} i The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 9,1984 Section Two Celebrated 1st Birthday Sun Brie Butter 1 lb. Print Neilson's 2% Milk 4 litre bag 2.49 OREEN GIANT, FANCY, WHOLE KERNEL REGULAR, FINE Oft EXTRA FINE GRINDS, FROZEN, CONCENTRATED, APPLE OR ORANGE EXTRA SMOOTH OR EXTRA CRUNCH ' vs 4 - ' ' ' '• Ai ; ; • ASSOfuB) COLORS, Hi! My name is Adam and I was one year old March 7, 1984. My proud parents are Ted and Elizabeth Walton. My very special grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Walton and my great grandma is Mrs. Elsie Walton, all from Newcastle. Women's Missionary Society Holds Rally ' ÊÊIÈ- Wednesday, April 25, saw fifty-three women of the Women's Missionary Society of Peterborough Presbyterial making their way to St. Andrew's «Presbyterian Church Burnbrae for their Spring Rally. President Mrs. Jean Coull constituted the meeting with prayer and Mrs. Ruth Cater welcomed us to Burnbrae. Mrs. Ruth Kee, Mrs. Rena Hutchison and Mrs. Jean Estrabrooks of St. Stephen's, Peterborough conducted a worship service on the theme by ye doers of the word not hearers only. Reports from the delegates to Toronto-Kingston Synodical, Synodical, held in Knox Presbyterian Church, Sudbury were given the reports which were very interesting and informative. Mrs. Ruth Kee, Literature Secretary reviewed several adult and children's books which were available at the literature table. A bountiful lunch was served served by the Burnbrae ladies and the afternoon session opened with a hymn sing led by Mrs. Faye McMillan, Havelock and the delegates who attended Synodical. 1 Mrs. Joan Billen, Mrs. Cathy Twigg, and Mrs. Sharron Nelson sang He Touched Me accompanied by church organist Mr. Gerald Taylor. Miss Agnes.Hislop, missionary missionary on furlough from India was introduced by Mrs. Audrey Jeffery, Cobourg. Miss Hislop told of her work with the church of North India. She felt grateful that the Church of North India is now run by native Indians. It was a wonderful experience watching the Indian people become independent and strong in their faith, no longer dependent on foreign missionaries. missionaries. Mrs. Dorothy Young of Warkworth very gratiously thanked everyone who had participated and Mrs: Ruth Kee closed the meeting with prayer. The Fall Rally is to be in Grace Church, Millbrook, Sept. 26, the speaker from Presbyterian World Development. Development. MOUNTAIN DEW OR ALL VARIETIES OF _ 750 mL BTL. Pepsi-Cola PLUS ,30 PEP. PER RTL. SWEET TOMATO, HOT VEGETABLE MIX OR BEETS 'N' ONION 500 mL TO 750 mL JAR Bick's Salad Bar BICK'S, FANCY Fruit Salad James Insurance BROKER LIMITED DOUG JAMES ELEANOR DAMANT GAYLE WINDSOR 24 King St. East, Bowmanville 623-4406 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountancy WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 35 King SI. W., Newcastle Telephone 987-4240 WM.J.H, COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowrrpnville Phone 623-3612 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 118 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 WINTERS, SUTHERLAND & MOASE Chartered Accountants 23 Silver SI., Bowmanville 623-9461 49 Division St., Osnawa 579-5659 Dental PATRICK G.DEEGAN DENTURETHERAPY CLINIC 5 George St. 623-4473 Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. 