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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1983, p. 7

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 15; 1983 NSÏfàr • » iSS I, * ■uJf m* Hcuicaatlc anbepenbrat ^ Editor»: Hazel and Jack Crago^ Telephone 987-4201/ Computer Helps Figure Out Masonic Handicaps : Mr. and Mrs. Vance Cooper, Oshawa, were Friday evening dinner guests of her sister, Mrs. Kathleen Kimball. ■ Last Monday Mrs. Bessie Dean entertained the ladies of the Euchre Club. > Sympathy is extended to relatives and friends of Mr. Keith Barr, who passed away suddenly last Tuesday. At Newcastle United Church on Saturday, June 11, 1963, Rev. Donald Stiles united in marriage Miss Kim Jenkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Jenkins and Mr. Douglas Brough, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Brough. We extend congratulations. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce following the christening of Adam Richard Earl Walton, were Mrs. Elsie Walton, Mr. and Mrs. George Walton, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Walton, Mr. and Mrs. Robin Walton and J.R., Whitby, Mrs. Susan Taylor and Bobbi, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy and Matthew, Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Alldread, Terry Lynn and Lorie, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pearce, Viki and Kirk, Bethany and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pearce, Michael and Jeff. - Birthday greetings to Gladys Pacey, Douglas Cunningham Cunningham and Wendy Couch. Mr. and Mrs. George Buck- ley visited on Sunday with Mrs. Doris White, Toronto. The Newcastle Senior Citizens Citizens meet on Thursday evening, evening, June 16, with a Pot Luck Supper at six o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett, Ennismore, were Sunday dinner guests of her mother, Mrs. Nellie Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ball, Bowmanville, were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. Mrs. Grace Couch is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mrs. Vera Barchard, Oshawa, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Margaret Pearce. Mrs. Lois Rowe remains a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Rev. Donald Stiles last week attended Toronto School of Theology, taking a course called Theology in the Canadian Canadian Context, with Dr. Douglas Hall of McGill University, University, Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fowler, Robert and Peter, Kingston, were Sunday even-, ing supper guests of his aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce. Mrs. Peggy Visser, Toronto, was a Friday dinner guest of her brother, Albert and Myrtle Pearce. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell during the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Roger Duval, Shawn and Nicole, Cowanville, Lynda and Craig Anderson, Mrs. Gracè Shetler and Wendy, Oshawa. Enjoying a family day on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reid, Belleville, were Mrs. May Burley, Mr. Arthur Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson, Nancy and Merridy. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred, Oshawa, were Saturday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred. Callers with the Alldred's on Saturday evening were Mr. Jim Middle- ton of Orono and his daughter Eunice of Toronto. Several Newcastle ladies enjoyed the Newton ville U.C.W. bus trip to Lanark and Perth on Saturday. Enjoying a Sunday barbecue barbecue with Hilda and Bill Call were Glen and Lynda Farrow, Jan and Ryan, Newtonville and Keith and Linda Call, Adam, Chris and Craig, Oshawa. Saturday evening visitors with Hilda and Bill Call were Eileen and Bill Page, Solina. Mrs. Gladys Wood spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reid, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood, Oshawa, were Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Gladys Wood. *Zîfïan(i ^Lfou "Thank you" is so inadequate. There are many we want to thank. Dr. Miklos and Dick Biersteker for being there and doing everything they could - all who sent floral tributes, cards and donations to the Heart Fund and the Durham Lung Association In Keith's memory. Special thanks to Vincent Doyle, Jasper Holliday, Pauline Storks and my brother Peter for remembering him with such affection. To all our friends who were there when we needed them, with love for our soul and food for our body. Keith was truly a good man - a loving husband and father and my best friend. We will miss him. Sincerely, Mabs Barr and Family. LU1212X Mr. and Mrs. Ted Martin, Woodville, were Wednesday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago attended the Crago Family Reunion at Lowville. Other local relatives attending were