The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 13, 1984 3 Fo rthcom ing Marriage m l mfti i-;ji ! Ur i !| t il ! ; l "l ll >■ il il ll ;,l il 1 ,.* il j ij|>: M . l : !>1 , I V" 1 *.l «* ptr- Byline... By Peter Parrott V Mr. and Mrs. W. Grundy are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Sharon to Brian, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. White. Ceremony to take place at St. John's Anglican Church, July 28th at 3 o clock. West Durham District Appreciation Dance uWaugüe ^Wedding The Reverend L. Lewis officiated at the wedding ceremonies of Wendy Susan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Naugle, Sharon, and Kevin Wayne Gray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Gray, DON'T LET WILDFIRES BE R.R. 3, Bowmanville, on Saturday, May 5th, 1984, at 4 p.m. in Queens ville United Church. Given in marriage by her fattier, the bride wore a formal poly chiffon gown which featured full sleeves, high neckline, sheer bodice and attached chapel train. The bodice and sleeves were beautifully trimmed with lace and pearls as was her derby styled hat, to which a double tiered veil was worn. She carried a cascade corsage of, roses, orchids and baby's breath. .. Best man was Rick Mackey, and the usners were Doug Eldridge, a cousin, and David Smith. The reception was held at the Queensville Community Centre. Prior to the wedding the bride was honoured at miscellaneous showers given by aunts of the groom Beverly Burtch and Betty Vailier and by Mrs. Anne Smith, also a stagette given by Terry Tuck. The groom was honoured at a stag given by Rick Mackey. Mr. and Mrs. Gray are now residing in Oshawa, at Nonquon Road. i Photo On Saturday, June 2, 1984, the West Durham Scouting Council held its annual Appreciation Appreciation and Awards Dinner and Dance at the Orono Community Community Centre, A large crowd of about 120 people attended the event. There is no doubt that Scouting Scouting remains a dynamic force in the communities in West Durham District. No less than 78 Achievement Awards, long service awards and Special awards were presented after the dinner. Bill Tomlinson of Orono was the Master of ceremonies for the evening. The Orono Scouting Scouting Association served up an excellent roast beef dinner. Special guests for the evening were Mayor and Mrs. Garnet Rickard of the Town of Newcastle Newcastle and Mr. Roy Anger who had presented District Council with a stuffed beaver. Mayor Rickard is Honorary Chief Scout of West Durham District and gave a short, entertaining and inspirational talk to the Scouters. District Commissioner Commissioner Bert Watson and 1st Vice President Dan Bonikow- sky gave Annual reports regarding regarding activities of District Council covering the last Scouting year. The presentation of awards were as follows: Wood Badge Part 1 for Beaver Leaders - Susan And Picture Winning A Joumeylnto imagination Ulalt Disney Uloild, GFGOTCGriTER Imagine winning one of 4 family vacations to the Walt Disney World Epcot Center via Eastern, the official airline of Walt Disney World, including a stay at the magnificent Hilton Hotel plus $500 (U.S.) in Thomas Cook Travellers Cheques. You could also win one or 100 KODAK Disc 8000 cameras. Conlosl open to all Canadian residents 18 and over. No purchase purchase necessary to enter contest. Contest closes October 1, 1984. Approximate retail value of grand prizes, each consisting consisting of a trip for four people, is $3,550. Approximate retail value of KODAK Disc 8000 cameras is $130 (each). Trip must be taken starting January.23, 1985 and ending January 27, 1985. To win, selected entrants will be requiredio corteclly answer a lime limited mathematical skill-testing question. Entry forms and conlosl rules and regulations available at Lange's Photo Lab 50 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-2568 Hit Him man y m. it 4* EASTERN Hii:roNï4 Thomas FimAmu Cook m PAPER lot the Good Look .WIU WAIT DISNEY PKODUCIIONS NOTICE ANNUAL MEETING MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, BOWMANVILLE CORPORATION Wednesday, June 20,1984 8:00 p.m. COUNCIL CHAMBERS 132 Church Street BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO FOR PURPOSES OF: 1. Flearing Reports . 2. Report of Hospital Auditors 3. By-law Amendment * 4. Election of Directors * Notice of motion is hereby given to amend Article 3(2) of the By-laws to provide (or Regional Council representation on the Board of Directors. Guys and Gals Shear Magic 28 Division St. Bowmanville Introduces JUNE SPECIALS Goldwell Internationals Bio-Curl Reg. $45.00 Now$37.00 Often sold elsewhere for $70.00 Attention Students! Jazzing Reg. $15.00 now$12.00 New Polyester Nails Reg. $40.00 Now $30 «00 Call us now Gwen, Kathy and Sue 623-1341 mt BOW MANVII I.»: Miller, Mary Jackson, Ian Wilson, Linda Bentley, A1 Hyland, Ron Mayer, Mel Roche, Tina Sterk, Pauline Wilson, Scott Yeo, Sandra Denise, Donna Lepard, Kevin Bates, Larry MacDonald, June Ollerenshaw, Hennie Van Munster. Wood Badge Part 1 for Cub Leaders - Cathy Brooks, Terry Kelsey, Sheila Roche, Don Peddar, Janet Lynn, Marg Hill, Jim Coyle, Linda Sutherland, Sutherland, Bob Barrett, Libby Bennett, Linda Brown, Bob Cook-Abbott, Penny- Anne Davidson, Bob Good- murphy, David Hawke, Walt Hollander, Janet Phoenix, Frances Suter, Ron Whitbread, Whitbread, Dave Johnson, Marion Sneed, Margo Simcox. Wood Badge Part 2 - Cubs - Marg Hill, Janet Lynn. Wood Badge Part 2 - Scouts - Tony Clements, Jamie Cowan. Wood Badge Part 1 - Scouts - Bob Smith, A1 Bentley, Chris