Scouts enjoy bowling at Christmas celebration Constable's Corner Blackstock Area News by Joyce Kelly The 1st Cartwright Boy Scout Troop enjoyed enjoyed a Christmas party last Wednesday, bowling bowling at Port Perry. The annual Scout Bottle Prive will be held on Saturday, January 7. [Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McLean, Maple Ridge B.C. are visiting his niece, Henry and Muriel Wotten and also his brother, Mr. and Mrs. David McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Shortridge attended a family gathering at the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shortridge and Stephanie, Port Perry on Christmas Eye. The United Church Choir had a delicious' pot-luck dinner and delightful delightful social evening at the home of Harold and Lois Luke prior to Christmas. , The Blackstock square dancers held a pre-Christmas party in the old town hall. Dancing, Dancing, games and a bountiful bountiful lunch drew our 1983 season to a close. Albert Harper and his talented wife, Lillian delighted all with two George Forlynby selections. Our 1984 season will begin the first Thursday and Friday after the New Year. Mrs. Gordon McLean of Bowmanville visited a couple of days with Mrs. K. Samells and together they attended the funeral of their cousin Clarence Mount- joy in Port Perry. Then Mrs. Samells returned and spent a day with Mrs. McLean before attending a family Christmas party with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Samells, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Christmas Day guests of Ivan and Gwenyth Thompson were Mrs. Wallace Marlow, Hillsdale Hillsdale Manor, Miss Ruth Marlow, Port Perry Nursing Home, Elizabeth Elizabeth and Chris Dow- son, Andrew and Leslie, Larry and Susan Latta all of Whitby, Bill and Sandra Thompson, Blackstock, John and Dorothy Venning and Michael and Joan League of Whitby. Christmas Day guests of Hector and May Shortridge were Jennie and Frank Bailey, Allan and Marilyn Bailey, Sharon Bailey, Laurie Bailey, Eric Zeidman, Janet Bailey, Steve Watson, Bill and Sheila Shortridge and Stephanie Stephanie of Port Perrv. Sympathy is extended to Grant and Neil McLaughlin McLaughlin on the passing of their grandmother, Mrs. Mabel McLaughlin, McLaughlin, on Christmas Day at the home of her daughter Ruby and Fred Griffen. The funeral will be held on Wednesday from Bow manville. Sympathy is extended to her many relatives in this area. Mrs. Percy Van Camp was delighted to be home for Christmas from Port Perry Hospital but both Miss Ida Dempsey and Jim Marlow were in hospital over the holiday. Better health is wished for all these people. Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hoskin were Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hoskin, Miss Shelley McIntyre and Mr. Tony Oxley, Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Poff and Heather, Miss Patti Hoskin and Mr. Steve Clancey, all of Peterborough; Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hoskin and Christopher Christopher of Manilla. Blackstock Minor Hockey is now well established again this season. Anyone who received Christmas Hockey equipment is welcome to come and join them. Basket of cheer was won by Martin Shepherd Sr. Let's practise optimism Find a bright spot daily Nestleton - Caesarea News by Mabel Cawker With the extremely cold weather prevailing - Christmas is now past and gone - and we truly hope that every glowing moment of your Christmas celebration with family and friends was radiant with joy and gladness for one and all. 1984 -- Leap Year will soon be with us and throughout the year ahead - let us practise optimism optimism - find a bright spot in each day - no matter matter how bleak the weather or the circumstances circumstances - thus - be persevering Canadians during the 366 days before us. This is a sure way to happiness and let us ever be mindful of our blessings - living in good old Canada. Nestleton Sunday School Concert On Wednesday evening, evening, Dec. 21, the Nestleton Sunday School held their annual Christmas program with parents, grandparents and friends on hand to see the youngsters perform perform - dressed in their finest costumes - with teachers working behind the scenes. Superintendent Superintendent Robt. Mairs was the M.C, and wife Carol the pianist. The program this year was in the form of a Pageant portraying the Christmas story interspersed interspersed with the singing singing of Christmas carols - Joanne Malcolm - the able director. The many children taking part in the pageant performed weil, Later- a sing-a-long of favourite Christmas carols was a feature of interest much to the enjoyment enjoyment of all. Finally- jolly old Santa came bouncing in with a ho! ho! ho! and gave out the treats to the children who were wide-eyed with excitement. excitement. After this rousing rousing evening was over - the • U.C.W. - served refreshments. As the year 1983 comes to a close wë offer heartiest congratulations and a sincere thank you to Superintendent Robt. Mairs - wife Carol - and the Sunday School staff for their untiring efforts - a job well done! Caesarea Pot Luck Supper and Euchre Previous to the card party, a delicious Pot Luck Supper with a good turnout was enjoyed by all. First prize went to- A1 Cormack with 40. Second Second was a tie with Faith Lawrence and Doris Rohrer having 86. Low- Laurie Thomas 47. Two prizes donated by Mrs. Pat Ince were won by Del Marlow and Mary Thomas. A great evening and this V/ednesday again at the Caesarea Centre. Christmas Celebrations Norm and Bernice Mairs, Nestleton, "hosted" the family Christmas