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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jul 1984, p. 14

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14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 4,1984 i ( Phone 623-3303 Phone Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m. Vandergaast Roofing Ltd. Over 35 years' experience in all types of roofing Workmanship Guaranteed For F REE Estimate Phone 623-7400 or 623-9595 21-tfS D.T. DAVIES LTD. BOWMANVILLE Complete Landscape Service Planting Pruning Roto-tilling Slone Work Wood Work Wood Fencing Flag Poles Lawn Maintenance CHECK 0ÜR PRICE ON PRE-FAB FENCE 6' David Davies 263-2752 19-tfSN WATER wells bored, 30 tile. Ward's Well Boring. Telephone 416-372-302:5. Representative Harry. L. Wade. T elephone 416-987-4531. NEED a pressure system? Water Softeners? Repairs to all makes. Harvey Partner, Orono 98 3-5206, Bowmanville, 623-2301. 4-tfSN Refrigeration and Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days 623-5774 Nights 623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC - 2-tfS ^Wall Taping, Finishing, Spray Stucco, Ceilings, Plaster Repairs, Painting. Phone Wally Lucyk 987-4694 NEWCASTLE : 24-tlSN Auction Sale of Collectables for George and Norma Wolfe 1 st Concession of Cartwright First farm east of . 57 Highway or 4 miles South East of Blackstock Selling on Monday, July 16 at 6 p.m. List of articles in next week's paper. Cliff Pethick Auctioneer. 27-1SN Auction Sale Tues., July 10th at 11 a.m. 23 CaristrapSt., Bowmanville 401 to Liberty SI, N. to Base Line, east approx. 4'/2 miles to Jenson Steel, right on Carislrap. Watch for signs. Having received instructions from.F. Alan Lawson, Trustee in Bankruptcy we are clearing the assets of Southwood Industries Ltd. c.o.b. as Canadian Waterbed Co. plus two small bankruptcies including 8' Buffering stroke sander, General drill press (floor model), Centauro 30" band saw, Boice crane router, Concord 20" planer, 20" disc sander, belt sander, Quicy 10 h.p. air compressor, Devilbiss 10 ft, spray booth (3 mo. old), Devilbiss hot and cold Lacquer Danckaert horizontal drill shaper, Ferro shaper, 2 auto, feeds, 5 h.p. dust collector. Acme 550 to 440 transformer Dewalt table saw (220. volt), electric boxes, shelving, 2 electric lift trucks, clamps, nailer air tools, 2V2 h.p. 10" Craftsman radial arm saw, 10ft. aluminum brake, 2 H.D, skill saws, cement mixer, 4 and 5 draw laterial mixer, 2 - 32 ft. aluminum ladder, 7 assorted desks, 2,3, 4 & 5 draw laterial flics, 2, 3, 4 dr. files, calculators, executive desk and r.redcza, chairs, typewriters, Bond photocopier, new stock, 3 bookcase waterbeds, armoire (Highboy) night tables, comforters, sheet set ensemble, mattress pads, plus many other articles, 7 14' aluminum boats, 6 motors, Evlnrudc 9.5 and 9.9, 1 large new Chrysler motor, 9.9, 1979 Ford van, 1977 Monte Carlo, loaded, Note time 11 a,m. Excellent sale of large woodwork machinery. Plan to attend, McLean Auction and Liquidations, 576-7550 and 686- 3291 on Site 623-2717. 27-1SNP Auction Sale Pethick's Auction Bam Haydon 1 mile east of Enniskillen on Sat., July? 7 p.m. 3 single beds, kitchen table with 6 chairs, 2 chesterfields and chairs, double bed, stereo hi-fi, record player, T.V. and radio, 2 T.V.'s, 4 pc. bedroom suite, dining room table, electric stove, automatic washer (large size), odds and ends. Loads of small articles. Terms cash or good cheque. Cliff Pethick Auctioneer. 27-1SNP Thursday, July 12,6:30 p.m. Antique Sale at Orval McLean Auction Centre Lindsay. Property of Pearl Wilson & others 47" roll top desk, antique beds, settee, parlour chairs, tables, oak table and chairs, old keys, sideboards, cupboards, bookcases, china cabinets, Heintzman upright piano, Dominion piano, dressers, wash stands, rug, oval table, quantity antique china and dishes. A good sale. 6:30 sharp. To consign phone 705- 324-2783 Orval McLean Auctions, Lindsay. 27-2SNP Auction Sale Friday, July 6th 7:00 p.m. At our centre located 6 miles north of Port Hope on Hwy. 28. Antiques and collectables including cupie doll, antique movie projector and films, trunks, arm chairs, 19 interior and exterior doors, 2 - 4 burner electric ranges, freezer, stereos, vacuums, lot of 3' fluorescent light fixtures, 6 h.p. outboard motor and tank, gas lawn mowers, bicycles, beds, garden tools, wafer pump and tank, chain saw, 2 new 15" aluminum rims, solid pine dresser, telephone.table, pictures, plus 100's of other good, articles. Grant & Wheeler Auctioneers Ltd. R.R.2, Port Hope 416-797-2127. 