t 14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 11,1984 Phone 623-3303 Phone Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m. JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS Phone Hampton 263-2151 MAILADDRESS:- P.O.Box 43 Bowmanville 4-tfS HAVE YOUR CHIMNEY CLEANED, NO FUSS, NO MESS, BE SAFE THIS WINTER. ABERWYN CHIMNEY SWEEPS 655-3513 33-tfS ALL STAR MOWER and EQUIPMENT Sales - Service -- Parts Troy - Bill Tillers, Toro, Lawn Boy, Roper, Pioneer, Homelite, Echo. (1 mile east of Oshawa Townline on Hwy. 2 at Troll's Rd. - Courtice) Telephone 571-2400 . 12-4SN INSTALL a combination wood, oil, wood electric furnace or boiler. Oil - gas - electric boiler or furnace. Harvey Partner & Sons, Bowmanville 623-2301 or Orono 983-5206. 4-tfS N Protect Your Assets with Nash Roofing ALL TYPES OF ROOFING & SIDING Eavestrough, solfits available. Free Estimates • Call 723-6055 -- Ask About Our Guarantee -- 21-tfSN WHYTE'S UPHOLSTERY Have your chesterfield professionally upholstered. 25 Years Experience For Free Shop & Home Service Call RALPH WHYTE 623-5252 Spring and Summer Cleanups Grass cutting Hedge trimming Light moving, etc. Reasonable rates. Phone 623-6030 or 623-1323 15-4S The Paint Brush Co. Exterior house painting and window cleaning professionally done. Unbeatable prices. Free estimates phone anytime 623-4275 Ask for Ron 14-4S DON BROOKS & SON General Contractor Phone 723-6176 or 623-2755 32 years experience serving area in all types of household and commercial repairs. Carpentry-Plumbing Electrical and Masonry YOU NAME IT-WE DO IT! Frée Estimates and Winter Rates ' 52-tfS College Pro Painters Quality Jobs at Student Rates For free estimates Phone 571-2015 13-3S PERSONAL TAX RETURNS "COMPUTERIZED" Most Returns $10.00 Guy Polley 623-7126 11-tfSN FURNACES CLEANED Parts and Service Policy HARVEY PARTNER 8. SONS Bowmanville 623-2301 Orono 963-5206 4-tfSN Mutton Masonry All Types of Cement Work Concrete Floors, Foundations and Walls Brick and Block Laying Chimney Construction and CHIMNEY SWEEP G.W. Mutton 623-5981 1-tfSN 125 King St. E. Bowmanville 26-tfSN Oxford Bricklayers- Stonemasons Ltd. 983-5606 All Kinds of Brick Block • Stonework Concrete • Chimneys and Ceramic Tile Repair Work ALSO CHIMNEY CLEANING 21-tIS ORONO WEED CONTROL Government Licensed Lawn Spraying Weeds Insects Fertilizing Driveway Sealing Work completed by Licensed Professional <3Î> Free Estimates Industrial, residential, commercial. Phone Bob 983-5267 Box 277 Orono 14-tfSN NEED a pressure system? Water Softeners? Repairs to all makes. Harvey Partner, Orono 983-5206, Bowmanville, 623-2301. 4-tfSN BRINK'S EXCAVATING FOR TRENCHING EXCAVATION and SEPTIC TANKS PHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4995 No Sunday Calls 27-tfS GROEN'S MASONRY Brick and Block work. Chimneys and Fireplaces. All types of masonry repairs. Phone 623-4877 15-4S Ell TUI X WEATHERSHIELD ROOFING* ALTERATIONS* REPAIRS HOMES COTTAGES PATIOS // William A. Yeo (416)623-9475 9-tfS Refrigeration and Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration • Milk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days 623-5774 Nights 623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-tfS Thomas G. Yeo 17 Frank Street Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 2J5 Chim-Chim-Cheree Chimney Sweeps 623-6672 -- professional chimney cleaning -- all work guaranteed -- member • Canadian Chimney Sweeps Association -- Canadian Wood Energy Institute -- Better Business Bureau 11-tfS Fred's Auto Body NOW OPEN AT 163 Baseline Rd. in Bowmanville Very reasonable rates on complete collision and rust repairs. Come in for your free estimate or call 623-6353 Fred Devries 38-tfS Auction Sales Les Shelley Plumbing Hot Water Heating For repairs or renovating FREE ESTIMATES Call 623-4960 42-tfSN *" "raction" "™ ' CARPET STEAM CLEANING ONLY $45 Dining Room and Living Room Plus Hallway C & J Services Call Collect 623-2095 anytime 7-tfSNP GERRY'S WOOD MILL Experienced craftsmanship In custom made STAIRS and EXTERIOR DOORS Also Tables, desks, chests, vanities, wall units, etc. 623-2371 11-tfSN North America Concrete Finishing and Foundation Waterproofing Contractors Residential We spccializo In repairing leaking basements - with a 10 year warranty. R.R. 3, SolinaRd. Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 723-0729 11-tfSN WATER wells bored, 30 tile. Ward's Well Boring. Telephone 41 6-372-3025. Representative Harry L. Wade. Telephone 416-987-4531. 8-1 f S 5\y Waiï & IMPROVEMENTS * w YCljl <=> e» <--=> 1 1 <zSIDINGixn. ROOFING -- Additions • License Carpenter -- Renovating • Fully insured u -- Garages • Guaranteed -- Farm workmanship Buildings • Free estimates I f--\ Call Ray at lOY RR 1. ItownunviHti 263-2116 - 13-/1 3N Taping, Finishing, Spray Slucco, Ceilings, Plaster Repairs, Painting. Phone Wally Lucyk 987-4694 NEWCASTLE 15-4SN Building and Carpentry NEW BUILDINGS ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Theo Van-Oosterom R.R. 2 Pontypool 1-705-277-2812 15-GSN Saturday, April 21 10 a.m. at Orval McLean Auction Centre Lindsay Our annual spring consignment sale of farm machinery, tractors, construction machinery and tools, cars, trucks, campers, boats, motorcycles. This year we have a large assortment of machinery, cars, trucks, etc. from local farms plus many items still being consigned. All items must be consigned by April 14. Note time 10 a.m. McLean Auctioneers 705-324- 2783 Lindsay. 15-1SN Saturday, April 14-10 a.m. Special Spring Anniversary Sale at Orval McLean Auction Centre Lindsay Excellent sale of modern and antique furniture, estate of Doris Anderson Dunsford and property of Tom Yates, Bobcaygeon, good assorted antique furniture, small drop leaf tables, walnut antique oval dining table and 7 chairs, cedar chests, nesting tables, pine chests, corner chair, books, mirrors, pictures and frames/tea wagon, Mason and Risch apartment size piano, super 10 pc. dining room suite, freezers, R.C.A. refrigerator and matching corning top electric stove, air conditioner, 2 quality modern bedroom suites, maple bedroom set with poster bed, water bed, walnut table, vilas maple dining set, Electrolux, Indian wool rug, braided rug, oriental pattern rug, single beds, microwave, freezers, gas barbeque, - antique chesterfield, modern chesterfields, sectional corner chesterfield, Electrolux shampooer (like new), overshot coverlet signed by Weaver, china, dishes, tools and large furniture sale. Don't miss it. 10 a.m. sharp. A quality auction. McLean Auctioneers 705-324-2783 Lindsay. 15-1SN Wednesday, April 18 2:00 p.m. Machinery Auction sale of machinery including MF 265 tractor with multi power plus 2 sets hydraulic outlets, Triple K 29 tooth cultivator, J-D Cushion Gang BWF 40 plates 20" disc, 16' grain auger, Massey 3 furrow Ace Bottom Plow, sprayer, mower, self unloading forage wagon, Dion blower, 50' 8" blower pipes, JD 3800 forage harvester with 2 row corn and snapper head, single row harvester 3 point hitch. Machinery consignments now being taken for this sale. Selling at Wilson Sales Arena, following the Delmore Holstein Dispersal. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 15-1S Saturday, April 28th at 10:00 a.m. Farm Sold Auction sale of farm machinery. The property of Robert and Linda Pearson, Lot 26, Con. 16. Smith Twp. 2 miles south of Buckhorn on Hwy. 507 to 17th line and 1 mile west or 10 miles north of Peterborough on Hwy. 28 to Hwy. 507 and 10 miles north. 1982 Int. 786 diesel tractor, open cab, 16 speed with TA- 1200 hrs„ tractor chains 18-4- 34. White 1370 tractor - 4 wheel drive with loader and 2 buckets. 1981 New Holland 489 hay bind PTO. New Holland 273 baler PTO. 1977 Ini. 400 air planter - 4 row with monitor. Handy 680 power washer. Frissor P500 fertilizer spreader 3 pt. !;it. 80 snow blower - double auger, hydraulic hood PTO. Int. 720 semi-mount 4-16's plough - auto reset. Century field sprayer on wheels - 20' booms. Speed King 16' grain auger 4" with motor. 