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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1984, p. 26

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t 10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 15,1984 Section Two A guide to fine dining and entertainment. ORONO DISTRICT NEWS Bowmanville Drama Workshop Presenting Play March 1,2 and 3 ■ TT*^S9^SttÊIÊÊÊttÊHÊÊÊÊÉÊÊM • By Isabelle Challice Quote - "If it's within your power, a broken heart to mend, Remember, Love is all that really matters - in the end." Sympathy of the community to the family and friends of the late Mrs. Muriel Neals who passed away Thursday, February 9. The funeral was held Monday, February 13 from Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Rev. Wayne Wright officiating. Mrs. Janette Beckett and daughter Tamara were Saturday luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery, Kirby, held a family gathering on Sunday to celebrate two birthdays, Sharon Blake and family, Newtonville and Karen Jacob's and family, Scarborough and Mr.. and Mrs. Carl Lowery. Again congratulations to the hard-working girls of Orono Show Case! The Armouries were open this past weekend after the furnace cop-out. The new furnace is in good working order and the showcase is again in progress. Many lovely and exciting things are on view and just waiting for your visit. Plan to attend and bring your friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Bowins were Sunday dinner guests of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Bowins, Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Poltz, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Challice, all from Millbrook, and Mr. and Mrs. 0. Challice enjoyed a family get-together dinner at the New Dutch Oven, Saturday evening. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. E. Billings and Mrs. Dorothy Bailey included Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kimmett and family, Lindsay and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey and boys, Orono. Sunday dinner guests of the O.i Challice's included Mrs. Low lady - Stella Carson ; High man - Roy Winter. Lucky draw winners - Ellen Yeo and Bonnie Rahm. Our next euchre party will be held February 22 at 8 p.m. in Town Hall. St. Saviours Church News Offertory Sentence - "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Parish Directory - If you have pictures to be returned to Customer Service, Professional Portraits Ltd., please send them back right away. They are holding up production. On Tuesday, February 14 Mr. Charles Gray held a special meeting of interested people in the parish hall. Charles is the chairman of our bicentennial celebration and plans are already underway. Thinking Day - This year we are privileged to have members of the Guiding and Scouting groups come to our church to commemorate Lord Baden Powell's birthday. This special event will be held Sunday, February 26 at 9:45 a.m. All are welcome and the young people will be taking part in the services. The World Day of Prayer will be held in St. Saviour's Church on March 2, in the evening. Concerts - "A local group" have been working to promote a series of four concerts. These are young artists of talent, worth hearing. The series of four concerts costs only $20, please give them your support. Orono United Church News Mr. Gordon Mills gave the children's story and Mr. Bill Tamblyn led in the scripture readings. Mrs. Joyce Gray was our guest organist as David Gray (her son, and our regular organist is ill). All your many, friends, DaVid, Maurice Harmer and 'wish you a"; speedy recovery: Christopher, Mrs. Greta We thank Joyce for so very Steward and Mr. Don Challice, all from Oshawa and Miss Kerry Lyn Challice, Pontypool. Town Hall Euchre Party Held in Town Hall on Wednesday, February 8 with 16V!i tables in progress, with the following winners : High lady - Margaret Winters 81 points; capably filling in. Happy birthday to Dorothy Barnett on Sunday, February 12. Baptismal Requests - Please contact Rev. Wright. There are still a few openings for March 11. On Saturday evening in St. Stephen's United Church, Oshawa, many men were BEAT THE FEBRUARY BLAHS C0UP0N $10.00 WORTH UP TO After 5 p.m. 7 days a week one coupon per table Buy any dinner entree from our extensive menu at regular price and your friend's entree of equal or less value is complimentary to a maximum value of $10.00. Expiry date Feb. 29 c.s. For reservations call: 723-4667 44 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa BEAT THE FEBRUARY BLAHS COUPON $ 10 _ 00 WORTH UP TO After 5 p.m. Mon. and Wed. one coupon per table Buy any dinner entree from our extensive menu at regular price and your friend's entree of equal or less value is complimentary to a maximum value of $10.00. Expiry date February 29 C.s. 145 King St, W., Oshawa Major Credit Cards Accepted 571 -1777 privileged to hear Dr. Robert McLluse as guest speaker at the Men's Rally. Those in attendance from Orono Church included Rev. Wright, Donald Scott, Jack Arnott, Ed. Millson, Willis Barraball, Cyril