27-1SNP Lindsay Flea & Farmers Market on Little Britain Rd. beside McLean Auction Barn Now Open ' Every Friday 2 to 9 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. New and used"flea items, farm produce, yard sales, new mattress, discount center, sport clothes and shoes, dress shoes, crafts, deli meats, lunch and chip bar, free draw. Vendors wanted. 324-2783 Lindsay or come this weekend. 26-6SN C. Tinline Auction Service 251 Simpson Ave. S., Bowmanville , July 7 at 6:30 p.m. Liberty SI. S., East at Base Line over bridge, turn right on Simpson Ave. S. to end of road Partial listing: nearly new chrome kitchen set, modern oak bedroom suite with armoire, dresser and mirror, double bed and mattress, night table, (all in excellent condition), large display cabinet 5' wide x V high, rocking chair, built-in dishwasher, dresser and mirror, 2 portable sewing machines, 2 Victorian arm chairs, Boston rocker, cash register, answering machine, office chairs and table, paintings, tools, barrel trolley, bench grinder, wire feed for M.I.G. set of weights, good snow tires, metal train set, Gingerbread clock, glassware, pottery, oil lamps, plus many other good articles. Terms cash, cheque or chargex. Auctioneer Clarence Tinline. Bus. phone 623-6744 and home 983-9634. 27-1SNP Saturday, July 7th Auction Sale of Farm Machinery The property of Karl Bissig, lot 12, con. 8 Mara Twp. 5 miles north of Brechin on Hwy. 12 to 9th concession of Mara - east 1 mile to first farm on right. 1977 Zetor 8011 diesel tractor 85 N.P, • cab - power steering. M.F. 175 diesel tractor, power steering with M.F. manure loader. M.F. 35 diesel tractor. Kneverland 3- 16's hydreln plough 3 pt, 1981 M.F. 925 hay bind PTO. 1979 New Holland 579 tandem manure spreader PTO. 1982 John Deere 660 side rake - 3 wheels. 1982 Inland windrow turner 3 pt, New Holland 707 forage harvester 3 pt. 1 row corn head with hay pick-up. 2 Rex self unloading forage boxes - 1 with roof. 2 • 8 ton running gear. New Holland 27 forage blower - Whirl Feed PTO. 1978 New Holland 273 baler PTO. Agrltlc automatic bale stookcr. M.F. 12' cultivator 3 pt. John Deere 10' disc 3 pi. Allied 32' hay elevator, electric hammer mill, 2 roller bearing wagons with racks, 20' wide spread feeder on wagon. M.F. 16 run seed drill, Lincoln electric welder, 400 sheets used steel 36" x 10'. 150 cedar posts, quantity used lumber, wood stovo, tools, work bench with vice, full line of machinery. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.in, Carl and Greg Hickson, Auctioneers. Reaboro, Ont, 705-324-9959 • 324-2774. 26-2SN Saturday, July? Sale time: 10:30 a.m. Auction sale of 2 tractors, good line of farm machinery, many tools and some furniture, property of MRS. EDGAR TREMBLE, l.Smiles east of Raglan on Cone. 9, R.R. 1, Oshawa. iractors: A/C 190 XT with cap, A/C 160 with 42 inch manure bucket and loader, N.H. 273 baler with thrower - good, 4 bale thrower wagons 18 ft. racks, A/C 390 mower conditioner, 9 ft., New Idea side rake, forage harvester and 2 forage wagons, Dion blower - long feeder, J.D. 10 ft. discs, 3 furrow 14 inch plough, A/C tool bar cultivator with wings, manure spreader, sprayer, bush hog, cement mixer, White post hole auger, fertilizer spreader, 3 round bale feeders, cattle squeeze and headgate, 2 cattle oilers, grain auger, snowblower, chain harrows, 2 h.p. compressor, 16 ft. trailer with duals, 3 feeders on wheels, one flat wagon, riding lawn mower, chain saw, Stewart clippers, hyd. jacks, 2 block and tackles, tap and dye sets, torque wrenches, full line of wrenches, bench saw, planer, electric bit sharpener, work benches, 315 router, 7 inch electric saw, metal sander, pipe threader and cutters, 2 vises, 2 stage oxy-acetylene welding set, electric fencers. FURNITURE: Coldspot refrigerator, chesterfield and chair, air conditioner, kerosene heater, C.B. radio, coffee tables and end tables, plus many more useful items for farm and home. Tools and furniture will sell first - 10:30 a.m. NOTE: This sale called due to the sudden death of Mr. Tremble. Terms cash or good cheque. Lunch available. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for any accident or injury in connection with this sale. Sale managed and sold by Auctioneer Don Cochrane. 985-2788. 