*=■* s"7*' I ... V-V ». .-.■■■» • • --■■S. : ,.77..T^-.v - ZiASttM The Camadiax Statu xax- ».nd The Bowxax- mlle Nkwi are published every ThaTfffijyt Friday mornin.*, respectively: Et The StiaBESHlS" Office, James S1»ck, t6 and 27 Kin**t^ v We«t, EoKrmxnTÜle, Ontario, Canada. M. JL- 348Mfcÿ*'£' Bona, Publishers and Proprietors, at ^QO p»r annum, payable inadyance; fi.Ohe.fter test three months. BOWMAHVTMJI, Q OLD MEDALIST OF TRINITY rerslty, Toronto, Fourr_. YeïÉA Attending Phy*tctaflep«t4.^ur*wn at ML Carmel Hospital, Pftt*15Ur gf;K* Office and Reelfcentii.' WtiîRïiHon St Telephone No. 101.' J. T. ALLENT TMLOJl At Rear of Standard Bank Bowmanville J. T. Allen annomibes that he now makes ..-^uits to order at lowest prices. Ladies' /suits cleared and pressed. Gentlemen's suits altered, repaired cloned and pressed. pressed. All work guarântéëdfandpnces right. Give the old reliable tailor a trial. RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Railway* Going East Express Express Passenger Local Passenger Mail 8 52 a.m. 10 31 a.m. 3-29 P-m 6.49 p.m 7.18 p.m 9.58 p.m Going West Express 4.22 a.m Local 6.57 a.m Loçal 9.45 ami Passenger 1.36 p.m Passenger 7.01 p.m VE^WÉYMN. We at close of day, O Father, For our Empire plead, Guard our soldiers, God of Armies^ In their heed. _ Shield our sailors in their perils On the mighty-deep, Guide them, bless themT*' loving Pilot, Safely keep. Gf àht our airmen as they upwards Climb through haze and cloud, Grace to hear Thy promise ringing" Clear and loud. Whieat , v --that's the Grànt our wounded as they languish On their beds of pain Heavenly comfort; and Thy mercy On the slain. Grafit oûr leaders strength and ;courage ;courage Whilst they plans devise, May their schemes find fullest favor In Thine eyes. Canadian Pacific Railway Going West Going East 6.02 a.m 10.46 a.m . 4-47 p.m 1.08 a.m. 9* C. B. Kent, Town Agent Canadian Northern Railway Going East Going West Express 11.42-a.m Express 9.36 a.m "'Express 6.40 p.m Express 7.31 p.m tExpress 3.08 p.m. 'Daily except Saturday. ISaturday only. v MILLIONS DIE Every year 1 from Consumption; Millions could have been saved if only common sense .prevention had been used in the first stage. If YOU ABE a - Sufferer "front Asthma, Bronchitis, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Pleurisy, Weak Lungs, Cough and Colds--all Diseases Diseases leading up to Consumption-- Tuberculosis, YOU ARE interested in Dr. Strandgard's T. B. Medicine. Write for Testimonials and Booklet, DB, STRAND GARD 'S 1B5DI0IKB £ 00., 26S-265 Yonge Street, Toronto. FARMS FOR OUR SOLDIERS On us pour Thy richest blessings, When all wars shall cease; In the brightness of Thy presence We find peace. -- H. D. F. Canadian Chaplain Services. ; Tune, "Holy Father in Thy Mercy.' Lt.-Col. George McLaren Brown, the European manager of the C.P.R., writes to the - "Tariff Reformer and Empire Monthly," in England, urging a comprehensive scheme by which the returned \soldlers could be pjaced on the land in so far as they desired it-- a scheme by which lands closed to the public would be fully opened up--not a few parcels of land, such as were noticed in the press,- and which would not give a square foot to all who might seek this means of settlement, but a plan by which' large" numbers could be accommodated on the lands in the Mother Country. Mr. Brown refers to the plan of the C.P.R., which offers improved farms, in selected'"colonies, selected'"colonies, with distinctive military nanies, improved by the company ; and assisted assisted colonization farms of 320 acres each, selected by the intending settler, and then improved by him with assistance assistance from the company. Easy terms of payment are offered, carried over twenty years ; bwt the point that Mr. Brown insists on is that-it is not people out of the workhouse that Canada Canada wants, because such are not desired desired in the Dominion, but people who are likely to succeed. He urges that the whole question of reconstruction be tackled with vigor on the other side. CURING SKIN TROUBLES Minard.'