celebration on Sunday for a five o'clock dinner. Those present for the occasion were Allan Mairs, John and Diane Slute, Jeremy Jay and Julie, R.R. 1, Oshawa and Robt and Carol Mairs, Steven and Katie of Nestleton. A fine fami ly get-to-gether! Richard and Janice McKenzie spent Christmas on Sunday with his parents - Dr. and Mrs. W.F. MacKenzie of Toronto. On Monday, Ralph and Leona Sadler' of Nestleton "hosted" the family dinner. Those on hand for the special day were: Ralph's sister, Vivian Vivian Weatherall of Oshawa, Ian and Gloria Scott, Charles and Jennifer, Jennifer, Corbyville, and Rick and Janice MacKenzie, Clair and Leslie of Nestleton. Sam and Mabel Cawker, Scugog Point Road, enjoyed Christmas dinner on Sunday Sunday with Grant and Mer- na Cawker, Curtis and friend Christine Kidd, and Cathy Cawker - later on they visited with Alan and Eleanor Cawker and family, Andy and Anne Cawker and family, Michael and Gisela Cawker and family, Dan and Lea Kitchen, Scott Cawker and friend Joanne Guscott, Mark Cawker and friend, Ola Kissell and Christine Cawker - all of Oshawa. Grahame and Neta Fish, Nestleton, spent the weekend in Peterborough Peterborough - and had an enjoyable enjoyable Christmas with her daughter Marlene Bannister and family. Nestleton United Church The beldw ' zero temperature didn't keép the faithfuls home from the worship service on Sunday morning - Christmas Day December 25 -11:15 a.m. - a very good attendance. Opening hymn, "Joy To The World." Rev. Dale Davis lit the white candle - signifying the Christ Child. When the lighting of the candles is completed completed on Christmas morning - they have Walking is becoming very popular to people of all ages and for various reasons. Some walk for pleasure pleasure and exercise and others because they have no means of transportation. Whatever the reason pedestrians are a very important important part of the traffic scene. Whether the pedestrian is walking along a quiet road in cottage country or crossing crossing a busy city street one fact is true. You, the pedestrian pedestrian cannot argue with 2000 kg of steel and chrome, namely the motor vehicle. The motor vehicle always wins, often with tragic results results for the pedestrian. The only solution for the pedestrian is to practice defensive defensive walking. It could save your life. The following points for defensive walking should be followed by all pedestrians, pedestrians, including joggers, and might be of particular interest to senior citizens. 1. Cross the roadway only in safe places such as intersections intersections or designated crosswalks. Make use of any available aids such as traffic traffic lights, pedestrian signals signals or marked crossings. Make eye contact with the motorist so both you and the driver know what is happening. happening. Remember, it might take you longer to cross than you think. 2. Don't take it for granted the vehicle will stop for you, cross only when traffic has stopped or when there is a large, safe gap in the traffic, in all directions. Today's automobiles are quiet, especially when travelling on snow-covered roads, and speed is difficult to judge. Be certain you will have suf- prepared heart, mind and soul for the great religious event - the birth of the Christ Child. The minister delivered a splendid message for Christmas using as his theme "Our Christmas Gift," tken from Colos- sians 3:12-18 and Luke 2: 25-40 -- Scripture read by Anita Davis. Two fine musical sacred numbers were a feature of the Christmas Service. Gail Hiemstra and daughter Erica sang t*. "What Child Is This" accompanied accompanied on the piano by daughter Linda - then later - the MacKenzie - family - Janice and daughters Claire and Leslie sang "The Calypso Calypso Carol" - the music a real treat for the congregation. congregation. Mabel Cawker was the organist. New Year's Day - Worship Service at 11:15 a.m. Try to be on hand for this meaningful dav. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 28,1983 15 Cousins Celebrate New Year Birthdays r 4B. • »**rV Firefighters Were Busy The town's firefighters were kept busy over the Christmas holiday with a half dozen small fires, none of which produced major damage. On December 24, a blaze in a home under construction construction just south of Leskard Village did approximately $3,500 damage. The cause of the fire was traced to a faulty electrical extension cord which ignited straw and hay placed around the' footings of the building. That fire occured at 9:40 a.m. Shortly after noon on December December 24, firefighters were called to Rickaby's Ltd., in downtown Bowmanville, Bowmanville, following a short in the electrical panel. No damage was reported. At 2:17 Christmas morning, morning, firefighters were summoned summoned to a home on Gravel Pit Rd„ south of Highway Two, where pipes from a wood stove had ignited part of a wall. Damage was estimated estimated at $1,500. Later on Christmas day, a chimney fire was reported at 22:15 hrs. on Highway Two and the 10th line. There was no damage. Damage was estimated at $1,000 after a fire occurred in a home at Regional Rd. 20 on the Darlington/Clarke boundary at approximately 9:45 a.m. December 26. The fire started when a wall caught fire near pipes leading leading from a wood stove. Also on December 26, a chimney fire was reported at 23:38 hrs. on Middle Rd., north of Bowmanville. Damage Damage was minimal. PONTYPOOL Pontypool U.C.W. Christmas Luncheon The annual U.C.W. Christmas Christmas Luncheon was held on Tuesday, December 13 in Pontypool United Church basement, with visitors from neighbouring charges. There