8:30-5:00 Friday 8:30-noon Computers ANDY BATELAAN B.A. Consultant Programmer Software Development Maplo Grove Rd. N. Bowmanville 623-2375 Chiropractic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment LEONARD JAY, B.Sc., D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 96 Queen Street Bowmanville Phone 623-9297 JOHN W. HAWRYLAK, D.C., F.C.C.R. Doctor ol Chiropractic Certified Roentgenologist Nutritional Counselling 168 Church St. Bowmanville 623-4004 LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor ol Chiropractic 306 King St. West Oshawa L1J2J9 Phone 433-1500 Naturopathic Medicine LAURENCE A. GREY, N.D. Doctor of Naturopathy Nutrition, homeopathic and botanical medicine; Colonic therapy & acupuncture 306 King SI. West Oshawa Lt J 2J9 Phone 433-1500 CERTIFIED FOOT REFLEXOLOGIST Cheryl Frlede 270 King St, East, Bowmanville 623-4004 PRODUCT OF U.S.A., CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Celery Stalks / j j - v v T , -\ \ U ) : J i'-uj V EA. PRODUCT OF U.SA, CANADA EXTRA FANCY, Anjou flrsTiriT 4 . 4%OZ J kg PRODUCT OF U.S.A., CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, NEW CROP & A! White <- -o4fc Potatoes .29, PRODUCT OF U.S.A., CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, ^ f\f\ = Cucumbers 2 Fon .99 . PRODUCT OF U.S.A., CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, Dl "ICEBERY VARIETY" PRODUCT OF U.S.A, Strawberries ^ .89 PRODUCT OF U.S.A., CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, OrVTTte Cob 5 FOR 1.79 . Lettuce EA .69 | PRODUCT OF U.S.A., a Avocadoes Z F0R .99 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, ta | Alfalfa r\ 141 g qa ' Qnmi itc plain OR J 401 XU OprOUlS WITH RADISH ta PKGS. aUw PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, CANADA FANCY GRADE McIntosh U. 1.36 kg J Apples W B % 1.79 Mother... Sunday May 13 Is Your Day! . AN IDEAL MOTHER'S DAY GIFT - > Potted Mums fpS? 4.59 AMORELLA, f\f\ Fruit Flavored Candies pkg 9 .99 FROZEN, SARA LEE OHO Pecan Coffee Cake n pm z Z* 19 FROZEN, 5 INCH SIZE, 4-PACK, CHEESE, PEPPERONI OR DELUXE Torino's Crispy /> Crust Pizzas M09 p t k°g. m ° 9 2.49 100% PURE FROM CONCENTRATE, CHILLED, UNSWEETENED I FBI Grapefruit QQ or Orange Juice oz. bt'l. >vv ASSORTED VARIETIES Primo Pasta f ' ) Lf' j-v 900 g (X, " ; Ub|j PKG. ' - Heinz Ketchup (\rx 1 L 1 1 , ; v : : KEG-0 BTL. / ASSORTED FLAVORS, VALIANT, FLAVORED 428 g TO Drink Mix Crystals pkg 9 Hunt's Tomato sw to Paste or Sauce oz! tin .w SEMI-SWEET, BUTTERSCOTCH OR CHOCOLATE MINT Chipits H nn Baking Chips pkg 9 1 .99 ivOJJ ,Juv. V - ;,i . J./V. v.V.U - uV;\3.Ji3 / . t-iit. ... ' ■v y. VJJ, . ' ; . ; vj' ; J Jy -;V' : v : OLD DUTCH, Liquid Bleach 3.6 L JUG .99 THREE STAR, LIQUID, Fabric Softener 3.6 L BTL. 1.69 FACELLE ROYALE, ASSORTED COLORS, 3-PLY Facial Tissue BOX OF 100 .79 HOME OVEN, Hamburger or Wiener Buns PKG. OF 8 .59 /uJ-.O'MXXJL ; ' r tv ;: :,- ; ,y,Y. iJv'J SK-H'i'CAX': ' '/J, Country Crisp Snack REGULAR OR SCENT II Carpet Fresh Deodorizer BONUS OF 50 mL MORE, ASSORTED VARIETIES (EXCEPT XX) Am'd 250 mL Antiperspirant tin 1.99 REGULAR OR EXTRA BODY Finesse Conditioner or Shampoo 200 1.99 REGULAR OR MINT Aquafresh fSSd i ootnpaste tube .99 Esso Liquid Firestarter tin .99 CON?. 1.99 MAPLE LEAF, Lump Charcoal ^ 2.29 S'i Ù:;E ÏYtOKiiD, V'.V .AlNCI-fi ' ■ : ê'M ' Lwj (' O't |v' : E : ! a Ji.it'; i JOJ, CUT SUC,:, CAiJADA GRADE VA TA.AA "is'i ro c»iT rjrss" \ ,1 : A' jA'.UA T: : Juiui v rvj , 7 V: • ' SLICED feSI | 8S)M ! ! • 1 > ! ■ c:i iiOOu JJv.J. SUN SQUEEZE, CHOICE Pure Apple Juice rmaPork Sausages 500 g PKG. 2.25 SELECTED POPUUR VARIETIES -- _ SLICED, Sandwich kË^Meats 175 g PKG. .99 COOKED BREADED PIECES Fried tiSChicken SMOKED PORK (^Breakfast imÿSlices Pride of Canadg Smokie^^e - , Dogs VJS® ^ 1.99 CUT FROM CANADA GRADE 'A* BEEF "FOR BRAISING" 3.73/., 1.69 ib. Pride of Canada Pepperoni Sticks PRICES EFFECTIVE WED., MAY 9 TO SAT., MAY 12, 1984. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. People Come First at (TJfrh Values effective only at [ŒEJ GRAHAM'S IGA 77 KING STREET EAST 623-4161 BOWMANVILLE --WE DELIVER FOR A NOMINAL CHARGE --