I Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 13,1983 11 "Keep YOUR Food Cosls DOWN - Shop By The Box" ( 25c Boil Deposit) EÜ "The Food Terminal" ^ sf*QA CHI , , LEGS 15 LB. LIMIT | ± I*- NO BACKS ATTACHED • LB BRIGHT'S CANADA FANCY fiS MATO JUICE 3 TIN LIMIT LARGE 49 OZ, (138 L) TIN Y / PRODUCT OF "THE CAPE" S.A. "GRANNY SMITH" APPLES BUY ONTARIO--BUY QUALITY SMli CANADA GRADE "A" FRESH NEVER FROZEN OVEN READY ROASTING 3 bird V' CHICKENS limit V v 2-4 LBS. AVERAGE PEPSI-COLA JUMB01.5 LITRE BOTTLEl 4 BOTTLE LIMIT I Régula/ or Diet -- 4.99 I | 5 CASE LIMIT | 39 PLUS DEPOSIT * .gg, DIRECT FROM ONTARIO WJ GROWERS <1 OA MISE LJrt MUSHROOMS kg 5 LB. LIMIT LB. FILL YOUR OWN BAG 1.29 ^OBKANADAPACKERnNoTANAraA^^ CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF STEAKS OR ROASTS SIRLOIN, T-BONE, £ DA y PORTERHOUSE kgO ONE QUANTITIES) 2,99 PRICE! LB./ WOMAN'S BAKERY 49* 11 MIX OR MATCH • WHITE Ofl BROWN BREAD • BUCED240Z. HAMBURGER BUNS (I PAC) HOT DOG ROUS (I PAC) BAOEL8($) LIMIT OF » LOAVES OR RK08 FROM CANADA PACKERS AND CANADIAN DRESSED MEAT PLANTS CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF SHOULDER A BLADE STEAKS WHITE SUM PAPER TOWELS 11 * LARGE 2-ROLL PACK .* FIRST OF THE SEASOI DIRECT FROM MEXICO CANADA NO. 1 GRADE FILL YOUR OWN BAG i»SRZBm 1 Hi RED GRAPES 03 * DIRECT FROM CALIFORNIA TRACTOR TRAILER LOAD -- CANADA NO. 1 GRADE -- LARGE SIZE 64'S -- NECTARINES NEVER FROZEN FRESHl SHANKLES8 .'W. PICNIC PORK SHOULDERS 4-6 LBB. AVERAGE e- „L74 SNOABTUET J LB. ■V*e***i* 7$ CANADA PACKERS © READY-TO-SERVE 4-5 LB. SMOKED SHANK LESS .. AVERAGE CELLO WRAPPED ® PICNIC PORK SHOULDERS X kg 118 2 ROAST LIMIT J LB. M SURF HEAVY DUTY LAUNDRY DETERGENT LARGE 6 L BOX DAINTY FOODS ROYAL BRAND LONG GRAIN RICE LARGE 110 kg IbAG 2 BOX LIMIT 2 BAG LIMIT DIRECT FROM ALABAMA TRACTOR TRAILER LOAD CANADA #1 GRADE CORN-OX- ram W SELECT YOUR OWN DIRECT FROM CAUFORNU CENTENMAL RUBBETIVARETY CANADA N01 GRADE WASHED "NEW" POTATOES » M t PEL YOUR BAG LB. I 50 LB. BAG-1m AT DELI COUNTEF^ f POLISH A A* I C10VBI CRUM OR SlVBIWOOO'S iEAOOW GOLD" ICE CREAM HUGE 4 LITRE PAILI 56 SAUSAGE Canada® packersoto 500g(i7.soz.vACPAC) FUNN8 "PRIDE Of CAN ADA" CENTRE SLICED RINDLESS 3 PACK LIMIT puiHiH rmiAE wr vnniivi SB1UC0H FLEISCHMANPfS 100% VEGETABLE OB. 1 LB. (454 g SOFT MARGARINE i OP CANADA" KRAFT SALAD « DRESSINGS* ^ y «#ONjlArt ,r KV ® BBüSÀsrîl* oz.i#AYPAC) m SAUSAGES 1.09 r C*NAOA ÊP ACKERS MAPLELEaTb*AN^3^UIVG^ACPAC o <10 SWEET PICKLED * Q.ZO COTTAGE ROLLS £ [ c55êï^p*êKÊ!^^ - ^^^^^DDêI»Êwê^ „L52lirLlVHL691f1Pi [LIQUID B1 r 1UIINS "PRIDE OF CANADA" W\ V - "■■■ -- DINNER mi* g aAi YORK BRAND CAN. FANCY GRADE CANNED^ HAMSiSBS 2-3 LB. VERAOI VAC PAC LB. NEW FRESH SCENT JAVEX LIQUID BLEACH "PLUSH"! TOILET TISSUE Of CANADA" tiUY.^oNiAFfKU COOKEDS HAM lb. DIRECT FROM CALIFORNIA TRACTOR TRAILER LOAD LARGE SIZE 4x4'« "SANTA ROSAS ASSORTED VARETES" PLUMS DIRECT FROM CALIFORNIA CARLOADS NEW CROP VALENCIA "SUNKISr ORANGES DIRECT FROM CALIFORNIA CARLOAD 8UNKIST WHITE •ELECT YOUR OWN" mite m éi GRAPEFRUIT 4/ $ FROM THE TROPICS LARGE size 00*BANANAS M DIRECT FROM ONT. PACKERS v®.- CANADA FANCY GRADE " ATMOSPHERE CONTROLLED I* MoWTOW APPLES LARGE 5 LB. CELLO BAG • RED DELICIOUS • GOLDEN DEUCI0U6 • DARDS TRACTOR TRAILER LOADS DIRECT CANADA NO. 1 GRADE LARDE SIZE CUCUMBERS DIRECT FROM CAROUNA - TRACTOR TRUER LOAD FU YOUR OWN IAS CANADA NO. 1 GRADE MEDIUM SIZE ■ Jfc . GREEN CQÇ FROM CANADA PACKERS FRESH _ - -- CHOICE CANADIAN .3.28 vm NEVER FROZEN SHOULDER lb. rarckEN crisp . ■ COMM Ml «MOMS fUWUM UOT ■mroiOMm» UHOEM*L1w\ EVAPORATED WU MR 3/1.99 1 I MNMCa»MMDTOUCH* UW*M|iO* l CAKE MIXES «.U, 79- f dbLGAïE "".