^2?«Rs5??«SL-.' ç- v . -~ s ';;h.,f-f;sS27 rSwf? - 5 SE Not Tea. Leaves intermixed Diit and Stems but all Virgin. II Leaves." has the reputation, of being the cleanest, and most perfect tea,s61d. E147 BLACK, GREEN CR MIXED. SEALED PACKETS ONLY, the OUjS< DOMESTIC SCIENCE AT HOME Seventeenth Lesson--Meats. Meat is a bundle of lean, muscular ; surface of the meat quickly v use a " Ders . t " at . ar e held together by; strong heat. This keeps the juices nnective tissue, containing albumen, ! and nutriment in the meat» Then coni' coni' protein; geiatinoids, or gelatine, ; tinue cooking' the desired length of a nc extracti -es or flavoring. j time. By using this method all the inere are two factors to be remem- : gelatinoidn and extractives are kept in oerea when cooking meat: ! the meat. First. When making soups, broths 1 It is a known. feet that albumen, anc teas, the meat is placed in cold geiatinoids and extractives or flavor- water and brought slowly to .. boil and I in £ in meat are soluble in" cold water, tnen cooked on the simmering burner 1 Marketing at a temperature of 165 to 180 de- grees Fahrenheit. By using this method, a rich delicious broth is ob tained which contains all the nutri ment of the meat. Second. t Many housewives try to eliminate this feature of the household régime as much as possible and so order by telephone or leave it until the last minute and then rush out to buy any -TT7-. . ,, *t*V*" vw uiicxi x nan ulil lu uuy any- VV hen searing the outer things helter-skelter. The purchasing ! ?f food supplies should be the most | important duty of the housewife. In ; this day of advancing prices it be- . hooves us to husband very carefully lour resources. Get full value for each penny spent. ! By this I do not mean purchasing j cheap foods, but that you must know i just what you want and the time to get it. Cook in an appetizing manner HIGHEST PRICES PAID For POULTRY, GAME, EGGS- & FEATHERS Please write for particulars. P. POUTiUT & CO., 39 Bonsecour* Market, Montreal and serve temptingly and you will feel well repaid by tneTiearty appreciation appreciation oL your family.. ' . Do not order by telephone if you can poFsiblyhelp it J .'Slip Tfti your hatband coat'and see foi: yourself'just what, you - ' are- paying for< Under § our own personal ^supervision your utcher or grocer will give you much better -service.. . - ' ^ Many housewives feeT very Onex perieneed . at buying. When-about to purchase meat and unable to make a choice of cuts she invariably falls back on, "Oh, I guess steak or chops will do." Or, "I really don't know what to -get; I'm tired of meat,- anyway." anyway." Many butchers, realizing this state of affairs, gladly take advantage of it and play i.pQn At tç the utmost of their powers. Know the Various Cuts, It will be found that knowing the cuts of meat and being able to judge by appearance will help, but first and foremost the odor of the ~meat will give you a definite idea about its condition. The odors of poultry and fish will help you/in the same way. Meat should have a good appearance. By thisTI mean it should have a good red color shortly after cutting. ~ The fat should be creamy .white and' fiçm in appearance, and should have " a pleasant meaty odor. All this is absolutely essential for good meat. ♦About 26 per cent, of the beef carcass carcass is'**!», the fine arid fancy cuts of meat and, therefore, accordingly high in price, because three out of five women women ùsually say "steak." Here are a few recipes for the cheaper cuts of meat, which are de- "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Brought Tho joy Of Health After Twq Years* Suffering That heavy headache, torpid liver, sick stomach, bitter taste in mouth, furred tongue, dull eyes and muddy skin, all come from a poor supply of bile. These unhealthy conditions are promptly corrected by Gillette MADAM LAPLANTE 85-St. Rose St., Montreal." April 4th, "For bver two years I was sick and. miserable. I suffered from constant Headaches, and had Palpitation oJ[ the Heart so badly that I feared I woul d die. There seemed, to be a lump in my stomach and the Constipation was dreadful. I suffered from Pain in the Pack and-Kidney Disease. I was treated by a physician for a year and a half and he did me no good at all. I tried " Fruit-a-tives " as a last resort. After using three boxes, I was greatly: improved and twelve boxes made me well. Now I can work all day arid there are no Headaches, no Palpitation, no Heart Trouble, ho Constipation, no Pain or Kidney Trouble -and /feel like a neTvb&ing--and it was "Fruit-a-tives" that gave me back my,health ". ' - Madam ARTHUR LAPLANTE. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial -size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- - • • - 7 Ottawa. Safety Razor He'll Appreciate Your Good Judgment As Well As Your Good Will if for Christmas, 1917, you send „ # him a Gillette Safety Razor! That's the gift that is valued Overseas for itself as well as for the sake of the sender. Few articles of personal equipment ^re so welcome, for the Gillette is known up and down the Allied lines, by Canadian, Briton and Anzac, Frenchman, Italian and American, as the one sure passport to a clean and enjoyable shave. Even if he has already had one, the man in whom your hopes centre will be glad to get another Gillette Safety Razor. For under active service conditions, equipment so sought after as the Gillette strays easily and.often, and he may now be trying to worry along again without one. So whatever else your box may contain, don't forget a GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR --and a good supply of blades. If you prefer, we will take your order, through your dealer or dired, and deliver the razor of your choice from our nearest depot Overseas. Ask your dealer about this when he shows you his Gillette assortment. Standard Sets and "Bulldogs" cost $5.00--Pocket . --Editions $5.00 to $6.00--Combination Sets $6.50 U P a t Drtrg, Jewelry and Hardware Stores. Mails are congested--shipments slow. Send his Gillette early l GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED, Office and Facto^r : Gillette Beliding, Montreal 274 which stimulate the liver, regulate the flow of bile, sweeten the stomach, and renew healthy bowel action. A household remedy approved approved by sixty years of public public service. For every-day illnesses, Beecham's Pills are a tested Remedy Largest Sale of Any Medicine in die World, - Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25c. " Hake Big Profits From furs 'jd l wAî h e 'rp' s ° * h * For bL fggest Fur House trapping money in cash, --I yonr fora to ns at onoe. We are Mggest becânep we pay highest prices. W- netti your skins now, while prices are •ood. Writeforinewprice list on rac- ooon, slronr, mink, fox, muskrat and other fare. We pey top prices and send mens/ same day wa receive ah! pm set. WRITE FOR FREE BOOK 1 Trapper's G aide. Instructions licious and nutritious, and they will be heartily welcomed by the man- of the family: : Roll Brisket, Braised ~ Three pounds, of brisket, rolled, usually sells for about twenty two cents a pound. Place three tablespoonfuls tablespoonfuls of drippings in the frying pan to heat. Dust the meat lightly with flour and then brown quickly without scorching in the hot fait. Transfer to a large saucepan, place a small wire rack- 1 --like a flatiron stand, which . can be purchased at the ten- cént ^stores--rin the bottom of the saucepan. Pour boiling water in the pan until it reaches this rack. Then put in the meat, cover and steam until tender, usually about one and one-hali hours. Lift the meat and thicken the gravy with browned flour, adding, one-half teaspoonful of grated grated onion, salt and pepper to taste, and then serve with the meat. The leftover leftover portion can be cut in thin slices and served with horseradish sauce, and the end cut and used in meat hash or English pie. Casserole of Shin Beef Prepare two pounds of shin beef by j browning quickly in two tablespoon- ; fuis of fat in hot frying pan. Then i put j» casserole dish or baking dish : and add four medium-sized onions, [ six potatoes, one pint of water. Put the cover on the dish and bake for ! one hour in a moderate oven. Or use a saucepan that can be covered tightly tightly and then cook on 4;he simmering burner. Thicken the gravy with browned flour. Season with salt, pepper and- finely chopped parsley. Then serve. Whether the corn be old or new growth, it must yield to Holloway's Corn Cure, the simplest and best cure offered to the public. Write for MIZE D*. guns. <71 funtMl FUNSTEM BROS. & CO, I ; CHIMNEYS MADE BY NATURE. RTO61 «. I , Ms. This Watch Free TO ANY BOY Wood Best grades of Coal only kept, also Wood of all kinds. If you have not ordered your'Winter supply yet, you had better do so as it is liable to advance any day. . ' E. W. LOSCOMBE - Standard Bank Building, Temperance St. Phone 177 l This "Railroad King" watch is an absolutely guaranteed timekeeper. It Is stem wind and stem set, nickel" case. Send us your name and address and we will send you 35 packages- of our lovely Xmas post cards to sell it 10 cents a set (6 lovely cards Inj sach set). When sold send us the money, and we will 1 send you the watch, all charges prepaid. HOMER-WARREN CO. - 1 DEPT. 65, TORONTO. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Jfsafe. reliable regulating . medicine. Sold in three degrees degrees -of strength--No. l. Si : " ; No. 2. S3; - No. 3. S5 per bo». Sold- by all druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. -Free pamphlet.' ... Address : THE COOK fâEBiCltfE CO:, TORONTO. ONT. (Fvrmrlf ^Vltdien) / ! Hundreds of Them in the Mountains { of Japan. { In the mountains of Japan are hun- | dreds of so-called "blowing caves," which blow hot in winter and cold in j summer. They are natural chimneys. A typical one of the sort is a hole (ordinarily (ordinarily of volcanic origin), with an opening low down on the mountainside, mountainside, and another opening that takes the form of a cavern far above. The air inside the "chimney" remains remains at about the same temperature all the year round. iBut seasonal variations variations of temperature outside (implying (implying variations of air density and pressure) pressure) cause an outflow of relatively warm air from the upper opening in winter and an outflow of cool air from the lower opening in summer. ^This outflow of cool air carries moisture moisture that rapidly evaporates on meeting meeting the warm air outside. The evaporation" evaporation" makes cold, so that ice is actually actually formed in the surrounding soil. In fact, the hotter the day, the greater greater the quantity of ice. The Japanese use the bottom" openings openings of these "chimneys" for hatching hatching silkworm eggs in hot weather-- the object in t view being to retard the hatching, which, iirithe warm season, might otherwise, be- too rapid. How. to <Eat for Health. Natural habits in eating develop natural tastes -arid instincts, and are conducive to the highest pleasure and erijoymenth_ The, ideas embodied in the following rules of diet are by no means new discoveries; they are as old as the hills: Eat natural foods. • Avoid excess of proteins, which include, include, beside meats, eggs and milk. Eat eggs sparingly, if at all . They are unwholesome for some people. Exercise-care in the use of cow's milk-- „Many persons suffer from ebroriic'milk poisoning, being, subjects of "casein dyspepsia." Buttermilk is perferable to ordinary milk. Avoid excess of animal fats. Nuts, especially- pine nuts, pecans and' almonds, almonds, are an excellent source offaf. Avoid poisons,. which include tea, I coffee, alcohol and tabacco. Avoid condiments--mustard, pepper, pepper, pepper sauce, cayenne, vinegar, pickles, all the irritating spices ancl condiments. These damage the stomach, stomach, liver and kidneys. Use salt sparingly. Many persons are benefited by discarding salt alta- gether. The^food naturally contains a sufficient arnount. v Eat simply, avoiding too many kinds of food at a meàl. ' Eat moderately : Never eat'to fullness fullness or satiety. ^ Eat food which is relished. Such food generates appetite juice, which is essential to good digestion. Use cane sugar sparingly, sweet fruits are better. - Secure two or three bowel movements movements daily by the abundant use of fruits, bran, fresh vegetables and other laxative foods (if necessary, use mineral oil). Eat some fresh, uncooked food daily, such as fresh or dried fruit, lettuce, heart of cabbage or fresh cucumbers (not pickles). Vary the diet from day to day, but avoid complicated meals and dishes. The meal hours should be regular. Two meals a day is the best, plan for brain workers. If three meals are eaten the principal meal should be taken at midday. Supper should be the lightest meal. Iced foods and drinks must be taken taken slowly. Take time to eat. Eat largely of dry foods ancl masticate thoroughly. Drink four to six pints' of- water daily. \ Rest half an hour after eating. Avoid sleeping and violent exercise immediately after meals. JL .uses Thé war has so increased the cost of living, the housewife must make her money go further. By using Red Rose Tea, which chiefly consists of . strong, rich . Assam, te9s, she can ""keep her tea bills x _ down. .. Thé rich Assam strength requires less tea in" the pot--and therb's only " one tea with the rich Red Rose flavor ! S' Kept Good by the Sealed Package 640 >< >1 One Chinese province annually 'exports 'exports more than 150,000 tons of peanuts, peanuts, all because an American missionary missionary several years ago gave a na- T ' ---- L* 1 - $22dr00 IN PRIZES To the Grand Champion Steer and Heifer at Toronto Fat 8took Show five convert a quart of California seed. X Union Stock Yards DEC. 7 and 8,1917 Good Cash Prizes for .all