3 sections Otaco harrows. John Deere tandem disc with 12' ram. Massey 33 seed drill. New Holland 518 manure spreader PTO. John Deere drag cultivator, 2 hay wagons 8' x 16'. 24' hay elevator, cement mixer, tandem trailer approx. 5 ton 8' x 16'. Wooden calf box 4' x 8' fits V2 ton truck. Set of heavy duty tractor chains. 3 pt. hitch fork lift, 3 pt. blade, 2 electric fencers, cattle oiler, bear traps, many other items. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 10 a.m. sharp. This is an exceptional line of well maintained machinery. Plan to attend. Carl and Greg Hickson Auctioneers. Rcaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959 • 324-2774. 15-3SN Annual Spring Stocker Sales at Lindsay Community Sale Barn, R.R. 2 Lindsay, Ont. Wednesday, April 25th at 11:00 a.m. Stocker steers, heifers and calves sold In truckload lots or to your satisfaction. Singles and doubles will be sold at the end of their category. For assignments contact Carl Hickson 705-324-9959, 324-2774. Wednesday, May 2nd at 11:00 a,in. Peterborough • Victoria Counties Cattlemen's Association Spring Stocker Sale, Only farmers cattle accepted In this sale. Consignments close April 26th al 9:00 p.m. To consign contact Wayne Telford 70S- 292 9531 or Bob Robertson 705- 439-21117, Carl Hickson, owner and auctioneer. 13-4SN Auction Sales Saturday, April 21st Giving up Farming Auction Sale of Farm Machinery & Cream Quota The property of Henry Mason, Lot 20, Con. C Mariposa Twp. 10 miles west of Lindsay on Little Britain Rd. to Little Britain - south 3 miles - east 1 mile - south 2 miles, east 1 mile, south 1 mile or 3 miles west of Valentia - (watch for signs). 1979 Ford 6600 tractor with cab, air, radio, duals, chains, 1968 Ford 5000 tractor 8 speed. 1979 Ford 3600 tractor, power steering, 6' snow bucket, Allied loader, tongs for round bales, hydraulic bucket W4 int. gas tractor, 1983 New Holland 847 round-baler with beeper, 2 guage wheels, self oiler • baled only 26 bales. New Holland 479 hay bind PTO. Ford semimount semimount 5 furrow auto-reset plough - spring loaded coulters and guage wheel. Int. 175 bus. manure spreader, 1978 Ford 4 row corn planter, full trail - plates. 1980 New Holland bale mower 3 pt., M.F. 35 pull type combine 8' header - good. 1979 Allied 35' grain auger 6" PTO. 1978 Int. 80 snow blower, hydraulic hand 3 pt. Farm Hand 810 grinder mixer PTO. 1981 Kraus 12' full trail tandem disc, hydraulic lift. M.F. 33 seed drill. Triple K 16' cultivator with wings, 10 ton wagon with hay rack. John Deere field sprayer. Allied 44' bale elevator with undercarriage. 32' hay elevator. Danuser post hole digger, new electric motor. Deep well water pump and tank. Quantity of 1" lumber 16' and 2" plank 16'. 2 Turnco grain boxes 250 bus. with 2-12 ton gearing. New Holland side rake, galvanized water trough, 15 Beatty water bowls pipe. 15 gates - wire, wooden and lifetime, round bale feeder, cedar posts, steel stakes, oil tank, 7' power mower, 2 furrow drag plough. Milk pump and line for 22 cows. 2 De Laval, units, 2 Viking separators • reconditioned. reconditioned. 2 refrigerators for cream. Cream Quota - 701 kg - 463 kg used - 238 unusual. Sells at 2:00 p.m. Full line of machinery. This is an excellent row of equipment. Plan to attend. , Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 12 noon starting on small items. Farm machinery at 1:30 p.m. Cream Quota sells at 2:00 p.m.,Carl and Gregv Hickson Auctioneers, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959 or 324-2774. 