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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1917, p. 2

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T-ia'riU'-'.- i t- I :\ % fer-S fc f ' r p r -A, ET r F-- E IHF. C-AXADUK tsTATRSMA* and THK BOWMAN- MLLE News aro published every Thnreday and Friday -montia* .respectively, at The Statbsxah Office, James Blocki 28 and 27 King-st. West, Bo wm simile, Ontario, Canada, M. A. James <k Bona, Pnbltsbers and Proprietors, at $1.50 per annum, payable in advance; $2.00 after first thnee months. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, MJ>„ C.%. Bomumus, - ojtt, ( ~1 OLD MEDALIST OF TRINITY UNI- 1 verslty. Toronto. Four years Attendinw Physician and Sure:eon at Mt Carmel Hospital. Plttshnnr. Ks- Office and Residence. Weill ns ton SL Telephone No. 1687 J.T. ALLEN, TAILOR A t Reas, 'of Standard Bank 9 Eowmanvllle J. T. Allen announces that he now makes suits to order at lowest" prices.' Ladies' suits cleaned and pressed. Gentlemen's s? its altered, repaired, cleaned, apd. preas- e- All work guaranteed and prices right. O ve the old reliable tailor a ttiaL" Solly Solowitch 10 Brown St. Phone 2S5. Bowmanyille Is opening a market in Bowman- ville on Tuesday and Wednesday of each week when he wéil buy all- kinds of Poultry. Eggs and "Sweet Butter paying Ic per dozen! more on _ a-yi _ eggs and 2c per lb more on poultry than on other days. Market days he will pay 25c per lb for Poultry. He will pay the following prices ior junk:-- Wrought Iron and Stove Plate per lOOJbs 60c Cast Iron " " 75c Rags. per lb 2c Rubbers " " 6c Copper, Brass and Lead, highest prices. OPINIONS ON WORLD BY CHAS. >1. BICE. ATTORNEY.AT-LA>Y, DENVER. GOLdRADO. RUSSIA IN THE HANRS OF XBNEMY. is in store fop the: people of Russia thg comingvyintgr, and no doubt thé Lè- îyjne agency will take' advantage of ~ this to arouse the mobs. Hep.ce the only hope of: restoring Russia is an armed clash between the two forces What a story is going to be told of treason in Russia--treachery, corruption corruption on a gigantic scale, assassina-,,. .... . , ««i lion," a king's ransofh -for thé head of and destroying the leaders of the Bol- -- iv- ! s |iëviki. the historian Kerensky, etc., when gets time to tell it. The Russian people have been bartered bartered and sold and led to slaughter by their own so-called leaders. They were dragged into the war as part of the general scheme of Pan- Germanism by Hun agents who were the only ones who knew the thin coating coating that covered a volcano of humanity humanity ready "to erupt. Once in the war millions of Russians were sacrificed on the battlefield as part of the stupendous scheme of - treachery to deliver the empire into the hands of the enemy. In all the in- j trigues of which history affords many PEACE TALK. From now until the first of the year the world will have ' to- listen to peace talk .and the end of the war. In Flanders'Fielda* century or more, are not going to allow allow sentiment to make terms for tile™* No one in authority thinks for. 4i In Flandérs fields the poppies blow, moment of digmembering Ahe.German Between thé çfOBses, row^on row, nation, or of wreaking vengeance upon | That mark our place, and in-the sky its people, hevertheless. G^jÿiany . is s T^e r lap^sy still bravely sinking, fly, not going to find atfthf final clos§ of Scarce heard'amid 'the guns Kplb$;., this war, that war is "a mqst p^fit-^ able business, to be "* " : ~ s engaged in again We are t^e dead; s^iort days ago- . , and again. Militai^moand 'siuto.çdr'àèÿ Weliyed,' felt daw£, sagy' sunset glow, are doomed, and must go, before the Loved and were loved, and now we .lie world can fig made safe for democracy. In Flanders fields. - WHAT OF SCANDINAVIA AND < . Norway, Sweden, Denrqark and Holland are on the oujfcer edge of the great war, arid -ît will be strange in- ; deed if they " are not~£Oori drawn" into Sentiment at this particular season ri. , _? .