In the West The fertile prairies have put Western Canada on the map. There are still thousands of acres waiting for the man , who wants a home and prosperity. Take advantage of Lew Rates and travel via • f Canadian Pacific Information from Ticket Offices: 141-145 St Jamcj St, Phone M 8125, Windsor Hotel, Windsor and Place Viger Stations. and conveniences that modern science has . invented for the alleviation of suffering; and that they might feel assured that should they fall at the front there will be arms to receive them in soft and soothing embrace, and skilled physicians to administer to their every necessity. Thank God! the springs of the American heart have not yet run dry. They have been struck by the magic rod of the Red Cross, and there has gushed forth a mighty stream of American patriotism and devotion the like of which has not been witnessed witnessed before in the world's history, 1 We have seen what has been done by France and Britain in supplying loans for the war. Every nerve was put forth to secure as great a sum as possible from the people, and we know the effect upon the enemy when the British people stepped to the front with subscriptions close to $5,000,000,000 in the third great war loan. These are great sacrifices, but the reward is immense and incalculable. incalculable. A Boon for the Bilious.--The liver a very sensative organ and easily deranged. deranged. When'this occurs there is undue secretion of bile and the acrid liquid flows into the stomach and sours it. It is a most distressing ailmenG and many are prone to it In this condition a man finds the best remedy in Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, which are warranted to speedily correct the disorder. There is no ^better medicine in the entire list of pill preparations. preparations. ' WOULD YOU HAVE HEALTH? "Eat less and Breathe more. Talk less and Think more. Ride less and Walk more. Clothe Less and Bathe more. Worry less and Work more. Waste less and Give more. Preach less and Practice more." THE DOOM OF AUSTRIA- HUNGARY. C. B. KENT, Agent, Bowman ville. Cook's Cotton Root Compound A safe, reHablf repvJutini •medicine. Sold in three decrees decrees of strength--No. 1, $1 ; No. 2, S3; No. S, S-5 per box. Yhe cook medicine co^ T6tOKIO-0*T, (EkwHj Wlsiw.) PROMPTLY 8ECUHEI In all countries. Ask for our' INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S ADVISER,whlch will be'seritxfree. MARION & MARION, X §64_!Un!Yerslty _ St., Montréal. It was announced early in the war by the imperial German government that the dual nation was to be absorbed absorbed by her rapacious autocratic neighbor neighbor and professed friend. The man chosen to inform all whom it might concern of the Hun determination, and to state why the dual monarchy must become an appendage of Germany Germany was Friedrich Naumann, a distinguished distinguished German court historian, a leading pan-Germanist. The book in which this information was contained is entitled "Mittel-Europa," or Central Central Europe as it appears in the English English translation. - * »x * * Governments and statesmen of all nations have taken cognizance of this frank and unmistaken.statement from such an authoritative source- respecting respecting the aims of Germany in the war, and when peace comes. The "book is written to prove that without German German domination in Central Europe, not only Austria-Hungary but the German Empire itself will fall under the economic pressure that is to be given by the rest of the world; and hence fpr the good of all the three countries named there must come a new dispensation. With-Germany in control of her neighbors, the remainder remainder of the program of expansion through the Balkans and the Mesopotamian Mesopotamian valley would be easy. This program, while Emperor Joseph Joseph of Austria lived, seems to have been quietly accepted, if not approved by that aged monarch, and so the German dream of empire apparently had easy sailing. ' But since then the licensious old 'emperor passed away, and a néw emperor came to the Austrian Austrian throne, with whom the "Mittel Europa" doctrine has not been so popular. And the people of the dual It Rubs Pain Away.