27-1SN Auction Sale Sat., July 7,1984 at 1 p.m. Property of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morrison, Main St., Orono, Ont. First house S. of Somerville on West side of Main St., Va mile from Hwy. 115. Family leaving province, everything must go -- no .reserve - entire household contents and consignments.' One owner 1973 Pontiac LeMans, 2 door V-8 automatic, P.S., P.B., 70,000 original miles, new muffler, new water pump, new vinyl roof, 5 pc. sectional sofa, 5 pc. dining room suite (fabric chairs, glass table fop), some antiques, half-moon table, 104 year old clock from Holland, dishes from the old country, European bed 30" steel frame, lamps and fixtures, 40 or 50 - 45 R.P.M. records from Holland, Kenmore dishwasher, Kenmore freezer, dressers, chests of drawers, casual fable with 4 director's chairs, Super Cycle girl's 10 speed bicycle in new condition, stereo with 8 track and cassettes, steamer trunk, sewing machine, 19" black and white T.V., 20" RCA XL - 100 portable color T.V. with built-in converter and remote video tape recorder (2 yrs. old), Zenith video director Beta 3 format with remote and 5 tapes - is camera ready, plus much more. DLS Auction Service 723-7938, Dale Smith, Auctioneer. 27-1SN Thursday evening, July 5,6 p.m. Auction sale of furniture, antiques, tools and horse equipment selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, 2 mi. north of Uxbridge, the property of William Wiles, Mt. Albert, plus the contents of an older home, owners moving to Parkview. Including 6 pc. walnut bedroom suite, antique rocker, bookcase with drop front desk, oak desk & chair, 2 39" beds, dining table and 6 chairs, blanket box, washer 'and dryer, a set of 8 pine antique chairs, set of 4 pine chairs, twin beds, pictures and frames, linens, 2 bedside tables, Singer touch and sew machine, metal filing cabinet, solid copper warming pan, drum table, tapestry pictures, radio and record player with 8 track with 4 speakers, 2 copper jugs, iron kettles, piano stool, wood burning fireplace, kitchen suite, kitchen electrical appliances, child's china tea service, antique Eaton sewing machine, Bavarian cut glass bowl, cut glass candy dish with lid, cut glass decanter, chests of drawers, brass bed, antique walnut what-not, Craftsman 10" radial sawwith stand, Beaver table saw, power saw, 9' x 12' tent, various camping items, Movie camera and projector, Durst enlarger with cabinet, 8 mm. viewing editor, glassware and dishes, JAP Diesel Generator - 3.5 kw., wheel barrow, several rolls roofing, Craftsman 10 h.p. snowblower (excellent), 16' trailer (steel, to bo assembled), set of heavy double harness complete with bridles • brass mounted (this harness has had very little use and Is in excellent condition), single horse show buggy with wire spokes and air tires, single driving harness, western horse saddle, western pony saddle, set of double pony harness, 2 18" pony collars, Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 26-2S Fire Sale By Public Auction for Seacock's Hardware On Thursday, July 12th at 1 p.m. at Blackstock Everything out of this hardware store. Selling at no reserve. Terms cash. Cliff Pethick Auctioneer. 27-1SN Corneil's Auction Barn Friday, July 6 at 6:30 3 pc. modern bedroom suites, 6 pc. dinette suite, 2 door refrigerator, console color T.V., love seat, wash stands, pine hutch, antique dressers, chest of drawers, power hack saw, wicker fern stand, chesterfields, G.E. electric lawn mower, A.F.M. 5 h.p. garden tiller, 8 h.p. M.T.D. riding lawn mower, new Makita 10" power mitre, grinders, jigsaw, etc. 1971 Starcraft hard fop trailer, quantity of china and glass. Don Cornell Auctioneer. R.R. 1, Little Britain. 705-786-2183. 27-1 SN Thursday, July 5,6:30 p.m. at Orval McLean Auction Centre - Lindsay Property of Mrs. L. Stewart, Lindsay And other consignments, furniture, appliances, some antiques, Westinghouse dryer, 2 power lawn mowers, radiant heater, 3 pc. chesterfield set, chrome set, Simplicity square wringer washer, 2 office desks, cedar chest, pine bureau, flowered chesterfield, swing mirror, library table, good Kenmore auto, washer, McClary dryer, Beatty frost free refrigerator, Kenmore 30"auto. electric stove, beds, large shelves, excellent 3 pc. solid bedroom suite, rugs, rust recliner, Hammond sounder electric organ, china cabinet, upright piano, portable dish washer, treadle sewing machine, trunks, beds, king size bed, other furniture, tools, 30 bicycles, 12 ft. fibreglass boat, box trailer, Suzuki 75 c.c. motor bike. 6:30 sharp. Bicycles first. To sell housefuls, apartments or estates call 324-2783. McLean Auctioneers Lindsay. 