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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Oct 1982, p. 28

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I 10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 20,1982 Section Two NATURAL RESOURCES Bowmanville Lions Hold Garage Sale Waterfowl Season Opens A. O'Donnell, Fish & Wildlife Management Officer On September 25 the water- fowl hunting season opened in the Lindsay District. Conservation Conservation Officers checked 277 hunters who had harvested 307 waterfowl. The weather was ideal for duck hunting, however, the number of ducks per hunter was down slightly averaging 1.1 compared to 1.2. ducks per hunter in 1981. Mallards, Wood ducks and Blue-winged teal made up 89 per cent of the total harvest. Fifteen charges were laid against hunters breaking the game laws. Eight of the fifteen charges were against two Lindsay area men. There were 21 warnings issued to people hunting near baited areas and-or lacking the proper proper permits and licences in their possession. Geese Going A large migration of Canada geese took place in late Sep tember with thousands of geese flying over the Lindsay area from September 26 until September 29. TTie migration is approximately one week early. Controlled Pheasant Hunt The Scugog Island controlled controlled pheasant hunt is in operation operation again this year. For persons who enjoy hunting ring-necked pheasants the Scugog Island hunt located at the northern tip of Scugog Island on 450 acres of upland terrain is open Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Saturday from now until the end of November. The daily fee is $8.00 for a permit to hunt pheasants with a limit of 2 birds per day allowed. Hunter numbers are restricted to a maximum of 45 in the area at one time. The hunt is supplemented supplemented with daily releases of pheasants and it is recommended recommended that hunters, have a good bird dog to hunt. CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS 1982 Municipal Elections PROXY VOTING Pursuant to Section 67 of The Municipal Elections Act, 1977 as amended, provision is made for a person to vote by Proxy whose name is entered in the polling list for a polling subdivision or who has obtained a certificate under Section 33 of the said Act entitling him to vote and who (a) is certified by a legally qualifed medical practioner, by certificate filed with the Clerk to be physically Incapable of attending a polling place; (b) is absent from his regular residence by reason of attending an educational institution and who is entered in the list for the polling subdivision in which he normally resides and who expects by reason of such absence to be unable to vote at the Advance Poll or on Polling day; or (c) expects to be absent from his polling subdivision during the election period including the Advance Poll and Polling Day by reason of his being engaged for hire or reward in the business of transportation by railway, air, water or motor vehicle. Any person who is entitled to vote by proxy may appoint In writing in the prescribed form available at the office of the undersigned as his voting proxy any other person who is eligible as an elector In the Municipality. Section 67 of the said Act provides in part, that: "A voting proxy may not act as a voting proxy for more than one person voting by proxy except where the person voting by proxy is a parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, brother, sister, husband, or wife of the voting proxy, in which case a voting proxy may act for more than one such person voting by proxy! An appointment of a person as a voting proxy is not valid unless it is made after Nomination Day and does not remain in force after Polling Day. A PERSON WHO HAS BEEN APPOINTED A VOTING PROXY MUST APPLY TO THE CLERK NOT LATER THAN 5:00 O'CLOCK IN THE POLLING DAY TO RECEIVE A CERTIFICATE TO VOTE BY PROXY FOR THE POLLING SUBDIVISION, IN WHICH THE PERSON APPOINTING THE VOTING PROXY IS ENTITLED TO VOTE. A ballot shall not be delivered to a person who claims to vote as a voting proxy unless he produces his appointment as a voting proxy to the Deputy Returning Officer with the certificate of the Clerk thereon and takes the prescribed oath. A person who has been appointed as a voting proxy is entitled to vote in his own right in the municipality notwithstanding that he has voted as a voting proxy." David W. Oakes, A.M.C.T. Clerk and Returning Officer Town of Newcastle 40 Temeprance Street Bowmanville, Ontario. LÏC3A6 Our File: 10.50.8. Date of Publication: October 20th, 1982. Durham Agri-Calendar The weather was almost as brisk as business at the Lions Centre Saturday. The Bowmanville Lions Club held a garage sale which was well attended in spite of the cold and drizzle. Early morning patrons are shown above sifting through the goods. Oct. 19, 20, 26, 27, 28 - Ministry of Agriculture and Food Course "Sewing For Your Child". October 19 & 20 - Brighton - 1:30 & 7:30 p.m., October 20 & 27 - Cobourg - 1:30 p.m., October 21 & 28 - Maple Grove-1:3047:30 p.m. Pre-registration required. Contact: Linda Caldwell, OMAF, Bowmanville. Wed., Oct. 20 - Applied Agriculture Agriculture for the Novice Farmer - Woodlot