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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jun 1983, p. 8

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8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 1,1983 ORONO NEWS By Isabelle Challice Quote - "Just when you think you've graduated from the school of experiences; someone thinks up a new course." - Mr. and Mrs. Don MacHugh and family were last weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Barraball. Mrs. Mary Kean and son William, Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chater, Leskard; and Mrs. Margaret Hancock were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Derek Barnett. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Challice, Challice, Millbrook, Mr. Don Challice and Mrs. Greta Stewart, Oshawa, and Miss Kerry Lyn Challice, Ponty- pool, were Sunday evening dinner guests of the 0. Challices. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stapleton, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapleton, Port Hope, enjoyed a bus trip to Canada's Wonderland on Sunday. Despite the rainy weather, members of Orono Sr. and Jr. horticulture planted the town beds and the jrs. also planted the town planters on Main St. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hockin, London, were weekend visitors visitors with her mother, Mrs. Rosie Osborne, Durham Complex and then visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cryderman, Newcastle. On Saturday along with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fowler, Toronto, they all attended Mrs. Osborne's granddaughter's graduation from Durham College, held at the Civic Auditorium, Oshawa. Miss Laurie Benedict and Mr. George Van Den Bogaard, Oshawa were Monday luncheon luncheon guests of the 0. Challices'. Challices'. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Klaus Schoenmaker on the arrival of their first grandchild. grandchild. Spring Flower Show The Spring Flower Show was held Thursday, May 26, in Orono United Church, with a good crowd in attendance. A very beautiful spring flower show greeted the visitors, with a goodly number of entries (127) in all classes. Mrs. Dini Schoenmaker did the judging honors, and the special guest for the evening, Miss Linda Caldwell, Home Economist, with the Dept, of Agriculture, Bowmanville, brought an informative informative message on "How to Freeze your Vegetables." Doreen Lowery introduced our speaker. One of the most important things to consider before freezing is to select only the best and freshest of vegetables and fruits. Blanching Blanching is a most important factor for sure success, as this kills bacteria and ever present enzymes, which can cause lack of flavor and also color, later in the frozen state. Booklets Booklets were handed out and more informative books are already ordered for the members. Miss Caldwell was graciously thanked by Mrs. Joan Taylor and the president presented her with a little gift in appreciation. appreciation. Secretary Carol Mostert read the minutes of the previous previous meeting and the treasurer's treasurer's report was given by the president because the treasurer was suffering from a sore throat. The green elephant plant tables were laden with all sorts of good gardening needs, eg. iris, all perennials, onions, houseplants, mums, dahlias etc. We were pleased to have another new exhibitor. Miss Heidi Schmeid, win several prizes. The Best Arrangement in the show was won By Yvonne Trafford and the most points in the show were won by Minnie Zegers. Junior Gardeners The Orono Jr. Gardeners held another very successful spring flower show in Orono United Church on Thrusday, May 26th, judging was from 7 - 7:30 with 13 members exhibiting exhibiting with 62 entries. A special class was made of posters to advertise the Sr. Horticulture Society Strawberry Festival. Mrs. Ann Evans donated (two) first prizes, the Sr. members was won by Robin Robinson and the Jr. was won by Kevin Scott. Be sure to watch for those posters in the store windows. Carol Mostert donated an Amaranthus plant to each Jr. gardener, to be grown in their gardens, to be judged in August and also donated the prize money for these plants. Mr. William Armstrong of I.G.A. gave each member a tomato plant and again these he ank these people will be judged in the August " : th ' " show. We for their kind donations. We would like to thank leaders Helen Robinson, Yvonne Maitland Maitland and Shelley-Anne Zegers for helping to get our snow ready, Donna Scott for our prize monies and Mrs. Minnie |ers for judging our show. 5ur next