• . . » , y . mu. the vast whirlpool. They are profess- lends itself to peace campaigns, The! - ^ v - - edly neutral nations on the ririi of the RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANYILLE. Gf.and Trunk Railway Going East . Going West ~ I glaring examples, we cannot find any- j thing to match it in extent and heart- ! lessness. * * * * After -the people .had arisen jn all but bloodless revolution and cleansed i the nation of Czardom, autocracy and bureaùcracy it seems their troubles were only commenced. They are being made to suffer further further from treachery, deceit and^ cupidity, cupidity, than they were ever called upon to endure under the reign of - the Romanoffs. Romanoffs. Their present leaders have ! sold them into abject slavery, if not I utter extinction." ! Lenine and Trotsky, both agents of I j the German cabal, have worked into j the hands of Germany a. thousand j times more effectively than if they had ; been open allies of the Central Pow- I ers. ■ According to a plan, long prepared association of peadfe with Christmas- tide cannot be overlooked by.Chancellories by.Chancellories arid political associations that keep their éars to' the ground. No doubt the enëiny will take ad- ... vantage of this will intentloned move- than likely to follow; suit. ment_and sentiment to secure peace when peace would mean to him a victory victory greater than, he is likely to accomplish accomplish on the battlefields. The nation that has disavowed Christ and, gone back to the ; Pagan God of Battles, whose creed is the Take' up our quarrel with the foe; To you from failing Hands we throw / The torch; be youi's to hold it,high! If ye brea|c faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies 8tP,W In Flanders fields. $2$ - - TH E # OF ^ADA HEOr%ICE - TORPNTQ This Bank çflfers evçry facility in the conduct of accounts, of manufacturers, manufacturers, farmers and merchants. THE WORLD ON RATIONS. battle zone." Almost any day one or | Food Restrictions in Some of the Eu- mor»>of them is liable to .be dragged. ! ; ropean Countries, into the.ggnefal sxyirl, and if one. is j-- Just how world-wide is food ration- engulfed-,-the rest of. them is more, ing is ; shown tiy the French Echo dé T. I , ^ vir* v tilLV. V # * H -, Should'Norway conclude to take part iir thé war, Sweden, Denmark and possibly tiolland, will 'be ' gravitating inevitably^towa)rd the" center. Instinct tells, humanity, its danger before the "objective- -conscience is aware of it, just ' as Ait was for 30 survival of the' stroiigest, is moving. mo "' hs ' vith . XT.§. Ostensibly and all around the war girdle to encouragé peace effort among its enemies and its "neutral" friends. This campaign was planned well (in advance in conjunction with field openly we were neutral, bût nervously so. " " - President Wilson warned us that we must be strictly neutral .in thought as well as in deed, warnings that seem oddly out of tune at this day. Ôur movements. T he clash at Italy by the j inner heartg told : us differently and German army had Christmas peace m charted us where" we. would be sure to Corruption and intrigue view.--^uorruption ana intrigue at Petrograd to place a pair of Hun agents in temporary control of a so- called government had peace agitation agitation in Europe in mind. The Bolshe- viki was rehearsed into springing its schemes of armistice and altruism at the right moment. The other day we had the Austrian Paris, which publishes the foijtoxyi^s; review of the food restrictions .now in effect: Germany. The figures in regard to German food restrictions are knfiwn to us^ in detail, Among the commodities on shb^t" allowance in Germany, wprtfiy qf inqntipn are; bread, meat, grease, oil afid potatoes. The bread allowance differs in various. various. cities from, four pounds a week for every, person to five pounds (about ten ouhees a day for. qyery person). The meat allowance is nine ounces A week for every pçrspn. » 1 As far as grease and food^oils, ini' ini' eluding butter, are concerned, the EST 'n 1073 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT at every Branch. 235 BOWMANYILLE BRANCH / A. N. McMILLAN, Manager^ iwfarii EXECUTORS AND TRUSTÉES Express Express Passenger Local Mail .8 52 a.m. 10 31 a.m. 3-54 P-m 7-cg p.m 9.58 p.m ! and boastingly published months ago, Express 4.22 a.m ' terms of peace have been arranged Local 9 45a.n1 i between the^Bolsheviki bosses and the Passenger 1.56 p.m ! German government. A new Poland is Vatican before long. Passenger 7.01 p.m j to be erected under the suzerainty of I find ourselves long .bef ore we took j W gek:ly allowance is two ounces, and the plunge. ! even these are not always distributed. It is doubtless so with other nations close to the war zone. They must know inwardly on which side they will range themselves; becàuse. their decision is clearly a matter of existence existence with them. They know instinctively the under- Sir Vincent Meredith, Bart., President. .Sir H. Montagu Allen, C.VlO/,' Vice-President. R. B. Angus. A. Baumgarten. E. W. Beatty, K.C. A. D. Braithwaite. E. J. Chamberlin. H. R. Drummond. 