■ï'H 1 TOOTHPASTE uwr 1 Jf9 je^gen'S tw,w ' " c S BAA SOAP uwt 69® 1 I LANDER """"Ï'VS VWAMFOO1 CONDmONBI UwrleBV CHEF HEAVY DUTY *ftxw*ou 1 FOIL WRAP 1.49 J DIRECT FROM CALIFORNIA CARLOAD CANADA #1 GRADE ' CELERY LARGE SIZE MZE24'S Oshawa - Durham Just North of 401 (Between Simcoe and Ritson) vr::;: Monday TOUMil 9 A.M.-10 P.M. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY A M.-10 P.M. 9 A.M.-10 P.M. 9 A.M.-10 P.M. 9 A.M.-10 P.M. 8 A-M.-YTTHlIW.IéI 7 A.M.-1Q P M PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY. JULY 16/83 Artist Works At the Library July 21, 27, 28 Talented local artist and businessman, Paul Livingston, Livingston, will be featured at the Bowmanville Public Library on Thursday, July 21, Wednesday, Wednesday, July 27 and Thursday, July 28, from 2 to 5 p.m. During these times people will be able to watch Paul as he works his magic with portraits portraits on rocks and chat with him about his work and business. Don't miss this chance to see a real artist at work. The library will also be featuring a display of Paul's work during the month of July. For information on the artist and his business "Kicking Horse Arts" please contact Paul Livingston at 7 Southway Drive in Bowmanville, Bowmanville, telephone 623-3035. The Bowmanville library is located at 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. Telephone Telephone 623-7322. Rare Trumpeter Swans to Be Re-introduced Scott Jones - Environmental Biologist There are three types of swans found in Canada, of' which two, the whistling swan and the trumpeter swan, are native. The third type of swan is the mute swan, introduced to North America from temperate Eurasia. At first, mute swans were kept in captivity, captivity, but escaped birds are now living in a wild, or semi-wild state primarily in the New Jersey - Long Island Island coastal area, the Traverse Bay area of Michigan, Michigan, and the north shore of Lake Ontario. There are approximately approximately 95 - 105 mute swans in Southern Ontario, and they are easily distinguished distinguished by the "S" curve in their neck as they swim, their orange to pinkish bill, and the black knob on their forehead. Of the native swans, the whistling swan is by far the most common. It is the smallest smallest of the swans, and has a black bill, black legs and black feet. There is also a black patch of bare skin in front of the eye that usually has a yellow, or orange spot of variable size. The whistling whistling swan breeds in the Arctic, Arctic, and is seen in Southern Ontario only during migration. migration. The trumpeter swan is the largest of the swans. It can be more than 55 inches long, and weigh in excess of 22 pounds. The trumpeter swan, however, is very rare. ' In fact there are about '400 pair of trumpeter swans in the Canadian west. Hence the trumpeter swan is classed as a rare species. Its range is restricted _to British Columbia and parts of Alberta, the Yukon and the. Northwest Territories, however, this was not always always the.case. The introduction introduction of firearms, and the demand for the birds' feathers feathers destroyed eastern populations populations by the mid-1800's. The Canadian Wildlife Service, the Ontario Ministry Ministry of Natural Resources and the Kortright