Leland, Ronald, and Feme Crago, Mrs. Tlielma Lane, Stanley and John and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Woods, Sara and Judd, Bowmanville. Mr. Harold Harris is home again following surgery in Dr. J. 0. Ruddy Hospital, Whitby. Friday night visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris were grandson Douglas Ferguson of Oshawa and his fiance. Sunday visitors included Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hein (neeSheryl Ferguson) whose marriage took place while grandfather was a patient in hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brown, Peterborough, visited on Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Gladys Pacey and family. Mrs. Nancy Pearce, Melanie and Jennifer, Lindsay, Lindsay, have enjoyed a couple of weeks vacation with her mother-in-law, Mrs. Margaret Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Martin, Woodville, visited on Saturday evening with Mrs. Margaret Pearce. ANGLICAN CHURCH NEWS On Sunday afternoon, June 12, about 60 people took part in St. George's Car Rally, which ended up at the Ganaraska Forest Centre, after an interesting interesting and wide-ranging route. Seven cars finished within three points of each other, so three first prizes were given to Sandra Kelsey, Richard Malik and the Hayman-Brereton combination. After a draw, the Hayman-Brereton's emerged with the trophy. Second prize went to the Norton Schmithl car. Treasure Hunt winners were Alt and Mary Garrod. Best time was made by Kevin Malik while last in was Richard Johnson. Sierd and Jackie De Jong had the most people in their vehicle. AimeeBrereton came the farthest distance. The , prize for the youngest partici- Ç ant went to Julian Norton. ammy De Jong had the closest birthday in the 6 - 12 year class. Wendy Couch had the closest birthday in the teen class. Closest anniversary prize went to Grace and Harold Gibson. Dick Lovekin had the most things in his pockets, Hilda Malik had most articles in her purse. Organizers Organizers were Rev. and Mrs. Allan Haldenby and they wish to thank helpers Fred and Nell Yates, Harper Kelsey and the people who donated prizes. BAPTIST NEWS On Sunday, June 5, at the eleven o'clock service, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Bender, well- known members of our con- gregation, favoured us with gospel messages in song. It was a real blessing to hear these gospel singers give such an inspiring message. On June 12, Mr. Herbert Gentry, of Oshawa, was guest violinist. Job, Chapter 11, verse 17, "And thine age shall be clearer than the noonday; thou shall shine forth." This could be said of our dear friend who is 92 years old and still serving the Lord. The congregation was blessed beyond beyond measure, as they listened listened to Mr. Gentry's violin messages and testimony. It was a time of overwhelming ecstasy as the congregation listened to the playing of, He Touched Me and The Old x Rugged Cross. Mr. Gentry was at one time Band Master for the Salvation Army, Oshawa, and is still a professional professional violinist. On Sunday, June 19. Evelyn Lawrence, from Oshawa, will favour us with gospel messages messages in song. NO FRILLS BRAND NAME WALLPAPER THAT'S THE WAY IT HAS BEEN AT THE WALLPAPER CENTRE SINCE 1977! V NO FANCY FIXTURES / NO HIQH MARK-UPS Y NO HIQH RENT LOCATIONS y'NO GIMMICKS All we can offer you is... ★ A FANTASTIC IN STOCK SELECTION ★ KNOWLEDOABLE PLEASANT SERVICE ★ LOW DISCOUNT PRICES!! SEEING IS BELIEVING... SO... COME ON DOWN! THE WALLPAPER CENTRE OSHAWA AJAX SCARBORO 140 Slmcoe St. 1313 Harwood 553 Markham Rd. South Ave. N. (Just S. of (Just S. of John) (Just N. of Hwy.401) Lawrence) 579-1655 686-0719 431-4458 Beginning July 4, every day through July 8, 9 a.m. to 12 noon, the annual daily vacation vacation Bible School will be held for children. Details will be announced later. UNITED CHURCH NEWS Thë""Sünshine Unit of the U.C.W. enjoyed their June get- together by dining at King's Garden last Monday evening. On Sunday at Newcastle United Church Mrs. Ray (Catherine) Labrie and Mr. Brian Saunders were received as members. Receiving the Sacrament of Holy Baptism were Darrin Kenneth Elas- chuk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elaschuk, Oshawa; Brant Matthew Saunders, son of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Saunders; Saunders; and Adam Richard Earl Walton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Walton, Brampton. The Couples Club meets Sat. June 18, for a barbeque at Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Vickers. Sunday, June 19, the annual beef barbecue will be held at the Town Hall. WESLEYVILLE The general meeting of Welcome UCW was held at the church on Wednesday, June 8th with over 30 present. As has been the custom for some years, members enjoyed a luncheon before the meeting with