pBI X: . / • -- Results secured 'during the past year re-affirm the- position of the. Sun Xiife of Canada as the largest life- assurance organization of the Dominion. : Fair-dealing and progressive business methods have given it leadership in annual New Business, Total Business in Force, Assets, Surplus Earnings, Net Surplus, Surplus, Total Income, Premium Income, and Payments' to Policyholders. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada MRS. EDITH V. SCO BELL, Agent* IPhone 189, Bowman ville Only The Best A successful dinner depends on the quality of the meat. Only the best is selected and we give our customers the benefit of our experience. G-ive us a trial order and see if we cannot furnish you with something very choice for Breakfast, Dinner, or Supper. .. W. H, Chains Successor to J. H. Mutton Phone 225 - - Bowmanville > * _ Z Seeing the Opportunity and Seizing it are Two Very Different Matters Why do we claim bur groceries are the best Z Because of Freshness and Quality, Sure to Satisfy, Satisfy, the Best the Market Produces, the Kind that Tempts the Appetite these days. FRUIT OF ALL KINDS New Layer Raisins New Shelled Almonds New Valencia Raisins New Shelled Walnuts New Smyrna Figs New Cleaned Currants New Hallowi Dates New Candied Peels Extra quality of Tea at a price you will be pleased with. Coffee, the-very.best. Everything in the Grocery line good and fresh. Special attention to phone orders Phone 65 AlTClllG T3,11 y Bowmanville The Reliable Grocery House l One Car St. Lawrence Sugar Just Arrived Bcdow are only a few of the many specials we are offering for this week: 100 lbs. Granulated Sugar $9.50 Molasses, 1 can 13c 3 lbs Rice 25c Dutch Cleanser, 1 can 10c Upton's Tea, old price...40c lb 3 Jelly Powders... 25c . * lb tin Fry^s Cocoa.........25c Simcoe Pork and Beans 20c Worcestershire Sàuce^. 10c Matches oc Toilet Soap, special, 3 for...25c Don't forget we have fresh FishTevery week. Highest Cash Prices paid for new laid Eggs, Butter and all Farm Produce, Phone 186 HARRY ALLIN Bowmanville / Flashlights--entirely new at F. O. Mason's. . < Buggy Rugs at old prices at F. O, Mason's. If you are contemplating buying a new rÆw & Mt Hardwarc ^ sshbk CHEAPER GASOLINE Let us burn-out your engine with our new carbon bymers, which will give your engine more power, hence/more milage on your gas. A W« PICKARD, The Garage A %OWMA^VÏLE|Bi SlBPT 20; 1917 SbilySoBvitcli ÉN FIELD Visitors: Mrs. JewelC Port Perry, fat Mrs. Jas. Gilbert's; Messrs! Everett and' Howard Mackey and Mines -Greta 4n<j yes... .Mr-abd Verna, Kinsale, with relatives.... Mr. Mrs. Geo. Martin have been visiting at Toronto... .Messrs. Geo., Cochrane, John Ormiston, Wesley Knapip, Fred Ormiston and Donald McCulloch have been'successful been'successful exhibitors of horses.at recent fairs.. Mrs. Win. Werry, ' Solina, Mrs, Julia Van Nest, Mr. M. A- James, Mr. and Mrs. Norman James, Bowmanville, visited Mrs. Grace Ashton at Mr. Geo. Ormiston'S on Sunday afternoon. HAYDON Visitors: Master Cleveland and. Nelson McMann visited at Mr. S. Bundle's, Sunday; Sunday; Mr. Wilbur Ridge,-Pontypool, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry -Campbell, Oshawa, at Mr. Jno. Wright's; Mr. Wilfred Bee has returned to his home at Wesley ville; Mr. Douglas Moore, Providence, spent Sunday wijh his mother, Mrs. R. Moore ... .Miss Clara Pollard - left 'this week to reside with her brothers at London.... Epworth League and '.Sunshine Sunday School Class" kindly remembered Clara by a surprise at thé church Saturday evening.'. evening.'. ..'Mr. and. Mrs. Ambrose Nesbitt, (nee Elsie Gilders) Gshàwa, were greeted when they arrived home Saturday evening evening to find the neighbors assemblèd thère. After a nicely wor déd address had been read by Mrs. Cooper, a large brass jardin- ere on pedestal was presented to them by Mr. Cecil Slemon in recognition of the ■services rendered -; by Mrs. Nesbitt in the Sunday '"School, Èpworth League and Church. Each made a suitable reply and the remainder of the evening waà spent in singing, reciting, and games. A Standard Medicine.