15-2SN McLean Flea & Farmers' Market Orval McLean Auction Centre Now Open Every Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. New car tires and batteries, sport balls, raquets, bags, dolls, toys, purses from $1.50, gifts and clothes from Peru, crafts, child's desks $15.00, filing cabinets, new mattress-, es from $69.95, antique dishes, collectables, jewellery, books, new and used tools, radios, stereos, fishing equipment, collector plates, candy, gum, ribbons, dried flowers, plaques, figurines, farm fresh eggs, potatoes, vegetables, apples, featuring each week home baking, deli meats, buns, bread, good lunch bar. Try our homemade chili. Free draw. Special children's Easter Draw for Teddy kindly donated by Francis, one of our many wonderful vendors. Enter on Saturday. Note: we need many Flea and Farmers Market vendors to expand our growing market. Special monthly rates. Come Saturday and we will grow together, permanent inside or outside spaces. For Information 324-2783. 15-1 S N Saturday, April 28 Clearing Auction Sale ol Farm Machinery The property of Belimko Farms, Lot 26, Con. 5, Whitby Township, Va mile west of Brooklin on No. 7 Hwy. (across from Cashway Lumber). 1975 - 1070 Case tractor cab and air 2240 hrs. good condition, Ford Jubilee tractor with 2 furrow plough hyd. good condition, Farm all M-tractor hyd. good condition, Cockshutt 30 tractor hyd, new tires and new battery, excellent condition, New Holland 479 haybinc 9 ft., Int. corn planter 4 row, Int. corn cultivator 3 pth., 4 row, M.F. corn cultivator 4 row 3 pth., M,F. 205 manure spreader 250 bush, qravity wagon 250 bush 3 ton Massey gearing, Farm Rand self unloading wagon 10 ton gearing, Turnco grain box on Case wagon, good tires, M.F. side delivery rake, Int. trail plough 2 furrow 2 x 14's trip beam, AC double disc 18 (I. tandem good condition, Ovcroom 5 furrow plough semi-mount auto, reset, Brillon grass seeder with transport wheels, good condition, hay wagon with 8' x 16' rack; Farmhand swatch turner, bale stookcr and fork, Allied grain auger 41 II. 8 In. 3 pt, blade 5 ft,, 6 sections diamond harrows, Peerless roller mix mill PTO, 200 gal, fibreglass spray tank new, M.F. riding lawn mower, oil drums, gas tanks, tools, machine parts. Arnot Wolten Auctioneer (Arnol Wolten), R,R. 1, Hampton 416-263-95I2. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale lime 11 n.m. Lunch available. 15-3SNP Saturday, April 21st at 10:00 a.m. Farm lor Sale by Public Auction The property of Mr. and Mrs. John Stahl, north Vi Lot 8, Con. 1. Mariposa Twp. 1 mile north of Seagrave and 3 miles east or 3 miles south of Little Britain and 3 miles west. 100 acre farm more or less. 3 bedroom house - aluminum siding, insulated, modern kitchen, bathroom. Barn - 38' x 98' with silo 16' x 55' with unloader, drive shed 20' x 40'. Pig pen 20' x 40' - double garage. Buildings in good repair. 93 acres of workable land - 7 acres of cedar and maple bush. Clean soil. Barns set up for beef operation - large doors for cleaning out. House is very clean, nicely decorated, move-in condition. Nicely situated on paved road, school bus at door. Terms 10 per cent down day of sale. Remainder in 30 days. Other terms will be announced day of sale. Immediate land possession. Subject to law reserve bid. Carl Hickson auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705- 324-9959 or 324-2774. 15-2SN Auction Sale Saturday, April 14 6 p.m. at Pearce Auction Centre on Shirley Road, four miles south of Port Perry. Consignment sale with queen size bed, quantity of wicker, baskets, stands, planters, hats, brass and copper planters, blanket box, spin washer, pull out couch, dressers, metal desk, 30' T.V. tower and head, some ceramics supplies, window glass, water pump, lawn mower, carpets, high chair, shop vacuum, paper plates, tablecloths, napkins, etc. and many more items. Managed and sold by Pearce Auction Services. 985-7492. 