a • / ' What O VER in the sodden trenches amid the bursting - shells and the - roar of artillery where x Canada s boys are fighting and dying. --they'are waiting for -Canada's answer when th sale of Victory Bonds begins. C ANADA'S soldiers expect that we at home will put up the millions millions they need to keep on fighting, --the millions they must have to win Victory for freedom, home and Canada. What answer will Canada make? What answer will you make? Shall it be said that Canada spares not her sons from the sacrifice sacrifice of battle, yet withholds her dollars to give them victory? - --that the Canadian hand to the plow of Victory holds steadfast steadfast and firm. --that Canada is in deadly earnest when she says the "last man and the last dollar Rather will it be said that Canada Canada once more, for the fourth time in three years, cheerfully puts up her millions upon milliôns for the cause of freedom, righteousness righteousness and justice. Canada's answer must be, That is the answer Canada will give to our boys in the trenches, our kinsmen in Britian, and our Allies everywhere. That is the answer we will give to the Huns who thought and said that Canada would desert the Empire before she would fight or pay. Every bond you buy is an answer. Let the millions of answers answers from Canadals loyal men and" wpmen make a chorus' of Victory to ring around the world. BY CttAS. M? B1CB, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, DENVER, COLORADO. THE EMBARGO. The -central powers will soon feel .most keenly the pinch ç>f; poverty as the very worst of the "frightfulness". programme 1 ."' • •' ■ r It was all very well at the beginning beginning when 1 ; the " TJ -b o5at was tit bring T ME BANK nmst keenly tne pmcn the economic screws are.lemg appUed victory to Germany and humblfi to .fb e relentlessly from this side of the wa- dust her mostWted enemy. All who ters ■ / were to take part in the undertaking The presidential proclamation has we re heroes-and: would: go down in cone forth, and it is no "scrap of pa- German history as the saviors of the per " either, as Germany will find. It | empire. We-knowijiat when the Lusi- meâns a seVfcrer winter than they have tania was sunk with.its cargo <?f non- yet experienced, with scant hope for the future. - - To the neutral nations surrounding Germany it means almost^as much deprivation deprivation as to enemy-nations directly at war. Their back doors will ^be closed, and the abnormal profits they , combatants, the commander and . the men on the submarine that committed the crime werê duly acclaimed by-the nation. as worthy of national honors and special medals. The German people people could not understand why the neutral neutral world held its head .in shame and have "'enjoyed' will be cut down, and "turned away in jitter horror from the their peoples will have to live close to atrocious deed, the platter wjth perhaps not enough to go around. ' . " . An embargo with no loop holes 1 going into ) effect on Continental Eu rope if the Allies can effect it. - K t * * The British embargo in the early months of |he war was not very efficient efficient for many reasons, for whenever This was another evidence of German' German' superiority to the common herd, that did not ^appreciate or understand the true meaning of German "kultur." When the unrestricted warfare began six months back Germany found plenty of volunteers to man the submarines. The business ;would be over before the, OF CANAJDA head office -' Toronto " - We advise the, purchase of Canada's Vet?t£ry Bonds as a safe and profitable ipvestmentm addition to being a help to your'country. 'AnyBrainch of thin Benk wiU take ^ . - . - your subscription without ebsrie. BOWMANVILLE BRANCH A. N. McMILLAN, - ^ Manager. CST'D 1073 the navy became strict and sent car- | middle ef summer. Men were willing goes to the prize courts, American ; to _suffer torture and die like rats for business was heard from, and Con- j the glory of a Germany that was .gress became bellicose at once .-After permitting Germany to import import cottons months after the war opened, in order to' give the American cotton grower and middleman opportunity opportunity to unload when the embargo was put in motion, Southern Senators became anti-British • and pro-German all . at once. rule the earth. For a month or two it did seem as if this last resort of Germany might be successful, . but after that with every week the chances of beating down the allies became became less and less hopeful. The -entry of the U.S. into the war had a double effect--it made impossible impossible the success of the new venture, Canada's Victory Loan Campaign opens on Monday, November 12 "Canada's Victory Loan All About It" is the title of a pamphlet that should be in the hands of every man and woman in the country. Mail this coupon, at once and get your copy Chairman, Provincial Committee, Canada's Victory Loan, Toronto. Kindly send me a copy of pamphlet entitled: "Canada's Victory Loan, All About It." Name Street or R.R ... p.o Prov x Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee in co-operatio'n with the Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada. 7» IlTwas^the same with several other | and, at the same time it influenced American products booked for Scan-! greatly'the moral uprising of civiliza- .. • „r--4. riormjmv. The tion against German violations of law dinavia but meant for Germany. The British authorities could go only so far,"and there was ever present friction friction between the navy proper and the political departments around