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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1917, p. 3

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À «S^2T7 X -Al °ï d 4B L .1/1 s Uülll/ii'ill*! X- GrJ U. n > ï% 0 IVtcro a uft. AC z>srr j will give you the opportunity of getting the Victrola you have had in mind right along for the home. Don't wait until the lait day, but seledt one now, and you will satisfy every longing for good music on Christmas morning. Other Victrolas from $27.50 to $520 (sold easy payments, if desired) at any This ViArola XI' $225 on L "His Master's Voice" dealers. Ask for free copy of our 550-page Musical Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia, listing over 9000 Victor Records. Berliner Gram-o-phone Company, Limited MONTREAL Lenoir Street "His Master's Voice" Bowmanville* Dealers LEVI MORRIS & SON R. M. MITCHELL & CO. Don't Forget! There are no other*! You cannot purchase Vic- trolas, Victor Records or any other "His Master s Voice** products at any but our authorized dea.ers others ! WÜL m .#*?$• & -o iderew5ki Hill » » Liver Was All Upset and Then! Was Pain Under the Shtml- DOMESTIC. SCIENCE AT HOME > I Twenty-Second. Lesson--Canning Fruits. i Wild fruits formed an important of jar rubbers. Do not try to do up part of primitive man's diet. The large lots. You will find that two dr So many people suffer from deficits deficits were easily obtainable then, but three hours' work at one time will be rangements of -fhe liver that we feel civilization has destroyed many-- of às much as you can successfully ac- sure these two reports, just recently these wild fruits, except in the forest complish.y A few jars done carefully received, will prove interesting read- and mountain regions, so that at pre- two or three times a week will prove a in S_ a ud valuable information to many sent the only fruits known to us are far greater success than canning a j re5 ^ ers ^ ^ _ all cultivated with the exception of crate of berries, unless there is plenty ! ao , rs " I ^ rria ' K ®, atl . ey f-C*" huckleberries. : | of help. This method will can straw- , Of late years modern methods have berries, raspberries, blackberries, : one shoulder. biadn nil thr-Bimp and eliminated from the house much of the huckleberries, curants, cherries and : was nearlv as black as dirt around the drudgery and Tvork that were formerly rhubarb. ; , . iTyes so I Sneluded to tr? some ot considered most^necessary for the sue-, Remember that bacteria and wild i Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Fills. I did , cess of the home. Men, quick to know yeast cells exist in the air and soil, \ so, am} before I had taken one 25c the value of canning, preserving, and therefore in all animal-and .vege-j box the pain had left me and I com- : pickling and jellymaking, have absorb- table substances. The cells are so ! menced to gain in flesh, and by the I ed this tyork and made it into a mas- small that it is impossible to see them j time I had taken two boxes I was ! sive business. They handle the foods with the naked eye. They -multiply ! completely cured and felt like a new j directly from the farms,_so that the very rapidly and thus set up a decom- ! person. My trouble was caused by housewife has gradually let this most position which spoils the article of j heavy work out-of-doors, and, of important art slip from*her. food. course, heavy eating and constipation. The constant advancing prices of To successfully conserve food for ! ? .Y ou ta d adyI . E ® an / on ® suffering from food supplies have caused the prudent future use it is most necessary to com- I £ : . d n n c ® y t0 glVe Dr " housewife to view the market with pletely destroy these germ cells. This ! M „ rh , T ' nnt alarm. She/may decrease the expenses C an only be donë by the application of i writea '. ^Before I was' -married I°was matermlly if jhe is willing'omkc the heat i/the form Sf a Æ bath or!^ ea The time and trouble of canning her fruits boiling. So be positive that the water liver. My liver became so enlarged and vegetables. j is actually boiling before counting the that you could detect the swellings Economy and thrift are not merely, time. When, once the boiling starts on either side, and it was only with a matter of money, but rather prud- ^ mU st be continuous for the length of difficulty that I could get my clothes ently conserving- materials within our, time given. reach. Economy in the home means! d 0 no t plunge the jars into the boil- not only carefulness and watchfulness, water, but rather have the water but also planning and buying; also hot, say at a temperature of 125 or u smg labor-saving devices combined 140 deg rees Fahrenheit, then bring with skillful handling of foods; using idly to a boil . up-to-date methods and reliabie tools' Label and Date and the judgment to avail ones self j , . .. , , . , y, quickly of. opportunities. - Por . future knowledge label and date T j t> -, -, ! your jars and also on each put a num- Learn New and Better Methods < ber so that you will know just how Gone are-the old antiquated methods maMy j ar s,' the amount of fruit and of cur grandmothers' days., Using sugar that is in each lot. This will the open kettle is as surely out of date a ] so give you a way to figure the cost, as would be a