8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. March 14,1984 OBITUARIES ANNETTAASHTON 111 for two weeks, Annetta Ashton, passed away in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, on Saturday, February 25th, 1984. Born on March 11th, 1892, at Glenarm, Victoria County, she was educated at Palestine School, Lindsay High School and Peterborough Normal School. On March 30th, 1921, she was married to William Whitlock Whitlock Ashton, residing on a farm at Enniskillen for 42 years, 10 years at Caesarea, nine years at Hampton, and for the past three years in Bowmanville at 108 Liberty Street North. A public school teacher for 25 years, she was also a member of Hampton United Church, the Hampton U.C.W., and the Women's Institute. She also was a former teacher in Enniskillen Sunday School. Surviving are her daughter Wilma (Mrs. C. Scott), Helen ( Mrs. S. Graham ), Ruth ( Mrs. Dick Wood), seven grandchildren grandchildren and ll great grandchildren. grandchildren. She was predeceased predeceased by her husband, and a sister, Annie Anderson. Funeral services were held on Tuesday at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. The Reverend Paul Erb officiated, and the soloist was Mr. Norman Watson. Many floral tokens were received in her memory as well as donations to Hampton United Church, Glenarm United Church, the Cancer and Heart Funds. Spring interment Bethesda Cemetery. ALLAN DOUGLAS SLUTE The death of Allan Douglas Slute occurred suddenly on Feb. 29,1984 following a tragic accident in Toronto. He was in his 26th year, beloved son of Merlin and Emily Slute, Bowmanville, lovingly remembered remembered by sister and brother-in-law, Carol and Mark Wright of Acton, as. well as several close relatives. Allan received his early education in the Bowmanville Public Schools and was a graduate of Bowmanville High School. He was a member member of Trinity United Church. Following the completion of his studies in Accounting and Finance at Seneca College, he had been employed by American Express at the head office in Markham for the past two years. Keenly interested in the out- of-doors and sports, he was a member of several athletic groups. Although retaining contact with several former school chums, tie had acquired a host of close friends and associates at American Express and Seneca College. Complete funeral service was held Saturday afternoon, March 3 at the Morris Funeral Chapel with Rev. John Peters officiating and Mrs. Albert Cole at the organ. Friends and relatives gathered at Trinity Church following the service. Interment was in Bowmanville Bowmanville Cemetery. The many, many floral tokens and donations to Trinity Church, Heart Foun-' dation, Cancer Society, Memorial Hospital, Participation Participation House and Cystic Fibrosis in Allan's memory were gratefully received from not only friends and relatives, but from various divisions of American Express, Seneca College, Horticultural Societies Societies from Bowmanville, Orono and Newcastle, Central and Ontario Street Public Schools, and Trinity U.C.W. GEORGE STEPHEN Citizens of the area were saddened to learn of the death of well known and popular George Stephen, in his 62nd year at Hillsdale Manor, Oshawa, on Wednesday, February 22nd, 1984. Ill for almost five years, he was the son of John and Rachel Stephen. Born in Toronto, he was educated there at Wellesley Public School and Jarvis Collegiate. In 1947, he was married to Kay Armstrong of Oshawa. A resident of Bowmanville since 1942, he had previously resided at 35 Grosvenor St., Toronto. Retiring five years ago, he had owned and operated Stephen Fuel and Paving Co. He was later employed in the Real Estate business by Peter Kowal, Walter Frank and Roly Spencer. Keenly interested in the community, he was a member of Trinity United Church, the Bowmanville Lions Club, a Deputy-Reeve of Bowmanville Council when this area was part of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. He had also been a member of the Bowmanville Rotary Club before joining the Lions Club, holding many offices in both clubs. Chairman of the Bowmanville Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade for 18 years, he also sponsored and played softball in the town for 16 years. He was president of the Mixed Curling Club, started started and was first president of the Wednesday night