Winchester.' Winchester.' London admitted that the - embargo did not effectually em- barg" for political and diplomatic reasons. " Furthermore, the English were dependent dependent to a larger degree than now for imports from Sweden, Denmark, Holland and Norway. Swedish iron ore has played an important part for years in British manufacture, and the average English breakfast and dinner table before the war would have been scant indeed without'the dairy products products from the other countries named. named. But of late the British have taken taken to the development of _their own agricultural resources, and can now look for any lack of sustenance-in the larger field from this side. and morality. A whole continent rose, in revolt^ and spewed Prussianism from its mouth. Subconsciously the German people responded to and felt the effect of this universal revulsion. The men called on to do the assassin's assassin's work on the high seas were not eager for this assignment. Volunteers Volunteers were not longer forthcoming; men had to be conscripted from the idle battle-fleet lying in hiding back of Heligoland. They went out with a heavy heart knowing that they were engaging in an unmanly, brutal trade. The list of U-boats that never returned returned was being added to,. almost daily. The British method of making no report of enemy losses had a psychological psychological effect in "the long run. Enemy losses were decreasing, and the enemy of Germany was taking As a wj*r measure by the U.S. every courage; the German crews were los- article that can be ,of assistance to the ing their courage and morale, enemy, or that is likely to be,, is ta- No adequate antidote of a physica booed on this side the Atlantic. There kind has been discovered for the subwill subwill be no-blockade running hereafter, marine. Its defeat is coming through and the British cruisers' wall in the North Sea can be relieved to a large extent for other duties. The dam will be nearer the source" of supply. There was a time, and that not long ago, when the. neutral European na- tions had to be handled with silken gloves. The possibility was ever present present Jhat one or more might join with the central powers if the screws were turned a little too much. a spirit of revolt from those who employed employed it with which to overcome civilization. civilization. In this age of enlightenment he who would deliberately fly in the face of world morality, and volunteer as pirate to pillage and destroy women women and children upon the open seas, is either hopelessly decadent, or dangerously dangerously excitèd, and perilously swellheaded. swellheaded. His imagination, urged on by a criminal instinct, must be on a something truly l , Gargantuan scale, With the U.S. arrayed against Ger- ; enormous, to induce him to enter upon these Wood's Pkospkoün** The Great English liemed Tones and Invigorates the who fc nervou? system, makes new Blood ' ' Ve" - u, "oid" Veins, " Cures Nervous Debility,.iifental and Brain Worry, Despondency, Despondency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Fattina Memory. Price $1 per bor, six for $5. One will please, six will cure. Bold by all ■ mailed of drugcLvt* or mailed in plain irieg. on receipt price. Netc pamphlet mailedfrec- THE WOOD fMEDICINlTCO., TORONTO, 0*1. (Pereerly WleiarJ She Loved Ferment. A little schoolgirl was told by her teacher to write the word "ferment" on her slate together with the definition definition and a sentence in which the word was used. The following is the result: result: "F-e-r-m-e-n-t; a verb signifying signifying to work. I love to do all kinds of fancy ferment." Your Neighbour's Children Cry for Food! W HO is your neighbour, if not Belgium, who held back the Hun when the issue was at stake? If you think you have done all you can for Belgium, remember the daily food ration there is a bowl of eonp- and a slice of bread. The grown up folks accept this gratefully. .But how can the little children b« made to understand7 Their growing bodies demand more, and there is an appalling increase in children's diseases due to malnutrition I These cases demand immediate immediate attention or death will follow. As far as funds will permit, children broken by slow starvation are taken to Holland for special care and feeding. They cannot be given more than ^lx Weeks treatment because about 16.000 more children are waitingjfor this much. If more Is to be done It must be through generous "response to the appeal made for the Belgian Children's Health Fund. Funds are badly needed too for th# Belgian'Orphans' Fund. A contribution of $8.70 feeds, clothes and educates a friendless waif for a month. 'As you plan your three meals a day, thiiA of their needs. "" Tour contributions will go entire through the Belgian Minister of the Interior '{in L« Havre, France) to Dutch authorities, who administer the relief work under the approval of the British and Dutch Governments, and Mr. Hoover's Committee. You-Choose-- Hardwood Floors p or Carpets Carpets breed germs, dust, are bard to clean and in every respect respect are unsanitary and out of date. Hardwood floors are sanitary and cannot harbour or breed germs. They look better and are easier to keep clean. many there is little chance of natiqps -joining a forlorn hope. If one did there is sure to be an equal offset. The British authorities have removed the glove and are showing showing the mailed fist, and have informed informed these nations that were of such aid to Germany in food supplies of the new- rules and conditions. Not only in foods and manufactures of every