President Jean Payne, Treas. Gwen Newton, Secretary, Secretary, Melody Henry and Mrs. Suzanne Rutherford at the head table. Suzanne said Grace and Danny Rutherford was at the head table too, enjoying the meal and behaving behaving with the dignity required in that honoured position. A lovely bouquet of lily-of-the- valley, columbine, bleeding heart and a bright pink tulip was on that table while small white vases of double buttercup, buttercup, for-get-me-nots and johnny jump ups decorated the others. The worship service was conducted by Mary Kellogg with the topic of "Water". It began with the silent symbolic washing of feet and with artifacts, artifacts, showed how symbols might overcome a language barrier. A basin and pitcher could represent cleansing and purification; a glass of water for life giving and pictures of Port Hope flood to represent threat. Selected readings from the Bible were read by Catherine Catherine Hoskin, Jean Payne, Edna Barrowclough, Reta Baker, Hazel and Barbara Irwin, Doreen McHolm, June Nichols and Christine Wilson. Mary spoke of the danger of acid rain, using Lumsden Lake as an example of one of our lakes which will support life no longer. A poem by a native Indian lamented the misuse of earth and water. Business was conducted by the president, hearing reports from the treasurer and secretary. secretary. A letter was read concerning concerning the child support in Hong Kong telling of his graduation this year and expressing expressing appreciation for help. Events now in the planning planning for next year's special anniversary were discussed and money voted to loan for production of a pictorial plate. A date was suggested about September 21st for the fall bus trip to the Picton area. Schedules Schedules for the summer church services are being prepared and Mrs. H. Symons took the list of those offering to provide loaves for refreshment. It was decided to recommend to the stewards that the Sunday school room be painted with the UCW supplying the funds. Suzanne Rutherford reported on the committee enquiring concerning a group for young adults and said there was a good response but with different different time and type needs, so it might be necessary to have an afternoon and also an evening hour to meet. Following the meeting the ladies went to Dorothy's house at Garden i Hill to see the exhibit there which has been changed since last year. Basic furniture is much the same as it goes with the house but one rovm displays many uniforms and artifacts used by people in the town and township from the times When men were' called for training iii the early days of the last century. Some of the ladies returned on Sunday to share in the first anniversary birthday party and were very much impressed impressed with the beautiful cake decorated with a representation representation of Dorothy's House in colour. Following the visit on Wednesday most of the ladies visited the library across the road as well. The gardens at the back of Dorothy's House were well worth the visit. Congratulations to Wesley Best and his bride Katherine Beedham who were married in Coldsprings church on Saturday afternoon. Also to Pat Preyer and Ken Clarke who were married at Welcome United Church on the same afternoon. Paul Hoskin has been enjoying enjoying a leave of some weeks in Ontario but will be returning to his work in the armed forces in British Columbia at the end of the week. Linda Oliver with Robert and Kathleen of Waterloo was home for the weekend while husband Eric was in Nicaragua Nicaragua for a study session of conditions there. Charlene Austin with other Girl Guides spent the weekend at the Wesleyville camp. Mr. Dalton Barber is still in Port Hope hospital, as is Mrs. Vera Austin. The latter is hopeful of being home very soon. This is the only way to compute handicaps. With the help of a computer and a little ingenuity, Bob and Luther Welsh made the scorekeeping a little easier during the annual Masonic golf tournament on Saturday at the Newcastle Golf Club. Close to 200 golfers participated in the tournament, and the computer was able to figure out each players ENNISKILLEN handicap and sort them into the winning categories. Bill Rowden of Port Hope was the low man with a gross score of 79. The low net winner was James Ramsay of Whitby with a 73. The winning team for the day was comprised of Bill Petterson, Dave Harrison, Adam Jamieson and James Ramsay. The church announcements are as follows: On June 19th, Father's Day - Communion will be celebrated. celebrated. 2. There will be special music at Tyrone U.C. on June 26th, 1983 at.U:00 a.m. The St. John's Music Company, a barbershop quartet from Campbellford will be singing for us. All are welcome. 3. Enfield Church Service June 26th at 7:30 p.m. with Pastor Joe as their guest minister. 