Baird, Norm Groot and Clare Gunter. At the recent Board of Trustees meeting, plans were drawn up to commence renovations to several areas of the church. The Friendship rooms and the front halls are to be improved. Mr. Dick Morton has recently completed tuning of four of the church pianos. The ladies of Unit No. 2 met on Tuesday, February 7 in the main hall with nine ladies present. Bertha Touchburn's group were in charge, with Bertha giving the meditation "Be Still and Know:" Edith Taylor told us two versions of the reason for celebrating St. Valentine's Day. Following the business session, a delicious lunch of homemade cake and ice cream was served during the social hour. The ladies of Unit No. 3 met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Elaine Elson, Station Street, with a good attendance. The devotions were in charge of Eileen Billings and Rosie Graham. Joan Hollingsworth, our leader, brought many announcements of things to do in future, the first being the "Parent-Son Banquet" on Saturday, February 25. The Spring Presbyterial Rally is Wednesday, March 7, in Northminister Church, Oshawa, a general U.C.W. meeting in latter part of March and the Agricultural Fair Bd. banquet in April. Our guests of the evening were Ann Powell and Debbie Davis of "Deb's Home Sewing Centre," Orono. The ladies were introduced and it was announced that Deb and her sewing class will be presenting our sponsored "Spring Fashion Show." This will be held on Wednesday, May 30th in the main hall. We in Unit 3 are proud to again present this always popular event. Deb is already very busy, with her new shop, here on Main St., and she is holding several large sewing classes. Please reserve this date on your calendars. The ladies of Unit No. 4 held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Edna Watson with 12 ladies in attendance. Lynn Rodd and June Heard were in charge of the devotions based on "Love - Valentine's Day." Our special guest of the evening was introduced - Mrs. Ken Allin, Bowmanville, who brought us a very interesting display and talk on the healthful and healing qualities of "Aloe Vera." We also had a recipe sale and exchange which was most enjoyable. A delicious lunch closed a very worthwhile meeting. Sr. Citizen's Meeting Held in the I.O.O.F. hall on Thursday, February 2, with a good attendance. Hilda Tamblyn and Alma Watson were in charge of the program, and with Mrs. Mary Morris at the piano. Following the program and business period, progressive euchre was enjoyed for the afternoon, with the following winners: High lady - Edith Burgess Low lady - Edith Gordon, We are sorry to say we were very short of men at this meeting so our high gent's card - Grace Cochrane playing as a man, and low gent - Mary Morris, as man. Mrs, Bertha Touchburn, Bowmanville, was the lucky bingo prize winner, Our next Sr. Citizen's meeting will be held Thursday, March ist at 1:30 p.m. Come on out Clip and Save THIS SUNDAY We invite you to Oshawa Bazaar and Flea Market We have 132 booths of Toys, Antiques, Baked Goods, etc. FREE Coffee and Donuts with this Ad Directions: Take 401 Westbound to Harmony Rd, South one block then look for sign. 727 Wilson Road South (Two Blocks South of Bloor) Blackstock Area News by Joyce Kelly Make-up crew from the Bowmanville Drama Workshop received some instruction from Helen McCullough, of the Oshawa Little Theatre during a recent rehearsal for the Workshop's spring per- forance. Helen McCullough is shown here as she you men and really show us how to play cards! While renovating their recently purchased home on Mill St. North, Margaret and Jim Sutherland came upon an old page taken from "The Weekly Globe" dated February 27,1885. Some very interesting data was taken from same: a column entitled "Whither," the following quotes - "The facts brought from these tables below are so eloquent that the warning conveyed by them needs no pointing out." Burdens Since Confederation Net Debt 1867 - $75,728,641 Net Debt 1884 - $182,161,850 The estimated population 1867-3,150,145 The estimated population - 1884-4,576,522 Under the heading "Social Reform" we find the following: "Drunkards now form 55 per cent of the insane persons in Paris asylums. In this fact lies a whole temperance sermon." "A Temperance campaign is in progress in Newfoundland and much vigor is shown in a contest to pass the act for the suppression of the retail traffic in St. Johns district." We hope our readers will appreciate these serious facts and recognize the humorous form of journalism used in 1885! Attention all Photography Buffs: The Clarke Township Museum board are sponsoring a contest "Preserve Clarke Township in Photographs" as part of their 1984 Bicentennial projects. Entries may be in four categories - black and white photographs, color photographs,. photographs,. slides plus most unusual old photograph. All entries will be on exhibition at the Horticultural Society's fall meeting in Orono United Church, November 22nd, 1984. Please pick up your entry forms (a must), contest rules etc. at Clarke Museum and Archives or by calling 983- 