Golf League. Left to mourn his passing are his wife Kay, daughters Wendi and Nancy of Toronto, a son Jim (Butch) of Corona, California, and a brother Allan of Bowmanville. The Reverend John Peters officiated at the funeral services services held at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home on Friday. Mrs. Arline Ayre presided presided at the chapel organ. Among the many beautiful floral tributes received in his memory were tokens from the Bowmanville Lions Club, Bowmanville Curling Club, and Men's Curling Section. Cremation. Burial was in the family plot, Park Lawn Cemetery, Toronto. WILBERT EASTON CRAIG In his 85th year, Wilbert Easton Craig passed away Wednesday, February 29th, 1984, at his home. He had been ill about 10 weeks. Son of Rubert H. and Mary H. Craig, he was born near Acton, and educated at Acton and Toronto Public Schools. On June 29th, 1926 he married Pearl H. Phillips. A resident at Salem, R. R. 5, Bowmanville for 38 years, he had previously resided at Hampton for 19 years. . He had been employed for 12 years at Goodyear, and was an Assessor for Darlington for seven years. He had farmed for 40 years, and retired 17 years ago. A member of St. Paul's United Church, he had served as an elder and Sunday School teacher at High Park United, Hampton United and Salem United Churches, He built his retirement home and spent his later years making furniture. Surviving are his wife Pearl, three sons, four daughters, daughters, 30 grandchildren and nine great grandchildren, The Reverend E. Schamer- horn officiated at the funeral services held at the Morris Funeral Chapel on Saturday. Allanah Coles sang favourite hymns of the deceased. Honorary pallbearers were Bradley and Paul Craig, Jeffrey Lehman, Steven and Peter Craig, Joe and Jonathan Reynolds. Many lovely floral arrangements arrangements and numerous donations donations to the Heart Fund and other charities were received in his memory, Interment Bowmanville Cemetery, MRS. MARJORIE McGregor stout A former head librarian at Bowmanville Library, Marjorie McGregor Stout, aged 58, passed away in Toronto General Hospital, on Wednesday, February 29th, 1984, following a three week illness. Daughter of the late G. Arthur and May Campbell, she was born in Vancouver, B.C., and educated at St. Hilda's and the University of British Columbia. She was predeceased by her husband, John Edward Stout. A resident of Bowmanville from 1950 - 1974, she had resided in Toronto the past 10 years. As a library technician she had also been employed by the Provincial Government, in the Ministry of Treasury and Economics, Queen's Park. She was a member of the Anglican Church. Mrs. Stout was very active in past years with Brownies and Girl Guides in Bowmanville Bowmanville and served as a Brownie leader and Guide Commissioner Commissioner in the 1960s. Surviving are her son Tom, daughter Jennie (Mrs. Richard Nice), and five grandchildren. The Reverend Edgar Bull officiated at the funeral services services prior to cremation, held on Saturday at the Trull Funeral Home, Toronto. Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society in lieu of flowers were received in her memory. BESSIE (BETTY) MARY BROWN Born and educated in Newcastle, Newcastle, Bessie (Betty) Mary Brown, aged 70, passed away in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, on Wednesday, February 15th, 1984, following a month's illness. A resident of Newcastle for 70 years, she was the daughter of Jack and Daisy Garrod. On April 2nd, 1932, she was married to Joseph Thomas (Tom) Brown. Mrs. Brown was a member of St. George's Anglican Church and was president of the Resident's Council of South Haven Nursing Home. Surviving are her children Joan (Mrs. George Skelding) Robert, Judy (Mrs. Ron Hope), a sister Nellie (Mrs, Walter Ilaigh), brothers Alfred, Gordon and Victor Garrod, two great grandchildren grandchildren and nine grandchildren. Funeral services were held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Wednesday, February 1st, with the Reverend Alan Haldenby officiating. Pallbearers were grandsons Don and Mark Brown, George Skelding Jr, and Tony Vaicius, and nephews Gordon Garrod Jr. and Wallace Couch, Interment SI. George's Cemetery, Keep Canada Beautiful Prices effective thru Sat., March 17th, 1984 A&P reserves the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements SAVINGS IN THIS AD BASED ON OUR CURRENT REGULAR PRICES. pasteurized Partly „„ Skimmed 2% Milk • h, WHMOMIO GAHOtRAUHOW*'» , SKVHWWÛtÜW» i Muosrot» ammo PARTLY SKIMMED Fresh 2% Illustration for design only and not necessarily Hem on sale. JM'i i; , 1 >" W-% : •! !