classes. j If you have not received a premium ' list and eptry blank, write to-day. j Geo. Wright Si Co., Props. If You Are Not Already Acquainted • let me introduce you to the Walker House (The House of Plenty), wherein home comfort is made tile paramount factor. It is the one hotel where the management lend every effort to make its patrons feel it is "Just like home." TqE WALKER HOUSE The House of Plenty TORONTO,' CANADA Flapping Shades. Often it is necessary to lower the shades when the windows are open, which causes a constant flapping. I remedied this in a simple, inexpensive, inexpensive, yet effective way. I got some small screw eyes and fastened one on each end. of the lower shade stick, one on the top and one on the bottom on each side of the window casing. Then I fastened thin cord to the bottom eyelet," eyelet," ran it through the shade eyelet and fastened it to the top screw eye. If this is done on each side of the shade the window can be left wide open and the shade will stay where you want it. _ This does not interfere with the raising and lowering of the shade, and if the x cord is purchased the same color as the woodwork it will be unnoticeable. BLANKETS CARPETS LACE CURTAINS FEATHERS FURS DRAPERIES GOWNS TABLE COVERS QUILTS GENTS» CLOTHING PARKER'S 791 Yonge Quick Service Excellent Work Send for our Catalogue on Cleaning and Dyeing Moderate Charges Wo Pay Carriage Charges One Way. DYE WORKS, Limited Cleahers and Dyers Street - - Toronto Àt Clothespins . will not -freeze -to the line if they are first boiled irvlstrong salt and water -and ;then dried. Here is a way of fixing codfish so that ydti hardly know it is codfish. You use one large" cup ojXbaked cod- fish* though salmon will do as well; two soft boiled eggs; a heaping tablespoon tablespoon of butter, the juice of_an onion, a teaspoon of miked mustard, one- quârter cup of cream, and a teacup of freshly , boiled rice. Heat all together, together, adding pepper and salt- to taste, and Serve heaped on slices of toast garnished with frésh watercress. Drinking Tea Upset Nerves 1 Mr.Burroughs compares Canadian Canadian Costumes.With Those in Old Land, and Tells How Nerves Were Set Right. Orillia, Ont. Oct. 8.--"How to be well and strong?" is the question many are asking at this time of year, and in this letter you will find the answer. It tells something of theblo.od-forming, nerve-invigorating influence of Dr.Chase's' Nerve Food the great restorative which is causing soxftùch talk-here just how. Nature's way of curing disease is by building up the vitality of the body, and this is exactly what Dr. Chase's NeWe Food does. The blood is- made rich and red, and it nourishes the exhausted nerves back to health and vigor. The experience of Mr. Burroughs as described in this letter is similar to that of hundreds of others in this community who have recently put this well-known food cure to testX Mr. GeorgeTBurroughs, 23 Peter street, Orillia, Ont. writes: "A few; years ago, ! after coming out to this coliritry from ' England, the change of customs seemed- to have some effect .on me. In the old country tMe habit of drinking-strong tea was prevalent, .and after arriving here I suffered very, much from nervousness, If I put pay arm down on the table it would shake verV noticeably, ancTwhile performing performing my work I would" easily tire, and want to sit down and rest. A friend recommended Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, so I secured somç and took a treatment. It built,me up and made me strong and healthy. -< I have not had a trace of the nervousness since. I have used Dr. Chase's Ointment also, apd find that it heals the skin very quickly. In. fact I find all of Dr. Chase's medicines-gpod." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents à box, a full treatment of 6 boxes"for $z.50, at ail dealers, or- Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto: Do not be,talked info -accepting a substitute* Imitations only dissapoint. - MANUFACTURER'S OVERSTOCK To be cleared ont at WHOLESALE PRICES An exceptional opporiunitv to a fi-st- class machine at" a bargain. Kijuippel with A.l Motor, Universal Tone Arm that p-avs "all makes of records and Tore CcnVrol for full or modulated ;volumc. Has, in fn-'i, all the features found on "the hi trim r pi iced machines. The case is in in-1 lio r *"'-,- v* finish, 41 in. high. . , _ One year guarantee • with Vnch machin > If not as represented return within ii days. a$id get youm money bark. Price while they last .$1.3 cash with order or C.O.D. - D. RO î Ï ,UI ktt-x T~y-t «. 3 Vi- •** > $ O'<o Manufacturers' 77 BAY ST., Agent. - TORONTO