5837; 786-2955 or 786-2954. applies make-up to Vic Goad, one of the actors from the Drama Workshop. From left are: Helen McCullough, Doreen Cripps, Cathy Haick, Ann Monaghan, Heather Rademacher, and Bev Mar- tin. The shock of recognition. Joe McCandless (left) and Scott Kelly rehearse a scene from the Bowmanville Drama Workshop's upcoming production of You Know I Can't Hear You When The Water's Running." They'll be performing performing in one of the four parts from this comedy production being offered by the Drama Workshop at the Bowmanville High School Auditorium March 1,2, and 3. Nestleton - Caesarea News by Mabel Cawker Sympathy Extended Our deepest sympathy goes out to the Dearborn family in the loss of a devoted husband and father - the late Samuel Dearborn of Oshawa, who lost his. life due to a car accident on his way home from Florida. He leaves to mourn, his loving loving wife, Alice Dearborn, a daughter Janet and Ron Montgomery and family, son A1 and Frances and family, all Don't Make a Move!! without wm Our Hostess' Gifts and Information Information arc the Key to Your New Community Call Sandra Yales 623-5873 t*lfel|f»w,|l4Ull*t»< WKW RESTAURANT * Since 1910 OPEN AT 7:00 a.m. Serving delicious food of the highest quality at reasonable prices. Take-out orders a specialty. 9 King St. W. 623-5412 of Oshawa, son Joe and Brigitte and family, Burlington, and son Mike and Pat and family of R.R. 1, Nestleton. A Lovely Trip Enjoyed Winnifred Davison and Aenne Vanderheul of Nestleton are just back home after a months holiday in Daytona, Florida, Closing Thought Although it is still winter - take comfort in the fact that we have now passed the point of midwinter midwinter -- so keep smiling folks and enjoy this mild break in the below zero weather! O.N.O. NEWS The February meeting of the O.N.O. was held at the home of Doreen VanCap on Thursday evening. Trivial Pursuit this month proved very memorable. After Aileen VanCamp opened opened the meeting the January January minutes were read and approved followed by a letter from Mr. Hinch. A treasurer's report was given and decisions were made concerning the finances. The dishes at the Recreation Recreation Centre have been counted and those that need replacing will be purchased. Kathleen Dorrell reported on some of the plans underway in the area for the Bicentennial. Bicentennial. There will be a meeting on Wednesday, March 7 at the Town Hall to plan Bicentennial Bicentennial projects for the Blackstock area. Anyone Anyone interested in attending attending or anyone with ideas for Bicentennial projects, projects, please call Aileen or Doreen. In response to the letter from Cartwright Central it was decided to contribute half the cost of an electronic digital scoreboard. Roll Call was to wear your oldest piece of jewellery and tell about it was very interesting with many old treasurés proudly displayed. Also as roll call many "Kitchen Shower" gifts were collected for the McGarvey family. After the business meeting, Doreen tested the members' knowledge knowledge of music terms and then opened the O.N.O. Winter Olympics. Many laughs were shared during the fun competitions until the games were called because of hazardous conditions on the course. Doreen served a delicious lunch. The March meeting will be held at the Russell's. Bring a school picture of yourself. This past week has been the winter holiday for Rev. and Mrs. Dale Davis. In his absence on Sunday, Rev. Andrew Brndjar of the Canadian Bible Society was guest speaker. In his very interesting manner he told of the many kings of Bibles and the different places where the Society works. He pointed pointed out that the Society is pleased with the fine ; support this area gives its needy work. Doreen VanCamp and Joyce Kelly conducted the worship. Next Sunday : will be the Sunday. School Family Skating Party at the rink 2-4:00 followed by a pot luck supper at the church. This event is for all members of the church who will enjoy fun, food and fellowship. Many from here enjoyed the production of Jitters at the Latcham Centre, Port Perry on Friday evening. Our own Craig Paisley was one of the actors in this fine play. Word is out that the Lions will be sponsoring this play in a Supper Theatre Night at the Recreation Centre on March 2. WE RE MORE THAN A < NICE PLACE TO EAT Every Thursday is Family Steak Night Our special for two ... 8-OZ. NeW York CUt (perperson) $11 .99 per couple 5:00 to 8:30 p.m. Served with fried onions on a sizzling platter, complete with salad bar, tried potatoes and vegetable. Choose either rice pudding or jelly lor dessert. Each family Is allowed one or two children under 12 yr*. only $1.25 oach. Child hat choice of: burger » chips or . a small steak. ; Thursdays we also serve our regular menu. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO ATTEND THE OFFICIAL OPENING OF FIRE STATION #3 (ORONO VILLAGE) BY MAYOR GARNET B. RICKARD FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1984 3:00 p.m. Followed by a reception with liylit refreshments

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