--There is no liniment so efficacious in overcoming pain as Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. The hand that rubs it in rubs the pain away and on this account there is no preparation that stands so high in public esteem. There, is no surer pain-killer procurable, as thousands thousands can attest who have used it successfully successfully in treating any ailments. FRIENDS. The friends that love us always, When we go their way or not, Are the friends that hearts remember When the others are forgot. The friends that stick the closest When the trouble grows the worst; The friends that love us always Just the way they did at first. importance to the farmer that every barn should be efficiently protected by lightning rods. 1 V While it is more difficult to arrive at conclusions with regard to fires caused by spontaneous combustion, it is. generally held that such fires are of frequent occurrence. Owing to the excessive number of barns burned in Ontario during the summer of 1916, an investigation was undertaken by Prof. W. H. Day, Professor of Physics, Physics, Ontario Agricultural College, with a view to discovering the exact conditions favorable to spontaneous combustion in stored grasses. It was proved that large quantities of im- . perfectly cured hay were frequently stored in barns with little or no ventilation, ventilation, and that the high temperatures temperatures reached during fermentation resulted resulted in a number of fires. Farmers are not generally aware that the cells in hay continue their existence for some timé after it is cut and, when the moist compressed mass is housed in close barns, a température of 132 deg. F. is quickly reached. Added to this, the heat from microscopic spores, germinating germinating seeds and the heat of the sun upon the roof may raise the temperature temperature of the mow to 212 deg. F., when charring commences. The carbon carbon thus formed absorbs oxygen and the mass grows hotter, until, at 265 deg. F., visible combustion takes place. Bran, grain and silage may also ignite sporitàneously under - similar similar conditions. The remedy for spontaneous spontaneous combustion is simple and easily easily applied. • All hay should be perfectly perfectly dry before storage. In mixed grasses, spediàl care should be given to the clover. Timothy may appear perfectly dry while the heavy stalks of clover may retain a large percentage of moisture. All barns should be provided provided with ample top ventilation. If these simple matters are given the attention attention they deserve, spontaneous combustion combustion will cease to figure as a cause of barn fires in Canada. of fare. The nutritive value of fruits is small, but the value of fruit acids for purifying the stomach-and alimentary alimentary canal and increasing the activity activity of the kidneys and liver gives to this class of foods a high value. Two Splendid; Things % Onèyis plenty of open- air exercise. - - If you can't get all of that you should, it's all the more important that ^ you should have the ' P other tried-and-true rem- f edy fçr a torpid liver and bowels that don't act freely and naturally. -Take one pill every night; more only when you're sure it's necessary. Carter's tittle LIVER PILLS Genuine bekrs 'Signature Colorless faces often show the absence of Iran .in. .the. blood 's# ' Carter's firon Pills will help this condition, isev . -- nm i m His Other Copper. Macdonald's dog was in the habit of going daily to a baker's shop. His master would give him a penny, which he would drop out of his mouth on to the counter, receiving in exchange a penny bun. One day his master said to the baker: baker: "I should like to know how much my dog really does know. Try him with a half-penny bun to-morrow." When, the next day, the dog dropped dropped his penny, and only a halfpenny bun was given to him, he snifféd at it, turned it over and over With_ his paw, then in à dignified manner Walked out of the shop, leàving the tun. In ten minutes he returned, accompanied accompanied by a policeman. How To Purify Water. Water, which looks so harmless,and tastes all right while it is going down, and seems so refreshing, may, however, however, contain the deadliest germs of disease. In a big city the water supply is regularly inspected by bacteriologists, people trained in the special work of testing the purity of the water. Therefore the danger of using the water out of the tap is not great. When special pollution occurs the public is supposed to be notified at once by the authorities, so that they may take precautions. In the country or in small .cities, where the water is not regularly inspected inspected and where, there is any uncertainty uncertainty regarding its purity, it is always advisable to use a good deal of caution. Personal protection \be- comes necessary. The water should be either boiled or filtered or chemically purified 1 * with chlorinated lime. Reliable filters are. easily obtainable. obtainable. For household use there are excellent filters, which render the water water practically free from dangerous digariisms. Those that are made of porous earthenware, which can be taken from its place and cleansed by boiling, and thus can be oised indef- ii.itely, are