4 Section Two The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvillc. March 21, 1984 7 COUNTRY CUT FRESH CHICKEN PARTS twww w.-:- - Fresh Country Cut Chicken t Contains - 2 legs and 2 breasts with whole backs, 2 wings 2 necks. 1 giblet foodmart 'Maple Leaf Sliced Side Bacon l500 g -- Maple Leaf Sausages All Beef or Skinless 500g Maple Leaf Sliced Bologna 500 g 1.99 Product of U.S.A. Fresh Broccoli each t. ,i Ü -ft- 'M Product ol U.S.A. Canada No. 1 Grade Celery Hearts r Product of Chile Canada Fancy Grade Granny Smith 1 .Apples 1 |74 Li 1 :7 9 Product ot Chile Canada Fancy Grade Packam Pears Product ol USA Fresh California Strawberries p.m cup Product ol Onlino Cenadi No 1 Gride Greenhouse Seedless Cucumbers ii^si» 12®«;89 Hi 1.99 1.59 Product of U S A Canada No 1 Grade Cauliflower Jumbo Size Product ol Chile Canada No. 1 Grade Green Seedless Grapes Fresh From The Tropics Large Size Bananas «* 2.49 *95 179 * K • pi. 15P?I59 DEU & B.B.Q. Cooked White & Dark Clearview Farms Turkey Roast Save 2.00 lb. Deli Sliced Cooked Clearview Farms Turkey Breast Roast _ DeliSliced SOVC 2.00 lb 1 3 - 2 5» ■ 100 j per lb. ^ lb. Clearview Farms Turkey Cold Cuts Salami. Beerwursl. Tyrola. Pimento Pimento Olive Deli Sliced ,66> 9 mento A M"' lb. Clearview Farms Turkey Bologna Deli Sliced .44 per 100 a 199 I per Ready to Serve Monarch Frosting 470 g tin Schneiders Lard or Shortening 1 lb pkg Pam Spray 13 oz tin Miracle Food Mart Liquid Lemon Dish Detergent 1 Hire ht I. 1.49 .89 2.99 1.99 Nabisco 100% Bran Cereal 450 g box All Purpose Monarch Flour 2.5 kg + 1 kg Iree Royale Facial Tissue pkg. ol100 Assorted Varieties Betty Crocker Muffin Mix 370-540 g box 1.39 2.89 .89 1.79 Sliced Select Lunch Meats i ■ g Maple l e, H Deli Style Lunch Meats 121,, Maple Leaf Black Pudding Maple Leal Baby Bag Wax Bologna 1.49 1.49 A39 199 "Tper I per kg lb. *73 169 wper I oer kg per lb. Maple Leaf Ham Steaks w. Miracle Food Marts Own Fresh Pure Pork Sausages Hlghlmer Family Size Fish & Chips 3202. 1.69 A39 199 ■ per I per r- I 25 v r " 1 Highliner Perch Fillets 11,02 Hlghlmer Seafresh Fish Sticks 350 g Blue water Boston Bluefish In Light Batter 350,, Bluewater Haddock Fish Fries 22/„ Unbrandod Sliced Cooked Ham 3 g Unbranded Sliced Bologna or Mock Chicken Lunch Meats 375 n Virgina Capes Squid 3 ib r" 239 1.59 1.79 1.79 2.29 1.29 | ' v ? - ■ : ; i V 7 , v ... ' ! v 11 '1 ' .1 ; ; J K ,! f ,, 1 i x \] 1 i; | ! ! ::.-i : Frozen Deluxe, Cheese A Pepperonl, or Pepperonl A Mushrooms Gusto Pizza 4's 334 g pkg. Fresh Cod Fillets Fresh Perch Fillets 2.39 Kellogg's C-3PO's Cereal 350 g box We Cheerfully Accept Competitors Newspaper Coupons tee* 2.29 Fresh Haddock Fillets 747 339 " kg ^^ib. r 7f 3F 9 9f 4? j§i VVV'x \ ■ i -, Vi I ; ;! j ; 1 ; I' J i'-ir! LU i&É {.-i t 1 vy m là: fejiiivLvv.:v, vj Foodmart ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS WED. MAR. 21'84 TO SAT. MAR. 24'84 IN BOWMANVILLE AT THE BOWMANVILLE MALL, 243 KING ST. E. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. TRIPLE F BOWLING D. Van Abbema 25, G. Evers 20, T. Dykstra 19'4 Y Dykstra 18, H. Vandergaast 17, . A. Vandergaast I6V2, P. Plonk 15, P. Glasbergen 15, W. DeLange 14145, A. Bonsma 1414s, C. Van Niejenhuis 13, N. Griffioen 10. High Single Ladies - N. Van Abbema 244. High Single Men - N. Griffioen 271. High Triple Ladies - M. Griffioen 659. High Triple Men - T. Dykstra 652. High Average Ladies - M. Griffioen 188, H. Vandergaast 188. High Average Men - D. Van Abbema 209. EBENEZER U.C.W. On a very blustery, snowy Tuesday, March 13, 1984, Ebenezer U.C.W. met in the C. E. Hall at 1:30 p.m. It being