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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1983, p. 31

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1 I I X\ Participation House Programs Now in Full Operation Recently, Participation House (Durham Region) .Sam Cureatz, MPP; Gary Herrema, Chairman held a reception preceded by a ribbon cutting at Durham Region ; Elaine Smith Executive- one of the apartment buildings in South Oshawa Director; Rose Marie Connor, Chairman of the where tenants are housed. Taking part in the Board; Tamara Carson, Unit Co-ordinator; Danny ribbon cutting were, left to right, Charlene Milner, Bazinet, tenant; Rhea Read, Co-ordinator- tenant ; Ronald Kitchen, vice-chairman of Board of Beatrice Campbell, Secretary of the Board ' Directors ; Florence Holmes, Senior Staff member ; On Wednesday, May 4th, CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PROCLAMATION "PUBLIC WORKS WEEK" May 22nd to May 28th, 1983 Whereas the health, safety and comfort of the community is greatly dependent on the facilities and services provided by the Public Works Department; and, Whereas the support of the community is vital in the continuing efficient operation of the Public Works' services, such as street maintenance, refuse collection, water and sewer systems, road construction and snow removal; and, Whereas the quality and effectiveness of these facilities is dependent on the continued efforts and skills of Public Works Department Staff; Now, therefore, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle does hereby proclaim May 22nd to May 28th, 1983, "PUBLIC WORKS WEEK in the Town of Newcastle, to recognize the efforts of the Public Works Department in providing for health, safety and comfort in the community. Garnet B. Rickard, Mayor. The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Bowmanville, Ontario. Dale of Publication: May 18,1983. May 25,1983 Participation House (Durham Region) celebrated the full implementation of its programs programs and facilities with a reception at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa. Rose Marie Connor, President and Chairman of the Board of Directors extended extended a warm welcome to over 70 invited guests including elected representatives from the provincial, regional and municipal governments. A special thanks was given to the many people and organizations organizations who have supported and continue to support Participation Participation House financially and in other ways. Participation House (Durham Region) is an incor-' porated charitable organization organization that provides residential facilities and related support programs to severely physically physically handicapped adults, The main thrust of the project is to provide these men and women with supervised residential care in their own community. It is a reversal of the trend of past years which saw these same citizens forced into institutional institutional settings and in many cases, settings that were away from their families and friends. At present, Participation House has seventeen tenants in seven specially modified apartments located in three buildings in Oshawa. The first of these opened in May of 1980. Recently, a day program was implemented which rounded out the facilities and programs programs offered by the project. This day program is attended Powerful 5 H P. T ~U" A A AM Chain Drive Tiller While quantities Iasi. • 4-cycle Briggs A Stratton engine for big tilling jobs • 3-step chain and sprocket drive • Controls conveniently mounted on handle • 0-8" tilling depth; 13" dio. heat treated tines • 9"wheels and depth bar • Adjustable plow-typo folding handle for easy transportation 545-345 ■■'".'ï'ÿ'TÏ f, ti:.: 8" Spading Fork Diamond back tines for easy soil penetration. Lacquered Lacquered Y-D hardwood handle 591-508 3" Bamboo Rake Super bamboo rake with 24" wide spread. Long, fire-hardened handle. Will 1 not harm grass . 591-589 2 U.S. Gallon QCM Poly Sprayer OO». Heavy-duty sprayer constructed constructed of hlgh-dcnsity polyethylene "Funneltop' design reduces spillage. Uncomplicated and easy to use. Carrying handle 591-431 Extension Cord „ Heavy duty 30 m outdoor extension cord of 18/3 SJTW wire. Highly visible orange colour. Rated at 10 amps, 125 volts . 