--Parmeiee's Vegetable Pills, compounded of entirely vegetable substances known to have a revivifying and salutary effect upon the digestive organs, have through years of use attained so eminent a position that they rank as a standard medicine. The ailing should remember this. Simple in their composition, they can be assimilated by the weakest stomach and are certain to have a healthful and agreeable pffect on the sluggish digestive organs. Mason & Dale Hardware - have something something new in 'Stoves. Call and see them before buying. They have just what you. need. SOLINA Visitors: Mrs. Fred Page, Burketon, at Mr. W. N. Pascoe's; Mrs. C. Prouse, Osaca, at Mrs. Si Williams; Miss Bam by, Scarboro, with Miss Edna Reynolds; Mr. A. J. Reynolds has been re-elected Secretary of the Provincial Milk Producers Producers Association for the fourth term. ,.. .Everybody should hear Rev. Dr. A. C. Crews, Toronto, at Sunday School Rally Sunday at 2,30 p.m Councillor Thos. Baker and Mrs. _J. D. Hogarth attended attended Peterboro Fair Friday and visited Miss Vera Baker Mr. John Baker was at Ottawa Fair last week assisting his brother, Mr. W. T. Baker who was exhibiting there. He secured many prizes. They arrived home Saturday night. Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pascoe and Mr. and Mrs. L. Robinson, East Whitby,"at Mr. L. T. and John Pascoe's; Master Wallace Pascoe, Ejffield, at his grandfather's, Mr. R. Pascoe; Miss Irene Bragg, Providence, at her sister's, Mrs. J. Baker's; Mr. and Mrs. S. Pen- found, Courtice, Mr and Mrs. J. McKenzie, McKenzie, Columbus, and Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Rundle, Maple Grove, at Mr. J. T. Rund e's; Mr. Fred Van Nest, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Dudley, -Taunton, at My. N. E. Wright's; Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. B. James and Mrs. J. Van Nest, Bowmanville, Mrs. R. J. Luke and Miss Florence of Kedron, at Mrs. W. Werry's. To safe guard the child from damage that worms -cause, use Miller's Worm Powders, the medicine par excellence for children. These powders will clear the system entirely of worms, will regulate and stimulate the organs injuriously affected affected by the worms, and will encourage healthful operation of the digestive processes. processes. . As a vermifuge it cannot be surpassed in effectiveness. HAMPTON Visitors:--Mf. and Mrs, C. Clemence and daughter, Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tam- blyn and son, Orono, at Mr. H. Cole's; Mr. and Mrs. F. Ashton and children at Mr. J. Colwill's, Jr; Miss Lyra Trenouth with friends in Toronto and Hamilton; Miss M. Henderson, Toronto, returned home from Miss C. Ruse's; Mr. W. Martin, Port. Elgin, Elgin, called on old friends Sunday after.an absence of many years Mr. H. Clark, C. Martin, V. Welsh _and H. Welsh, Toronto, Toronto, spent Sunday" with friends Rally Services in Sunday School, Sunday, Sept. -23rd. Official program in the afternoon and Rpv. A. C. Crews, Toronto, will conduct conduct the evening service. .. .School Fair Monday 24th insL Everybody arrange to come and spend the day with the children. League meeting Sept. 7th was in charge of Miss Mary Katerson, 1st Vice- Pres. - It was opened by singing and prayer prayer by Rev. Geo. Brown. Lesson was read by Morley Hastings and topic "Master's Power of Endurance" was given by Mrs. F. T. Allin. Miss Lottie Horn gave a reading, Erma Salter sang a solo and Mr. T. Salter and Mr. Chas. Johns led in pray- Friday evening last was Floral even- er. ing in charge of Miss Cassie Ruse, 2nd Vicë-Pres. Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison; lesson was read by Albert Cole; Miss Roach gave the topic, "Flowers". Miss Hilda Cryderman sàng-a solo and Miss Mildred Cole gave a reading. Miss Mildred Souch sang "Garden of Roses". THe Women's Institute are preparing for the usual refreshment booth also bazaar at the school fair here next Monday. Monday. Ladies willing to make dandy will be furnished with sugar, jetc. Donations of pies and cakes will be appreciated at the lunch booth. Articles for the bazaar should be sent to Miss Katerson this week. All proceeds to be used for Red Cross and other patriotic work. Do what you can to help a good cause. Asthma Brings Misery, but Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy will replace the misery "with welcome, relief. Inhaled as smoke' or vapor it reaches the very inmost inmost recesses of the loronchial passages and soothes them. Restriction passes and soothes them. Restriction passes and easy breathing returns. If you knew as weU how this remedy