15-1SN Public Estate Auction Under explicit instruction by the executor, we, as the undersigned auctioneers will sell the chattle property of the late Mr. Mac Barrie of Perth, Ontario, for convenience we will transfer contents to the Rock Haven Motor Hotel located on Highway 28 Peterborough, Ontario. Date Thurs., April 19, 1984 at 6 o'clock p.m. Selling oak pedestal desk and chair, 8 piece oak dining room suite, corner wall cabinet, chesterfield and chair, needle point rocker, oak hall tree, hall rack with mirror, parlor tables, plant stand, wrought- iron crib, wooden chairs, press back rocker, Gingerbread Waterbury clock, 2 mahogany arm chairs, Victrola circa 1906, flat to wall bureau, antique Beach cookstove, wood box, antique 4 post beds, antique radio, secretary desk, fruitwood arm chair, variety of quilts, doilies, linen, soup tureens, assortment of crocks of all sizes, a great selection of Nippon Royal Bayreuth Austrian Czechoslovakia, Black amethyst, Bavarian, Depression, Noritake, dishes and glass. Tools, propane blow torch, 4" plaqe, 8" plane and a 12" plane, scriber, wrecking bars, sledge hammers, vice - anvil (comb.), gas power lawm mower, wooden mallets,: brace and bit plus much more.i No reserve. Terms -- cash or cheque with I.D. Auctioneers' note: This is truly an interesting quality sale. This sale managed and sold by the Monk. Bros., twin auctioneers in the city of Peterborough. For further information please write or phone to Col. . Keith Monk Auctioneer. 235 King St., Apt. 503, Peterborough, Ont. K9J 7K5. Phone 705-742-0894. Please come. You will be sure to enjoy yourself. Snack bar facilities available. 15-2SNP Lanko Holstein Sale Owned by Ewould Delange, Newcastle, Ont. Selling at the Malmont Sale Arena, Blackstock, Ont., Thursday, April 19th at 12:30 noon. 70 head, 60 registered, classified, R.O.P. tested and listed. Features of tfie sale Include a 3 year old Sheik daughter just recently made "Very Good" with a 2 year old BCA of 134- 156, 4.26 test. She sells fresh with a heifer calf by Marlin. Her Dam is also "Very Good" With a BCA of 138-176, 4.73 test. A "Good Plus" daughter of Rockman Justice with a BCA of 176-167, 3.53 test. She Is due In August and sells with her yearling daughter by Karl. Also selling Is a "Good Plus" starllte daughter with a 2 yr. old BCA of 190-177. She has a "Good Plus" dam with a BCA of 144-147, 3.75 test and Is due In September. The cows arc In all stages o( lactation and arc sired by such Unit Sires as Starllte, Successor, Royal Adam and Stylist. Along with the cows, heifers, yearlings and calves will be 10 N.I.P, grades, one cow graded "Very Good" with a 7 year record of 8253 milk, 351 lot, 4.25 test and duo In May, She sells along with her three daughters, Mr, Delange has been a regular consignor over the past lew years and the cattle have done well lor their new owners, Please plan to be with us. Ed McMorrow • Auctioneer, Ed Worry • Sales Agent, Nell Malcolm Sales Manager. 986- 4246, 14-2SN Auction Sales Thursday, April 26th at 1:00 p.m. Giving up farming. Auction sale of farm machinery. The property of Vern Bryan, Lot 1, Con. 7 Eldon Twp. 4 miles east of Woodville to 7th concession - turn north - first farm on right. Deutz 9006 diesel tractor 90 h.p. 16 speed transmission, good shape. Deutz 6006 diesel tractor, 9 speed transmission, 60 h.p. M.F. 880 semi-mount plough 4-16's - hydraulic reset. John Deere tandem disc 12' 6". M.H. 60 pull type combine, bin, auger, pick-up, bean attachment. John Deere 7000 4 row corn planter - excellent. Brillion grass seeder 10'.with acre meter. 8' heavy duty snow blower PTO. Badger liquid spreader 750 gal. PTO - conversion kit - with field sprayer. Super Red Devil 1000 lb. pressure washer. 26 KVA Generator on trailer PTO - new. 14' cart harrows. Allied 4V augar 6" PTO. 100 qai. fuel tank on trailer. 3 pt. utility carrier. John Deere 5' rotary cutter PTO. 3 pt. post hole digger PTO. 3 pt. sub-soiler with ball attachment. 2 Turnco grain boxes with gearing. Allied 14' cultivators pt. 10' chain harrows. John Deere portable oil heater 15,000 BTU. Pipe cutter, pipe vice, bolts, wrenches, tools, used pipe, barn fan, racks for Dodge Vi ton. Pig equipment - sprinkling unit. 4 pig feeders, Cement T slats for hog barn 72 slats 10' x 6". Aston power air. Many other items. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl and Greg Hickson Auctioneers, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959-324-2774. 15-2SN Wednesday, April îutn at 12 noon Unreserved Stock Reduction Auction Sale ol New and Used Farm Machinery The property of Gerry Todd Farm Equipment Ltd. in the village of Millbrook, Ont. M.F. 285 tractor, factory cab, 645 hrs., M.F. 285 tractor, canopy cab 1900 hrs., M.F. super 90 tractor, M.F. 65 diesel, Int. B414diesel with 1501 hydraulic loader, M.F. 35 3 cyl. diesel, Ford Jubilee gas, D Case - live PTO gas, M.F. 246 loader, M.F. 750 combine immaculate, M.F. 410 diesel combine with cab, Quick Attach, tankiiitfgusion, M F - 82 self-propmHréohhblné 10' headgç, M.F. 72 pull type, A-C 72 aùgêr table, M.F. 1143 corn head, Quick Attach demonstrator, M.F. 43 corn head Quick Attach. M.F. 468 corn planter, John Deere 25 row corn harvester, M.F. 124 baler, M.F. 10 baler, M.F. 9 baler, M.F. 9 baler with 22 bale thrower, New 18' bale thrower rack, New Horst running gear, New Wifo bale fork. 1HC 175 Swather self- propelled Triple K5 furrow semi-mount plough, hydraulic re-set Case 5 furrow semimount, semimount, hydraulic re-set. M.F. 345 3 furrow 3 pt. hydraulic reset. reset. 1HC 3 furrow, John Deere 3 furrow, Ford 3 furrow, A-C 3 furrow. M.F. 4 row scuffler 3 pt. Antiques - 1928 M.H. 4 wheel drive tractor on steel. 1938 M.H. Pace Maker (Governor General Vincent Massy's tractor), 1H 1020 tractor on steel, 1H Model H tractor, stover hit and miss motor, 1HC motor, 2 M.H. motors. Miscellaneous. 1978 Chev. Cheyenne Vi ton truck - interior package. New 60" belly mount Woods 3 blade rotary mower - 16' Runabout boat c/w 75 h.p. motor house boat, M.F. power washer 100 P.S.I. hydraulic shop crane. 2 Ford belt pullers, Int. belt pulley, 2 chain saws. Many other items. All machinery subject to prior sale. Parts 10 per cent discount day of sale. Lunch available. Terms cash or financing available if arranged prior to sale. Absolutely no reserve. Sale at 12 noon. Carl and Greg Hickson Auctioneers. Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959 - 324-2774. 15-1SN Saturday, April 28th at 1:30 p.m. Auction sale of farm machinery, some furniture, The property of Paul Walhout, Lot 24, Con. 6. Otonobee Twp. 4 miles east of Peterborough on Hwy. 7 to Keene Tourist Road and 1 mile south (former Ike Hoekstra Farm). M.F. 165 tractor, multi-power, Cockshuft 540 gas tractor with manure loader, 1981 New Holland 488 hay bind. PTO like new. M.F. 10 baler PTO. M.F. 11 side rake. 2 wagons with 8' x 16' racks, Patz 181 manure spreader PTO. Kneverland 3- 16's spring reset plough. George White 10' cultivator 3 pt. 2 sets chain harrows, 4 sections harrows with eveners, 2 bale bunchers, McKee 6W snow blower. 3 pt, blade, 35' hay and grain elevator, 6' rotary mower PTO field sprayer, 24' booms 3 pi. 20' steel leedcr wagon. V type hay feeder on rubber, 2 row corn head lor Gleaner model F-KL238. 40' Patz stable cleaner • chute with stand. Sllomatlc auger feeder. Electric Champion oal roller. 2 DcLaval units, stainless steel palls, strainer and wash tubs. Quantity scrap Iron 16' grain auger 4", Stock fork • many other Items. Portable dishwasher, Maytag washer, dryer, chesterfield, camper trailer, other Items. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:30 p.m, Carl and Greg Hickson Auctioneers, Reaboro, Ont, 705-324-9959-374 2774. 15-3SN Auction Sale Good Friday, April 20 10:30 a.m. Rain or shine Auction held In 100 ft. steel building Property of Continental Construction Company; Darcy L. Mandzuk, Bethany. Location: Lots 23 8. 