10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowman ville, December 8,1982 Bow. Kinettes Hold Craft and Bake Sale Pontypool Man Wins Lions Trip to Florida One of the 130 Turkey Winners One of the more focal items at the Bowmanville Kinette Club's craft and bake sale last week was the enchanting gingerbread house shown above. Four year old Stephen Wraith of Bowmanville was properly impressed by the cookie house when Kinette Carla Foote pointed out its edible features. The fund raising sale was held Thursday and Saturday in Bowmanville Mall. ELIZABETHVILLE Church services were held as usual. The choir had an anthem. Two boys from Sunday School had the story of the second candle and lit the candle for our Advent. Rev. Rutherford spoke on, "Builders "Builders or Destroyers". He continued continued on the topic of marriage marriage and told how a wife or husband can either destroy each other or be a big help to each other. Destroy by nagging nagging and fault finding or with praise and confidence build ' each other up. Mrs. H. Quan- f^rill and Mr. H. Hodgin took up tfitie'offeritig. Announcements are: White / gift services will be held 1 December 12th. The W.I. will be held at Mrs. J. Barkwell's in the evening instead of afternoon, afternoon, December?. TheU.C.W. Unit II will meet on the 14th at Mr. and Mrs. H. Muldrew's home in the afternoon. Coffee was served at the close of the service as usual. Recent callers on Mr. and Mrs. Ross Beatty were Mr. Don Powell, Mr, and Mrs. H. Muldrew. Things taking place at North Hope Central Public School are Christmas Tea and Bazaar, December 8th at 7 p.m. with bake table and crafts. The Brownies and Guides will have a table also. The Parents' Club is in charge. Santa will call at the close and the recipe books that the club has been working on will be on sale. Four students from Grade 8 are going to Peterborough CHEX for a Campus Quiz on tiie 8th also. On the 9th and 10th evenings rcnjj^AViixniiJZMrrizriii . wrSSSTbKTsm * HOMI OF THE FOIL ICONOMV CA*. MIDWAY DATSUN 1300 Dundis St. E., Whitby 668-6828 : PANTS 1*1.69: REG. $2.25 Coupon must accompany I I QUICK CLEAN CENTRE 237 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE ! SUIT ! 1*2.991 incoming order of cloth pants. ® EXPIRES 31 DEC 82 | QUICK CLEAN | I I I I ■I I ! COATS ! WASH DRY FOLD i I i ii REG. $4.50 I Coupon must accompanyl incoming 2 pc. cloth suit ore jacket and pant combination j EXPIRES 31 DEC. 82 | QUICK CLEAN | I ! SKIRTS • i*3.29i$2 oo 5*1.591 | REG. $4.50 | ■ W W | REG. $2.25 | I I OFF 1 Coupon must accompany | mi lot noonmnonu W ■ ■ ■ , i _i.i_, -- Coupon must accompany -- I Incoming cloth coat. I I I I I I I EXPIRES 31 DEC. 82 QUICK CLEAN Drop In your laundry in the morning, then pick II up In the afternoon, clean, fresh and neatly folded. EXPIRES 31 DEC. 82 REG. $2.25 | Coupon must accompany | incoming plain cloth skirt ■ (silk and pleats extra) j EXPIRES 31 DEC. 82 | I I QUICK CLEAN EXTRA SPECIAL SAVINGS FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON FROM YOUR QUICK CLEAN CENTRE 237 KING ST. E., BOWMANVILLE, 623-4189 Following the Bowmanville Lions Club's turkey Richards, the happy winner Harold Moore of roll Friday night, the draw was made for their trip Pontypool with ticket 1853, President Jim to Florida. Taking part in this ceremony were, Cryderman and Special Events Chairman John from left to right, Draw Chairman Maurice Miller. PONTYPOOL NEWS of December the school will be open for parent interviews and report cards will also be given out. On December 21st, 7 p.m. the school is putting on an Operetta, "The Runaway Snowman". The Parents' Club is having a hot luncTi day December 22nd for the students. Our U.C.W. general meeting is "the 15th. Senior Citizens' dinner is the 16th. Mrs. Marian Bull, Tier daughter Julie, and her mother, Mrs. Gertrude Curtis, spent a week in Plainfield, New Jersey, U.S.A. visiting Linda Roberts, Mrs. Bull's sister. Linda lectures and studies at Rutgers University, University, where she is working on her Doctorate Degree. While there, Julie visited a Grade 6 class in one of the schools and has set up a pen pal correspondence correspondence between Wardlaw Hartridge School and North Hope Central. Steven Peacock from Trent University, Peterborough was home on the weekend. Mrs, E. Fowler, Mrs. West- heuser were at Mr, and Mrs. Thickson's recently. Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrill, Mr. and Mrs. O. Mercer, attended the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lambier at Dragon Bridge on Saturday evening. The residents of Pinewood Crescent held their annual Christmas party in the Pontypool Pontypool Community Centre on Saturday night. Would any reader of this column know the whereabouts of the Pontypool black choir gowns? The Junior Choir members need them and a search has been underway but no one knows what has become of them. If you have any information, pass it on to Jessie Fisk at 277-2517. Readers are reminded that this Sunday is the Annual White Gift Service in Pontypool Pontypool United Church and that the service is at 11:00 a.m. for this Sunday only. The Bethany congregation has been very kina to change its time of service to 10 o'clock so that Rev. Jones can join in the