aecuon iuo ine Canadian statesman, Bowmanville, July ; ^RomcanadapÂckËrsfhe NFVFRFROZEN r.iyiruAfci • SHOULDER DETERGENT! \ WOMAN'S BAKERY WHITE BREAD •«7% WHOLEWHEAT • HOT DOG ROLLS (I PAC) •HAMBURGER BUNS (I PAC) FROM CANADA PACKERS AND CANADIAN DRESSED MEAT PLANTS J.28^J.49 TOM WHITE VINEGAR 8 < Bf6yMftm NO ' 1GRADE uREEN ONIONS OR RADISHES SIERT YOU MIX OR MATCH PRODUCT OF ONTARIO jAD **■ LETTUCE CANADA NO. 1 GRADE FIRST OF THE SEASON CANADA NO. 1 GRADE PRODUCT OF LEAMINGTON, ONT. select your own SIZE 12-16's CABBAGE 450 g VAOPAC /EE r 3 PKG-1 QQr 1^0 Î CANADA PACKERS MAPLE LEAF BRAND 500 a (17.6 OZJ VAC RAC smracoii * 3 PKG. LIMIT >41 VAC RACl ASTRO-LITE - ASSORTED (NEW)^%P"™" 175 qTUBA 219 |TO6TOTfôS5/î.99l ■ME1D0W G0U>" _1 t U PRODUCT OF ONTA »ml pnBBffl» ONTARIO--ARRIVING DAILY LARGE S 40T. BASKET MAPLE LEAF BRAND GOLDEN I OR ALL BEEF cac DDAun f1 CD1 ----' mm .e,;ï1 |fwHi F ;ia =- iWmwmFn - a - i9FLozi ^-^ ^ A0V LflvnLi> ^ ) ^^^Ôn7sT^c!KDANâ7GRÂSr™^ÊLÊcHS!jRÔw!î\ MEDJUM SIZE "SANTA ROSA" VARIETY a a. . wmn 1 r ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ .'v ^ m '"•w kfl' Bllis MAPLELEAFRIWm. pickled si go >A17 COTTAGE ROLLS LB 1.03) (jj PACKERS MAPLE LEAF BRAND 2-3 LB VAC PAcI f|B CORNED BEEF JO BRISKET ®AjfiB 1 "^SALADS.,.* f.y* POTATO • COLE SLAW MATCH %■ J • MACARONI • CREAMY , ^ , ÂM M • CHEF cm F si AW 1 LIMIT 5 I ▼ W\ nre»irn*»A fî'^sn i |] y MIX OR MATCH 10 LIMIT *> * J I üb'N BUTTER PICKLES ■ PACKERS AT DELI COUNTER IPtiElsm « SAUSAGE ® A v J r fromtheTROPIC^ _ ^eJeC^OUROW^ ==i 86* BMANAà lûçj I QQ I Vj2Vy__lAR6E BUNCHES n.V» j ' ' J "TÎTyÔÜbÔwnbÂoX I rivXVl | I | i) I ? LIMIT 1 lilv v I '^=*==--=< SaS smm I BaSSjPfcfiBIIFI l.86 c MJOU>EJIRS ,.39 c I LARGE 14 OZ. i CAT FOOD m [ CANADA @ F JJ3 ( QUALITY PACKE *595 « i i y ^PRODUCT OF U.S.A. JUMBO SIZE 15<s! SELEC^OUROWN* 1P11 CANTALOUPES .,99* PRODUCT OF MEXICO LARGE SIZE -- IF^ELEC^QUROWN CT YOUROWN „69* tfoMEtr' brand 9UYi HAM CUSTOM SLICED AT DELI COUNTER LB f JELlfroWDElSuv^^ÿ | MX â MATCH CHARCOAL siAQLwn , AA 100% HAROW°°° BRIQUET» 1-93 I MONARCH iW 1 MULTI-MIX hot, 99* - LOW CALONE U01»|WUYTM PWfVEGETMU COATMG A JA FOR COOKWARE l iUMfT l j"'KING COLE BRAND UTILITY GRA vmitiflnuc DTJC J.96 89* ®I5^WWWr^BA?(»9)l!3wMC BAR SOAP 12u*rr| 00® ALBERTO VO 5 large a» mien. LB.. .SHAMPOO OR CONOfflONER 1.00 "ww'TiTCHrftnjr^L»!^ ( prÔdu^^f^!aTlorÎd^™ i ^ËlÊct^ourpw!^ SLIMES ,.li)*l LIQUID DETERGENT [T=n 99 TJXSY-Orr--wrg»wavTwr OVEN CLEANER marl 1.49 r PRODUCT OF ON kg' P&aOig ÜSHROOMS 5 LB. LIMIT LB. ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS AVAILABLE MON.--SAT. ALL 6 FOOD TERMINALS West--Mississauga DIXIE MALL »l PbftRd South olQu--nEBalwthWty North--Markham WOODBINE NORTH At No. 7 Highway; Mwfcham Central--Toronto 222 Lansdowne Avenue Comer Dundee St West Downtown--Toronto 222 CHERRY STREET Juet South ot the Lift Bridge East--Pickering HWY. 2 & BROCK RD. In Pickering °$ H AWA/pURHAM Just First Ave. a " S !° ne '« Throw- North of 401 iBetweenSimcoe & Rltson) MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 9 A.M.-10 P.M. 9 A.M.-10 P.M. 9 A.M.-10 P.M. 9 A.M.-10 P M. 8 A M.-10 P M 7 A.M.