* Iilnitiient for sale everywhere. -y THE "WORK OF THE "SAUSAGES.' x So many people, both men and -women, -women, suffer from skin troubles, süch hi eczema, blotches, pimples and irritation irritation that a word of advice is neces-; sary. It is a great mistake ^for such sufferers and those with bad complexions complexions to smear themselves with greasy ointments, bften they could not do anything worse, for the grease clogs the pores of the troubled skin and their condition actually becomes worse. When there are pimples or eruptions, eruptions, ouair irritating or itching rash, 1 a sod thing boraclc solution may help to allay the - irritation, but of course that does not cure the trouble. Sirin complaints come from an impure condition condition of the blood and will persist until until the blood is ^thoroughly purified. It is well known that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have effected the best results results in many forms of skin disorders and blemishes. This is due to the fact that these pills make new, rich blood, and that -this new blood attacks the Impurities" that give rise to skin troubles and disperses them; so that Dr. Williams* Pink Pills cure skin disorders disorders from within the system--the only sure way. It should be added that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have a beneficial effect upon upon the general health. They increase the appetite and energy and cure diseases diseases that arise from impure blood. You can get these' pills through any medicine dealer or* by mail at 50 cents Meal £ slogan for those who want to conservé * food and also 1 conserve conserve strength and-- health. But be sure it is- the >whole whéât 1 préjpâiéd* iir à 5 digestible digestible form;, Sbr edd e^d Wheat is; 100 per cent, wholewheat--nothing wasted, 1 riothing thrown awaÿ* J Fifteen years ago Sfttèddèd* Wheat éateti only as* a breakfast cereal ; now/it W eateiffor diyZmeak as a substitute for meat, eggs, or potatqésl (Two or .three biscuits with milk br^ crëâïn àncT soifïe fresh fruits make a nourishing? satisfying- meal at a cost oforily a fèw çentëk M àd è in -Warts'HELii* Brief Description of' Some of War's Horrors^ bÿ a Returned Soldier!. A great general has truly said'that" • "War 1 is"' héîï." Hafd' he ' seen somie of' Plants For House Culture. The following, plants will do well in the Temperature of an ordinary, living^ room, where the plants will have the" afternoon sun ; :. Abütübn, agératum, astiîBe, amaryllis, asparagus plumtisus' nanus or asparagus fern, aspidistra, aticuba, azaleas, bouvardia, bougainvillea, bougainvillea, callas, camélia, coleus, % clivia miniata, a Tily - like "plant ; coboea scan- dens, cyperus, farfugium, ficus, fuchsias, fuchsias, geraniums, including scented and ivy- leaved varieties, heliotrope, hibiscus, hibiscus, lantanâs, lobelia, palms, sans- veria; vinca, rex begonias and some of the ..annuals will do well, such ' as candytuft, alyssum, mignonette, gloxinias, gloxinias, priniroséë, &'c. Of this list" camélias, camélias, and azaleas are the most difficult- difficult- to grow; many, however, succeed with them in window gardens.^ .y-, the things we in France have seen he would have'said "War is hell with' the lid off," thé escaping flames bringing, death and torture to all who cross then; path: _ , The bombardment seems as if one were in à tram going at TOO miles an hour, with thousands: of ■ other locomotives locomotives all racing through an endless tunnel. - The light made by the F explosion explosion of the shells appears aS if;the hëâvens were rent* asunder, with" all the clouds running into one another. Streams of machine gun bullets whistle" overhead and try- td get as near one as possible without aCtüally hitiiiig one'. The air is ffill of whir- /ring fragments,' with the smoke awning? awning? over the whole district as if a heavy thick Tog had fallen upon! the earth: : It is an everyday occurrence to see young-men in the prime of life turn quite gray, whîlë' others' go mad and leap out of the - trenches and lose themselves among- thé exploding sheHi*. ' x BABY'S OWfl TABLETS ALWAYS II TUB HOME THE BEST THING FOR DYSPEPSIA Mrs. Eugene : Vaillancourt, St. Mathieu, Mathieu, Que., writes : "My baby suffered gVeatly from cofastipation so I began using Baby's Own Tablets. I was surprised surprised with the prompt relief they gave him - and now I always keep^ "them in the house." Once a mother : has used Baby's - Own Tablets for her little ones she always keeps'a supply tin hand for the first trial convinces her there is nothing' to equal them in- keeping her little ones well: The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Broekville, Ont. : IV' The war has so increased housewife must màkë her By using Red Rose Tea, which chiefly strong, rich Assam teas, she -down.