the winter break week it was great to hear the children's laughter filtering up from downstairs. With St. Patrick's Day approaching, President Mrs. Eileen Down opened the meeting . by reading verses from a wall hanging she had recently received from Ireland. Mrs. Joan Pickell filled in as secretary for the absent Mrs. Kay Mackie. Courtice, Maple Grove and Ebenezer ladies celebrated World Day of Prayer on March 2 at Maple Grove Church. It was a very informal informal well attended meeting with U.C.W. ladies from the three churches and our ministers ministers Rev. Doug Throop and Rev. Mark Elliott taking part. A special thank you to Mrs. Mildred Muir for making the curtains for our kitchen. They look great. The Bay of Quinte Conference Conference is hiring a resource person person that will be available to youth leaders with programs and studies. We have made a donation to this worthwhile cause. Eileen mentioned the seminar for young women sponsored by Oshawa Presby- terial U.C.W. to be held Tuesday, April 10, 6:30 -10:00 p.m. at Brooklin United Church. Auberge, a home for battered battered women will be opening soon in Oshawa. We are donating quilts now and hope to have a speaker from there for our June meeting, when we will make a further donation of money. They are in need of many items, living-room furniture, blankets, lamps, or cash to name a few. If you have any of these items to donate please call Mrs. Greta Down. We have four volunteers to head up another delicious potato pie supper on June 27,* so keep this date open. Five ladies from our U.C.W. attended and enjoyed the regional meeting held recently recently at Northminster United. Mrs. Charlotte Hughes led in a very enlightening devotional devotional on the Bible. She opened with a call to worship Ps. 119: 105 "Your word is a lamp to guide me and a light for my path", followed by dedication of our offering. We then sang the hymn "Wonderful Words of Life" accompanied by Aunt Louise Osborne on piano. Charlotte told of always seeing seeing the Upper Room Devotional Devotional at her mother's bedside but it wasn't-until someone had given her a subscription that she began to use it herself and what an encouragement it has been to lier. We all read in unison Psalm 119: 97 -112. Charlotte read a short story from "The Upper Room" about a person from S. Korea who had taught the scriptures at a Christian high school. When the N. Koreans attacked, attacked, they had to flee from their homes. The only book that they took with them was their Bible. Every evening while on the road, their family read the scriptures. For them, the word of God was surely a lamp to their feet and a light to their path. Charlotte then read an interesting reading entitled "The Diary of a Bible", with the Bible telling the treatment it received from its owner. She also read this quote "No one ever graduates from Bible Study until lie meets the author face to lave", followed by a poem "My Bible." We then sang a hymn followed followed by prayer. The children came up to join with us as Mrs. Greta Down look us 011 a guided tour, a colorful slide travel log of places her and Wes had travelled travelled recently through Tahiti, New Zealand and Australia. It was most interesting and it is probably the only way that most of us will ever visit these places. Charlotte thanked Greta and closed with all repeating the Mizpali benediction. Mr. Dave Down has recently moved out west to Kamloops, II. C. where lie is working and living with his sister, Mrs, Janet Donnelly and family, We will miss him but wish him well In Ills new uml'Uivors.