meeting is June 14 and we are making "something "something for Father's Day." On Saturday, May 28, the Orono Jr. Gardeners planted all the planters on the Main St. and they are looking good. Thank you to all the members who helped in this special project, St. Saviours Church News We are most appreciative of those who have donated flowers from their gardens to ou beautify our church today. Members of St. Saviours youth met Sunday following the regular service to organize a group. Canadian General Synod meets next week. They have very difficult matters to discuss. discuss. Pray for them as would for yourself if you been elected to serve. Hymns for Summer - We would like to know the numbers numbers of favorite hymns that you would like to sing. Please put them on a slip of paper, put it on the offertory plate or call the organist or Rector. Readers - We welcome people to read lessons. Some churches have twenty or more. Please let vis know. The Lay Readers would appreciate appreciate your help also when they take the services. Young people as well as adults are always welcome. Orono Cub News There were seventeen cubs and eight adults, some as leaders and also cooks cam- out this past weekend in mdraska Park. Despite cold weather everyone enjoyed the camp-out and all members were kept busy working on various projects to assist them getting their "Woodsman Badges," This Saturday evening thé West Durhahi, Appreciation Night for leaders is being hèld at Orono Arena, with, the Orono group convening the banquet. ÿ Orono United Church News" The new altar table was on view Sunday morning, and is the gift of Mr. Clare Martin. Hie beautiful table was constructed constructed by the late Charles Prust and had been in , the Leskard Church. Mrs. Betty Wright led in the psalms and scripture readings at the morning service and Mrs. Ethel Lycett greeted at the door. vv . Rev. Wright gave the children's story ana the choir rendered thé always beautiful "The Lord is My Shepherd." Hanov Birthday to Nies De- Jonge who celebrated May 31. There a few copies of the latest Community Care newsletters newsletters on the bulletin boards. Hie U.C.W. unit No. 4 ladies are keeping their > fingers really nimble by quilting every day in the upstairs auditorium. auditorium. If you like quilting come in any day from 9 a.m. till 11:30 a.m. and Wed. evéti- ing 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Bring your own thimble. This is a very attractive quilt in the "Pansy" pattern. Remember our general U.C.W. Pot Luck dinner Tues. June 7th at 6 p.m. and also a quilt display of antique and new quuts. St. Paula, Bowmanville are bringing the program. Bertha White, U.C.W. supply convener convener urges all ladies to bring in your supply things by the end of this week. Next Sunday, June 5th the Sacrament of Communion will be celebrated in Oronb United Church. Starkville Mr. and Mrs. Peter Da Costa, Nicole and Audley spent the weekend in New York City visiting relatives. Michael Goodmurphy, Lockharts spent the weekend spen with Mr, ana Mrs. Jim Souch, Brian and Blaine. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fonk and Peter and Mr. John De Witt spent the weekend at their cottage at Lake Bernard, Sundridge. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Lynn, Kevin and Heather spent the weekend in Mitchell visiting his father Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Lynn. On Saturday, Mrs. William King, Martinna and Bert of Calgary, Alberta arrived to spend two weeks with hër parents Mr. and Mrs.. John; Murphy. V V ;-V Several from Starkville attended the funeral of the late ' Mr. Russell White of Port Hope held on' Saturday afternoon afternoon in Port Hope. Sympathy to his many relatives ana friends. Mrs. Juiia Jackson, Kendal visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark. Mark and Steven Foster spent Saturday and Sunday with their aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Roy Austin, Kevin and Charlene, WesleyviUe. Mrs. Jeanette Layng visited Saturday evening , with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fairbàrik, Kathy and John. Mrs. Edna Dobson, Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Farrow; Mivand Mrs. Llew Hallowell, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark and Miv.and Mrs. Ewart Robinson attended attended the Open House on Satiir- 1 day afternoon at Canton Community Hall in honor, of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ruthven of Port Hope who were cële- brating their 50th wedding anniversary. Congratulations to them both I Mrs, Edna Dobson had the honor of pouring tea at this happy event. On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Souch and Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Webb went out for supper to Antony's in Whitby to celebrate Sherrill and Jim's wedding ahniver- . sary. Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs, Andy Van Drunnen, Michael, Jason and Terry, Cavan were Sunday afternoon and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch. COME ON DOWN AND SAVE... MARVEL, SLICED White Bread 675 g LOAF OUR REGULAR PRICE .75 8 «, SAVE .94 PROCESS, THINS OR VELVEETA Kraft Singles Cheese Slices 500 g PKG OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.63 LIBBY'S, FANCY Tomato Juice 48 FL OZ TIN OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.59 \ PRODUCT OF MEXICO, SWEET, JUICY SAVE .50 Fresh Pineapples m ID DCPI II AO nnior A ™ ■ x^E FAIM# OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.49 1 each PROD. OF CALIFORNIA, LARGE SWEET; RIPE CANADA N0.1 GRADE, PROD. OF CALIFORNIA CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PROD. OF TEXAS OR MEXICO Fresh Strawberries Fresh Peaches Fresh Cantaloupe 1.98 quart .99 each CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PROD. OF ONTARIO «q- - Q Fresh Asparagus * io oz QQ pkg .30 3bunches1 .00 Si.79 PROD. OF ONTARIO OR U.S.A., Fresh Spinach PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA Green Onions PROD. OF CALIFORNIA, SWEET TENDER A Bunch Carrots 2/1.49 CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PROD. OF CALIFORNIA - -- _ Fresh Cauliflower «ac 1.99 6/ .99 PROD. OF CALIFORNIA Avocados PROD. OF FLORIDA, JUICY, SEEDLESS Fresh Limes CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PROD. OF FLORIDA „ --_ Tomatoes ,V)1.99 2 / nn PROD. OF CALIFORNIA, SEEDLESS, SIZE 138'S . - __ /.99 Navel Oranges 18/1.99 CANADA FANCY, PROD. OF ONTARIO McIntosh Apples CANADA FANCY, PROD. OF NEW ZEALANlj- n -- Granny Smith Apples \,g .89 , b CANADA NO.1, PROD. OF ONTARIO Seedless Cucumbers ea =h BAKED GOODS CANADA NO.1 GRADE, PROD. OF FLORIDA . Æ -- _ Corn-On-The-Cob 6/1.99 PROD. OF CALIFORNIA Fresh Lemons .99 5/.99 m«mwwi wi vmnniw | rnwu. ur v.a.n., dl«u i iruL ^ Soya Bean Curd To Fu 5 P T g 9 .99 Flowering Hibiscus 6 £ h 6.99 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO PROD. OF FLORIDA, SWEET, RIPE - __ Watermelon q^r 1.99 PROD. OF U.S.A., _ Fresh Watercress bunch .69 PROD. OF U.S.A., BEAUTIFUL HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE FROZEN FOODS MARVEL, HAMBURGER BUNS OR PKG OF 12 REGULAR, WINTERFRESH OR GEL 100 mL TUBE OLD SOUTH, FROZEN, CONCENTRATED 12 FL 0Z TIN Wiener Æk QQ Colgate nn Orange Rolls ® .9M Toothpaste by .99 Juice OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.09 UL,Z.h SAVE 1.10 OUR REGULAR PRICE 1,19 JANE PARKER Apple Pie JANE PARKER, 100% WHOLEWHEAT Dinner Rolls JANE PARKER, GLAZED Homestyle Donuts JANE PARKER Gold Pound Cake JANE PARKER SAVE 1.10 OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.43 rRATED 12 FL 0Z TIN "1.49 pkg of 12 .99 200 mL plst pkg of 510 g cake 1 m km I IT rca-ounuo rr, ou mL rLUa zamLhMtt- ■49 Arrid Deodorant 1.49 75 mL btl Orange Chiffon Cake cl 9 1.29 ASSORTED VARIETIES OF JACOBS Cream Crackers DELI BREAD Sauer Brot JANE PARKER Dessert Shells PURE GRAPE, JELLY OR Welch's Jam 675 g QQ loaf . 09 pkg of yg jar 1.69 6 500 mL NEW, OIL FREE CONDITIONER OR Squeek Shampoo b ,. SKIN CREAM-BONUS PK150 mL PLUS 30 mL FREE __ Noxzema "1*2.99 ASST TYPES-BONUS PK 50 mL PLUS 25mL FREE-ROLLON - 1.99 1.99 1.69 1.19 y 2.99 A 2.49 FROZEN, DELITE DELUXE OR PEPPERONI I nn rnuicn, ucli 11 utLUAt UH rl .99 McCain Pizza 383 g O CQ pkg L.llS 1216 fl zo tin 1.09 A&P, CHEWABLE, WITH IRON Multiple Vitamins MAXI THINS, REGULAR OR SUPER Tampax Napkins 10 W30 Shell Motor Oil GLAD, PLASTIC Garbage Bags DETERGENT Palmolive Liquid 120's box of 1 12 1 litre 1 tin MOTTS, FROZEN, CONCENTRATED Apple Juice PEPPERIOGE FARM, FROZEN, ASPARAGUS OR BROCCOLI - _ Vegetables In Pastry Y, 1 1.49 SAVARIN, BEEF, CHICKEN, SALISBURY STEAK, TURKEY Frozen Dinners 11 oz pkg GAY LEA, ASSORTED FLAVOURS Fiesta Yogurt CARNATION, FROZEN Hash Browns GOODHUMOUR Canadian Mint Bars HIGH LINER, FROZEN Cod Fish & Chips 1.49 2 175g QQ tub .33 1.5kg 1 IQ pkg 1.19 pkgofjgg 6 16 oz Pkg 1.79 200 g pkg OUR REGULAR PRICE UP T01.05 DIMPFLYMEIER, MUNICH City Bread OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.02 454 g LOAF A&P, NN OWN JUICE 1 , CRUSHED, TIDBITS OR 19 FL 0Z TIN © .79 Su* OUR REGULAR PRICE .99 ©.79 HIGH LINER, FROZEN Boston Blue Fish OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.09 1 350 g PKG 79

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