4. The Mother's Fellowship had their June outing on June 6th. They went to the Ali Baba Steak House and later went to Cullen Gardens. We want to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Gary Groeneveld to our church as new members. Mrs. Sharon Preece and Jennifer, and Miss Pam Bye were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan .Werry. Mrs. Ina Beryl Dudley and Neil, Bowmanville were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne . Piggott and family. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty enjoyed the Ponty- pool 65th Anniversary Church Service on Sunday with guest minister Rev. Bill Welles, Peterborough. We had a real nice visit with Bill and his wife, the former Judy Green. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hope, Blackstock were Sunday visitors visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Len Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Werry were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry. Mr. Stan Reed, Scarborough, Scarborough, Mr. and Mrs. O. Beaumont, Downsview were Tuesday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Art Leadbeater. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Howe and family on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickson, Bewdley, Sherry and Rick, Oshawa, Tim and Tracy Howe to help Debbie celebrate her birthday. birthday. Many happy returns of the day, Debbie. Mrs. Verna Phare, Oshawa and Lance Phare, Tyrone, Mr. Lance Phare, Tyrone, Mrs. Lou Griffin were Friday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wally Griffin, Sherri and Laura Piggott attended Nikki Christie's 6th birthday on Wednesday. •Mrs. Dale Lebans (nee Jackie Veale) and son David Introducing your newly appointed State Farm Agent who offers you Don M n . the best in auto, life and home insurance: |108 Waverley Road Bowmanvillel Telephone 623-4482 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL NINE STATI FARM INSURANCI STATE FARM Insurance' Companies Head Offices: Scarborough, Ont, are visiting with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry and family for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Art Leadbeater Leadbeater were guests at the Leadbeater - O'Brian wedding at Markham on Saturday. A number of the Wright family had lunch on Wednesday Wednesday at Mother Tucker's Restaurant Restaurant in Toronto to celebrate celebrate Annie's birthday. Many happy returns of the day, Mom. Our community extends heartfelt sympathy to Mrs. Arthur Brunt and family on the death of her husband Mr. Art Brunt. A life long resident of our community, he will be sadly missed by all who knew him. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and Jim were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekker and family, Newcastle. The weatherman has been doing strange things to us lately. BETHANY Is it safe to say that summer just might be here? School is out for me and I have spent the past few days basking in the sun. I would like, to remind anyone interested' in writing this column that I am looking for a replacement as I mentioned mentioned last week, and to contact contact me as soon as possible. Susan Ryley has graduated from Ryerson Polytechnical Institute with a B.A.A. (Bachelor of Applied Arts) Degree in Food, Nutrition, Consumer and Family Studies. Attending the ceremony ceremony on June 10 were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ryley and Kym Bursey. I'm sure everyone would like to join me in congratulating congratulating Susan. BUY "DAD" A CHAIRFOR FATHER'S DAY And Save During Our Pre-Inventory Clearance Sale NO SALES TAX TOO!! Wood Rockers, Boston and Arrowback from $88. Wood Glider Chair., Tweed and Foam Pads $209. Large Recliner, Velvet and Vinyl $278. Tall Back Velvet Swivel Rockers from $199. Platform Rocker, Floral and Vinyl $98. All Velvet Recliners $328. Genuine La-Z-Boy Chairs Velvet Covers from $429. ss SON'S Furniture FREE PARKING 20 Centre St. N. 723-32tr yi * a Ï Jjpf' .... romroe Enjoy Retirement in Style We offer luxurious accommodation in a variety of styles, from bed-sitting rooms to one and two bedroom suites ACCOMMODATIONS INCLUDE All furnishings, colour cable T.V., telephones, carpeting, carpeting, individual heat and air conditioning and a full 4-piece bath. COMPETITIVE RATES One monthly rate includes all services: three meals per day, housekeeping services, 24-hour assistance, registered nursing service (should you desire it), large lounge, sauna, swimming pool privileges, and an in-house recreational programme. programme. Would You Like to Hear More? Stop in for a Visit! Contact Administrator Gail Grant at: THE TOWER OF PORT HOPE 162 Peter Street, P.O. Box 56, Port Hope, Ont. LIA 3V9 Hwy. 2 East -- Overlooking Lake Ontario 416-885-2431

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