24, Concession 12, Manvers Township . . . half mile north of 12th line of Manvers on Bethany/Omemee Road (approximately 4'Zz miles north of Bethany or 5 miles south of Omemee). See signs. Builder's Items - mise, transit pipe and cement sewer pipe; cement mixer on trailer with electric motor; 2-8x7 steel garage doors; heatalators (40); prefabricated roof trusses; old pine beams; cement blocks (200); bricks (1,000); well tiles; chimney flue tiles; patio slabs; drainage tile; 6" well casing; rough sawn lumber (2x8, 4x4, 2x6, 1" material); mortar box; steel scaffolds; 200' 3 /a" plastic waterline; 7 bags lime; mise, aluminum mouldings, flat stock, siding and trims; 3 rolls dark brown rolled roofing; 2-cylinder air compressor mounted on trailer powered by ten-horse Honda motor to be sold separately with hoses, nail guns and 5 gallon paint pot; mise. electrical wires, fixtures, service panels, BX; steel shelving; glass front cabinets with adjusting shelves; mise, work counters, saw horses and storage units; insulation; mise, door frames 8, trims; aluminum brake; mise, stairs; paint rollers; putty knives; paint scrapers; hinges; fasteners; lag bolts 8. shields; nuts 8< bolts; machine screws; cotter pins; nails . . . "thousands 8, thousands"; wood stains (30 gallons); mise, paints and glues; liquid fiberated roofing; drywall tape; masking tape; caulking; fire brick; windows; various sizes and quantities insul glass; masonite; several electrical signs; Z-brick and glue; ceramic tiles; electric heat thermostats; pressure tanks for well pumps; 6' used kitchen cupboard with countertop and sink; mise, countertops; 40' wood ladder; aluminum extension ladder; band saw ; lathe; 220 volt table saw; radial arm saw; generator; 4" jointer; grinders; carpet ends. Vehicles, etc. - 1976 Ford van (150), mise, tires, Warn winch) 50 Triumph motorcycle, 1978 GMC with 7'6" Myers power-angle plow. "Hobby-Farmer" Items - 6' set drag discs with weights, 9' drag harrows with draw bar; 6' drag spring-tooth harrows, mise, steel water tanks, 500 gallon steel water tank on trailer, potato digger with steel wheels, potato planter with steel wheels, lime spreader, mise, size fuel storage tanks (e.g. 250, 500 gallon), electric fuel pump, 2- "Johnny-on-the-Spots", snow fences, scrap iron, small pull- type trailer, hand sprayers, 500 lbs. nuts and bolts, one ton mixed fertilizer, shovels, forks, John Deere 40 tractor (reconditioned, good condition), bee hives and frames. "Logging" Items - self-contained buzz saw with Pinto motor and transmission with 30" blade, cedar posts, Koehring Forwarder, chain saws, heavy duty pull chains, tighteners and hoists. Antique Items - wagon frame, desks, tools, metal boxes, washboards and stand, weigh scale on wheels, medicine cabinet,, numerous wooden and metal wagon wheels, doors, chairs, rockers. Household Items - complete set men's hockey equipment, Ski-dooiand equipment, lawn mower, several fridges, water ski, snow skis and boots, etc., roller skates, Ice skates, strawberry carriers a'nd boxes, wood stoves, chesterfields, chairs, daybed, tables, dishes, cabinets, suede suits and coat, baby clothing and items, floor polisher. Special note - At the end of the farm sale, two wooden barns will be offered for sale In the village of Bethany. Barns are located on the west outskirts ol town in the new subdivision. These buildings must be removed by May 19, 1984. Foundations can be removed or left. All wood must be removed from site. A $250.00 property damage deposit will be required and refunded it no damage to grounds occurs. 1) Large 30 x 80 hip roof barn ... excellent condition, must be torn down for subdivision. Good beams, rafters, tin and barn boards, cement foundation. 2) 25 x 30 shed, gable end, one and a half storey, good tin, boards and loft, block foundation. No reserve, all must go. Note time 10:30 a.m. Orval McLean Auctions, 324-2783 Lindsay. 