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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1917, p. 2

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X / HK I Always Acceptable and Delicioi*-«. The Tea of all Teas. E153 p ft* »:•>./ 1 5Stl^ SCIENCE AT HOME? Eighteenth Lesson.--Various- Cuts of Beef. V - Bladk, Green or Mixed Get a package and enjoy a cup of Tea "In Perfection* e % Health Vs Take No Chances With Sore Throats. Qctober. November and December are the xvorst months of the year for ! diphtheria. ' Také no chances yrith I sore throats. At least depress the f tongue with the handle of a spoon and ! inspect the throat carefully. If ] there is anything more than à general | redness call jn the doctor. ; i Bern ember if the sickness is diphth- j eria, every hour that the administration administration of antitoxin is delayed, increases the"possibility of a fatal termination. P. B- a Toronto't Fcrrjyut Held Many People Make a B-Line forthe Walker House (The House of Plenty) as soon as they arrive in Toronto. The meals, the service and the home-like appointments constitute the magnet that draws them there. Ifoon Dinner 60c. Evening Dinner 75c. the walker house Toronto'i Fomoat Hotel TORONTO, CANADA .Rates Reasonable Geo. Wright Jr Go., Props. PARKER Cleaning and Dyeing The postman and the express- man bring Parker Dyeing and Cleaning Service right to your door. We pay carriage one way. Our exceptional facilities ensure ensure promptness as well as absolute absolute thoroughness, -- when you think of cleaning cleaning or dyeing think of PARKER'S. Write for booklet Be sure to address your parcel clearly to receiv- 'ing dept PARKER'S DYE WORKS LIMITED 791 YONGE STREET TORONTO 41 The Care of the Feet In the August number of The Nurse, Dr. A. W. Herr considers this subject, emphasizing particularly suph ailments ailments as flatfoot, cold feet, sweatihg ; feet, corns, chilblains and ingrowing J toe nails. The arch is very import- ant to the foot, as upon it is sus- n tained the whole weight of the body. I The higher the arch, the better the V walker and the less the fatigue. ! Shoes should, of course, fit the foot J comfortably, and should fit well. Over i 10 per cent, of the people suffer from •j the flatfoot deformity, an ailment | which the shoeless man never experi- ; ences. Tight shoes or loose shoes i should be avoided. Likewise -high * hSels apd high shoes. A shoe should ! not pinch at the heel, ai>d should not ; turn up at the toes. Pointed shoes 1 should also be avoided. / i It is a good plan never to help a . muscle by a brace or bandage. It ! will help itself. Stockings should be long enough td< fit the foot comfortably. comfortably. It is well to massage the feet, too, and to bathe them often. Flatfoot is said to be caused by ■ rickets, obesity, general muscular Z*f SjSKQW 4 Mmo au+err/? CpivTAWAMG TMC /.OW. CIAMAT. .Tvy/y/T /ro<//vc> amo jmw a GO*trs&e. romrAAv/ms thc seus. J9&/S/CET. ÇMCMAT . A/YA3- sS/SCX " A S/OF Or 0£L£F PLANING MILL'WASTE. TJaed by Toy Makers and Has a Good Commercial Value. ' That a market for virtually all of the'waste of a planing mill is to be had- foir the seeking* is-' evidenced m thd occasional bringing tci light of- what ie being dohe by> some planing mill managers inkvarious sections- of tiré country;- Th'ë latest hàsr to dofwitit a planing mill in the Northern States. In turning out some of its products waste blocks' of 'various sizes were numerous -and served to furnish all the fuel required for the plant. This material' hacTa fuel value~of $3 a ton. One day: a visitor looked the plant over, noted the waste blocks and began began to figure out the number of them in a ton. He off eré(L the manager *$1/7 a ton for all the waste of that character character turned out. A contract was made j and the visitor informed the manager j he was ^ toy manufacturer and that ! . the blocks purchased would cost him | - less than half of what it cost him to large pound further district Seems a very to get from that proves tl iSd Rose Tea, which gpes better because it consistsyriuefly teas grown in the famous * ' ' Northern India. ** A pound of Red Rose gives 250 cups. Kept Goodthe Sealed Package • z diately placed his" thinking cap in or- ' der, secured samples of all the planing i'mill waster called : on other toy manufacturers manufacturers and before returning home found a market for alb the waste about - ; the plant except the sawdust. The final result is that the sale of the Waste purchases all the coal needed for the plant and leaves a profit averaging averaging $300 a month to the company. A little analysis of the waste