1 C. B. Gordon. . Hon. Sir Lomçr Gouin,K.C.M.G« C. R. Hosmer. Sir William Macdonald. Majot Her(>ert;M 0 Uon. M.C. Lord Shaughnessÿ, K.C.V.O. Sirpred crick Williams-Taylor, A. E. Holt, Manager. Chancellor declaring peace, and this ; prindple w hich .is behind this' plea will be echoed from an influen- German onslaU g hl ; It is the.-surviv- tial and sympathetic quarter by the Canadian Pacific Railway Going West Express 6.02 aam Local 8 54 a.m. Express 4.47 p.m. Local Express Berlin; Russia is to concede territory I to Bulgaria and give Germany a free I hand in'Persia, and when this is done, Going East I'Russia will turn around and welçome Express 10.40 a.m. ! the millenium! 9.45 p m. j With a Russian peace the German 1.08 a.m. i armies can concentrate upon the west- r- -D irrv „ -n a i ern front and renew their drive to ' ' own * S ent ; Paris, and at the same time srhother j Italy! This seems to be the' pro- I gramme, and it is. not new, it has been j talked of in Berlin and Vienna and other Teutonic, centres this very autumn. autumn. The gain in Russia, we are told, more than offsets the entry of the U.S. into the war. The aged Marquis of Lansdowne Canadian Northern Railway Going East Going West Express 11.37 a.m Express 9.36 a.m Express 640 p.m Express 7.31 p.m Daily except Saturday. The Double Track Route between Montreal Toronto ^ Détroit and Chicago Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Parlor Cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. ' Horning, Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Toronto, Ont. J. H. H. Jury, Town Agent, Phone 78. TIRE REPAIRING Ideal Tire Repair Company, Corner King and Silver Streets, Bowmanville, is now open for business. business. Steam vulcanizing services and guaranteed work at minimum prices. Auto Tire and Tube repairing repairing a specialty. Free Air Service. Service. Dealers in all popular Canadian Canadian made Tires. R. M. Jamieson, Mgr. It seemed to be known in advance ! what would come from thg-Ryssian revolt--à revolt-- à pro-Germari^ dictatorship under under German agents sent to Petrograd for that purpose. The very boldness of the scheme causes unbelief with many, but Lenine, long in thé pay of Germany, detected, following the revolution, and chased from Petrograd as a German spy, with a price on his head, returning in a few weeks to be the head of a so- called Russian dictatorship^ is capable of most any kind of treachery and deceit. While Trotsky, his coadjutor, a year or so ago in New 'York, joined with notorious pro-German agents in urging urging the U.S. to keep out-of the war, returns to Russia to become Lenine's right-hand man in directing the Russian Russian lamb into the jaws of the tiger. And strange to say, these men are hailed as Russian patriots by every German sympathizer in this country, as well as by deluded Russians. Their communistic program in any took the lead a few days- ago in a humanitarian letter published on the day that the Paris conference opened. To one in the evening of life peace is desirable at almost any cost. The Lansdowne plea for peace, though à restatement arid modification of the allied terms, would have caused less sensation if it had come at any other time. Coming as it did from a person who, in another decade, occupied a high position in British affairs, and at a time when peacb is in the air, it naturally naturally set all the capitals in a flutter. flutter. Its content could be approved at another time without a sign of the white feather. Just now it is ill- timed and an instrument in the hand of the enemy. Sentimentalism toward al of the fittest;" as understood by the Neo-Darwinist philosophy so prevalent prevalent in German quàrters. It is as the battle hymn of Germany proclaims; "Germany o.ver all, over all * the world." The small nations