540-985 CO-OP Peg. Price $14 9 by most of the residents and emphasizes the improvement of independent living skills. A volunteer board of 10 Directors and a full time and part time staff of 35 members headed by Elaine Smith, Administrator, Administrator, carry out the various aspects of the project which now has an approved operating budget in excess of $550,000.00. Funding for the capital and operational expenditures of the project is shared by the Provincial Ministry of Community Community and Social Services, the generous gifts of regional residents and businesses, and the incomes of participating tenants. At present, plans are being made to include the Ministry of Health in an expanded expanded funding base for the project, The emphasis on several facilities in the community community each set up with a minimal capital expenditure is in line with current provincial provincial policy and goes hand in hand with efforts to reduce the population of the large provincial provincial institutions. Future plans include the addition of more residential spaces throughout the region, the development of a family relief program and the development development of a, community resource resource centre for physically handicapped adults. Hampton W.I. The Hampton Women's Institute met in C. E. Wing on May 3rd. The ladies met at 9:30 a.m. and each brought a box lunch for noon. Miss Doreen Penett, our secretary read the minutes of the last meeting. We finished the planning planning for our annual Strawberry Strawberry Dessert Tea to be on June 28. We made posters and dealt with business pertaining to the regular meeting. At 1:30 p.m. our president, Mrs. M. Burrows opened the . meeting and welcomed everyone. everyone. We sang the Institute Ode and repeated the Mary Stewart Collect. Mrs. Burrows read a poem 'A Smile'. Roll Call was "Name a Canadian province and its premier". Mrs. Hall had the Motto- A woman shows what she is by what she does with what she has. Miss Perrett introduced our speaker for the afternoon, Mrs. Zorina Rafnji of Bowmanville, Bowmanville, telling us of city life and country life in Kenya. She was most interesting and informative, informative, Her husband accompanied her and they showed two films which were excellent of their country. Mrs. Grace Chant thanked Mr. and Mrs. Ramji and presented presented a small gift. We had a white elephant auction sale. Mrs. V. Bryant, acted as auctioneer. It was very amusing with fun. We closed with the Lord's Prayer. Lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. v:i)1 ■ 'v.sJ 1 5v - - "yj ■ Weed Eater* 17Q M Gee Trimmer ■ ■ 5# Vflltm-pricod trimmer goo* wlmro an extension extension cord can't for real versatility. Lightweight, yet powerful 2-cyclo engine with solid state Ignition lor quick, easy starts, Tnp-N-Go line advance lets you keep working. Cuts a wide 14' path, 591-007 Powerful 10 H.P. 34" MTD Lewn Cere Tractor ..... W®, RsÆivrfSwi 1466" • Dependable 4-cyclo Tecumsoh 20 20 cu. In. tmglno • Key electric shut lor no-nonsonsn slatting • 12 volt battery mid dual circuit alternator • 5-speed automatic drive transmission • Full floating 34" twin blade dock with 5-poslllun height adjustment and much more 645-442 While quantities Iasi ll't arrived ... The new 1983 Spring A Summer catalogue. Designed to make your Spring A Summer more comfortable, more enjoyablel Includes many Items with extra low CO OP orlces. Pick up your copy todavl ■DURHAM FARMERS' COUNTY CO-OP • launton Road A Hwy. 115, Orono, Oniario PHONE: 983-9134 or 983-9135 Toll Free (In Ana Code 418) 18Q0-263-7805 ONE NICE THING ABOUT PLAYING A YAMAHA ORGAN It that It hi* features te deWghl every muilc miked Drip In te our niw iters te hear *> the other nice thlngi. NNall hhusic (DINES PLAZA) 400 KING ST. W. OSHAWA 571-2100 YELVERTON Several Yelvertonians were scheduled to call on Sunday at Nestleton to congratulate Mr. Stanley Malcolm on his 90th birthday. Mother's Day at Malconia was observed with the family congregating to wish Mama Corrie a Happy Day - Mitzi and Moulson of Pickering village, village, Marti and Jane from Omemee, Mona and Ronnie Sharma of Lindsay, and "Maw and Paw Kettle" of course residential inmates. As we transcribe the current week's volume of news, we are currently enjoying the Sweet Swing of Jazz with local guests Jeanne and Wes McManon of Bethany acting as part time hosts of the program. Very professionally done too. Mr. Howard Malcolm attended attended meetings this week in both Ottawa ana Vancouver. Yelverton U.C.W. News As Supplied by Their Sect. Doris Rowan Fourteen members of Yelverton Yelverton U.C.W. met at the church for their May meeting. The meeting opened with singing singing the Ode with Linda Pfok at the piano. Agnes Howe read the poem - "the Miracle of Spring". Hazel Gray was in charge of the Devotional and chose "Family Unity" as her theme. She deplored the lack of unity in our modern family as each member does his (or her) own thing. Sharing with your family Hazel considered most important. important. Our children bring us our greatest joys and our greatest sorrows. Like one modern