-10 P.M. PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY. JULY 21/84 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LlMl Warkworth Events Iiy Edna B. Thompson Percy Township Heritage Day The special day for Percy Township Bicentennial celebration celebration was held on Monday, July 2. The program consisted of a Iree planting ceremony at Ihepark in the morning, Heritage Heritage Display in the afternoon and a field day at the Fair Grounds sponsored by the legion for the children. In the evening there was a slow pilch ball game and fire works also sponsored by the Legion. Tree Planting Ceremony The Campbellford Citizens' Band under the direction of Gordon Thompson played at Percy Centennial Park before the ceremony of tree planting and during the program. Mr. George McCleary was the Master of Ceremonies and gave the opening remarks in honour of the occasion. Mr. McCleary recalled the early history of Ontario and invited the Girl Guides, Pathfinders and Brownies to sing under the direction of Mr. Douglas Ilarpur. Glen R. Allen, Reeve of Percy Township, brought greetings from the Percy Township Council and paid tribute to Mrs. Elizabeth Allen and her committee for the fine program they had prepared. Mr. Howard Sheppard, M.P.P. for Northumberland, brought greetings from (he Province of Ontario and told about the giving of White Pine Trees to all municipalities and schools as the symbol for Ontario's Bicentennial. Mr. Gordon Hutchinson, a member member of the Bicentennial committee, committee, thanked Mr. Sheppard, Sheppard, the Band, Mr. Harpur and girls and invited the 100 or more present to the Tree Planting Ceremony at the edge of Mill Creek in Percy Centennial Park. Heritage Display at Town Hall The Percy Township Town Hall was overflowing with artifacts, historical records, crafts and lots of nostalgia. There were 21 displays in all. W.A. Platt, Clerk-Treasurer of Percy Township arranged the Warkworth Hydro display, showing D. M. Laver Plaque having served for 10 years to 1974 and John Bowen Plaque for 10 years to 1977. The Police Village of Warkworth minute book from 1914-1940. The Township of Percy was incorporated incorporated in 1850. An 1890 map of Warkworth was on display, Ihe 1925 sign for when the pines were planted and dedicated dedicated by the Ontario Government, Government, a Minute book of 1850- 1861, Assessmènt Book 1934. Hazel Jolliffe looked after the display and also showed a Town Crier Bell 1800 of her own. Aureen Richardson displayed displayed a 100-year-old framed Hairpin Lace Centrepiece, the Richardson Archives, and demonstrated the art of tatting. tatting. She was joined by A. A. Martin who was Public School Inspector of Northumberland County from 1929 to 1951 displaying displaying the book with a page of each classroom in the County. Mrs. Ora Campbell displayed the Percy Women's Institute Tweedsmuir History books, a framed picture of the Warkworth Vault which the Percy W.I. donated. Grace Doliimore, secretary of the Percy Agricultural Society, was in charge of their display showing the minute and Treasurer's Treasurer's books from 1925, a bedspread made by a Mr. Poole in early 1900's with a design in Pen and India Ink. Muriel Nichols demonstrated weaving and Erna Freibeck was demonstrating spinning for the Warkworth Spinners and Weavers Guild. The Blue Banner and St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church