particularly good. Whether or not the water you drink is clean may mean whether you live or. die. Boring holes into the stumps of hard wood treés and filling these holes with equal parts of nitric and sulphuric sulphuric acid will so soften the wood that it can be removed by ordinary picks. This has been demonstrated A in Germany, and is the common treatment treatment there of hard wood stumpage. -Make sure that your horse has every day pure, fresh water, such as you would be willing to drhjk yourself. There isn't a member of £he family need suffer from indigestion, sick headaches, biliousness, fermented stomach, etck, if he or she will take ^ *** ® ^Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cleanse the stomach and bowels and stimulate the liver to healthy activity and tone up the whole system. Take one at night and you're RIGHT in the morning. Afl dratifeti, 25c, t hr «U h*m Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto. 16 ■ ii' iy£- ; ^ • ' WHEN IS A GLASS FULL? How You Can Place Various Objects in a Glass "Full"-of Water. Just . Like Real Kings. One Indian Rajah's subjects number number about half a million, and he rules over a state as big as England and Wales. He has his own flag and his own arnty and navy. These are maintained maintained in. an efficient state out of a revenue of $1,^50,000 a year. ÜŸŸ0U ABE NERVOUS The nervous system is the alarm system of the human body. " In perfect health we hardly realise that we have a network of nerves, but whes health is ebbing, when strength is declining, declining, the same nervous system gives the alarm in headaches, tiredness - ," dreamful sleep, irritability and unless corrected, leads straight to a breakdown. To correct nervousness, Scott's Emulsion Emulsion is exactly what-you should take;'its rich nutriment gets into the blood and richblood feeds the tiny nerve-cells while the whole system responds to its «refreshing «refreshing tonic force. Free from harmful drags. Scott & Bowse. Toronto. Ont. Why is it that when a pail of water is brimming full, one can put a fish of a pound weight into it, and yet it will not overfloW ?, , " A very ancient conundrum; and the answer, of course, is that such a thing isn't possible. Nevertheless, you can do some very surprising "stunts" in much the same line with a glassful or a cupful of water. water. You may fill the receptacle to the very brim, and yet put quite a lot of junk of one kind or anothèr into it without making it overflow. It is necessary," however, to place the glass on a table that -is perfectly horizontal. And the water must be poured into it, slowly and carefully, in such 2 way as to avoid wetting 'the edge. Then you can drop a pin into it, point first, without causing it to overflow. overflow. You can drop several pins, two or three at a time. In fact, if you do it right, you can drop sixty or eighty ordinary pins into the glass, and still the water will not trickle over the edge. The reason why is simply that the edge is not wet, and on this account it is possible literally to pile up the water water perceptibly higher than the level of the brim. The same thing can be done with tacks or with coins. _ Goal &t Wood 7 Best grades of Coal only kept, also Wood of all kinds. If you have not ordered your Winter supply yet, you had better do so as it is liable to advance any day. E. W. LOSCOMBE Standard BanK Building, Temperance St. Phone 177 Easy For The Hen. Mother to small son: "Bobby, dear, I hoped you would be'unselfish enough to give little sister the largest piece of candy. Why, see, even old Biddy gives all the nice big dainties to the little chicks, - and only keeps an occasional occasional tiny one for herself." ^-Bobby thoughtfully watched the hen and chickens for a time, and then said: "Well, mamma, I would too, if ite was worms." I White Only a very real quaUty in a White Lead can give successful results in paint-mixing. A worthless com- pound masquerading as^ White Lead cannot impart to paint those essential qualities without which it never gives permanent satisfaction, s To avoid risk of failure in mixing your paint Lead used ^ mt to use °nly paint in which the White ** X Brandram's Genuine B.B. White Lead It is absolutely pure, whiter than others ; of great covering capacity and long life. Working under the ^ 2? th ^ a ! e J and freedom, it produces a tougli f - elastic film that does not crack* or peel. re ^ c °t^ * s * ess than that of seemingly cheaper white leads because it produces a beautiful pro- nf C îmW amt - that jZH for many years - White Paint ot unknown ingredients ' never looks well and rarely lasts two years. _ z * ^ '■ Sold by leading Hardware Merchants and General Stores . -V.; 'Ah V 1 . -a: : < V <