- The ..rich Assam strength rèquires less tea in the pot--arid thèré's only one tea"with thé rich Red Rose flavor! by Sealed Package riras B uy furs at ' wholes .le PRICES, Persian Lamb, Mii. Alaska Alaska Sable, Also Men's Furs. Satisfaction Satisfaction by mall guaranteed. Send for illustrated illustrated catalog. McComber's Limited, Manufacturers, 420 D St. Paul- West, Montreal. . KSWSPAFEBS TOM SAX.B P rofit-making, news. Offïe«'~ " _ . AND , JOB Offices™ for •- sale in- gooff"- Onta'rlif' towns. The most useful and Interesting of all businesses;- Full' information on application to Wilson Publishing Company. Company. 78 Adelaide, Street Tor onto. wail £1 ANGER, TUMORS, , LUMPS, - ETC.. _ internal and' external, cured without without pain by our home treatment Write 1 - us= "before too late. Dr. Bellthan Médical Co... Limited. ColUngwoodr.Ont WHY PEPSIN, pancreatin; etc., SO FREQUENTLY fail. An International speciàlist whose articles articles on stomach troublé have been printed printed in nearly every language,, recently, stated that to treat the average case of stomach trouble, Indigestion, dyspepsia, etc., by doctoring the stomach, killing, the pain with opiates, or by ther use of artificial aids to digestion such as pep si Observation Balloofis Note Every Shot Sent Into Enemy Positions. ; a box or s j x boxes for $2.50 from The From the North Sea to the Swiss j Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock- frontier one may almost trace the] ville, Ont, fighting front on clear days by the ob servation balloons. Great, awkward, Who invented the door no one ungainly bags, they tug at their an- knows. It is, however, an invention of chors, swaying this way and that at comparatively modern Mmes. All the LONDDNMUTUAL the touch of every breeze, but from the basket suspended far below keen eyed observers spot every shot their artillery sends over into tHe Boche positions. While the balloons are frequently frequently destroyed by hostile aeroplanes aeroplanes the casualties among the observers observers are surprisingly small. Each observation basket is equipped with parachutes and all the observers need to do when the bag above them is damaged or is the centre of attack is throw out their parachute, climb over ancient houses, even the houses containing containing doorways, had no doors. If you see a rign of fire on or near a - railway right-of-way, don't underestimate underestimate what it means. "~ Inform the nearest fire patrolman or station agent. Lend a hand yourself: Throw away neither burning matches, pipe ashes, cigarette nor cigar ends. Minerd 1 s liniment Cures Bums'.- Etc. and pancreatin, was' Just as foolish anti useless as to attempt to put out a fire by throwing water on the smoke, instead instead of the fire. He claims, and facts^ seem to justify his claim, that nearly nine-tenths of all stomach trouble is due to acidity and food fermentation; and that.the only way in which to secure permanent relief is - to get rid of the cause, i.e., to neutralize the acid and stop the fermentation: - For this purpose he strongly recommends the plan now generally adopted throughout Europe of 1 taking-a: teaspoonful of ordinary bisur- ated magnesia In.a little water immedl- Even if there were no embargo on apple shipments to Great Britain this, season the market there would probably probably be a limited one, as the United Kingdom itself is promised an unusually unusually heavy fruit crop. The Soul of a Piano is the Afction. Insist on the "OTTO HltiELi' PIÀNO ACTION ■n A lion-hunter who has made a study of that animal's peculiarities says that all lions are left-handed. When one strikes a forcible blow it uses its left paw. HIGHEST PRICES PAID -- For POULTRY, GAM"E : , EGGS & FEATHERS Please write for particulars. I ip. pour.nr & co., " 39 Bonsecours Market, Montreal MIDD8E AGE MONEY ORDERS A Dominion Express Money Order for five dollars costs three cents. Héâfirig at Last. There was a terrible dynamite explosion explosion near a small town. An old Mrs. Quinn's 'Experience Ought to Help Ydu Over the Critical Period. Lowell, Mass.--"For the last three years I have been troubled with the Change of Life and the bad feelings common at that time.