Management, 5 Wednesday evening sessions. Fee $90.00. Contact: Continuing Continuing Education Division, University University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario. NIG 2Wl. Wed..October 20-11:00 a.m. - Stocker & Feeder Sale at Lindsay Community Sale Barn. 6:30 p.m. Pine Ridge Branch of O.I.A. at S.S.F.C. Fri., October 22 - 6:00 p.m. Victoria County Holstein Sale at Hickson Sales Arena. Fri., October 22 - 6:00 p.m. Dinner & Banquet Meeting for, District 7 Sheep Producers Association at Uxbridge. Tues., October 26 - 8:00 p.m. Durham Region Federation of Agriculture Meeting, Port Perry Legion Hall. Wed., October 27- 11:00 a.m. - Stocker & Feeder Sale at Lindsay Community Barn; sponsored by: borough Cattlemen's (yearlings only). Thurs., October 28 Sales Peter- Assoc. 11:00 a.m. - Stocker & Feeder Sale at Woodville Sale Barn. Sat., October 30 - Junior Farmer Mini Sing-Swing at Trenton, Knights of Columbus Hall at 7:00 p.m. with dance to follow at 9:00 p.m. Sun., October 31 -12:30 p.m. - Durham County Masquerade Photo Car Rally at Bowmanville Bowmanville Agricultural Office. Tues., November 2 - 8:00 p.m. - Durham County Junior Farmers' Business Meeting at Bruce Taylor's, Enniskillen. Wed., November 3 - Stocker & Feeder Sale; sponsored by Peterborough Cattlemen's Association (calves only). Thurs., November 4 -1:30 - 3:30 p.m. "Food For All Seasons" Summary Program at St. Paul's United Church, Warkworth. Fri., November 5 - Taxation Seminar for area Lawyers and Accountants at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa; sponsored by the Ontario Ministry of Ag. & Food. November 8 -12 - Livestock Management Tour - Counties of Dundas, Glengarry, Grenville, Grenville, Prescott, Russell, Stormont. Stormont. Mon., November 8 - 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. "Food For All Seasons" Summary Program, Orono Community Arena, Durham County. November 8 - Municipal Election Day! The Oshawa-Whitby-New- castle United Way has achieved achieved 10 per cent of its 1982 objective, with $145,582 raised to date. This is slightly ahead of last year at this time. Hugh Holland, Campaign Chairman, says that he is encouraged by the early results. "The community spirit is good, and people are responding to our appeal." Mr. Holland believes that the "fair share" concept, which asks those donating to United Way to give the equivalent of 15 minutes pay per week, is working. Singled out for excellent returns to date are unions, which have achieved 53 per cent of their objective, and the public employees for the Region of Durham, who have reached 55 per cent of their goal. The Provincial Government Government employees are also doing well, having already contributed $10,000. Among fund raising projects underway -- the General Motors Whitby South office Hewlett-Packard's new HP-87! It will meet your needs for: • Memory: 544,000 bytes of computing power. • Software: High-performance analytical software. VisiCalc®PLUS. CP/M® software. • Ease of use: Enhanced BASIC. Special function keys. Easy interfacing. v The NEW HP-87: it's very good at what you do best. See us today for a demonstration. ADVANCED COMPUTER SYSTEMS MCLAUGHLIN SQUARE 50 Richmond St. E. -- Oshawa Telephone 433-8113 VlsICalc.* Is a registered trademark of VLsICorp - Personal Software. CP/M* Is a registered trademark of Digital Research, I ne, rmsoNAL COMPUTATION DEALER CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS 1982 Municipal Elections ADVANCE POLL FOR MUNICIPAL ELECTORS Pursuant to Section 41 of The Municipal Elections Act, 1977 as amended, notice is hereby given that, In accordance with Section 66 of the said Act, Advance Polls for Electors of the Town of Newcastle will be hold on Saturday, October 30th, 1982, and the polls shall be open between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. The Advance Polls will be located: Ward 1, Hampton Hall, Hampton Ward 2, Town Hall, Bowmanville Ward 3, Town Hall, Orono, for Ihe purpose of receiving the voles of electors who expect to be unable to vole on Polling Day, (Monday, November Olh, 1982). Voter Notification Cards will liavo been received by all electors electors prior lo October 30th, 1982. Please bring these cards with you to the Poll. For additional al 623-3379. fp $ , ,.»v Dale ol Publication October 20IIH 982. Information, call the Clerk's Department David W. Oakes, A.M.C.T, Clerk and Returning Officer Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Slrcol Bowmanville, Ontario. liC3A6. Our File: 10,50,8, Providence-Shaws W.L Learns Proper Way to Make Out Wills November 10 -13 - National 4-H Members' Conference, Toronto. November 10 -14 - National 4-H Leaders' Conference, Park Plaza Hotel, Toronto. November 11 - 20 - Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Toronto. Sat., November 13 - Dur- ham-Northumberland Tobacco Tobacco Growers Annual Banquet & Dance at Miss Diana Restaurant, Restaurant, Peterborough. Contact: Joan Tax at 416-983-9287. Fri., November 19 - 7:30 p.m. 4-H Homemaking Achievement Day Program for "4-H Bread Winners" at Brighton Public School for Northumberland East. Sat., November 20 - 7:00 p.m. - Dinner Durham Northumberland Northumberland Apple Growers Harvest Dance, Greenwood