Confuscius stated - "Children are either a lump in the throat or a pain in the neck" - this is your scribe's own addendium to the minutes. Prayer followed followed with the singing of the hymn "When Mothers of Salem" concluded this portion of the meeting. Business session included adaption of the minutes as read. Roll Call was answered r with donations of some lovely items for the Bazaar. $50.00 was donated to the Friendship Committee. Thank you notes were read from the numerous beneficiaries of the U.C.W.'s generosity during the past month. The menu of the Pork BB Q scheduled for Friday June 10 starting at 4 p.m. to remain the same as last year. (See future Coming Events for Details.) The quilt the ladies recently quilted will be displayed at the B B Q and will be offered for sale at that time. The ailing water heater has been replaced.!'. replaced.!'. The next meeting of the U.C.W. is scheduled to be held at the Bob Rumble Community Community Centre for the Deaf. Articles for the children's Fish Pond on June 10th are solicited solicited from the members. The devotional to be convened by Mrs. Ida Hurtig. The offering amounted to $12.85. The meeting closed with the Benediction. Benediction. Agnes and Linda had transformed transformed the church basement to resemble the South Pacific. With the arrival of the men, throe present sat down to a delicious smorgasbord dinner with many variations of South Sea dishes. Following the dinner a program program was held with the South Pacific theme. Agnes sponsored sponsored a contest with the winner winner taking home fresh pineapples. pineapples. Using primitive instruments instruments ' the audience accompanied Linda at the piano with several members (Bet that was a gas!) Agnes led in "Worship in the Pacific Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. May 18,1983 13 Anniversary History Quiz Winners Receive Prizes The winners of Bowmanville's 125th anniversary contest winners was provided by Beaver Lumber, giant brainteaser history quiz were presented with Shown at the presentation from left are: Sherry their prizes last week. The first place winner Shrives, Darlene Osborne-lst place winner, J.P. 1 j - -i r-- ™ thr D -- " T ■-- L -- ^ their prizes received a cheque for $125.00 while three runners up received $12.50 each. Prize money for the BHS Students Receive History Quiz Prizes Bergeron-Beaver Lumber manager, Osborne and Carole Hooper. Donna Bowmanville High School students who were winners of the town's 125th anniversary history anniversary committee. Shown above at the presentation last week from left are: Scott Moore, . . j 'T \ . «..«uwoHi; Allow* y pcûciiLduuu iciM wcck irom ieii are: ocott Mofirp quiz received their prizes last week. The first place Gary Milovick-history teacher, Cathy Dadson-lst winner was presented with a cheque for $125 while place winner, Dan Player, Tony Brand-committee three runners-up received $12.50 each. The chairman, Mayor Garnet Rickard and Scott monetary rewards were provided by the 125th Kirkton. ott Way" with Linda providing the accompaniment, Janet Spenceley assisted in the improvisation improvisation of a South Pacific interpretation of a Communion Communion Service. The evening closed with a Hymn. Twist and shout, Move it all about. Fitness is in. Fatness is but. '-paRTrc/paam Si CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS TO DESTROY NOXIOUS WEEDS Under the provisions of the Weed Control Act the Province of Ontario, Public Notice is hereby given to all owners and occupants of subdivided lands within the Town of Newcastle that unless the noxious weeds or weed seeds on any such subdivided lands in the Town of Newcastle are destroyed by Friday, June 3, 1983, and throughout the season, the Council of the Town of Newcastle has directed the Weed Inspectors for the Region of Durham to cause said noxious weeds or weed seeds to be destroyed in such a manner as they may deem proper, and that the expenses incurred by the said Weed Inspectors in the discharge of their duties shall be placed on the Collector's Roll of the Town of Newcastle against the respective parcels concerned and that such amounts shall be collected in the same manner as taxes under the Municipal Act. The co-operation of all citizens Is earnestly solicited. Weed Inspector Mr. Arthur Hamilton David W.Oakos, A.M.C.T., Town Clerk 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario. LIC3A6. Our File: 35.23.4. Dale ol Publication: May 18, 1983. toYS Prices In effect until May 31 si, 1983 Guaranteed Service Guaranteed GNI Parts Guaranteed Price 1 COWAN PONTIAC -- BUICK LTD. BOWMANVILLE -- ONT. 166 King St. E. 623-3396

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