- I was in a very, nervous condition, condition, with headaches and pain a good deal of the time so I was unfit to do my work.- A friend iked, me to z try ydia E. Pinkh/m's e g.e table Compound, Compound, which I did, and it has helped me in every way. I f acid," stops the fermentation and permits the stomach to do its wo,rk in a normal manner and thus by removing the cause, enables nature to quickly restore the inflamed inflamed stomach lining to a perfectly --, , . , . j. . , , _ healthy natural condition. For the x:on- Fabrics or skins of animals were hung lenience of travellers It may be noted across the doorways to keep out the! that most druggists are now able to supply supply bisurated magnesia in 6 grain tablets, tablets, 2 or 3 of which will almost in- ately after eating or whenever pain is i a( j v hearing it, turned toward the This immediately neutralizes the °. ' . felt. elements. tine INSURANCE r INC -company Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gents,--A customer of ours cured a very bad case of distemper in a valu- the basket and sail slowly and grace- able horse by the use of MINARD'S fully to the ground. They carry with ; LINIMENT. JOHN J. MASON, Local Agent, Bowmanville. In all countries. Aik for our INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S ADVISER,which will be sent free, MARION & MARION, / SS4 University St., Montréal, Wood's Phosphodinev them all their instruments and charts and are -able to make complete reports reports on everything that has occurred up to the minute they were forced to descend. Practically all the larger balloons now are equipped with wireless or telephone plants that keep the observers observers constantly in touch with the ground. The United States is developing developing a great fleet of the "sausages,' as they are generally termed. Yours truly, VILANDIE FRERES. Germany expects every Hessian fly and bug in every wheat-field, in North America to bd true to the Fatheriand Th*. Great 'English RemedyI whole •57. Tones and Invigorates the nervous systerd, makes new Blood Veins, m old Veins, . Cures Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despon- den eye Lass of Energy, Palpitation op the Heart, Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, six lor VS. One will please; six will cure. Bold by all druggists or mailed in "plain pkg. on receipt of 6 rice. Neu: pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD IEDICINECOh T010HT0, OtT. (Fwmwty WlsitsrJ Only a small per cent, of the money saved up for rainy days is invested in umbrellas. HOMESEEKERS' EXC U R S IONS MAY 8th TO OCTOBER 1 10th Every TUESDAY "ALL RAIL" - also by" THURSDAY'S STEAMER Great Lakes Routes ", (Season Navigation) Your Future Is In the West The fertile prairies have put Western Canada on the map. There are sflll thousands of acres, waiting for the man who wants a homeland prosperity. Take advantage-of Law Ratea and travel via Canadian Pacific Information from Ticket Offices : 141-145 SL James SL, Phone M 8125, Windsor Hotel, Windsor and Place Viger Stations. HI Minard's Dlniinent Cures Dandruff. stantly relieve the most violent attacks of indigestion. door of her sitting room and said: "Come in, Bella." When her servant entered the room she said: "Do you know, Bella, my hearing is evidently improving. I beard you knock at the door for the first time in twenty years." For cleansing, purifying and beautifying beautifying the complexion, hands and hair, Cuticur.i Soap is supreme, especially when assisted by .touches of Cuticura Ointment to soothe and heal the first signs of skin troubles. For free sam- E le address post-card: "Cuticura, Dept. r, Boston, U. S. A." Sold by dealers throughout the world. iy- am not nearly so nervous,^ no headache or pain. I must say that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the best remedy any sick woman can take. ' ' --Mrs. Margaret Quipr, Rear 259 Worthen St., Lowell, Mass. Other warning symptoms are a sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, backaches, dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregularities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness, inquietude, and dizziness. If you need special advice, write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass. Whose Baby? A schoolmaster had