i < 12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July IR 1084 Section Two A guide to fine dining and entertainment. W.I. Hold County Picnic Nestleton - Caesarea News by Mabel Cawker Country Club Hosts Husband and Wife Tournament 25th Anniversary Celebrated Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gay and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Camisso "hosted" "hosted" a lovely 25th wedding wedding anniversary dinner party for Wanda and Morgan Sears at the Gay cottage, Caesarea on Saturday, July 14. Guests included: Doris and Len Prout, Marie and Joe Misener, Pat and Jim Woodhouse, Isla and A1 Coy, Betty and Ernie McMeachin, Ethel and Ken Call, Ricky and Howard Mahaffy, June and Mac Sabistan, Rita and Bernie Clark, Barb and Jim Martin, Glad and Bruce Lawrie, Muriel and Jack Morgan, Ann and Ed Wardlaw, Gwen Devitt, Fred Lynch, Marg Mahaffy, John Morrison, Norma Hollingsworth, Hollingsworth, Edith and Henry Pankstys and son Victor (owners of Pine Ridge Golf Course), Deborah Leslie and Rick Gay - bar attendants. attendants. A lovely cake was brought by Ann Ward- law which she baked and had professionally decorated. Photographer Photographer for the occasion was Frank Camisso who video taped the party. The speeches were ably M.D.'d by Len Prout. "Best Wishes" to Wanda and Morgan for many more happy years to-gether. Family Visitations Company with Grah- ame and Neta Fish, Nestleton, for Sunday and evening dinner were Ron Hannaford - Hill, of Bradhampston, South Devon, England (an old friend of Grahame's when he lived in England. They attended boy scouts and sang in the choir together). together). Other guests present were Grahame's sister, Mrs. Heather Munro and, brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fish and Mr. Doug Fish, all of Sonya, and Mr. and Mrs. Fid- matters of Port Hope, where Ron is visiting while in Canada. A great get-to-gether! George and Lucy Donnerai of Learning- ton, spent a couple of days with daughter, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Conseil de la radiodiffusion el des télécommunications canadiennes DECISION Rogers Cable Tv. Ltd. Decision CRTC 84-543. Brampton, Brantford Cornwall, Kitchener Stratford and area, Part ol London, Part of Mississau ga, Newmarket, Bradford, Holland Landing, River Drive Park and Sharon Oshawa, Bowmanville and Whitby, Part of Metropolitan Metropolitan Toronto, Ont Pursuant to public notice CRTC 1983-153 dated 18 July 1983, the Commission approves the applications to amend the licences for the broadcasting receiving undertakings serving the communities noted above by Increasing the maximum maximum Installation fee from $30.00 to $35.00. In approving approving those applications, the Commission has taken Into consideration the fact that these increases only cover a portion ol the actual costs ol Installation, and has determined that such Increases are justified justified on economic grounds. Canada Mildred and Bill Fortune, at their lovely home on Road 47, Black- stock, this past week. While there George celebrated his birthday. Friends present for the party included: Grant and Ruth Thompson, Blackstock; Ray Cook, Olive Heaslip and Dorie Reis of Port Perry and Charlie and Clara Nesbitt of Bowmanville. Mildred had a cake in honour of the occasion. The very best to George from his Cartwright friends. Sam and Mabel Cawker, Scugog Point Rd., visited in Oshawa on Wed. evening - had supper with Curt Cawker, then later spent an hour or so with Alan and Eleanor Cawker, Scott and Christie. Nestleton Women's Institute Entertains The Nestleton Branch met in the Community Centre, Wed. July 4, with Pres. Norma Frew presiding. It was a pleasure to extend a warm welcome to guests from Blackstock and Janetville Branches. Branches. Norma brought the meeting to order with the Ode, Mary Stewart Collect and read a poem entitled "Healthy Prayer". The roll call - "Why Should I Make A Will?" Many good reasons were given. Two minutes of silence was held in respect for the late Ruth Proutt - a dedicated, faithful member of Nestleton W.I. then the President read a poem in her memory. Mrs. Marg France, Sec'y-Treas. gave the minutes and presented the financial statement. The business portion consisted mainly mainly of preparations for the Bicentennial celebration celebration to be held July 7. Entry for the 1984 Blackstock Fair in August will be a display of small kitchen utensils which were used by homesteaders. Mrs. Bertha McLaughlin McLaughlin was in charge of the programme - Family and Consumer Affairs. The interesting motto: "People don't plan to fail - they fail to plan" - Mrs. Rika Wygerde gave a reading concerning the motto "Best Place to Live". Mrs. Ella Wright, Janetville, Janetville, and Mrs. Dora Martyn, Blackstock, presented