products products about the saw and planing mills would soon prove that much of the material going to the slab pit has an excellent commercial value. ❖-- THE MIGHtY PEN Dig bulb . beds deep to give good drainage. Eighteen inches is the very ; : make them. The mill manager imme- | least' depth for good results. Never '--- J -- -- -- use fresh manure" Bone meal and basic çlag are good for bulbs. Scraps of toilet 'soap should be saved saved ' and when half a cupful or so is savedf it is a good plan to make fixe scraps into a soap jelly. HIGHEST PRICES PAID! For POULTRY, EGGS 38 GAME, & FEATHERS Please write for particulars. v. yoxmnr & co., Bonseconrs Market. Montreal Thi Jordan, Valley fa Dwftiiffini Bfgca b a teastifj, hrtZt L*6fctt2atjrw «chttofCTKtizzti. Easy fames-are toyfez ifcsrt, fcttams |tttfrkeesteriaess toils tfccb that' fuKSbsast wffl psf b'.z rstms frem the csteal Increase la the vslae of the Ixd zltae, to say nstkû-t of the b'z crop: that pssjvsi preteo., Prfces bar; teraœ izsy.\ T kA ce fer zstkatis Irfincztisn. trfsîy free. X. JLSKTÎH, Golocîzsiîe- & Icccslrisl ILL, . L'lioo Sjiteai B»o*L345 U. f. Zl&é-t Oslsc», Nth.' The beef is split i . . j . . - j then divided into fore and bind ouar-- weakness and periods of long stand-; ters, and as follows: 9 NECK--The neck is used for stew- THE PRINCIPAL CUTS OF BEEF into halves; it is j That an army of 251000,000 people is armed with fountain pens is the amaz- ! ing fact brought out in a recent issue of The Pen Prophet that gives a present present day emphasis to Lytton's "The pen is mightier than the swçrd." And this great army is growing at a tre- mendoûs rate. 2,000,000 recruits were added last year by the Waterman Ideal alone. This growth is all the more striking when it is considered that just 34 years ago Lewis Edson .Waterman, a native of Decatur, N.Y., began making fountain pens by hand in a little shop behind a cigar store in New York City. His output was 200 pens a year. RAW FURS OUR ADVICE Ship to us at once and Reap Benefits of High Prices now prevailing. Price List and Shipping Tags FREE Kichard M.fierce,Manager "Kin? and Alezander.VnHiïïyEG . Canada. We Aka 9u z HlDES-âk-.d Sfc'SflA FOOT mg. The main cause, however, may ' be laid to tight shoes "which interfere j with the muscular action and circula- ■ tion. Cold feet are also due to tight ; shoes, and are more prevalent among j women and girls than among meriT | Women are more sedentary, their ing, soups, beef tea and corning; requiring requiring long and continuous cooking. CHUCK--Chuck and crosscut is also called the Boston and English dut. It is used for roasting, pot roasting and braising. BOLAR CUT--A steak may be cut from this cut of meat. It j ankles are generally poorly protected I pot recasting and braising, and they wear thin-soled shoes. Exer- j cooking this meat is made cise, alternate hot and cold foot baths \ an cüTvr* e1 r- before retiring<_and daily change °f ■ makin ' Lsed for stews and stockings are mentioned Is remedies. | BRISKET--Used for stews, soup Sweating feet are usually due to j making and corning, sympathetic disturbances from the j RIBS--Used for roasting. stomach. Cloth shoes should be worn as much as possible and such desiccants desiccants as alcohol, tannin,- alum' or salicylated .talc may be used. It is also wise to permit a lather of soap to \ dry on the feet before putting on the ; stockings. , j Corns are always due to improper I PLATE--Used for stews and soup making. SIRLOIN--Used Tor broiling. FLANK--Used for stewing. RUMP--Steaks from-,.the rump are used for broiling and' pan-broiling. The .back cut from the rump is used j for roasting. The pin bone is the} face cut from the rump averaging ! from six to eight pounds. ROUND--^The meat is -so called because because of the way in wmch it lies on It is used for j the block. The upper or top of the By slow ! round is the inside of the the leg. delicious j This is the tenderest portion. It is cooked by broiling or panning. The back cuts are used for Hamburg steaks, pot roasts and corning. The lower part of the round is the outside of the leg. The first few steak Trom this portion are tender; the rest is used for Hamburg steaks, stews andj: pot roasts. GRAND TRUNK system' soup SOME ECONOMY WRINKLES. Economy now demands our strictest j order given, bake in well-greased bak- attention. Be a strict economist, ing pan thirty-five minutes in moder- Be Eliminate waste. Yet do not economize economize on food that will lower the vitality vitality of the body. Cold wqpther calls for an additional amount of heat and energy foods, and these must be supplied supplied by the starches/ sugars and fats. Sugar and fats are quickly available for this/need if supplied in proper amounts. Starchy foods require a proportionate longer time before the ate oven. Cràcklin may be made from rendering pieces of salt pork, ham fat, etc. Corn Pone.