showed St. Andrew's from 1858; the Blue Banner from 1952; Silver Communion set - date unknown; unknown; pictures of all the Ministers and pictures of first church and Minister; a highlight highlight was a quilt with 730 names made in 1924 by the circle of Warkworth Presbyterian Presbyterian Church. This was convened convened by Ona Carlow and Joyce Glover. The Warkworth Public Library display was convened by the Librarian Clare Jenney. The Library was established in 1897; plans for the Community Hall which was built in 1921; rocking chair bequeathed from Miss Haisley, the first Librarian to the Library; mementos of Miss Haisley from Miss Masson to the Library; photograph photograph of J. D. Kelly and painting painting of J. D. Kelly; the history of the Library by former librarian Mrs. Della Honey. The White School Women's Institute was in charge of Jean and George Bound. They showed the Lord Tweedsmuir Book, scrapbooks from 1946 and the minutes saying they formed in 1940. Elizabeth Allen had a display of her own personal heritage collection - six miniature rocking chairs, collection of Maple Leaf Glass made in Burlington 1895-1925 and a Royal Doulton Plate showing the Maple Leaf Forever. Forever. Grant Allen displayed an 1890 Music Box which played a tune. The Free Methodist Church displayed pictures of their Pastors from 1910-1984, minute book from 1895 and an overhead projector showing historical sketch. Bernice Althouse and Harry Brownson were in charge. Erin Honey showed a detailed display of the history of Warkworth, i.e, 1878 Atlas, list of Reeves,' Clerks and Wardens, Warkworth Warkworth Castle in England, a lantern, a Moustache cup, Family Bible, to name a few. The Bicentennial Essay contest contest with 50 entries was displayed displayed by Edna Buchanan. Percy Centennial by Mary Mitchell, Helen King and Jeff McDonald showed a screen display unit depicting early Ontario as seen through the eyes of the students artwork. Grade two students Lisa Harpur and Caitlin Jenney ' demonstrating the original form of hooking a rug with pieces of rags and land transportation transportation displayed by Jeff McDonald. St. Paul's United Church and U.C.W. displayed an old Bible, old Hymn book, the U.C.W. formed in 1962 and tlie church dedicated in 1852. There were several pictures and clippings on the history through the years of the Church. Edna Buchanan was in charge. St. Jerome's Roman Catholic displayed an afghan, framed needlepoint picture and pillow. Margaret Jones in charge. Margaret Thompson, the coordinator of the Heritage display was well pleased with the response and the number of people who came to enjoy it. The remark was made: "All this for only two hours." And there would be lots more could have been shown. Warkworth needs a Museum. Think about it. Patrick G. Deegan DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 GEORGE STREET BOWMANVILLE 623-4473 or 263-2026 TOLEDO SCALE DIVISION OF RELIANCE ELECTRIC LIMITED is pleased to announce the opening of our NEW OSHAWA SALES & SERVICE OFFICE located at MARWOOD INDUSTRIAL PARK 595 Wentworth St. E., Unit 62 Oshawa, Ontario (416) 434-6094 OUR NEW OSHAWA OFFICE WILL HONOUR OUR OFFER UP TO $1,000-00* FOR YOUR TOLEDO SCALE GRINDER ■OFFER VARIES ACCORDING TO MODEL