Clark, Grant Snowden, Larry Evans, Ed Banks, Russ Lipop. Regional Council Committees i By Michele Lorenzo , It was decided at .the June 6 meeting of Durham Regional Regional Council that an election election would be held in two weeks, to elect new chairmen chairmen and vice-chairmen of the regional government's management, planning, public works, finance and health services committees. Council voted to overrule the present system where committee heads and members members serve a. three year term. Councillor John DeHart was definitely in favor of the change. "I think a year- and-a-half on a committee is long enough. I can't see why we have to stay three years. We should be given the opportunity to move from one committee to another." The vote on the issue was 17 for and 10 against with three councillors absent, short of the two-thirds majority required to defeat it. "A person may want to move from one committee to another," said Councillor Laurie Cahill, "Especially in a small locale where you may have to cover all committees." committees." In opposing the motion Garnet Rickard, mayor of the town of Newcastle, had suggested the changes be implemented' at the beginning beginning of the next council's term. Service Team Part 1 - Tony Clements, Julie Harris, Sandra Hinton, Dave Cox. Trainer Development Part 1 - Maureen Van Sheik, Dave Stainton, Dave Cox, Bill Tomlinson. Campmaster Course - Bill Tomlinson. Group Committee Course - Linda Bentley, Carol Barrett. Outdoor Skills Course - Linda Bentley, Bob Barrett, Janice Lynn, A1 Bentley, Carol Barrett, Marg Hill. 5 Year Service Pins - Donna Edwards, Daphne Whiten, Marion Sneed, Don Scott, Les Knowlton, Bill Edwards, Albert Watson, Randy Walters, Les Garrison, Betty Cowan, Hugh Coutts, Julie Harris, Sandra Hinton. 10 Year Medals - Ross Dunning, Ian Wilson, Pauline Wilson. 15 Year Service Pin - Betty Charland. A special fràmed picture was presented to the District Commissioner's wife, Pat Watson for her enthusiasm and exuberance at a recent outing she attended in which she portrayed the legendary Peter Pan. The night concluded with an evening of dancing. Bigger Pictures Plus Fast Accurate Service FREE! 5x7 Enlargement with every C41-110, 126-135 film processed. INSTANT PASSPORT PHOTOS OSHAWA CAMERA CENTRE LTD 728-4631 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE (ACROSS FROM THU PHONE CENTRE) Don't you wish you'd kept up the piano lessons lessons when you were a kid? It's the feeling a lot of us experience when we hear top-notch musicians musicians strike up a tune while we can only sit in the audience and tap our feet. Well, one of the musicians musicians at a concert in Bowmanville High School last month is living living proof that you don't have to spend your childhood at the keyboard to grow up and become a performing performing artist. I'm referring to an individual. individual. named Doug Hamilton. Actually, he's Dr. Doug Hamilton to non-musicians, since he happened to be a physician long before he decided to take up an instrument. At age 38, the doctor began to learn trombone trombone alongside his son, who was studying the instrument in high school. The result? Well, those attending the St. Paul's United Church concert series atB.H.S. could judge for themselves. themselves. The late-blooming late-blooming musician is now the leader and founder of a five-man trombone band which is backed by a full, four-piece rhythm section. In fact, the doctor is the only non-professional musician musician in the group which calls itself The Brass Connection. The group has two re cords to its credit, including including one which won a 1981 Juno Award for best jazz recording, and another, more recent work, which is called "A New Look". The Brass Connection has opened the Ontario Place Jazz Festival in 1981 and played at other festivals too numerous to mention here. Of course, the success of the Brass Connection must depend on every musician in the group. But it seems to me that it is also due to the efforts efforts of one man who decided 11 years ago that he wouldn't let his age or previous experience experience stand in the way of a dream. I can't imagine a more commendable or courageous act. All of us have a few things in the back of our minds that we'd like to do if we won a million dollars or if we were 20 years younger, or if could rid ourselves of some other extenuating circumstance which seems to put a mountains mountains between ourselves ourselves and our objectives. Take a look a someone someone like the leader of The Brass Connection and you'll discover evidence evidence that reasonable goals are reachable at almost any age. It all depends on ourselves ourselves and the extent to which we need or want to achieve the goal. Hmm. I wonder if there are any used trombones kicking around? KEEP CANADA GROWING -rh PLANT/ "^We'/te the ^est in Sight' shorney's opticians BRIAN C LARSON -- Manager 30 KING ST. WEST BOWMANVILLE 623-4477 Is this your word processor? She may be first-rate but can she handle it all? WE CAN HELP! • Excellent Turnaround time • Typed reports, proposals, resumes and correspondence • Manuscripls ' • Personalized mailings ALL DONE ON OUR WORD PROCESSOR Interested In Training? Call 579-2917 for complete details. WORD PROCESSING CENTRE 65 Albert Sired Oshawa THURSDAY, JUNE 14th, 1984 FEATURING OPEN WINDOW BAKERY PRODUCTS SPECIALS VIENNA ASSORTED COLD CUTS $0-59 O LB. BUY ONE LOAF OF FRENCH BREAD AND GET ONE 66 EDAM CHEESE $JJ.59 LB. NCEAVS DELICATESSEN 29I ISI ST. EAST H WMANVIII I 623-1533 ait