27-1SN Auction Sale Saturday, July 7 1:00 p.m., 8 Brown St., Port Hope For Hilton Spicer Coldspot fridge, Kenmore 24" range, Kenmore microwave, maple stand, china cabinet, platform rocker, floor lamps, oil lamp, mantle clock, sewing cabinet, pine cupboard, typewriter and table, 3 speed fan, crock, kitchen utensils, assorted dishes, glassware, etc!, 5 drawer chest, vacuum, ll cu. ft. chest freezer, old fridge, bench vise, saws, files, hammers, block tackle, aluminum ladder, nails, bolts, screws, B & D bench vise, wood lathe, drills, band saw, C clamps, bar clamps, step ladder, Craftsman 8" radial arm saw, snow blower, 20' extension ladder, shaping chisels, , brace-bitt, 20" electric mower, 'A and V2 h.p. motors, tool sets, 7'A Skil saw, 'A and V2 rev. drills, disc sander, tilt top saw plus many other small household items. At the same time and place the property wil I be offered for sale, subject to a reserve bid. Terms 10 per cent down day of sale, balance in 30 days. 2 storey aluminum sided home. F.A. gas, town services, paved drive, divided into 2 apartments, each containing 1 bedroom, living room, kitchen, 3 pee. bath, 1 apartment rented at $180.00 per month. An excellent opportunity to acquire an income producing property. To view call Les Brittan, Auctioneer 705-696-2196. Terms cash - cheque. Coffee bar. Les Brittan, Auctioneer. Hastings 705-696-21 96. Member of National Auctioneers Association. Call now to book your sale. 27-1P Elizabethville News The Women's Institute invite invite anyone to go to the Lang Pioneer Village Sunday, July 8th, 2 to 4 p.m. Anyone interested phone 797-2682. We plan a tour of the village. village. There is to be a service in the church there at 3. On Friday eveningwehad a very successful strawberry strawberry supper. The younger ladies picked the berries and the olderones stemmed them. It was a very busy evening; we had a good crowd. There was a minor mishap at the church driveway. driveway. I don't know much about it except that the police were there when I left. Mrs. Barkwell, Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. Muldrew and Mrs. Thickson went to the Grant and Wheeler sale after the supper. Mrs. R. Westheuser and Mrs. Thickson were to Toronto Toronto and visited Henry. Mrs. Dekoker and Mrs. Staats were also there when we arrived. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Mercer and girls have arrived from California to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. O. Mercer. Church services were held as usual. It is our last service till September at the church. Next Sunday services will be at Dorothy's House Museum in Garden Hill at 10:30 a.m. with Rev. Gordon Rutherford. Please bring your chair. After the regular church opening the choir sang and then Rev. Rutherford, assisted assisted by Mrs. Wheeler and Mr. Quantrill confirmed Angie and Douglas Cook, Mrs. Wheeler's grandchildren. grandchildren. There was no children's children's story as the Sunday School is over until September. September. Celebration of Communion was held. Assisting Assisting were Mr. H. Quantrill, Quantrill, Mr. B. Gray, Mr. H. White, Mr. D. Munroe, Mrs. Quantrill, Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs. M. Gardiner. He spoke on. Daniel explaining a dream or visitation that King Nebuchadnezzar had' He didn't have time do credit to Daniel, due to the other two extra rites at the service. Coffee was served as usual. In the afternoon a party was held for Mr Vernon Peacock who celebrated his 90th birthday. A large crowd of friends and relatives relatives met at Jackson Peacock's home. The twins and Shane were home as well as Janice Peacock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Peacock. The Lees from Peterborough and Toronto and the Peacocks from Oshawa attended, as well as many from various other places. They had a large cake and an arrangement of raw vegetables, dips and sandwiches. Mrs. Beryl Dekoker was with Mrs. Thickson on Saturday and at Westheus- er's for supper. After the birthday party Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrill had as guests Mr. and Mrs. E. Elliott, Oshawa. Roy and Jack Beatty were with the Mercers after the party. Mrs. Westheuser and girls had tea with Mrs. Thickson. Robert