kind, but in gold and silver and in financial dealings with neutrals and the open enemy have the pincers been applied. No sustenance from the German banker of- N.Y., Boston, Philadelphia, St. Louis, or New Orleans Orleans is to be permitted hereafter. If the rate of exchange to these countries countries goes to zero, well, that means application of the screw arid so manA months of bloodshed and misery saved saved the world. ✓ i The American machine is moving i slowly but surely upon autocracy and i its secret intd open allies, and it will 1 not take l*g before it makes itself severely felt. ' Should it get rid of certain so-called so-called neutrals at first, so. much the better. better. The time for neutrality is gone. : There can be no neutrality regarding a world principle. H§ who is. not for democracy must be classed as against it, and dealt with accordingly. Educate, child. the mother and save \ the HEVULSION AND MUTINY. A huge sore--very deep--full ofYoul discharge. Agony all day; no rest at night. Then--just a' tew drops of the gentle, cooling liquid, D/D. D. Irritation and pain gone. Sweet, refreshing sleep at night. In due time, complete cure. W^guarantee D. D. D-. jury & Lovell, Druggists, Bowmanville. The Liquid Wash J.T. ALLEN, TAILOR BELGIAN RELIEF FUND Ontario Brandi 80 Kin* St. West Toronto J. W. Woods, Esq., Chairman of the Advisory Board, Mrs. Arthur Pepler, Chairman of the Committee. Bond con tribe tlfns to Mias Isabella I» George.. Hon. Treasurer, or to Local Committee Make ^heqam payabtt to the Belgian Belle* Fwjd Don't ferret Mrs. Agar A damson's Canal Boat Fund for work among ^ J * Belgian refugees behind the aUied lines in Flanders. 1 You will be astonished astonished to realize hoW little hardwood floors cost as compared with carpets. Ask us for quotations. mm! McClellan & Co. Bowmanville Limited When the whole truth becomes known regarding, the recent mutiny in the Germàn navy and the retirement ! of the Ministry of Marine as a corise- auence of the outbreak, ,it will be found that the submarine campaign of frightfulness had most to do with it. A. révulsion hhs been taking place in" Germany outside 6f Prussia proper. It began with the knowledge that Germany Germany could not win the war. Perhaps if success had attended the empire •upon land and" sea and there was a probability of an early victory, the moral resentments would not ^ have come to the surface; but, with the civilized world in arms against Germany Germany and; their barbaric methods of warfare which" have been in vogue in the last 'three years, and the ^failure written : upon every undertaking so far, a reaction has set in and has fpund-' expression in the nàvy which has been chiefly called on to - At Rear of Standard Bank BOWMANVILLE . - J. T. Allen announcesthathe now makes $uits to order at lowest'prices. Ladies' suits cleaned and pressed.' Gentlemen's suits altered, repaired, cleaned and pressed. pressed. All work guaranteed and prices right. Give the old reliable tailor a trial. TIRE REPAIRING - Ideal Tire^ Repair "Company, Corner King and Silver Streets, Bowmanville, is now openyfor business. business. Steam vulcanizing services and guaranteed work at minimum prices. Auto Tire and Tube repairing repairing a specialty... F^ree Air Service. Service. Dealers in all popular Canadian Canadian made Tires. , "x R. M. damiefcon, Mgr. such a task of absolute ruthfulness.js It is not surprising that even the unregenerate unregenerate Hun at last rëcoils from such inhuman practice, though commanded commanded by a military, autocracy. He -who would deliberately lift the veil of Sais- must die, or have the hardihood and power to swallow up death in life. The Zeit Geist has not yet produced produced the mortals equal to the task. paper It is a pleasure for me to announce to the readers, of this ^ directors see fit-to donate this space, which may help in the sale of Canada 1 » Victory Bonds. A. H. C. Carson, President. London Mutual Fire Ins* Co. of Canada Head OfficM -- - -- TORONTO ■ ; Victory is at stake and your dollars are needed to end the struggle. Buy Canada's Victory Bonds They will yield good returns, and are a safe investment. caMàoa. MILITARY SERVICE ACT 1917 For the Attention of Class One Men The Location of The Exemption Tribunals in this district is as/follows:-- Tribunal Ont. No. 51---Bowmanville Ont. No. 50--Port Hope. Ont. No. 225--Brougham. These Tribunals will commence to deal with claims fof exemption on November 8th. All claims for exemption must be made not later than "November 10th. Those who make or have made their claim for exemption exemption in writing through the Post Office will receive notice by registered letter of date on which their claim will be dealt with. Those who neglect to make use of the Post Office must present themselves in person at a Tribunal on November 8th, 9th or 10th, and they will then be informed as to when their claims will be dealt with. Reports for service must be made on or before November 10th through the Post Office. y** Severe penalties are provided by iaw for failure to report for service or claim exemption as above. 807 Issued by The Military Service Council» A sk For and insist on getting a Victrola and Victor Records Don't be put off with an imitation when--the reai thing coéts no more. Genuine Victrolas and Victor Records only bear the trade mark known the world over "His Master's Voice" Berliner Gram-o-phone Co. MONTREAL LIMITED ^ Lenoir Street 1 7 3 jrqr u -176 "His Masters's Voice',', Bowmanville Dealers / LEVI MORRIS & SONf JÜRY & LOVELL - R. M. MITCH ELL & CO. X \ X ."V