--Three cupfuls boiling water, one cupful cornmeal, two tablespoonfuls tablespoonfuls syrup, oneJialf teaspoonful soda, three tablespoonfuls melted shortening. Mix in order given. Bake twenty-five minutes in well- Highlands of Ontario Canada The Home of-the Red Deer and the Môose G pen Seasons DEER--November 1st to November loth, inclusive. " MOOSE--November 1st to November November 15th, inclusive. In some of the Northern Districts of Ontario, including including Timagami, the open season is from November 1st to November 30, inclusive. In that part of tho Province Province of Ontario lying North of the Canadian Government Railway from the Quebec to the Manitoba, boundary, boundary, the open season for Moose is from October 10th to November 30th. Write for copy of "Playgrounds-- The Haunts of Fish and Game", giving giving Game Laws, Hunting Regulations, etc., to C. E. HORNING, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. _ _ _ _ greased pan. Spread-the pone only | digestive juices can convert them into | one-half inch deep in pan. ■ J. H. H. Jury, Town Agent. Phone 78 sugars for heat and energy purposes. I Virginia Batter Bread.--One Cupful : -- -- Save the waters in which foods are f^oVlumns tif^dPERFECT HEALTH IS EVERY tablespoonfuls syrup.' thrbe* tabfo- 1 WOMAN'S BIRTHRIGHT, spoonfuls melted shortening, orie-half ! _______ teaspopnful salt, four teaspoonfuls FIELD CASHIERS AHD PAYMASTERS IN FRANCE CASH DOMINION EXPRESS FOREIGN CHEQUES THE BEST WAY TO SEND MONEY TO THE BOYS IN THE TRENCHES W. R. ADAMS GO.' FREMONT, NEB., U.S.A. Pays The Highest Prices jQr ftMN FURS Ship your furs to Adams by express express cr parcels post. No duty on raw furs into U. 5. Our armies need the furs and we are paying- big for them. Write for Price List 110£i W. R ADAMS CO„ Baw Pnr Merchants F8EXOBT, ÇZB., TT. S. A. cooked; add these to the stock. Now is the time to use cornmeal and buckwheat. Cornmeal and buckwheat buckwheat are heat-producing and energy- Bepels Colds, CMlls, and Influenza A Prescription That From Girlhood giving foods, and are suitable cold- j baking powder, yolk of one e&g, one . weather foods. Prepare your own j cupful milk or water. Mix carefully j to Ola Age Has Been a Blessing It Cleans and Safeguards Lifebuoy Soap is always on guard against dirt and disease. In the home, at yoiir work, for hands and face, for shampoo and bath it will be found always on the watch against germ and microbe, the rich, creamy Lifebuoy lather makes pleasure to use this " super soap." Withal, it a real HEALTH The old proverb " prevention is better jhan cure" is another way of saying^use Lifebuoy Soap. Start using it to-day and see that the children use it. The mild antiseptic odorvanishe': quickly after use. ' At Ail Grocers-- Lever Brothers Limited . TORONTO Ï74 buckwheat flour thus: One quart} in order given, fold in stiffly beaten, buckwheat flour, one pint cornmeal, ' white of egg, then pour in a smoking- ; one pint wheat flour, two ounces bak- : hot, w^ell- greased baking pan.> Bake ' ing powder,. orië-3ialf ounce salt.- Sift i thirty-five minutes in moderate oven. : three times, then pack in suitable con- j Cornmeal Waffles.--One cupful tainers. To use, mix the required ; cornmeal, two cupfuls boiling water, 1 amount with milk or water and add onoj two tablespodfifuls. lajd, two table- tablespoonful of syrup to each quart : spoonfuls syrup. Mix .well, then add ■ of liquid used. Bake on hot soap-1 one and one-half cupfuls buttermilk, stone or aluminum griddle. This one egg mixture will cost less than one-half in smoking-hot, well-greased, waffle the price of prepared buckwheat flour, irons. " Buckwheat Muffins.--Three cupfuls ; Spider Cornbread--One and one- prepared buckwheat flour, one and j quarter cupfuls cornmeal, three-quar- one-quarter cupfuls, milk or water, < ters cupful flour, one-half teaspoonful to Womankind. When a girl becomes a woman, when a woman becomes a mother, when a woman passes through middle life, are the three periods of life when- health and strength are most needed to withstand the - pain and distress often caused by severe organic disturbances. At these critical Mix thoroughly, then bake ! , c K mi ^ tunes . *** cr-hot. well-crrpflspd xv Q ffio best fortified by the use of Dr. Pierce's r avonte Prescription, 5n old remedy of proved worthy that keeps the entiré" womanly system in excellent condition. vupj-vno. mins, ui wauex,- lets uupiui iiuur, one-nan teaspooniui ; i. Mothers, if your daughters are weak, one tableipoonful syrup, two table- : salt, five teaspoonsfuls baking powder, 1 ^hition, are troubled with head- spoonfuls shortening (melted). Beat ' five tablespoonfuls syrup, three table- ^ e8, Ts! as8Lt , ucie T . anc ^- are a *d i . 