car drawn by horses, i Keep a book to record all your work, Large proportions of sugar are also the numbe r of'jars, the cost, etc. i relegated to the past. This method produce ; an oversweet article, which destroys the delicate natural flavor of the fruits. This is not only unnecessary, unnecessary, but also it has prevented many persons from enjoying preserved preserved fruit. The canners realized this, and have for years met this objection by using less sugar. Sugar is not necessary for the successful keeping of frui' but it is used to make them pal. r <y +*■ Melba Remember--There are no 1*79 680 Will There Be a Vidtrola in Your Home This Christmas? x V tm W driuck HSCor'mack Cod from British waters are greenish greenish or brownish olive. Those caught further north are of color. a much darker 4 War Flour. "War Flour is what every good housewife should use to-day. We have the Straight Grades for Bread and Pastry from Manitoba and Ontario Wheat specially for family use. Also Whole Wheat and Graham Flour. Cereals and Mill Feed always on hand. Prices reasonable and satisfaction assured. Chas. Horn, Hampton Health ! Constipation. | Normally, 'the bowels should move j after each meal, and sometimes just •-after rising. The largest movement generally occurs soon after breakfast. I Many persons suffer from constiTpa- oion who are not aware of the fact. There are three forms of constipation: (A) Simple constipation, in which the bowels are only somewhat sluggish or irregular in action ; (B) Cumulative constipation, in which the normal Phone 129 r 0 * x- feA / Coal Wood Best grades of Coal only kept, also Wood of all kinds. v \ If you have not ordered your Winter supply yet, you had better do so as it is liable to advance any day. E- W. LOSCOMBE V Standard Bank Building, Temperance St. Phone 177 gruels,' porridge), a diet chiefly consisting consisting of such foods as white bread, rice, meat, eggs, tea, coffee and condiments condiments are highly constipating. Cellulose (the indigestible woody part of vegetable foods) is the only element which can increase the bulk of the feces. The average person requires requires about an ounce of cellulose daily. -Garden vegetables (excepting the potato) contain much cellulose, especially especially the beet root, turnip, parsnip, spinach, cabbage, briissels sprouts and lettuce. Most fruits; especially figs, apples, huckleberries and prunes are also laxative. Meals must be regular in time and the amount of food taken. Food is the physiologic laxative. Exércise promotes bow r el action, especially especially walking, horseback riding, How to Make the Label STRAWBERRIES June 10 No. 4--Lot 3 To Make a Fruit Juice To -each quart of fruit add one cupful cupful of water and one cupful of sugar, on. A friend adviced me to get Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills and take them. I commenced this treatment, and used nine boxes, which cured me at that time. Then, about two or three years afterward I was troubled again with the swelling, but only on my right side. I secured some more Kidney-Liver Pills, and took them, which Anally, cured me. I have not been troubled in this way since. I can cheerfully'recommend Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills to anyone having kidney or liver trouble. "We. have also found Dr. Chase's Linseed and Turpentine excellent for coughs ajid colds. In fact, any of Dr. Chase's, medicines which we have used have been good." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, or.e pill a dose, 25c a box, 5 for $1.00, at all dealers, or E'dmanson Bates & Co., Limited, VToronto. then put in a kettle ând mix well The intelligent use of sugar aims to : Bring to a boil and cook for ten min- the appearance afld taste of all canned fruits. The many grades on the market market make it necessary for/the housewife housewife to be sure to obtain a pure grade of sugar. It is needless to say that it utes must be cane sugar. utes. Mash well and then strain. When cool fill into sterilized bottles. Put the bottles in a water bath and bring to boil. Process for ten min- Remove from bath and cork, care, doing only what can be done without hurry in a clean and cool kitchen, with a supply of good materials materials and utensils. Many jars are lost each year by the false economy of using defective jars and lids or old rubbers. Always examine each jar before starting to store to see that it is in perfect condition. Fruits can- The Select Family Hotel Centrally located--Just off Yonge Street Rates : American Plan--$2.50 up per day. European Plan --Single $1.25 up per day--Double $1.50 up per day. Write for descriptive booklet. 