15-2SN YARD SALE Sat., April 14 35 Waverley Rd. 9-5 p.m. Gigantic Garage Sale Saturday, April 14 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 216 University Ave. E., Cobourg Saturday, April 14th Auction Sale of Farm Machinery, Small Items, Furniture and Antiques The property of Gloriadale Farms - Roy and Gloria Philips, Lot 18 Con. 7. Hope Twp. 8 miles south of Hwy. 401 at Port Hope - from 401 take interchange 80 north to Blinker then north to Stone Church - V2 mile west to farm or 10 miles south of Millbrook and '/2 mile west. Int. 504 diesel tractor - power steering, M.F. 35 diesel tractor, M.H. 30 tractor with scuffler attachment. M.F. 80 self propelled combine 10' header - excellent. New Holland 717 forage harvester, 1 row corn and hay head. New Holland 27 blower PTO. M.F. 3-12's plough, John Deere 40 manure spreader PTO, Triple K 12' cultivator with leveler, 8' chain harrow, M.H. 6 blade tiller on rubber, 2 CNR push carts, Dion forage wagon, 2 Gehl self-unloading forage wagons with 10 ton gearing, 2 hay elevators, 3-275 bus. grain wagons with boxes. A-C blower, 50' of 8" pipe, NeW Idea 1 row corn picker, 3 roller bearing wagons with 8' x 16' hay racks. John Deere 2 row corn planter, 3 pt. New cattle head gate, scales, cattle groomer, table saw, V2 h.p. motor, water bowls, heat lamp, hoof trimmers, set of new electric de-horners. Battery operated electric fence, electric brooder fight, large quantity of bolts, lags and screws, quantity of doors and windows, quantity of lumber, quantity of 2" pipe, oil furnace vacuum, 1969 Dodge V2 ton truck, 6 cylinder 3' speed. Antique brass register (for bar). Solid walnut Hibbard dining room suite - square table, 5 chairs, 1 arm chair, china cabinet, buffet, rocker, rawhide luggage, butter churn, large coffee grinder, 3 ladders - new painted chest of drawers, 2 portable T.V.'s, G.E. portable air heater, large upholstered, arm chair, Philco fridge - excellent, old style electric toaster, plate glass mirror, 2 cartons floor tile. White . sewing machine and cabinet, like new, light fixtures, hot , water tank, many other items. Furniture sale at 11:00 a.m. Small items at 11:30 a.m. Farm, machinery at 1:00 p'm: This is a large sale - plan fo attend. Terms cash. No. reserve. Carl and Greg" Hickson Auctioneers.' 1 . Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-995.5),£' 324-2774. 13-3SN 1 .' Wednesday, April 18 - 11a.m. Holsteins Complete Delmore Holsteinj- Dispersal for Grant F. Parrott and family, Woodville, Ont., selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge. 60 head, 25 milk cows, reg. listed, R.O.P.. tested, 4 Very Good including a Very Good red cow due in June to Nugget - Red. She has a lovely 3 yr. old by Kay Elevator due in August. Heifers and calves are very well grown. Several by Warden, Cutlass 8< Stylist. This sale will be followed by the April Consignment Sale. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 15-1S GARAGE SALE April 12 -13-14 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 15 Little Ave. Clothing, lurniture, odds and ends. Also handmade crafts lor ■ Easter. Handmade dolls, sweaters, etc. 15-1S ; FARM SOLD YARD BARN SALE Dozens of articles Sat. and Mon. 14 & 16 April 1D-1S Rain dales April 21 and 23 Turn left (Easl) oil 57 Highway at Burketon turn oil - follow road, turn led (north) 1st (only) turn - cross tracks and continue north past cross road - 1st place on' west side ol road (signs). Oliver 3 ■ pt. hay mower, MH hay mower and rake, oil tanks, truck rack lor ' V? ton truck, litter carrier and track and gales, barrels, ladders, T.V. tower sections, copper tub washer, washer/spin dryer, dryer, oil lurnaco (lube type), oil burner and gun assembly, chains, chesterfields and matching chairs, drapes, dishes, crocks, old healer, oil space heater, end tables, bods, crow bars, picks, shovel heads, axe trends, forks, small pressure tanks, gear pumps, cistern lypo hand pump, pipe linings, plastic pipe,, generators, motors, 7500 wall generator, metal window frames, old trailer, gang plow, old bench saw, bucksaw, cross cut saw, ouncnl scales, tiros and wheels, jugs, barb wire, 2 sets boll cullers, heavy hammers, sledges, slone masons, splllllng sledge, pulleys, 550 voll Ian, sriws, squiite chimney lllo, mower Knife guards, (factor speed jack 5:1. Much mom, Phone 263-2141 (Hemplon) Night* for Information. Earl Fowler (2 mile* eaat ol Burkelon) 15-IS