V 4 6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 21, 1984 Section Two Lions Hockey Draw Winners At the March 12, 1984 meeting of the Bowmanville Lions Club winners were drawn for a pair of hockey tickets. Maple Leaf games March 24 and 31: Ticket 142 - Jan Franssen Ticket 498 - Cathy Coon Ticket 325 - Ron Forrest Ticket 407 - Rob Brandt. Oshawa Generals - Playoff series 1 and 2: Ticket 473 - Walt Hately Ticket 944 - Brian Barber Ticket 875 - Nick Vansegglin Ticket 419 - John Stainton. Solina W.I. Hear About Citizenship The monthly meeting of Solina W.I. was held in the community hall on March 14 with Mrs. C. Langmaid presiding. presiding. After singing the Ode and repeating the Mary Stewart Collect in unison the minutes of the previous meeting, an executive meeting meeting and treasurer's .report were read and approved. A letter announcing the 4-H Achievement night on quilting is to be at Blackstock May 3 at 7:00 p.m. The next 4-H Club will be on Horticulture. Final arrangements were made for our Casserole Luncheon in two weeks. We are looking forward to seeing our friends again and to see the "Scottish Dancers." For our Bi-Centennial Tea to be able to send a donation to the Adelaide Hoodless Home, we are having Mrs. Ewart Leask, a former member, now living in Barrie, give us a demonstration on Colours and Accessories. This will be. Wednesday evening, April 25. Mrs. B. Taylor, convener of Resolutions, read two resolutions resolutions that have been sent in. These are to be discussed at our April meeting. We all signed a birthday card to be sent to our adopted daughter, Rose Marie, in Haiti. Mrs. W. Ashton gave a report from the Hall Board meetings. They are preparing for an Auction Sale, May 26 at 11:00 a.m. Lunch will be available and the Home Baking will be auctioned at . 1:00 p.m. As our group conveners and assistants change this year, Mrs. Langmaid asked that we be thinking about this, also our new topics for program planning. planning. The Heart Fund Canvass in our community was up some two hundred dollars more than last year. We are to remember our jams, jellies, or relish, for the Erland Lee Home, to be taken to District Annual already priced. We are giving a sizeable sizeable donation to our Hall for help in accomplishing some of the projects they have planned for the near future. The Roll Call "Why Canada attracts people from other countries" was well answered. answered. Mrs. M. Hancock, convener convener of Citizenship, opened the program with the poem "The Birth of St. Patrick." This explained to us why March 17 is called St. Patrick's Day. The Motto "Blending of Nationalities enriches a nation" was commented on by Jean Knox. This proves so true through our sports participants, participants, the foods we eat and the talents that are brought to us. She gave us many instances: instances: hockey players, our foreign type foods - pastas, oriental foods, talented musicians. musicians. Mrs. M. Vice entertained with a piano solo of Irish tunes. The panel discussion on Citizenship was taken by Mrs. T. Baker and Mrs. H. Clark from Denmark who came here to Canada in 1957 as a young girl. She told us much about Denmark, describing the country, the occupations and the weather, also the education. education. Mrs. J. Heeringa came to Canada at the age of three with her parents and ten other sisters and brothers from the northern part of Holland. She said after the war there didn't seem to be anything there for their future. Pictures they had seen from Canadian soldiers made it look wonderful. After securing a sponsor, passing health requirements they came by ship, brought some furniture and a small amount of money. ■ They landed in April 1951. Mrs. P. Koczulab was from the Ukraine, she was born in Poland and had lived in Germany. She told us of the hardships they had had. In 1953 they came to Canada for more freedom and to make a good home for their children. It was very interesting to hear about these other countries. countries. Mrs. M. Vice thanked these ladies and presented each one with a shamrock plant. Mrs, B, Taylor announced that our April meeting will begin at 7:15 p.m. on April 11 with dessert followed by the regular meeting, annual meeting and election of Officers, Mrs. C. Langmaid resumed I he chair and the meeting closed by singing 0 Canada. A social time was enjoyed in the lower hall, Starkist Flaked Light Tuna 6.5 oz: tin Assorted Colours Royale Paper Towels 2 roll pkg. 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