71 Grenville Street, Toronto, Ontario THE FLAVOUR LAST "An Opening movement of the bowels is prevented by accumulation of hard, dry masses 1 gymnasium exercises and such exer- in the rectum or plevic colon, and. (C) ' ' Latent constipation, in which the bowels move daily, but without complete complete evacuation of the lower colon. Not infrequently the symptoms peculiar peculiar to latent and cumulative constipation constipation arefound present together. It is highly important in evéry case of constipation that such an examination shall be made as will determine the cause of the constipation. ' It is only by the aid of such examination jhat it becomes possible to make a successful- successful- application of curative "means. Fasting, a scanty diet (less than 1600 calories), a liquid diet (milk, ROMPTLY SECUREDI all countries. Ask for our INVEN* TOR'S AD VISER, which wlllbe sent free. marion a Marion, 664 University 8t., Montreal. Cook's Cotton Rort Compound. A. safe*, reliable regulating nUdioint. Bold in three degree* degree* of strength--No. 1, SI ; No. 2, S3; No. 3, 65 per box. o jg. Sold by all druggist*; or sent prepaid on receipt • of p-* Free .pamphlet. <$, Addr rice. ressN E COOK MEDICINE CO„ TO. OMT. (Ftrwrfr Wkdt*r.) cises as trunk bending and deep breathing. The best of 1 all exercises for relief of constipation are leg-raising and similar movements practiced with the head low, using an inclined table or an ironing board with one end on a chair, the other resting on the Door. A special folding, table is made for this purpose. s Treatments which especially^ helpf bowel action Are the morning cold bath, masSage of the abdomen, and in. spécial cases applications of electricity to the abdominal muscles, the rectum andXhe pelvic colon. Drugs of all sorts and laxative mineral mineral waters must be avoided. They do not cure, and do much harm when long used. A Clean Giveaway. Teacher (at roll-call)-^-Why is Bobbie Bobbie Brown absent ? Tommy Telltale--He's playing truant, truant, sir. Teacher--How do<you know'-that? Tommy--Saw him this morning, sir. Teacher--Yes, but how do you. know that he was. sent to school ? Tommy--His face was clean, sir, What Impertinence! purchased which has a removable tray. This boiler will last many years if it is used carefully* and kept for this purpose purpose alone. Use ohl y the best grade has important work to do. Under Under favorable conditions it does it well. If sluggish, relieve it with Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World* Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25c. 99 -r, . i , . U . . , j■ : ned by this method will cost one-quar- . . , - Beet sugar con- and when cold covei P S' P*, ter of the price of canned goods pur- tams a larger percentage of acid and ping m melted paraffin. ! f . liac . pd dnr ; i ngr , v ; nter does not give the same perfect results, j Finally, the success of all canning : L ' J f ' It must be remembered that one cup- and preserving depends alone upon ! ^ c 4 e . -- a î e j ir ? u b °ï e - r s " ould reach ful of absolutely pure sugar will ac- ! absolute sterilization. Work with : two-thirds of depth ot jars. complish the work more successfully j : -- : -- ~ than one and a half cupfuls of sugar i of a lower grade. . j How to Start Canning ! When planning to can, get the jars j ready and see that the lids are in per-1 feet condition. By this, I mean that j they should fit securely, and have] everything absolutely clean. Provide \ plenty of cloths for wiping the jars ; I a funnel to fill with, and a tray large, enough to hold jars intended to be ! filled. j There is an appliance sold in stores : that costs twenty-five cents, for lifting ! jars; and will save fingers froi - ^ being j burnt and many times its cost in pre-! serving hot jars from slipping or drop- ! ing. - ] Before starting on the fruits or i vegetables have a vessel large enough j to hold jars intended to be used. Put i the jars and the tops into the recept- • acle and cover with cold water. Bring] to the boiling point and then remove ! as wanted, drain and fill with the art-; icle to be canned. j Pour boiling water over the " jars ! rubbers just before using. This not; only sterilizes them, but also makes | tliem pliable and easy to slip on the j The Actual Method i Sort the fruit in separate dishes. ! Put all bruised and soft berries in one. ; Grade the berries by keeping all large and small ones in separate dishes. This is not only necessary for the, succès of the fruit itelf, but also for] tiie_appearance of the fruit. j Small clips can be bought for five ] cents to hull berries with, saving both ; the appearance of the hands and of ' the berries. Put the hulled fruit in ! a wire basketor colander and pour ; over it gently plenty of cold water to remove the sand. . Drain well and then pack in jars, shaking the jar so that you can fill in as many berries as possible without crushing. Fill the jar with, hot syrup, put on the rubber and lid, tighten tighten partly then put in hot water bath and process for eighteen minutes after boiling has started. Remote and tighten the lids as tight as possible. Invert and permit the jar to cool. Be sure there are no leaks, and then store in a dark, cool place. To Make the Syrup One cupful of sugar to every two and one-half cupfuls of water. Put in saucepan and stir until dissolved. Then bring to^boil and cook for five minutes. If the sugar is pure you will have no brown scum to remove. Use as directed. -- The Water Bath A boiler for -this purpose can be Open the sealed end with your finger nail WRIGLEYS^ SPMffflJMZ "fits .vcuR THC PERFECT QÛMr Push on the other end to make sticks project Full out one -- push the others back in WRIGLEYSv DOUBLEMINT H 1 M 1 N CHEWING OUMF jj| r/AV Unwrap the double cover and see how surpassingly delicious and full-flavoured it is. Three Kinds Made in Canada 1 e Flavour Lasts Chew it offer c

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