humorous readings. The guest speaker, Miss Lee - a lawyer, who is with the firm of Smith and Sutherland, Port Perry, was introduced by Mrs. McLaughlin. She spoke on the importance importance of making a will - giving members excellent excellent pointers and helpful suggestions. After her most informative talk members had the opportunity of asking questions. Mrs. McLaughlin McLaughlin thanked the speaker and gave her a gift in appreciation. Mrs. Pat Sleep, Black- stock; had a "rhymn contest" which was won by Mrs. Ruth Thompson. Thompson. For a break a sing song was enjoyed - Mrs. Gwen Malcolm at the piano. The meeting closed with O Canada and W.I. Grace. Refreshments Refreshments were served by Mesdames W. Davison, Davison, B. McLaughlin, D. Rohrer, M. France and Wygerde. Mrs. Neta Fish expressed the appreciation. Nestleton United Church On Sunday morningjit Nestleton Ûnited with some forty folk attending attending before our minister Rev. D. Davis left for his holiday period. He gave an excellent sermon with theme, "It Doesn't Look Like A Church" based on Script, taken from Acts. The youngsters enjoyed their story as well. A four part choir sang "Sweet Hour of Prayer" led by organist G. Malcolm. Malcolm. Ralph Sadler and Norm Mairs rec'd the offering. There will be no service in Nestleton United the remainder of July and the first two weeks in August. Ser- vipe will resume August 19, which will be the annual Decoration Service to be held at 2:30 p.m. )note change of time). Rev. Bruce Harrison - the guest speaker and special music will be a feature of interest. 65th Wedding Anniversary Celebrated On Thursday evening the Sam Cawkers, Scugog Point Rd., attended the 65th wedding wedding anniversary for former Port Pèrry neighbours - Stan and Flossie Ploughman of Port Perry. A very lovely celebration with many relatives and friends on hand to wish them well. The party was "hosted" by the family - Louella and Ellsworth Kennedy of Seagrave and Ellen and Bill McCabe of Toronto. Warmest wishes to this fine couple from a great many Cartwright relatives and friends! Caesarea Card Party With a good attendance attendance for the Wed. night Euchre - results are: a tie for first prize - Norman Rohrer and Bridget Moase each held 79. Second - Norm Hammett - 78. Pat Ince - 42. Next week at the Centre for an evening of interest. W.I. County Picnic The W.I. county picnic for Ontario South and Ontario North districts was held at Elgin Park, Uxbridge, this past week with a fair attendance. attendance. Seven members from the Honeydale Br. enjoyed the delicious pot luck luncheon, the programme and visiting with other Branches, Many from this area attended the Port Perry Western Days with its many activities and features of interest, The weather was very hot and humid - outside of that - a great weekend. Our congratulations! to President Bill Barr of Scugog Chamber of Commerce and committee committee for a successul event. Notice: Collections for Lake Scugog Regatta will start Sunday, Sunday, July 22 - kindly contribute to this worthy cause - fun for all! Y ellowlees Hold Family Picnic Sheila and Brian Spinks shot a net 59 on Sunday to take first place in the Bowmanville Country Club's Husband and Wife Invitational Golf Tournament. Tournament. The winners are shown above, at left, re ceiving their prizes from Bowmanville Travel Centre manager Marilyn Kowal, and tournament chairman Harry Fayle. Gideon Convention Held in Quebec City NEWTONVILLENEWS Tuesday afternoon callers with Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle were Mr. and Mrs. Pat McDonald, Chad, James and Greg of Janetville. Miss Jan Farrow spent a few days last week with Miss Kelli Dilworth of Enniskillen. Mrs. Hilda Gilbert of Toronto and Mrs. Irene Burley of Bowmanville spent the weekend with Mrs. Lena Clysdale. Mr. and Mrs. Hesper Dean of Orono and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Imlach visited on Saturday Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Staple- ton were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson Saturday Saturday evening. Mrs. Bea Jones spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. C. Cornish of Orono and attended the church services at Orono when Mr. Frank Stapleton was the guest speaker. Also attending were Rev. and Mrs. A. Tizzard, Lena Clysdale and Hilda Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lane of Port Hope with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones attended the week Gideon Convention at Quebec City returning home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cobbledick and family of Campbellcroft with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Robinson and family enjoyed a picnic dinner with Mrs. Phyllis Peck