was a smaller attendance than usual, too many conflicting events. However, those present present enjoyed a bountiful, varied and delicious "Pot Luck" meal. Some lucky people received gifts for birthdays and wedding wedding anniversaries in December. December. After the luncheon we went up in the church for the Devotional period, followed by a short program. The president, Kay Young- man, welcomed everyone, we repeated the U.C.W. Purpose in unison, and then she read a short article entitled "Do we deserve Christmas?" zSscliOll'i ^ÏSEtiUcli to cW I trust everyone had a Very happy Christmas. At this time of the year, let me say "Thank You" for giving me the opportunity of helping you decide on the K new or used car or truck you /BrmPB purchased in the past year. HAROLD MICHELS0N If, in the coming year, you are considering a new or used car or truck, please call ROY NICHOLS MOTORS LTD., and ask for HAROLD. I will be happy to assist you. May God bless and grant one and all a Healthy and Prosperous 1984. Bus, Phone 728-6206 Home Phone 623-5236 Bd, of Health to Change From under the direct control of regional council, it will be operated by a committee known as the health services services committee. Durham's regional council decided decided last week that this new standing standing committee will consist of the regional regional chairman and the heads of the Finance, Planning, Public Pagel Works, and Social Services Committees. Committees. In June of 1984, the membership membership in this committee may be altered when regional council reappoints reappoints its standing committees. The regional body overseeing the health unit will be the sixth standing standing committee operated by the Durham Region. Mayor's Review From and recreational programs for people of all ages," said Mayor Rickard, Rickard, He also reported that the Fitness Centre has seen extensive use during during the year, with a cost to the taxpayers taxpayers of about one dollar per capita. "As the town approaches its tenth anniversary we arc making plans Page 1 for a New Year's Levee to celebrate this event as well as the bicentennial bicentennial year for the Province of Ontario," Ontario," "1 would like to express my thanks to all members of staff and to all citizens of the municipality who have made this town, our home, a better place to live," said Mayor Rickard. P.C. Don Anderson, Durham Regional Police ficient time to cross safely. 3. Drivers do make mistakes. mistakes. They sometimes forget to signal for a turn or for some reason or another they fail to stop for a stop sign or red traffic light. Make sure you know what they are going to do or where they are going before you walk in front of them. 4. If you choose to cross the road from between parked cars it could be dangerous. You might not see the approaching car and the driver might not see you, until it is too late. - 5. If there is no sidewalk, always walk on the left side of the road, facing traffic. Naturally if there is a sidewalk it makes good sense to use it and thus remove remove yourself from the traffic, traffic, 6. Should your walking take you out after dark, light colored clothing should be worn and reflective material material on the clothing would be better. How about carrying carrying a newspaper or a white plastic grocery bag? These will also reflect headlights of approaching traffic. 7. Ladies walking after dark, don't take unnecessary unnecessary chances. Where possible possible walk in well lighted areas, keep away from dark alleys, short-cuts through school yards or parks. Stay where there are people. If you feel that you are being followed, go to the nearest house or store, where there are people. In short, walking is healthful, interesting, and often necessary. It can be safe as well with the use of these few, common sense suggestions. Walk as though, your life depends on it. .. it does. . ..... Andrew Justin will celebrate his first birthday December 31. Andrew is the son of Susan (Waldron) and Jeffrey Bothwell. Meghan Thea will be two years old on January 2. Meghan is the daughter of Valerie (Bothwell) and Geoffrey Newton. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Wally Bothwell, Bowmanville. Excellent Response to Salvation Army Appeal f. Bowmanville's Salvation Army, with the assistance of community groups throughout the town, helped to ensure that everyone had a Merry Christmas this year. Eva Whitehead (left) and Ali VanHeiningen, were two of the Salvation Salvation Army volunteers who packed hampers which were distributed to needy families last week. Each hamper contained enough groceries for one Christmas dinner, with some food to spare. Toys were also included for youngsters in every family. The Salvation Army reports that there was an excellent response this year from schools, women's groups, businesses, service service clubs, and other organizations who gave cash, toys, or food to the annual Salvation Atmy Christmas project. frîîTTîTi mi i w Try our new line of dependable paints. All products are first quality and your satisfaction is guaranteed. OFF Introductory Special SALE Reg. Latex Ceiling White .. M2.69 16.95 Alkyd Semi-gloss 20.95 27.95 Latex Eggshell 17.95 23.95 Latex Primer 12.69 16.95 Latex Semi-gloss 18.69 24.95 « ABERNETHY'S ' Paint and Wallpaper Free Parking at Rear Enter Off Queen St. 55 King St. W. Hours: illt lOStMANVItli' jit viM i\ (i ilai 623-5431 Bowmanville Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. ■ 6 p.m. --■ Friday 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. --• Saturday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.