are unfit in the. cosmic struggle; they must align themselves, with their protectors ~br perish in the incessant strife." So long as the U.S. remained neutral the nations adjacent to Germany fared fared well. Despite the British blockade, they were able to import great- quantities quantities of food stuffs, for re-export to Germany at greatly enhanced prices. The Allies were well aware of all this, and tried, as. far as possible, to prevent it, but when the blockade was enforced.too strictly, the American exporter exporter appealed to! Washington, and London was requested, to go ^easy. During these neutral vjnonths. of ours a heartless foe, when the latter ,s far I the s< . and 5, av 4 n natidns lncUlding from beaten is ne.ther good strategy Holland took as theirmstto, sufficient nor commendable politics. for the day is the evil thereof, and From another quarter, we are m- „ /• j ,1 , ,1 zz • -i ,. ,, ,, went about and laid up as tiiey formed, that the revelations from i lu i . . a-u j at: a . 1 . ' , ,. " thought for the evil day that might Petrograd regarding the correspond ence of the allied nations before the U.S. entered the war, have brought peace within reasonable distance, why, we cannot for the life of us, see. come. In the last four or five months things have not gone well with these continental neutrals. This nation put the screws tight,, and made the em- The Lenine-Trotsky expose was , bargo really forbidding the "export of pretty much a mare's nest. It was everything that might help the cen- known to all and sundry that France tral powers, from leaving American would insist upon the return of Alsace-Lorraine, Alsace-Lorraine, and the French terri- shores. These Tittle neutral nations close to Germany failed to save, of tory now held by Germany; that the | their surplus in the good years, and, Notice ! To Ford Owners Having been called with the A-2 Class for service I am selling my stock of Ford Tire Carriers, Chains, Light Bulbs, and a lot of other Ford Accessories at greatly reduced prices. Also a \ horsepower horsepower electric motor in first-class condition. If you are requiring anything in this line dont fail to call Lewis Irwin, _ .... 7 Sole Agent for This district. --Ford Garage. / Bowmanville. time but this, would brand them to the world as more brazen than Gagliostro . nationalized in the world's commer- and equally as insincere as thaUprince cial interests, and more particularly Allies would make it sine qua non j with the possible exception of Nor- 1 that Belgium be restored, and so far j way, they have been under suspicion a^ possible, compensated for what she 0 f lending aid to the cojnmon enemy has suffered. their own hazard. It was common talk in London and The pinch of hunger' is accelerating Paris that the unspeakable TurL.the pace that will drive first one' and would be driven out of Europe,, ana then the other, and"then all of them, that Constantinople would be inter- into the maelstrom. of quacks of the French Revolution. It is impossiblè that this Lenine- Trotsky combine can last any gre#t length of time. It will soon sink beneath the load of for the benefit of Russia that would have at least her "window by the sea." These terms will be insisted on now as a measure-of international peace. It will not do to get "mushy" about its own unspeakable corruptions, but : peace terms. The nations that corri- it will do an immense amount of evil j pelled a war of aggrandizement, and before it gives up the ghost, and finally finally disappears. < W.e have not wholly lost faith in the Russian people. It may take them the whole winter to recover their senses and restore their wonted equilibrium, equilibrium, but when they do they wilt Have an accounting with these false leaders. The revolution is not over yet. Other leaders are sure to Spring up and restore reason to her abandoned abandoned throne. Kerensky will return. If he has learned from this experience to harden his sympathies and to' suppress his emotions, he will succeed. If not Kerensky, then another of the "K's" will come forward--Korniloff or Kala- din or an unknown waiting-for the supreme supreme moment to take command. In the meantime the allied nations must prepare for the worst, and hope for the best. It may ,be found necessary to deal with Russia in a manner