would help you as do thousands -of grateful users, thëçe would be > package in your home tonight. tonight. Try it Which School ? All Business Colleges are not alike. Choose carefully. AOTT Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto has a National Reputation for. high grade work and the Demand for our Graduates is far greater than our supply. supply. You risk nothing by attending this -school. It is time-tried and truly- tested. Write for our large catalogue. Enter any time. Toronto is the. best place in Ontario for positions. W. J. Elliott, Principal. Good News 7 for Farmers J. ROSENVALD, 7 Argyle-st., Bdwmanville, phone 289, has. "opened a poultry market and is paying these prices: Old hens..... 17c.to 20c Spring Chickens 18c to 21c Ducks 15c to 17c Also paying the best prices for junk and metal. We pay what we promise. Watch for our advt every week with new prices. X The Old Reliable Laundry The Oldest Laundry in Town First class work done at lowest prices in the quickest possible time. Goods called for and delivered, delivered, to any part of town. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. S00 BROS Phone 148 Props. WhichWould You Choose-- Hardwood Floors or Carpets ? wtit lO-'Brown St; XTPhonè -285. r Bowmaàvillé ' Is. opening a " market in Bowman- vifle on Tuesday and'Wednesday of each wéèk when he will buy all kinds of poultiy.. Eggre and Sweet Butter paying Tc per dozen more on eggs and. 2c per lb more, on" poultry man on other -days. ^Market days he will pay 25c per lb for Poultry. He will pay the following prices for junk:-- ^ , Wrought Iron' and Stove" Plate " per 100 lbs 60c Cast Iron... ... -. " " , : 75c Rags.-. I,... .per lb 2c. Rubbers.-. . x "--" 6c Copper, Brass and Lead, highest prices. Carpets breed germs, duet, are herd to clean and in every respect respect are unsanitary and out of date. Hardwood floors are sanitary arid cannot harbour or breed germs. They look better and are easier to keep clean. . You will be astonished astonished to realize how little hardwood floors costnefs compared with carpets. Ask us for quotations. Clarke Township Fair ORONO, Sept. 7 27th and 28th Are you going ? Who ? " You. What for ? * -v ■- "• To héar the"48th Highlanders Band of Toronto; accompanied by Lieut. John Salter. Salter. See the ad vancement in Agriculture where the best-of everything is shown, in Live Stock, Poultry (in Tent). The Cream of the . Country's Products, Manufacture; Women's Work, Art, etc., in the Exhibit Hall. See the^Baby Show, horses in harness, Stock Judging Competition, parade of all prize animals. In the Opera House'Fair Night, Willow- dale, a play of Country Life in 3 Acts with IS characters, by the Orono Dramatic Dramatic Society. Plan of Hall at J. J. Gil- fillans Drug Store. Fare and one third on C. N. R. going the day before, returning returning the following day. Exhibition ground close to the station. Of course you'll, come, we're expecting «■ yon. Send for prize iist. C L. Powers, Orono Adolph Henry, President. Secretary. BNN1SKILLEN Visitors: Rev. S. Sellery, Bowmanville, Mrs, E. J, and Miss Florence Burke, South Darlington, Mrs. Etta Hall, Toronto, at -Mr. Chas. Stewart's; Messrs. Currie and Luke, Oshawa, Mr. Wm.. Trewin; Bowmanville, Bowmanville, at Mr. John Slemon's; Rev. and Mrs. Jas. Beckel and family, Tyrone, at the Parsonage; Rev. George Brown, Hampton, Mr. T. Smith, Orono, Mr. Norman Norman MacNally, Blackstock, with Mrs. H. Rogers and Mrs. F. W. Lee; Mr. W. J. Robinson, Newtonville; and Rev. Mr. Saunby, returned missionary from China at Mr. Jas. Stain ton's; Rev. R. A. Delve, and MnJHarry Balson, Courtice, at Mf. W. J. Stainton's; Mr. Levi Morris, Bow manville, at Mr. E. C. Ashton's 1 • ' *Rev. J. R. Bick. Blackstock, Miss Elsie Oke, Toronto, at Mr. Wes. Oke's; Rev. Wm. C. Washington, Bowmanville, at Mr, J. W. Virtue's; Rev. Jesse Arnup, Toronto, Mr. Luther Vickery, Oshawa, at Dr. Slemon's; Rev. J. J. Griffith, Newton ville, at Mr. George Reid's; Rev. H. B. Neal, Oshawa, at Mr. Jno. Orchard's; Rey. G. R. Clare, Orono, Mr. Walter and Mrs. Jas. Chapman, Chapman, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tam- blyn, Bowmanville, at Mr. H. J. Werry's; Mrs. Howard Stevens and Mr. Sydney Trewin, in the'city; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lee, Messrs. Will and Herb. McLaughlin, Misses