■; Mill# 4,itre |hhi • . r ,I ■VIIIK bag 1 IBOKAfi Lena SAVE A PREMIUM BLEND; (CUSTOM GROUND Bokar Be an Coffee 48 FL OZ TIN martins VITAMINIZED APPLE JUICE 48 n oi 1.361 LT I# m§mmm nÉi (3 lb bag-8 .79-SAVE 3.00) SAVE. MARTINS, PURE Pure Apple Juice 48 FL OZ TIN JANE PARKER Cracked Wheat Bread SAVE .34 I; j 7,7 675 g loaf (made with 100% pure vegetable shortening) JANE PARKER Angel Cake SAVE .50 390 gl AQ cakeli*tU YOU'LL DO BETTER AT<VIE FARAf AT A&P! PFI'OD. OF TEXAS Fresh Spinach 1.3§ JANE PARKER (PEACH PIE 1.89-SAVE .40) Apple Pie 6 £.° JANE PARKER (PKG OF 81.29-SAVE .20) SAVE .30 Hot Cross Buns Tl.TS JANE PARKER, SLICED Raisin Bread JANE PARKER, SNOWFLAKE OR Twin Rolls SAVE .30 450 g loaf SAV£ .10 pkgof 12 ei Health & Beauty Aids and GENERAL MERCHANDISE REGULAR OR MINT TOOTHPASTE LESSTHAN AqUafresh ! If ! ; PROD. OF CALIFORNIA v Fresh vÜK AVOCadOS OF3AVOCADOS" CANADA FANCY, PROD. OF ONTARIO, ALL PURPOSE Ida Bed Apples 552.69 PROD. OF CALIFORNIA, LARGE, SWEET Strawberries 1,69 CANADA EXTRA FANCY, PROD. OF B.C., CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE RED OR GOLDEN Delicious Apples IS/,. .79 PROD. OF ONTARIO Cole Slaw K2/.99 PROD. OF FLORIDA, STRINGLESS, TENDER Green Beans 2"/» .99 PROD OF FLORIDA Fresh Radishes 3 SS 1" PROD. OF ONTARIO ; Fresh (superi Mushrooms rH! wim, une cm orenno A 39/199 ■/kg / I lb 51b bag I bunches for .99 .89 CANADA NO. 1, PRO p. OF ONTARIO Fresh Ca rrots PROD. OF CALIFORNIA Green Ornions 2 PROD. OF CALIFOFlINIA Romainè Lettuce ea Ch PROD. OF CALIFO HNIA, SWEET; SEEDLESS Jumbo Na i/el Oranges 5/1" CANADA NO. 1, A LL PURPOSE P.E.I. Potatoes ££4.99 PROD. OF FLORII ÇIA, INDIAN RIVER, SEEDLESS, JUMBO White Grapefruit 4/1" CANADA NO. 1, PROD. OF CALIFORNIA, GREEN SPEARS Fresh Asparagus CANADA NO. 1, PROD. OF U.S.A. Anjou Rears 1"/.69 CANADA NO. 1, PROD. OF P.E.I. Baking Potatoes *51.89 PROD. OF U.S.A., REDENBACHER'S GOURMET Popping Corn *r1.69 PROD. OF ONTARIO, ST. PATRICK'S DAY SPECIALS" P01M.9 Shamrocks 3 £« h PROD. OF ONTARIO, CHOICE OF COLOURS Potted Mums % m 2.49 CANADA NO. 1, PROD. OF FLORIDA Celery Stalks ,«,,99 .88 •r- . .-J, _ ...■ ■ ;■ I 100 mL tube SUPER BUY! REGULAR OR SUPER Maxi Thins PLASTIC Glad Wrap REGULAR Fantastik Cleaner LIQUID CLEANER Mr. Clean DETERGENT Ivory Liquid POWDERED CLEANER Spic and Span ALUMINUM FOIL Reynolds Wrap SAVEUPTOJ.20 box of 1 30 30 M roll 700 mL cont 1.5 litre plsf btl 3.99 AVE .40 .99 2.i§ 1.5 litre A |Q plsf btl ti Id SAVE 1.10 3.79 i. WHITE, YELLOW OR WHITE PRINT Hi-Dri Towels pkg of 2 rolls .99 SAVE .94 SAVE .70 KRAFT PROCESS Chetiz While 500 g jar 099 1 LIBBY'S, FANCY Tomato Juice 48 fl oz tin .99 SAVE .10 TOMATO A&P Ketchup PURINA CAT FOOD, ASST VARIETIES Tender Vittles FLAKED WHITE ALBACORE Clover Leaf Tuna 1 litre btl SAVE .60 1.99 SOFT MARGARINE, C D RN OIL REGULAR OR UNSALTEO, SUNFLOWER OIL SAVE .54 Fleischmann's 8 p X 2 s1.39 PRIMO SAVE .30 Canned Tomatoes 28,loz tin SAVE .26 500g1 70 pkg laf 9 SAVE .38 m oz tin 1. 200 g J SAVE .30 1 litre 1 box ASSORTED VARIETIES-PUDDINGS OR YOGOURTS, MINI DESSERTS pkg of 4 1 70 Soztlns I ■ f H 1 SAVE .10 al Laura Secord A6P, ORANGE FLAVOUR Sunmix Crystals pkgo, 2 -J jg BETTY CROCKER, A./iSORTEO VARIETIES-STIR i FROST 310 g OR SAVE UP TO .56 Snackirjr Cake Mixes 1.19 HOSTESS, Ai! SSORTED VARIETIES Potat o Chips P k g ASSORTED,;FLAVOURS(750 mLBTL-.59-PLUS,30BTLJ)E£ Pepsi-Cola REGULA, Jr OR DIET SAVE .30 13II oz tin SAVE .16 375 g pkg case of 24 280 mL tins SAVE .34 FACIAL, ASSORTED COLOURS Kleenex Tissue 7||C|] 750 ml f VF PLUS 30* DEPOSIT btl. m .49 PRIMO Tomato Paste PRIMO, MEDIUM OR BROAD Egg Noodles PRIMO (ROMANO 125 g SHAKER 2.19-SAVE .20) jSAV£.: Parmesan Cheese PRIMO, PLAIN Spaghetti Sauce 125 g shaker Ï.M SAVE .50 28II oz 00 7 tin aww l* box of 200 sheets SAVE 1.54 POWDERED Fab Detergent 6 litre '■'•«iitafrü* boX SAVE 1. REGUI i.AR 1 DIET TUP Case of 24 280 mL tins 5" PURE VEGETABLE Prime Oil 3 litre plst btl SAVE. BATHROOM, WHITE, YELLOW OR BEIGE Delsey Tissue pkg of 4 rolls SAVE .70 GOLD SEAL ,'iockeye Salmon rff QÛ hi 7.75 oz tin SAVE. ASSORTED VARIETIES Prime Pastas 900 g pkg 4 ,1