entirely"different entirely"different from that in the past, until her people again come' to their senses. -There is too much at ! stake to permit false sentiment te prevaiîï * •* * * Since the early days of the révolution révolution Lenine and his people have gained gained in Petrograd and Moscow and other large centres. The Bolsheviki society controls the Council of Workingmen's and--Soldiers' .Delegates in the cities which are mapping, plans for the empire. empire. These are anarchistiyand gain the ear of- the peopl'é by "pfdmising- them all the lands àtfd the wealth of the cities "pro rata." Great suffering that violated all law and hiorals in its conduct are going to be made to suffer. suffer. Thenations which were forced into the war and have-suffered terribly in life and .property already, and which will have to bear war burden for' a A Grippe Epidemic Every winter Health Boards warn against this weakening disease, which often strikes those who are least prepared to resist it You should strengthen yourself against grippe by taking International strategy requires a free field and no neutral interference. This- question of Scandinavian entry into the war has been gone into for months by the leaders of the allied nations. They know, and Germany knows, the moves that are to be taken when the break comes. If Norway goes first and goes the way she is inclined, the submarine will not even be a secondary secondary factor in the war. Allied circles believe that Norway and Denmark hvill join the "allied cause. Sweden's government, being largely^pro-German, is expected to go with the central powers, although her people will resist, and in all probability probability force a revolution and change the monarchy to a republic. Holland's court circles, of course, are pro-German, pro-German, but the peoplè, as" a rule, are in. sympathy with the allied cause. The official allowance of potatoes is seven pounds a week for every person! person! But the distribution varies in different localities. As to milk, adults can receive none till needs of children, sick people x and nursing women are satisfied. The. theoretical allowance for these three classes was formerly a pint and a half; recently it has been reduced to a pint. As -to others, in most cities they receive no milk at all. Austria-Hungary. The situation in Austria is no better than in Germany. The daily allowance allowance of bread is ten ounces. Meat has not been put on allowance in Austria; only two meatless days are prescribed prescribed by 'the law. At present the question question of Increasing the number Of meatless days is under consideration. The weekly allowance of butter, ,grease : arid-food oil is four and a half ounces, and consists of two-and a half ounces, of butter, one ounce of margarine margarine and one ounce of bacon. In reality, reality, however, nobody receive^ more than one ounce of butter. The allowance of potatoes is three pounds per week, but the press believes believes that this will soon be reduced to two pounds, on account of the failure failure of the potato crop. Bulgaria. Very little is known about Bulgaria and Turkey. In Bulgaria the allowance of bread has been set at eighteen ounces a day for every person. On the other hand, there are three meatless days each week. Turkey. In Turkey the theoretical bread allowance allowance is supposed to be nine ounces a day, but it rarely exceeds five ounces. Denmark and Sweden. In Denmark the daily allowance of | bread is eleven ounces a person. In Sweden it is nine and aTialf ounces. Netherlands. The daily allowance of bread in the Netherlands is nine ounces^a person, the meat allowance seven ounces and the potato allowance fifteen ounces. Capital Fully Paid, $1,000,000. Reserve Fund, $1,000,000. >£5w<> r ' - BUSY MEN who have been appointed Executors Executors of Elstates, and whose own affairs prevent them from giving the -necessary attention to the work, may appoint this Company as their Agent for the Administration Administration without loss of control as Executor." *€j[Write for Booklet. The Royal Trust Company TORONTO BRANCH Cer. Quean and Ycnge Senate Bruee L. Smith, Mananer at Toronta. -if-you feel bilious, "headachy " and irritable- ths'"'- - '* ■ for teat's a sign your liver is out of "order.' Your rood is not