Sanderson, Cadmus, and Miss Edna Mont joy motored to Toronto and spent several days; Pte. Herb McLaughlin, Kingston, at Mr. Jas. McLaughlin's; Mr. Wallace Stain ton has returned to the city; Mr. Roland Virtue and friends. Oshawa, at Mr. J. J. Virtue's; Mr. Elmer Beech spent the week-end with friends in Peterboro; Peterboro; Miss Grace Slemon with Miss Elsie Rundle, Bethesda; Mr. Herbert Gaud, Bowmanville, Miss Clara Bessey, Georgetown, Georgetown, at F. W. Lee's; Mr. and Mrs. .Will Moorey, Bowmanville, at Mrs. Ja"s. Moor- ey's; Mr. Fred Cowling, Purple Hill, at Mrs. John Cowling's; Miss Lillie Gilbert is teaching at Burketon and Miss Marian Virtue at Drum, near Pontypool... .Miss Florence Anriis is attending Normal at Peterboro... .Mrs. Jas. Moorey has been ill with Quinsy... .Miss Florence Brunt is improving nicely.... Another old resident. Mrs. Susan Davis, sister of the late Thos. Evans, passed away early Sunday morning at Mr. Arthur Summerhayes', where she has been staying since her return from Bowmanville Hospital where she spent a number of months. Mrs. Davis has" been a widow for a number of years and since then lived with her brother, Mr. Thos. Evans, a good deal of the time. She formerly belonged to the English church, and latterly to the Presbyterian. The funeral service took place Tuesday from the Presbyterian church and the remains were laid to rest in the family plot in the English church cemetery.... Rev. Mr. Fishe, a missionary on furlough from "Malaysia, who is visiting Mr. John Hall, Unioh, addressed our Sunday School on Sunday morning and occupied the pulpit in the evening. His very interesting addresses addresses were much appreciated, as we do not often have the privilege of hearing a missionary from Southern Asia- ... Mr. J. J. Smith purchased a thorough-bred heifer from Mr. Norman Redpath... .Rally Sunday, Sunday, Sept. 30th. A Minister's Evidence That Piles, or He mmor r hold s, Can be Quickly Cured--A Justice of the Peace Cured Many Years Ago McClellan & Co, Bowmanville Limited Toronto, Out., July* 35th, 1917--There has come to us recently these two letters from prominent ipen who bear unquestionable unquestionable testimony in regard to Dr Chase's Ointment as a prompt and lasting cure for piles. - Thèse men give their evidence freely because they know what it means to suffer from tortures of piles and then be cured. They feel it a-duty a pleasure to let the others know how they too may be cured. - - % . Rev. Frank N. Bowes, Methodist Minister, Minister, Pricevflle, Ont., writes: "In the winter winter 1912, I was stationed in Cobalt. I Went for a. snowshoe tramp one day, and sat for only a few mitiutes on a cold stump waiting for some-comrades to catch up to me. From sitting on the damp stump I contracted pilés, and. suffered so severely that it caused me great pain to walk. A friend recommended Dr % Chase's Ointment, Ointment, and P immediately purchased a small box which very rapidly--effected a cure. I always keep a box on hand and find it excellent for any kind of wound or sore/ Mr, W. B. Thome, J. . P., Alderside, Alta., writes: "It was twenty-eight years ago that I became acquainted- with the merits of Dr. Chase's Ointment and would not be without it on any account as it never fails to do its work. I was first induced to try it for piles. Less than one box cured me and I have never been troubled rince. That was twenty-eight years ago, so I think the cure is permanent. permanent. It is good for sore lips and hands, chafing and -in fact, all sorts of sores. You are at, liberty to use this statement for the benefit of others." You can put Dr. Chase's Ointment to the .test in any case of piles with the utmost assurance that you will obtain relief from suffering and ultimately lasting cure. 60c a box at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co„ Limited, Toronto. . ' FAIR. ZION ÇCart wright" Agricultural Society wilt, hold their -'Exhibition at Blackstock on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 25 and 26. The Officers-and Directors are doing their part, well in ordef. to make the coming. Fair a.grand success. Send.for prize list and all other, information to Rqbt. PraLP r Burketon. . Rev. Dr. Crews, Toronto, will take the rally day services in Zion Church on Sunday Sunday " Sept! .23, ' Special music by the School. Gome and hear oneOf Toronto's best preachers. It will be a rare treat. EBENEZER Mr. and Mrs. Hyde and Mr. and Mrs. Weeks, Toronto, motored here and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Rundle . ...Epworth League Executive met Thursday night and arranged their work for the current year... .Mrs. Wm. Terry was taken suddenly ill at Oshawa Fair, collapsing on the Grand Stand and was removed to the Hospital. She has made good progress and was brought to' her home at the Cheese Factory Saturday, where she is convalescing nicely... .The "Berean" A; B. Class elected the following following officers: President--Mrs. H. F. Osborne; Osborne; Vice-Pres.