Christmas party which is following the service in Pontypool. Pontypool. Donations of money will take the place of white gifts and this money will go to the Missionary and Service Fund. At 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 22nd, the Annual Ecumenical Candlelight and Christmas Carol Service will be held in Pontypool United Church with all welcome. In the Ladies Bowling League on Monday Audrey Caskanette bowled 268 for the high single and Marion Byers had 467 for the high double. A very warm welcome is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Harold King, formerly of Scarborough, who have moved into the former Kissell residence on Pontypool's main street. (Many wifi remember it as the former Nimigon home.) \ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kissell have moved into their recently purchased home on Coulter Drive, Pinewoods Estates. We also welcome Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gilbank who have recently moved here, from Orono. Pontypool's "Pinewoods Estates" is growing quite rapidly with several new homes under construction. Coulter Drive is now extended to the 4th line. The Pontypool Park Board would like to see a good turn-out at its fund-raising dance this Saturday night. A draw will be made for a colour T.V. In an earlier news column we had noted that Chris and Doug Pingle had won a trip to Hawaii through their connection connection with the Red and White store chain. Chris and a friend enjoyed a week in Hawaii recently. In spite of the severe storm that struck the islands while they were there, they still were thrilled with their holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Pfeiffer of Brampton were also in Hawaii at the time of the storm. They were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. anniversary. Mr. Pfeiffer is a brother of Robert who lives on the 4th line. Pontypool Keenagers On December 2, 1982, Mrs. Marlis Lindsay, a representative representative of Health and Welfare, Canada, from Peterborough attended a meeting of our newly formed club. There were 17 people present. In order to qualify for a grant, it is necessary to have a Constitution for our Club, , a rent agreement with the Pontypool Community Centre and an application form. Mrs. Lindsay made several suggestions suggestions about changing a few items in our Constitution and the revisions were made accordingly. She was most co-operative in helping us with the application form. At an earlier meeting on November 30, we had an attendance of 24. Mrs. Jessie Fisk chaired our meeting in a most capable manner. The name of the Club was voted on and Pontypool Keenagers is to be our name. A Board of Directors was formed with Tom Donohue - President, John MacMillan - Vice- President, Merviri Bowins - Treasurer, Grace Fallis - Secretary, Gwen Curtis, Bert Frape, Alex Joncas, Joyce Baldwin, Dorothy Dewar and Paul Mucha. Mrs. Fisk, a member of the Bethany Golden Stars, was an excellent speaker and gave us many pointers on how to run our Club. Following are some quotes from our Constitution: "The aim and the object of this organization shall be to promote, cultivate and maintain maintain sociability, recreation and good fellowship among the Senior Citizens and Retirees in the Pontypool area. Membership shall be limited to persons who are 55 years of age or retired persons of any age, and spouses of same. All officers shall be elected by ballot at the Annual meeting at which time they take office and continue in office for a one year term, with the option of re-election for one additional term only. On payment of a $2.00 membership, a membership card and name button in this organization will be given to all persons who qualify. Said membership cards to be renewed yearly. Members in attendance at social evenings to pay 50 cents for each meeting to help pay for rent, etc." We propose to have a Drop Tyrone Mills Ltd. TyrfJNt". MJ.L Fresh-Pressed Cider Try it hot or cold every Saturday. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Scotch Pine Christmas Tree Only $10.00 with purchase of jug of cider OPEN MON. THROUGH SAT. 9 to 5 Located 7 miles north of Bowmanville on Liberty Street Hamlet of Tyrone TELEPHONE 263-8871 In Centre with activities such as Crafts, Carpet Bowling, Shuffleboard, Darts, Crokin- ole, Checkers, Ping Pong, Badminton, Card Games, Sing Songs, etc. At the present time, we have a list of 51 people who are interested in our Club. Hopefully, Hopefully, we will have many more in the future. As soon as we hear from New Horizons, the Board of Directors will be able to go ahead with our plans. Mrs. Lindsay intimated that it would be at least two months before we would have any word from New Horizons. Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, Januaiy 13, 1983, at the Pontypool Community Community Centre at 7.30p.m. and all persons 55 years of age and over are welcome. No doubt Mike Potts of Bowmanville was welcomed home on Friday after the Lions Club's turkey roll because he was one of the winners. In all, the club presented 130 turkeys to men who held the right tickets. SAVE UP TO $50. 00 We're open 9:30 to 9:30 Monday through Saturday S Toiler* f n ! If 0SHAWA CENTRE k u 1 DunnT Citry Suit Sim From 34 To 52