digesting--it stays in the. stomach a sour, ierm'p.ntpfl maaa T.._aa v ' xu D Lti-J a Hi Vile tiUL termented mass, poisoning the system. Just take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Lh , -rr~- Liver Tablets-- they make the liver do its work--they*cleanse and sweeten the stomach and tone the whole digestive system. You'll reel fine in the morning. At all druggists, 2§c., or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto 14 rr Patriotic Pieces on "His Master's Voice" Records which is the cream of ced liver oil, refined, purified and so skilfully prepared that it enriches thé blood streams, creates reserve strength and fortifies the' lungs and throait. Don't delay--It may mean muctv Use SeOTT'S Refuse Substitutes fioott * Bown«t Toronto, Ont. 1748 The American embargo is going to force an issue on the rulers, and the American stand fin the war is causing the people to think whether the rulers ought always to be entrusted in making making such momentous decisions, or whether whether those who àrè toi bear the brunt of war's ravages should not have something to say in the matter ; Thé immédiate futUré, it seems, has ^wonderful thirigs in store and probably many'surprises for the belligerents oh both sides of the fighting lines. May the great Master .of' all destiny order them,aright to the i upbuilding of righteousness and peace among mankind. mankind. -A -, . "Fishy" dishes and utensils naturally naturally retain their odor,,but you cari remove remove this by. soakfng'dihe dishes in tea leaves arid leave stand' for a while tfefore washing'. Boil, tea leaves in a little water in- the fr,ying pan and .that, too, will loose .'the . repugnant odor. ' ~~ What Interested Her. '~ The director of the British Museum, Sir Frederick Kenyon, has had many amusing ^experiences with visitors. Once, he was showing a distinguished distinguished lady some of the priceless treasures treasures of which he is the. custodian, but for a long time nothing seemed to interest interest her very much. Then suddenly he noticed a change. Her face lighted up and she leaned forward. "What is it, madam?" asked.Sir Frederick, gratified at this tardy sign of awakening appreciation. "Pray do not hesitàte to ask if there is anything anything you would like to know." "Bo good of you!" said the lady. "I wish you would tell me what brand of black lead you use on those iron ventilators that are let into the floor. We have the same sort of things at my house, but my maids never get -them to shine half so brilliantly." Which? Teacher--Name the chief exports of Canada. Prompt Pupil--Soldiers! Second Pupil (indignantly)--^Soldiers (indignantly)--^Soldiers are not exports; they are transports. transports. - "" * 90 cents for 10-inch, double-sided Somewhere in France is Daddy C. H. Hart 1 , Sol Long, Mother Charles H. Hart J American National Airs (Piano- Accordion Solo) Patriotic Airs of the Allies Pietro Pietro. 18361 -Break the News to Mother You're a Grand Old Flag American Qyartet Shannon Foiir"| 18358 A Hot Time in the Old Town--Medley ' March Victor Military Band The Girl I Left Behind Me--Medley March Vititor Military Band. 18371 $1.25 for 10-inch Blue Label, double-sided Laddie Boy Over There Nora Bayes 1 45130 Nora Bayes J .. Two Winning Red Seal Records Send Me Away With a Smile McCormack, 64741 Star Spangled Banner Louise Homer 87277 Hear them at any ."His Master's Voice" dealers' 'Write for free copy of 550-page Musical Encyclopedia- Encyclopedia- listing over 9000 Vititor Records. Berliner Gram-o^phone Co. MONTREAL LIMITED ISO Lenpir Street A, huge sore--very deep--full of foul discharge. Agony all day; qp rest at night. Then--just a tew drops of the gientle, cooling liquid, D. D. D. Irritation and pain gone., Sweet, refreshing sleep at night. due time, coiriplete cure Vfe guarantee D. D. Jury & Lovell Druggist 8 » Bowmanville. * ' ' -- ■ The Liquid*Wash "His^Mafter's Voice" Bowmanville Dealers LEVI MORRIS & SON ' R. M. M1TCHELL-& CO. Don't Forget! There are no others! You cannot purchase Vic- troias, Victor Records or any other "His Master's Voice'* products at any but our authorized dealers y Remember,--There Are^lp Others! Will "There Be a Vitittola in ,Your Home This Christmas? w / 1 "• i ■ t . . ...

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