81cIci y» to mix well. Pour in well-greased spoonfuls melted shortening, one and muffin pans. " r> 1 J J ... in hot oven. Bake twenty minutes Serve with hot syrup. Cracklin Bread.--Two cupfuls corn- given three-quarters cupfuls sour milk, cne- half teaspoonful soda. Mix in order -r> „, -, A i them strong and healthy. Beat hard to mix, then pour , Fo ^ a u S aüing WO m e n Dr. ) Pierce's Favorite Prescription . need to surely bring the loom of health to their cheeks and make Dr. Pierce's Hotel Del Coronado Coronado Beach, California Near San Diego ?OLO, MOTORING, TENNIS, - BAY AND SURF BATHING, FISHING AND BOATING. 1 S-Ho!g Go/f Course Hotel is equipped throughout with Automatic Sprinkler System. - _ _ AMERICAN PLAN JOHN J. HERNAN, Manager footwear. * 'fhe best treatment as & rule is to use a proper shoe. Chilblains are supposed to be due to diminished blood coagulation. Ingrowing toe nails should never be cut roundly "at the corners. They should be allowed to grow beyond the end of the toe, cut off squarely and kept in that condition."" ROAD RULES. Stand straight: Step firmly, throw your weight; The heaven is high above your head, The good gray road is faithful to your tread. Be strong: Sing to your heart a battle song: Though hidden foernen lie in wait, Glad to Hear of Promotion. j Something is in you that can sniile at Private Smith, hifter serving three i Fate. ^ weeks with the forces had fallen be- neath the.avenging eye of the C.O. for ! F T ra ? s . thr oug . some petty offense. Thereafter he [Nothing can harm if yon ate true. sent this touching epistle Kthis-moth- wh ™ î he , comes, rest: ef: "Dear ,Mother-I ani now a i c _ | The earth-rs friendly-as a mothers faulter." z His grief-- * --* * breast. to write more, so he am now a was - too great ; got a comrade to mail it for him, and sat him down to do his punishment in silence. Five days later he got; this: "My Dear son --I am so glad to hear of .your promotion. promotion. Be sure to be kind to the men under you, and never forget that you were a private once yourself." --Edward Markham. -- » woman, should hebb" thousands of women pain, misery and distress. It makes weak women strong, sick women well. " If you are* a sufferer, if your daughter, daughter, mother, sister, .need help, get Dri Pierce's Favorite 'Prescription in liquid or tablet form from any medicine dealer to-dây. Then address Dr. Pierce, In- - ' valids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., ana get confidential medical advice entirely free. Every woman should be careful that the liver is -active and the poisons abe not allowed to clog the -system--get rid of these poisons by taking Dr. Pierce's Pellets, which regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Keep thé 'body clean inside as well as outside! ; How to preserve health and beauty is told-in Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Medical Adviser. It is free. Send Doctor Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., fifty cents or stamps to cover wrapping and mailing only. No man or painfully about' because of corns when s certain a relief is ât hand as Holloway's Corn Cure. - Carbolic acid is powerless as a disinfectant disinfectant unless diluted with qt least 20 times its bulk of cold water. Wood's Phoephodiao, English- Remedy. the whole $it>< The Great Tones and hi I nervoun"syStem, ineltes new Blood in old veins. Cures Nervous Deiilily;Mental and, Braim Worry, Despondency. Despondency. I.qss of - Energy,. Ralpitalion of the Heart, Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, six for 85. One will plesse, six will curé, Sold by : aU druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO^ TQS0XT0, OUT. (Fwwdi Wlslsei^ MANUFACTURER'S OVERSTOCK To be cleaned out at WHOLESALE PRICES Reg. to >t a flrst- An exceptional opportunitv C 4^ S A^'f, 0 J Ü TT e , at & bargain. Equipped with A.l M*otor, Lniversa.1 Tone Arm that plavs ?7vii °i and Tone Control for PS modulated volume. Kas. in fact Sir, i he f found on the higher 4i a iSî n i&h Thd 0859 13 in n ' ahosany One ty* „ -,^ guarantee with each machine. Xr not as represented return cays and get your money back. Price while they order or C.O.D. within 10 last $35 cash with D« ROBERTSON^ 77 BAY ST« Afuit, TORONTO

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