4- (Tty (£anainan Statesman BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20,1982 Sea Cadet Corps Command Change Ei M The official Change of Command documents being signed. Every parade includes traditional inspection. Corps members giving the General Salute. Visiting officers and part of the large crowd. On Sunday afternoon at the Royal Canadian Legion parking lot, Bowmanville's Sea Cadet Corps put on a great show as they said farewell to their Commanding Commanding Officer Lt. (N) Jim Vanderende and welcomed their new C.O. Lt. (N) Don Foster, fortunately, the weather though cool, was bright so the colorful colorful Change of Command ceremony could be held outside and a large crowd was on hand, including several officers officers from a wide area. Stirring music was provided provided by the band from RCSCC Drake of Oshawa. Presiding Officer for the event was Commander Commander L. Zwicker C.D. of Ottawa who inspected the corps and took the salute at the march past before the exchange of sword and signing of documents to effect the change over in command. command. He also complimented complimented the Corps for providing a fine parade and praised them for their progress over the short time spice their formation. ; In his farewell address, address, Lt. Vanderende recalled' that it was almost one year ago that he went through a similar ceremony in leaving a Sea Cadet Corps in which he had been involved for 12 years, the last six as C.O. He mentioned that he had been a resident of Bowmanville for four years and when he heard that a corps was being formed here, he became very interested, mainly because he knew what the Sea Cadet prograrii had to offer to the.yeuth of. this community. community. 1 The formation of the Bowmanville Corps was started by Bryon Woolsey, now supply officer, who approached the Legion for sponsorship sponsorship in the summer of '81. The Legion accepted accepted the challenge by , forming a Navy League of Canada branch and electing Rae Abernethy as its president. This kind of sponsorship provided provided the corps with an excellent start and although too much has not been heard of their involvement, are the backbone of the organization. Lt. Vanderende expressed expressed appreciation of Legion President Doug Walton and particularly Rae Abernethy through whose dedication and hard work with his committee had established a good working relationship. In conclusion, ne wished his successor Lt. Don Foster every success and hoped he would continue on with the corps theme of Motivation, Participation, Participation, Communication Communication and Education. The new Commanding Officer Lt. Don Foster spoke briefly, saying how pleased he was to be taking command of one of the best corps in the area and assuring Lt. Vanderende that he would do all in his power to perpetuate the fine work that he had •done during his term as C.O. He also thanked visiting officers and the RCSCC Drake band for attending. And concluded concluded by presenting a gift to Lt. Vanderende from the officers of the corps. Navy League Branch President Rae Abernethy Abernethy and Legion Branch 178 President Doug Walton also spoke' briefly extending greetings and assuring those involved of their continued sponsorship. M P 1 0 Color party marches on the Presiding Officer. * >' ' ' ; • : * ** . >v '" m M New members of the corps still await their uniforms. ■ It» Music was provided by R.C.S.C.C. Drake Band from Oshawa. Lt. Vanderende leads Corps in his final March Past.