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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1917, p. 1

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Final Appeal Judge Gives Ruling on ion of Farmers OPERA HOUSE For Husbands i. Jusüee Duff (the Final Court of Appeal) De- elares it is Essential that there shall be No Diminution in Agricultural Production. DECEMBÊR T 15th To Give The spirit of the times suggests practical gifts. There are many, especially at the Hydro Shop. But there are few gifts that a wife would appreciate more and use oftener than a Hydro Electric Vacuum Cleaner. / Her joy will be expressed on Christmas morning morning as she sees the shining beauty she long has cherished but hardly dared hint at. Then, every day, for years to come, as the Hydro Electric Vacuum Vacuum Cleaner saves her strength and her time, she will be reminded of the loving solicitude which prompted so useful a gift. SPEAKERS : HON. N. W. ROWELL President of Privy Council Mr. J. E. ATKINSON, a Durham boy, President of Star Publishing Co. Lt. Col. Chas. R. McCULLOUGH Hamilton, an old Bowman ville boy Mr. Thos. STEWART and others. Chairjtaken at 8.0'clock. GOD SAVE THE KING (Published by authority of Director of Public Information Ottawa.) * fit . Ho "' Mr- J "*tice Duff gave judgment on December 6th, in the first test case brought before him, at Central tionofaf gC T- final COUrt of a PP ea| ). for the exemp- armer. The appeal was made by W. H. Rown- tree m respect of his son, W. J. Rowntree, from T. refused"* , f Tribunal > Ontario, No. 421, which refused a clam, for exemption. The son wa, stated to be an experienced farm hand, who had been working n the farm continuously for the past seven years, and ver since leaving school. He lives and works with hi, father, who owns a farm of 150 acre, near Weston, tario. With the exception of a younger brother, he IS the only male help of the father on the farm. The rather is a man of advanced years. In granting the man exemption "until he cease* to be employed in agricultural labor," Mr. Justice Duff said: u r I f Hydro Electric Vacuum Cleaners carry the guarantee of the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario. They're trouble-proof, economical, durable. To the Electors of Durham s Will you call and see them? Hydro Electric Power Commission 1 Bowmanville, Ontario. Upon the invitation of the Executives of both political political parties, endorsed by public nominating conventions; conventions; I have accepted the nomination as a candidate for the electoral district of Durham. I am deeply grateful for this expression of confidence confidence on your part, and I respectfully ask for the whole-hearted support of the men and women of both parties in the coming election. Not only the future' of Canada, but the future of our civilization is in peril at the hands of cruel, ruthless, Prussian militarism, militarism, and only by the defeat defeat of Prussian militarism «was»»** ' A Mm&mm HON. If. W. ROWELL. < ■ _A can Democracy Free Government, and Human Liberty be assured their places in the world. v The Union Government is pledged to the vigorous ^L Wa L b ? the enforc ement of the Selective Draft, which is designed to provide the necessary reinforce- at J5 e same time retaining in Canada the man required for agricultural production and other essential war industries. I therefore stand for the fair, reasonable and impartial enforcement of the Military Service Actfor 4° f Wea i th by the adequate taxation of a n d increa ? ed taxation of Income, and for the f aU . P er ^° na l and party differences and controversies, controversies, at least during the period of the war ; so that Canada Canada may throw her whole energies into the struggle and present a united front to the - common foe. < Thé policy of the Union Government has already been announced by the Prime Minister, and upon tSTp^licTl irrespective of party; and partiL- * T^ he women who > for the first time, are t0 stand by our gallant Canadians are of J e ^Jheir lives for the defence of the Cfcnada^ ^ hbertles ° r the men and women of" _ May I also call your attention to the policy of the new Government in relation to the packing industry of Can2& ^Government has taken immediate and ef^ive^ntroi industry and has absolutely limited the pro- "ts which the packers can receive and retain. F resolved that the above principle shaU be applied to other industries in order to ensure that j^t shars of the burdens" S£- Jf d large profits shall not be made out of the necessi ties of the people; _ , My PJ blic duties will prevent my being in the riding for more than an occasional visit during thecampaiffn. and ïn d n P6 ^ d f ? r my eIection apon the voluntary co-operation of all the electors of the riding_to whom? a^p«d with confidence in this grave hour of onr country's > N. W. ROWELL. f The Military Service Act does not deal with the JCC ,°. ' he exem Ption of persons engaged in the agri- Itural industry ; and the question which it is my duty o decide is whether the applicant being and having been, as above mentioned, habitually and effectively engaged engaged in agriculture and in labor essential to the carry- mg on of agricultural production, ought to be exempted under the provisions of the Military Service Act. "These two propositions are indisputable : ( 1 ) In order that the military power of the allies may be adequately sustained, it is essential that in this country^ and under the present condition, there should be no diminution in agricultural production. (2) The supply of competent labor available for the purpose of agricultural production is hot abundant but actually is deficient. aounaant, "The proper conclusion appears to be that the an- phciint, a competent person, who had been habituais and effectively engaged in labor essential to such prZ duction, ought not to be withdrawn from it P It is perhaps unnecessary to say that such tiens are not granted as concessions on account of ^ sonal hardship, still less as a favor to a class Th#» ««1 ground of them is that the national interest is the better served by keeping these men at home. The supreme necessity (upon the existence of which, as its preambU shows, this policy of the Military Service Act?, J ed) that leads the State to take me„by"mpnl,i 0 nand kentatT the bghtln 8 Iine requires that men shall be "f P* at h ° me who are engaged in work essential to en able the State to maintain the full efficiency of the com- hatant forces, and whose places cannot be taken by others not within the class called out." 1 ^ Ottawa, Dec. 8. 1917. We print below a form or sample of ballot. If you want to help elect ' George W. Jones, as a member of Parliament for Durham County, place a cross at the right of his name as shown in the sample ballot. 1. GEORGE W. JONES of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, Manager of the Port Hope Telephone; Co. 2. NEWTON WESLEY ROWELL of the City of Toronto, County of York! - . Barrister. V w V?*'- ◄ 4 4 A -is " v ' mmr

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