on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Paeden of California and Mrs. Come for the Fun of the Oshawa-Whitby FAIR Highlights: Demolition Derby Tractor Pull Horse Draw Bingo and Refreshment Tent July 19,20,21,22,1984 at Gerrard Rd. N. at Conlins Rd. Daisy Paeden of Bowmanville were callers on Sunday with Mrs. Janet Paeden. Mr. Bernie Benoit from Appin and Mr. Terry Hodgins of Ailsa Craig spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Stapleton and family. They are school chums of Marvin when he attended college at Guelph this last school term. Mr. and Mrs. Earle McEwen of Peterborough, were dinner guests on Saturday Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Farrow attended the church services at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bowman of Welcome and later enjoyed the picnic dinner. In the evening they visited Mr. and Mrs. John Connelly of Welcome and enjoyed their pictures of Ireland, England and Scotland which they had visited recently. recently. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Farrow, Ryan and Jan also attended the church services and later attended the wedding anniversary anniversary celebration of her aunt and uncle at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Call of Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O'Neill attended the Past Matrons and ,, Jurons, get together of, thé Eastern Star at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tomlinson" of Belleville on Sunday. Work is progressing at the church with work being done at the roof and the installation of carpeting in the Sunday school room. Descendants of Donald and Susanna Yellowlees, numbering numbering sixty-five, gathered at the lovely home of Harold and Lois Yellowlees, Solina, on Sunday, July 8, for their annual picnic. After singing grace, everyone everyone enjoyed the delicious noon meal, seated at tables, beneath beneath the shady trees. Harold Yellowlees conducted conducted a brief business meeting following this, when it was decided to have our 1985 picnic again at Harold and Lois' on July 14, Sunday, with dinner at 12:30 noon. Shelley, Kevin and Dawn Kossatz will be the committee in charge of sports. We were especially happy to have Jessie (Yellowlees) Ellicolt and her grandson Cameron Booth of Vancouver, with us. Also Norm and Pat Thompson Thompson and sons from New York who are visiting his parents Don and Helen Thompson. A prize was given to Jessie Ellicott of Vancouver for coming the farthest for the picnic. Baby Emily Metcalf, just over a month old received a prize for the youngest member member of the family present. Peter Petrella won the prize for having a birthday on April 4 - a selected date. Results of races were as follows - Six Years and Under - Tim Ashton. 12 and Under - Cameron Booth. Child Ball Throw through hoop - Cameron Booth. Wheelbarrow race, (adult and child) - Don and Paul Thompson. Bubble Gum Contest - Scott Petrella. Candy Toss for all children. Coloring Contest - all children children received prizes. Women's Shoe Kick - Brenda Metcalf. Men's Shoe Kick - Ron Metcalf. Ladies throwing paper plate nearest hoop - Jane Yellowlees. Yellowlees. Men throwing plate nearest hoop - Ron Metcalf. Several relays created much fun both for the participants participants and the onlookers. Special thanks are extended to Marie Moses and daughters, daughters, Kathy Dustan and Janice English for a splendid program program of sports. Helen Thompson guessed the exact number of candies in a jar and kept them for her prize. The children spent a while enjoying a refreshing swim in the pool while older ones chatted. chatted. We thank Harold and Lois for their gracious hospitality and look forward to our reunion reunion again in 1985. See you then. Submitted by Mrs. Gladys (Yellowlees) Short Make a Move!! without Our Hostess' Gifts and Information Information are the Key to Your New Community Call Sandra Yates 623-5873 t* MU Ilmen Umt « ft* WkK Oshawa Kinsmen Highland Games Oshawa Civic Fields July 28, 1984 8 a.m.-6 p.m. RESTAURANT '1 Since 1910 OPEN AT 7:00 a.m. Serving delicious food of the highest quality at reasonable prices. Take-out orders a specialty. 9 King St. W. 623-5412 *Highland Dancing * Massed Pipebands * Scottish Heavy Events and The Molson Awards for Tug Of War * Scottish Market Place Adults: $3.00 - Sr. Citizens: $2.00 - Children: $1.00 SCOTTISH FESTIVAL andDANCE 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. -- $6 per person )ShawaLA ifeî NicolBrown's Orchestra Oshawa Royal Canadian Legion Pipe Band jjyfa Nite-Life (Live Band played at Lobster Rest 1984) DRAW: For a Free Trip for Two to Scotland (Courtesy of CP Air) Tickets Available at: Rickaby's Ltd. - Bowmanville "WIA HUNDRED PIPERS ANA ANA YOU'LL ENJOY YOUR DAY IN OSHAWA