Water- fowl Park will be co-operating co-operating in a program to re-establish re-establish trumpeter swans to parts of its former range in Southérn Ontario. The second second phase of the project will be undertaken this year, and will involve the use of nesting mute swans as foster parents for trumpeter swan eggs from Alberta. The trumpeter swan lays a clutch of five eggs, not all of which are successfully raised to cygnets. The proposal proposal is to remove several eggs from trumpeter swan nests in Alberta, incubate the eggs at the Kortright Waterfowl Park until they are just ready to hatch, and then place them in the nest of a mute swan. The mute swans will then raise the trumpeter swan cygnets in the wild. All swans are very aggressive aggressive towards other swans during the breedingseason, as well as towards Canada , geese. Mute swans, however, however, are less aggressive towards towards each other, and hence the densities become much greater. High densities densities of mute swans can cause problems because not only are they very aggressive aggressive towards Canada geese, they are also very aggressive aggressive towards other waterfowl. The trumpeter swan, however, in much of its range is more tolerant of nesting waterfowl. The initial initial phase of the re-introduction re-introduction will take place in a marsh that is owned by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Conservation Authority. It is hoped that this project will lead to the successful establishment establishment of a breeding trumpeter swan population, population, and once again Southern Southern Ontario will be graced by the presence of this beautiful and rare bird. Will Study Needs of Fire Dept. The Darlington Nuclear Generating Station has caused the Town of Newcastle to take a look at its need for improved fire protection equipment and manpower. ; "This project is a very large component of industrial development development in this town," said Jack Hale, à representative of Ontario Hydro attending last week's meeting of Newcastle's Newcastle's hydro liaison committee. committee. As a result of the new generating station, Mr. Hale suggested that the municipality municipality should look at the fire department's staff levels, staff training, and equipment requirements. Town Administrator Don Smith agreed that there is a need to take stock of present services and consider future requirements. The town's hydro liaison committee agreed last Thursday, Thursday, July 7, to form a technical technical committee of town staff and Ontario Hydro personnel to review the subject of fire protection and the terms of reference for a study on this subject. When requirements for a study have been established, the committee is recommending recommending that a consultant be hired to review the town's fire protection protection services. The estimated cost of this project is $25,000, hydro liaison liaison committee representatives representatives were told. Deputy Fire Chief Jim Aldridge Aldridge agreed last week that there is a need for a close working relationship between the fire department and Ontario Hydro. HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE MainSt.,Orono 983-5115 SERVICING THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Susan Sawyer 983-5270 Nelda Dawson 983-9657 SPECIAL r----- \ ALL TV SERVICE I CALLS WITH | THIS AD ONLY FALCON TV 426 Simcoe St. S. 723-0011 Guarantee on all parts and service'