Towers, Port Hope. Tues., November 23 - 9:00 p.m. Durham County Cattlemen's Cattlemen's Assoc. Bus Tour. Contact: Contact: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Agriculture & Food, Bowmanville. Fri., November 26 - 7:30 p.m. 4-H Homemaking- Achievement Program "4-H Bread Winners" for Durham County at Orono Community Arena. Fri., December 3-7:30 p.mi - 4-H Homemaking Achieve; ment Program "4-H Bread Winners" for Northumberland. West at Trinity United - ' Church, .Cobourg. During slow periods at the Lions garage sale Saturday club member Gord Barnes made sure the time wasn't wasted. Selecting a book from the table of sale items he took the opportunity to catch up on his reading. Lion president Jim Cryderman waits for the next customer. United Way at 10% of Objective has held a flower sale and bake sale, which realized over $1,000. i Mr. Holland reminded the public of the United Way- Durham College Turkey Trot which is being held at 2:00 p.m., Sunday, October 17, at Durham College. Contact Jim Kirkconnell, Publicity Chairman, Oshawa- Newcastle-Whitby United Way, 576-0210, Ext. 271. By Shirley Brown Mrs. Wylma Allin, North Street, Newcastle, was the hostess for the October 14 meeting of Providence-Shaw's W.I. Following the opening words on what we are leaving as a legacy by President Margaret Killeen, the minutes and correspondence were read. We are pleased to be invited to afternoon tea on October 30 at Mrs. G. Rickard's Rickard's by our sponsored 4-H group, the Baker's Dozen. All members were urged to make an effort to attend the Area Convention on November 2 and 3 at the Royal York, Toronto. Shirley Brown will be Yelverton News Sympathy is extended to • Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Zekveld and family, Gilbert's sisters and brothers etc. in the death of his brother George, this week. The late Mr. Zekveld died following weeks of treatment which involved a complete transfusion of blood and injection of a new artificial type of blood in an experimental effort to save his life. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow of Blackstock on the observation of their 60th Wedding Anniversary in the near future. Mrs. Marlow (Clara) was born in our Yelverton community, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Heaslip and is a sister of Mr. Wilson Heaslip of Lindsay, Ont. who has recently moved into Victoria Manor. Mr. and Mrs. . Claré Robinson were Thanksgiving weekend guests with Laurie's parents, the John Hofstetters of Plottsville. the voting delegate, accompanied accompanied by M. Killeen and B. Locke. The organization of •Women's Institute is certainly clarified after attending these sessions. Marilyn Dow, Resolutions Chairman, reported that a letter was received that indicated indicated the three Emergency Resolutions, which this branch prepared and presented presented at District Annual, have been turned down. Further correspondence is planned to find out how to properly present present two of these topics again. The Fim Fair at Solina was an enjoyable afternoon for nine of our members and guests. In reporting on this event, I. Elliott, Branch Director, Director, displayed the W.I. pens that are now on sale. As well, outdoor 'gate' signs can be ordered which indicate that a W.I. member lives here. The roll call was answered with the legacy we would like to leave the next generation. Some of the answers were independence, valuing their heritage, doing unto others, and being able to communicate. communicate. Our guest speaker was Mr. Rod Stork, Acting Ag. Rep. from the O.M.A.F. staff in Bowmanville, speaking on, 'Where there is a will, there is a way' - terms used in wills were described along with some do's and don'ts, the most important of these being DO make a will, if only handwritten, handwritten, and DON'T have someone, someone, named as an heir, witness the signature of the testator (person making the will). Keeping a will up to date as situations 'and goal changes are important. Both partners in a marriage need a will. Mr. Stork left some printed material material with us and recommended we read, 'Family Law ! Reform', a booklet available from the Ministry of the Attor ney General,. Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Thelma Lane thanked Rod and presented presented a gift from the ladies. November 8 will be Summary Summary Day for the cooking school 'Food for all Seasons', and will be held in Orono Arena in the afternoon. The next meeting will be at the home of Jenny Kammin- ga, Newcastle, on Nov. 11. Please bring a sample of your fall canning and the recipe for a silent auction. The profits from the sale will help defray the convention expenses. Unibed Way fk&ô Unisex 21 Temperance EVERY THURSDAY 1/2 PRICE PERMS Mon., Tues., Wed. HAIRCUT *6.00 Pleasure/Super-Pleasure Jp Seasonably Adjusted • F X. [If s 1 liawEy-lg W \ SAVEON FUEL THE DRIVE IS ON TO ECONOMIZE, SO PLAY A L0WREY! A REAL QAS SAVER BETTER PERFORMANCE YEAR-ROUND EASY TO START IN COLD WEATHER TRY A COURSE DESIGNED FOR IMPROVED FUEL ECONOMY LOWflE y Parade hKuihNjsic MIDTOWN MALL OSHAWA 571-2100 EXCLUSIVE LOWREY DEALER, LESSONS, BOOKS, ACCESSORIES, SERVICE, TRADE-INS.

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