! 6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 25,1984 Section Two Nostalgia Group Performs at San Marino Restaurant I ; f ! 'k . •f fM' " v '*" Newcastle Independent Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 On Thursday evening, January 19, 1984, at St. George's Parish Hall, Newcastle, Newcastle, the Newcastle Village and District Historical Society hosted a meeting to which representatives of the churches, Horticultural Society, Lions and Lioness Clubs, Women's Institute, Northumberland and Newcastle Newcastle teachers and all organizations organizations were invited. This meeting, chaired by President Ron Locke, was well attended. Ron asked for a committee of these local attendants to coordinate coordinate the activities planned for this year of bicentennial activities. Some definite plans have already been made. On Monday, February 6 at the Newcastle United Church, the King's Royal Yorkers, formed 200 years ago, will present a program on military museums of Canada. Heritage Day is set for June 16, when a first-class antique show will be featured. In the evening a sixteen-piece band from Cobourg Royals will entertain with their music. Many other proposals have been suggested, suggested, Homecoming Week, Ecumenical Church Service, dedicating of Ontario Heritage Foundation plaque commemorating commemorating the Massey Family, reprinting of Prof. Squair's Township of Darlington and Clarke book, Horticultural Society celebrates 70th birthday birthday April 7 at Newcastle and many more. • President Ron then introduced introduced the Bicentennial Coordinator Coordinator for the Central Area, Brenda Couch, who presented presented a film and gave suggestions suggestions for activities and supplied supplied much information. Her assistant, Brian Beatty of the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture, explained that Federal grants were available to promote bicentennial publicity publicity for suitable projects if applied for before March 31. This bicentennial does not celebrate the 200th birthday of Ontario but two hundred years of history and growth in this province. Many are the projects projects planned. The Tall Ships for the 400th anniversary of Jacques Cartier are coming to Quebec and some may be able to pass through to Lake Ontario, touring groups of theatre and dance, fashion shows of period costumes. Flags, buttons, posters, books, etc. will all be available for these celebations. Any developing developing projects can be phoned in to Brenda Couch's office. President Locke set up another another meeting date of Thursday, Thursday, February 23 at 7:30 at the Parish Hall, after which a social hour followed, when Happy Birthday was sung for Cam Christie in this Bicentennial Bicentennial Year and the birthday cake was enjoyed. Newcastle Senior Citizens met at the Newcastle Community Community Hall on Thursday evening, January 19. After an evening of cards, the following were prize-winners: 1st Reta Embley with a score of 67 ; 2nd Jean Holmes 63; 3rd Albert Pearce 62 and 4th George Buckley with 61. Low score winners were Audrey Walker and Mary Bullock. Mr. and Mrs. John Metrail- ler and Ron and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vasseur visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Metrailler, Alex and Laura, Hamilton. All were celebrating Laura's first birthday. Miss Judith Powell is spending spending this week in Toronto attending attending a course in connection with her work. Sunday visitors with Miss Dorrene Powell and Floyd, Lake Shore, were Mrs. D. Coulter, Downsview and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rudge, Malton. Mr. Charles Cowan returned home on Tuesday after surgery surgery in Peterborough Civic Hospital. Mr. Ron St. Pierre is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Quinney, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Embley of Cobourg, Cobourg, all enjoyed the weekend weekend in Belleville. Miss Barbara Bowman, Sarnia, visited on the weekend with Miss Judith Powell. Sympathy is extended to relatives of Mr. Stewart Joli, Glidden, Saskatchewan, who passed away recently. Last Monday Mrs. May Burley entertained the ladies of the Euchre Club. Mrs. Kathleen Kimball was a Saturday evening dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson, Starkville. Miss Candy Storks, Blind River, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Storks. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. John Scott entertained entertained their daughter and her family. Enjoying this dinner party were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Morrow, his parents Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hoc, Matthew and Allan and their cousin, all of Oshawa. Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade were Mr. and Mrs. William Walker, and Mr: and Mrs. Ross Bamsey and Patrick, of Port Hope. There was a good attendance attendance at the Newcastle Horticultural Horticultural meeting on Tuesday, January 17. President Wylma Allin conducted the business. Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley showed pictures of their trip to Europe last year. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Selby returned Saturday from a week's vacation in Puerto Vallarta. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Gladys Wood were Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood, Newtonville, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wood, Orono and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood, Oshawa. Birthday greetings to Karen Lee Wright, Buck Enwright, Kevin Wade and Tom Wilson. Mr. Everard Jail, who celebrated celebrated his 98th birthday recently, is now a resident of South Haven Nursing Home. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred, Oshawa. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Gladys Pacey and family on the death of her daughter, Audrey, Mrs. Joseph Storey, at Tampa, Florida, on Sunday, January 22,1984. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Coulter, Kevin and Keith, Campbell- ville, were Sunday callers at *WNSSXr3*Sv> 1X3 c|^!THERK'v hV-Y' !: Fi» i fm* X ttgg&t =**<•". w sk&ÏïL & •«MSB HOME OF IHF FUEL ECONOMY CAR. MIDWAY DATSUN 1300 DundasSt, L, Whitby 668-6828 the Lake Shore Powell's. Callers with Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lancaster last week were Mr. Leland Payne, Newtonville, Newtonville, Mr. Les Morgan and Mr. Bruce Carscadden, Kendal, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burley. Mrs. Rowena Tizzard, Port Hope, was a Thursday evening supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster. United Church Women On Monday evening at the Church, the General Meeting of the U.C.W. was held. President President Marilyn Martin conducted conducted the business meeting before before calling upon Rev. Donald Stiles who installed the 1984 executive. Eileen Allin and Helen Nesbitt presented a very meaningful devotional on January and the New Year. Rev. Stiles was speaker for the evening, presenting poetry from the Bible, from other poets and his own verse. Lunch was served by the Trillium unit who were in charge of the meeting. United Church News Guest organist at Newcastle United Church on Sunday, Jan. 22nd, 1984, was Mr. Fred K. Graham. Fred has been organist and choir director at All Saints' Cathedral, Halifax since January 1978. Since this was the appropriate Sunday, Rev. Donald Stiles thanked everyone for supporting the organ renovation fund and Fred for his guest appearance. appearance. In his sermon, The Ministry of Music, the minister minister paid tribute to the choir, organist Mrs. Payne and to Fred. Following the service, this recital was presented, Three Chorale Preludes, Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring by Bach, Praise to the Lord the Almighty by Walther, Pastorale Pastorale on Capetown by Bales, Voluntary VI by John Stanley, Holiday on Pedals by Gordon Young, and Symphony I by ' Louis Vierne. A standing ovation expressed expressed the appreciation of the congregation. During the social time following following the recital, refreshments refreshments were enjoyed. Mr. Glenn Allin presented Fred with a gift, a token of appreciation. appreciation. St. Francis of Assisi News Ah Ecumenical Service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Christian Unity will take place next Sunday evening beginning at 7:30 p.m. in St. Fraqcis of Assisi Catholic Church, Newcastle. Come and bring a friend to this Service of Blessing Blessing and Prayer. Anglican News Mr. Oakley Peters, Lay Reader, conducted services in St. George's Church on Sunday, while Rev. Allan Haldenby attended the annual Vestry meeting at St. Saviours Church, Orono. Next Sunday, Jan. 29, St. George's Annual Vestry Meeting will be held after the service. Lunch will be served by the Fellowship Club. NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY BOWLING Monday Night Ladies League Jan. 16,1984 175 and Over D. Walker 206, 203, 181, T. Langstaff 218, 186, A. Lang- staff 213, 175, K. Wotton 194, 176, D. Forth 253, 195, H. Couroux 177, 198, D. Neal 210, 181, D. McCurdy 201, 223, M. Wade 189,271, S. Williams 199, 179, S. Foster 209, 253, R. Foster 180, D. Foster 209, J. McCrum 182,184, A. Stere 199, K. Mercer 210,1. Patton 210, L. Crockett 248, M. Pierik 195, D. Mercer 178, N. Numby 217, I. Brown 276, B. Major 307, P. Irwin 176, H. Farrow 182, M. Wright 198, B. Pearce 210. Tuesday Morning Seniors League Jan. 17,1984 z Top 5 Bowlers 2 Game Total Ron Burley 417, Jack Holmes 383, A. Pearce 328, M. Burley 324, J. Hicks 310. z EMPLOYERS...ask your insurance agent abouta Blue CÜ.I.P employee benefit package. ■ health bcnelits package specifically lor small business • easy administration with one 10 certificate & one monllily payment Or contact: Ross Freer Sulltt ?04 Pel et boro ugh Squimi 3fOGrorge Stroet Noflh Peterborough, Onlmlo K9H 7C8 •S.' (705) 743.0677 ONTARIO Thursday Night Mixed League Jan. 19 175 and Over S. L. Boyd 181, 183, 176, W. Forget 203,188,199, F. Forget 226,221,221, B. Forget 197,180, K. Chapman 191,205, C. Lycett 205, 176, K. Boyd 234, 175, B. Dennis 176, R. Adams 210, M. Lewis 180, J. Glanville 239, E. Miller 175, M. Peake 204, Jim 180, J. Forget 274, 206. Youth Bowling Jan. 21,1984 Seniors 100 and Over J. Wright 121,115, Stephanie Miller 118,105, C. Willsher 136, 175, Kelly O'Boyle 126, 135, Ken O'Boyle 154,113, B. Coyle 268, 123, D. Miller 133, 149, T. Young 126, 128, M. Rossignol 123,144, L. Weaver 118,110, K. Miller 105, B. Fisk 119, S. Willsher 104, Steven Miller 102, D. Werheid 129, J. Roger- son 113, J. Hopkins 106. Juniors 75 and Over D. Winter 122, 93, P. Dar- rach 106,128, C. Farrow 83, 75, J. Darrach 134,89, M. Mitchell 110, 96, J. Miller 104, 101, K. Burke 76, 101, K. Winter 101, 92, N. Virtue 101, J. Carroll 95, J. Holroyd 85, 111, S. Carroll 80, D. Holroyd 86, M. Werheid 77, M. Coyle 114, R. Locke 81, J. Carroll 95. This group of local musicians is rapidly gaining momentum. Called Nostalgia, they've been together for about a year. Recently, they played a benefit concert at the U.A.W. Hall in Oshawa where they raised, about $2,000 for the Sick Children's Hospital and donated their own pay to the fund. On Saturday night, they packed the San Marino Restaurant on Waverley Road and have been invited for a return engagement. Band members include Colin Knight, Debbie Pascal, Rick Vallieres, Larry Goodwin and Bill Piels. 5PP0 PY JUST TIME FOR NEW YEAR'S Let us assist you in fulfilling your New Year's Resolution NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR CARPETS Durham Carpet Sales and Service Will Pay The Sales Tax on all carpet and vinyl flooring UNDERPAD INSTALLATION IT Name: • , • ■ y S. ■ " tl/'Zv -!■ fflr Address: . 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