Westheuser Westheuser flew to Italy on Sunday Sunday along with others from G.M. for about a week on business. Mrs. H. Thickson visited Mr. Thickson on Tuesday. He is getting along real well and will be home soon after you read this news. Waverley Public School Wins Softball Championship Jr. C Hockey News The Junior C league for the coming 84/85 season in this area will be comprised of eight teams instead of ten. Stouffville and Bewdlcy have dropped out for this coming season. The regular season for the Eagles will be a 28 game schedule ending Sunday, January 20,1985. All eight teams will be in the playoffs. The coach of the Eagles for the 84/85 season will again be Paul Robinson on his seventli season. The manager will be Buck Janack and trainers Scott Farrell and Neil Jones Jr. The Eagles training camp opens as soon as the ice goes in the refurbished Bowmanville ice palace in September, witli exhibition games slated for late September September and the home opener going Sunday, October October J4 at 7:30 p.m, The executive of the Eagles will again soon he canvassing the merchants of Bowmanville, Newcastle, St, Josephs Student Wins Citizenship Award The girls softball team at Waverley Public other public schools. They won the championship School remained undefeated in five games against defeating Vincent Massey in the final game. Since Alan Mercer and family have arrived home his parents held a family picnic on Sunday afternoon and most of the family and a few friends enjoyed a visit with everyone. On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Quantrill, Quantrill, myself, and others called. Mrs. O. Mercer and Darlene, Darlene, her daughter-in-law have been shopping. They leave for home Thursday morning in Orley's motor home which Gwen and family family will bring back later in the summer. Mrs. J. Barkwell spent Tuesday in Oshawa while I took the GO Train to Toronto Toronto and back. Mrs. Westheuser and girls are spending the rest of the week at Staats in Brantford. They left when they got out of school Tuesday. Mrs. B. Dekoker attended the Hon. John Aird luncheon luncheon at Queen's Park Monday Monday evening and visited her father at the hospital prior to the luncheon. . Yesterday" school was over in this area and it seems quiet with no buses running by. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer had Mrs. Glenda Crombie and boys recently. They plan to pick strawberries. Mr. and Mrs. Ballans have their daughters visiting them. had 1 " their ^sori 'Briaiwind John Verbrugghe, a grade six student at the St. Joseph's School, was the family home on.Sunday and winner of the Yvonne Osborne citizenship award last week. John earned went to the Lang Pioneer the plaque for his overall work at the school. The award, which is sponsored Village. by the St. Joseph's Parent-Teacher Association, is based on a student's overall participation and attitude as well as the extent to which he achieves CANADIAN his potential in academic work. John is shown here with his mother, Simone, CANCER at an awards ceremony which followed a graduation mass at St. Joseph's SOCIETY Roman Catholic Church in Bowmanville last Wednesday, June 27. Orono and area for ads for the Eagles' program, which is handed out at all 14 Eagle home games, Again we hope the merchants are as generous generous as in past years. By the way, the team that defeated the Eagles four games to three in the best of seven Ontario semi-finals. semi-finals. The Pcnetang Jr. Kings went on to win the All Ontario Jr, C. Championship, Championship, crushing Woodstock four games to none. We were 0I1 so close to another Ontario championship. Jr. C training camp will start as soon as ice is in Bowmanville Arena in September, September, Invitation letters will not be necessary for any Bowmanville, Newcastle Newcastle or Orono players graduating from Minor Hockey Hockey who wish to try out for the Jr. C Engles. All players arc welcome. Look for tryout tryout schedules in papers in early September. The Management of the Jr, C Eagles tyajfs tffaoo Summer Clearance SALE UP TO 50% OFF Ladies' Sportswear and Dresses Also see our limited selection\ of Wedding Gowns, Bridesmaid Dresses and Mother of the Bride and Groom Dresses . . . REDUCED TO CLEAR VAL'S PLACE 1415 King St. East Oshawa 576-1930 Mon. to Wod. 9:30 loO, Tliuro. - Frl. 9:30 lo 9, Sal. 9:30 to 5

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