4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 18,1984 Newcastle Lions Carnival Winner Receives Draw Prize /! t.îc: Mi Hemrastle 3nbepcnbent Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 We are sorry to hear our Editor has been hospitalized. We do wish him continued progress to better health. Where have you been? That is the question asked by many, in many places, even at Bowmanville cemetery on Sunday morning. To answer all, we returned last Thursday night from a motor trip to Calgary, where' we attended the Stampede. Weather was lovely every day but Saturday, June 23rd, when it rained at Winnipeg. There we called on Franklin Webster, Jack's cousin, formerly of Millgrove. Franklin Franklin told us of flooded basements basements in his area when inches of rain fell in one storm. Flooded fields were a common sight and we experienced more thunder showers as we travelled westward. Implement Implement dealers are plentiful and the size of equipment impressive! impressive! At Yorkton, Saskatche wan, we visited cousin Harriet Pinkerton, who resides at Anderson Lodge. In 1905, her father, my great uncle Noah Selby, with his wife, Alice Orchard, moved from Newcastle Newcastle with their family to Saskatchewan and Harriet was their only daughter. Bertram and Charles are deceased but near Grand Coulee we called on Charles' widow Laura and visited Joe and Madeline Selby and son Murray. Eighty-year-old Joseph Allan had surgery for ruptured appendix on June 13, was home by June 22nd, and out in the garden when we arrived. Made of great stuff! Son Glen manages the farm, which has grown from the original three-quarter section to two and one-quarter sections. If my old arithmetic is correct (without a calculator) calculator) that is 1440 acres and the machinery is just as large! Glen also has his pond stocked COUNTY HONDA SALES POWER EQUIPMENT DIVISION SUMMER SALE Discounts on all lawn- mowers, tillers, water pumps, generators, outboard outboard motors, tractors, A.T.C., 3wheel&TRX4 wheel. NO REASONABLEOFFER REFUSED YOU MAY NEVER RUY FOR LESS AGAIN COUNTY HONDA 5 miles East of Oshawa on Hwy. 2 683-2751 623-2586 with 250 trout (for their own use). On Saturday night we were dinner guests of Sharon, Glen and children. Before visiting on the prairie, we spent a night with Tom and Evelyn Selby in their beautiful new retirement home at Regina Beach. A new public beach house has been built there but more interesting was the fish and chips store, managed by the third generation generation of a Butler family. Pictures Pictures of early days when vacationers arrived there by train and boat on Last Mountain Mountain Lake, hang all around the store. Kinookiman Golf Course provides enjoyment for Evelyn and Tom. By the way, temperature in Regina on Friday, June 30th, was 30 degrees, with a dry, hot, wind. On Monday, July 1, we arrived in Calgary, where nephew David Sargent was a great host. We were among the thousands who watched the Stampede Parade on Friday, July 6. Friday night we were guests of Frank Selby, youngest son in the Noah Selby family, and his wife Jaye. Saturday we spent at Stampede Park, and since our goal of attending the stampede was accomplished, we started for home on Sunday. At Fort Macleod we found that Roy and Olive Nesbitt were visiting in Ontario. On Monday we crossed crossed into Montana to North Dakota, Tuesday Minnesota and Wisconsin, enjoying Michigan state scenery around Lake Superior Wednesday, and Ontario's Sault Ste. Marie to Newcastle scenery Thursday, which has to be the best! Recent visitors with Mr. Charles Cowan were Mr. and Mrs. Lome McGill of Bethany, Mr. and Mrs. Everton White, Bowmanville, Mrs. Marion Bragg of British Columbia, Mrs. Bartlett' of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Perrin, Peterborough, Mr. arid Mrs. Lawrence Staples of Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Parker, of Grimsby, spent a few days recently with the Arthur Bedwin family, Lake Shore. Attending the fifteenth wedding anniversary celebration celebration in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Coulter in Milton last Saturday evening, were aunts and uncles, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Powell, Miss Dorrene Powell and Mr. Floyd Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Markle, Alyssa and Andrew, Scar- WILSON'S FURNITURE '#»§ <5€m GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY ♦ lKE advantage of these S BEDDING BARGAINS W v- a >•/> v>v m m 30" MATTRESSES Spring filled or solid foam. $59. TWIN SIZE (39") QUILTED MATTRESS $88. DOUBLE SIZE