just finished an instructive lesson on food, when little Basil raised his hand. "Well, Basil, what is it?" questioned questioned the teacher. "Please, sir, Billy J,enkins said he knew a baby that was brought up on elephant's milk, and it gained ten pounds in weight every day. "Billy ought not to tell such rubbish," rubbish," replied the master. Then: "Tell me, Billy, whose, baby was brought up on elephant's milk ? " "The elephant's baby, sir!" hesitat- ingly replied the boy.. Ç. B. KENT, Agent, Bowmanville, you never tasted 1 FOOD Prophecy o£ Flying of 200 Years Ago, Inasmuch as the words were uttered more than two centuries ago, there was a truly prophetic anticipation of the experience of the present war in a sermon on "physio-theology," delivered, delivered, in 1711, by Dr. William Delham, of St. John's College, Oxford, which has. just come to Jight agfiin. "As in all probability the art of flying " would particularly be," he said, "by putting it in^man'sf power to discover the secret secret of nations and families more than is consistent with the peace" of the world to know; by giving ill men greater opportunities to do -mischief which it would not lie in the power of others to prevent; and, as' one observes, observes, by making men less sociable." 0 ' A lever-operated machine to aid students to learn the multiplication table has been invented by a French ; teacher. LIFT YOUR CORNS OFF WITH FINGERS How to loosen a tender corn or callus so it lifts out - without pain. _A Bit Ancient Now! She was an admirable person' and never'lost an opportunity of pointing a moral to her small nephews and nieces. She took_ them to the. museum for e trcàt • "This," said the guide,, "is.Nelson's waistcoat, worn' at the battle of Trafalgar,; Trafalgar,; and this: is the hole where the fatal bullet went through." "There- -children,"' said' their aunt. -"You remember what I ! said about a stitch" in time saving nine. If that hole hâ&'beeri mended- the, bullet wouldn't have gone through;" Then she capped it by adding. "And Nelsofi might have been living yet." in If the ' end of the' .war finds 'the Canadian people a bit less- extravagant that will be no small gain: xinard's Uniment Believes Henraltfft. that when suffering from nervotisness, sick headache, dizzy spells and. ailments peculiar to their sex-- nothingaffordssuch prompt and welcome relief, as will follow a few doses of Let folks step on your feet hereafter;. hereafter;. wear shoes a size smaller if you to True Economy This year, instead of buying new clothing and household effects, let Parker restore those you have already. You will gain in every way. We are specialists in. Gloves, Gowns, Feathers, Lace Curtains, Blankets, Carpets, Carpets, Gent's Clothing. We are known throughout the Dominion for our thoroughLwork. A proven women's remedy, which assists in regulating the organs,, arid reestablishing healthy conditions. Bèechatti's Pills contain no : habit-forming drug --- leave no disagreeable after-effëctsV They are--^ P / like, for corns will never ^again send i electric sparks of. pain through you, i according to this Cincinnati authority, j He says that a" few drops of a drug | called freezonë, applied ditectly upon | à tender, aching corn, x instantly re- j lieves soreness, and soon the entire j corn; root and all, lifts right out. j This drug dries at once and simply j shrivels up the corn or callus without j even irritating the surroufidlng tissue. A small bottle of freezonë obtained flf' any drug store will cost very little but will positively remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one's foot. If your druggist hasn't stocked this new drug yet, tell him to get a small bottle of free'zone- for you from his wholesale drug? house. _ Send for oar Catalogue on Cleaning and Dyeing. \ PARKER'S DYE WORKS, UMITED 791 Jfong© Toronto . i* i-ti if ■■V-'ioUOlb xMl'j BLACK WHITE -, TAN to Directions of SpedilValue to Women are yrith every bos. Sold cVerÿwherc . In boxesi 25c. IUUSE No. 39--'17. Increases strength qf_ delicate, nervous, run down peoplM 100 per in- oept- In- ten days h* many Instances. $100 forfeit: if it fails as per fullexplanation M in large* article soon to appear «. in this paper. Ask your doctor doctor or druggist about it. -- All good' druggists, always carry it In stpek. i' r :\ l>-4 z r: fVS Ï •;Z *;! - > V ' 3