--Mrs. B. Courtice; Secretary--Miss Secretary--Miss I. Worden; Ass't-Sec--Mrs. F. Everson: .Treas.--Miss A. Osborne; Teachers--Mrs. À. .J; Oke and Mrs. F. W. Rundle.... ; Mrs. Ira F. Pearce, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, spent.the week-end with Mrs. E. Osborne. Osborne. .. .Miss Pearl Parsons is spending the week-end at home, after a long visit at Whitby.... W. M. S. met in church on Thursday. Study Book was taken by Miss Muriel Penfound, Mrs. A. E. Rundle and Miss Alma Courtice. Mrs. G. F. An- nis gave a pleasing solo Pte. George Moss has returned from Camp Borden, having received his discharge from the C. E. F Miss A. M. Courtice has music classes in Ebenezer, Bowmanville and Oshawa .. .Beautiful weather wound up harvest and corn-cutting... .Our Sunday Sunday School is exchanging Library Books with the Zion Sunday School Sunday was a lovely day, and good-sized congregations were out for the services, Mr. Delve gave us fine discourses and our choir rendered choice music Miss Aura Osborne spent last week with her sister at Taunton... .Miss Marion Worden, Worden, Bowmanville', spent the week-end with her grandmother... .Nearly every farmer in this vicinity had the threshing machine last week. Nearly all were % day jobs, and everything was hustle....Messrs. A. and J. Harris, Whitby, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Short... .Everyone here intends going to Bowmanvillé Fair Miss Agnes Short, Hamilton, js home ... .Mr. and Mrs. Perkins, Toronto, visited visited A. J. Short's Friday.... Messrs. G. A. Pearce and A. B. Werry and their wives, motored to Toronto on Sabbath... .Miss Muriel Penfound started a class in music in Oshawa on Saturday. Stoves at F. O. Mason's. Worms feed upon the vitality of children children and endanger their lives. A simple and effective cure, is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. Beautiful Styles Reasonably Priced Fashion's last word in Stylish Footwear economically produced and priced in strict accordance with their value. Queen Quality Shoes are made by an organization that has kept in mind the requirements of the people and the existing conditions, A Few Fall Favorites Grey Kid, light top $12.00 Black Kid, grey top $8.50, $9.00 Brown Kid, khaki top, $8.00, $9 Black Kid, kid top, $6.50, $8.50 Black Kid, cloth top, $6.00, $8.00 Every line selected with care for its beauty and utility. Many Cheaper Lines We are also showing a good line of shoes at the prices ranging from $3.00 to $6.00 that are right in style and quality inspite of a high market: Fred. R. Foley■ (Sunny Side Boot Shop) Bowmanville, Ont. Big, Powerful Real Family Cars We knoiv through years of experience that a thirty-five horsepower motor placed in a car of proper weight, makes an ideal driving combination for all but the most radical speed demons. Year after year for many years the demand demand for the thirty-five horsepower Overland Overland models has increased in Canada and this year the sales of the Model Eighty- Five have eclipsed all previous records. You can have your choice in this r-Five Model of either a four or a motor. The wheelbase of the I^yur is 112 inches--that of the Six 116 inches. Both are comfortable easy riding cars, represents what we believe to be the best motor car value for the money in Canada. Come in and see them. Ask for a demonstration. We are at your service. If you prefer a closed car, we have à aide variety of types to choose from in Light Fours, Model 85-Fours, Light Wiflys Sheas and Willy»-Knights vH- IT " - : ml A. W. Pickard, Dealer. 'X m Willys-Overland, Limited. _ and Overland Motor Care Lifirt Commercial Wagons m If •a Head Office and Works, Wsat Toronto, Ontario X. ÿX.X