MULTI-QUILTED MATTRESS $128 QUEEN SIZE SETS Clearance $199. Mattress Only $109. BUNK BEDS MATES BEDS ROLLAWAY COTS WOOD BED ENSEMBLES WOOD HEADBOARDS ALL ON SALE DOUBLE SIZE SETS Quilled matlross and matching base, $168. Ask lor Spine Coro Wl 20 Centre St. N. SON'S Furniture FREE PARKING optNTmms.tHti.riuu'.M. Downtown Osliaw» * I I •/' 5j •iHO 0 \ w 1 borough, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hunt and Russell, Pontypool, Miss Judy Powell, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Schmahl celebrated their fifth anniversary anniversary Friday evening enjoying dinner out with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Garrod. Congratulations, Sandra and Tom! Sunday evening callers at Mrs. Kathleen Kimball's were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Staple- ton, Orono, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gordon, Port Hope. Miss Candy Storks and Miss Mary Holomego, Blind River, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. William Storks. Miss Amanda Storks spent the weekend with her grandparents, grandparents, while her parents and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Couch Jr. holidayed at Blue Mountain Resort. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Johnson and Gary enjoyed the weekend weekend at their Lake Skootamatta cottage, visiting his mother at. Belleville Hospital on the way. We are sorry that Mrs. Johnson Sr. had the misfortune misfortune to break her hip. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott entertained the bridge club to a barbecue on Saturday evening. Miss Jaclyn Scott of Glendale, Glendale, California spent a couple of weeks in this area visiting relatives, among them grandparents grandparents Wilma and John Scott. On July 1, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Clemence, Oshawa, visited with Lillian Glenney and Edward and accompanied Edward to the Beef Barbecue at Newtonville Church. Mrs. John Westlake, Kitchener was a recent guest of her aunt, Miss Marjorie Clemence, and other relatives, relatives, also visited her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Clemence, Oshawa. Mr. Edward Glenney attended attended the wedding of . Elizabeth Glenney, daughter of Charles and Helen Glenney, which was held in Cambridge United Church, Lindsay, on Saturday, July 14th at 3 p.m. Mrs. Charles Brereton, Port Hope, visited relatives in the village on the weekend. Mrs. Wilma Scott was a Wednesday overnight visitor with her daughter Cathy, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade returned Sunday night from a week's vacation in the Maritimes. Travelling with Horizon Tours they flew to Halifax, touring Nova Scotia by bus, seeing Peggy's Cove, the Cabot Trail,. Halifax harbour boat cruise, and then to Prince Edward Island where they enjoyed Ann of Green Gables and another play Ye Gods. All in all, a great vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Rick Pearce, Kevin and Trisha of Sherwood Park, Alberta, have been busy visiting relatives and friends in the area. While here they attended the Glenn MacDonald - Joyce Delore wedding. Last Sunday they attended the Pearce Family Picnic at the home of Claire and Rob Schlotzhauer near Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pearce, Viki and Kirk of Bethany, Mr. and Mrs, Ted Walton and Adam of Bowmanville Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce also enjoyed their family reunion. Miss Karen Skelding, Port Perry, recently spent a week with her grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Skelding and was USE FIRE SAFE -- Will be applied by trained applicators -- 20 year guarantee on Interiors of buildings • As seen on T.V.'s "That's Incredible* • Non-Toxic • Non-Staining • Prevents Fires • Water Based AD-108 FIRE RETARDANT SAVES PROPERTY SAVES LIVES Can be used for RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL and INSTITUTIONAL PROPERTIES. Il] McMaster Fire Safe ORONO, ONT, LOB 1M0 983-5920 also an overnight guest with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lake. Karen also enjoyed visiting her Newtonville cousins. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Bill Call entertained forty-four guests from Toronto, Mississauga, Pickering, Pickering, Newtonville and Newcastle Newcastle in honour of her sister Gladys and husband Milton Downs, Toronto, on their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. anniversary. Mrs. Tom Stacey, Cobourg, and her mother-in-law, Mrs. Stacey of Marnwood, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, were recent visitors with Mrs. May Burley and Mr. Arthur Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reid, Belleville, were Thursday visitors with Mrs. May Burley and Mr, Arthur Clark. June visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Call were Dan and Lenna Jorgensen, in-laws of daughter Joan, from Reno, California. To entertain them they visited Parkwood Estate Oshawa, CN Tower and Ontario Place and the Beef Barbecue at the Town Hall. On June 17, they enjoyed the Ecumenical Church Service at Newcastle United Church. Dan, who is a retired minister from the U.S.A. armed forces, has written a book on all the Bishops in the Phillipines, where he was on duty. Since he knew Bishop Brent, Dan had a delightful chat with Judge Lovekin about him. Rev. Haldenby graciously gave him a leaflet on the history of the wall hanging and windows of St. George's Church. Family visits were also enjoyed with Lynda and Glenn Farrow and two children, children, Newtonville, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Call and four children, Oshawa and with Corey Call of Port Perry. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. j Robin Alldred were Mrs. Pearl Woodhams and daughter Marie Nicholls, Scarborough and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred and granddaughter Andrea Gibbons of Oshawa. On July 7, Newcastle Town Hall was tastefully decorated for the Open House in honour of Charles and Gloria Gray who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. About one hundred and fifty guests attended. In the evening a party was enjoyed by two hundred and twenty-five people. Some attended from California, New Brunswick, Palmerston and Thornhill. Gloria and Charles were the recipients of many beautiful gifts, among them a curio cabinet, deck furniture and Royal Doulton. We do extend Brian Clement (centre) was the lucky winner of the grand draw at the Lions Carnival last Friday evening at the Lions Centre. Brian was awarded a Panasonic Video Cassette Recorder which was donated by Bowmanville Audio-Vision. He is pictured pictured here being congratulated by Lions Club Chairman, Ed Majer and Joseph Denny from Bowmanville Bowmanville Audio-Vision. our congratulations and best wishes! For their second honeymoon, honeymoon, Gloria and Charles visited Niagara Falls, where they attended the Shaw Festival. While at the Falls, they also visited George and Joan Skelding. On Sunday, July 15th, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray entertained entertained Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hendry and son Nicholas from Newcastle, New Brunswick and Grant's mother, Mrs. Charlotte Hendry. Mrs. Mary Grace Milton, Sarah and Ian, of Ottawa, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Paterson. Birthday ' greetings . to Lindsay Foote, Joy Yates, Amelia Lancaster, Jean Cochrane, Gary Johnson, Clarence Ton, Sheila Stiles, Mary Garrod, Eva Smith, Tammy De Jong. Anniversary wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rowe, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Rowe, Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wagar. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley arrived home last week from a Maritime vacation. Steven and Allison Burley, Oshawa, were Saturday overnight visitors visitors with their grandparents, Marg and Ron, and the children's children's parents Bob and Anita were Sunday evening dinner guests. Monday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Burley, Adam and Michael of Oshawa. The weather was ideal Saturday evening Iwhen a barbecue was enjoyed at the home of Win and Bette Collier. About seventy Gray! Family members gathered there to honour June and i Talbot Alldread on their ; fortieth wedding anniversary and present them with flowers and lovely gifts. We extend our congratulations. United Church News Newcastle United Church worshippers will be welcome at Kirby United Church on Sunday, July 22nd. S3£;SSÏS6; LORRAINE SMITH -- TAMMY CLARK I wish to announce the sale of my business and extend an invitation to everyone to come in and meet the new owner Tammy Clark. Tammy will be happy to provide excellent and professional hair care services, and I will be available in the shop until July 24th to assist and introduce our regular clients. Many thanks to everyone for their continued support and patronage. Lorraine Smith h itroductory Specia 1 ice All Perms . V2 Pr From July 18th to August 1st, 1984 Hooii JlaiA îbeliÿn 170 Church Street -- Bowmanville Telephone 623-6333 THAT'S "OK"! y o to 50% OFF Spring and Summer ON SPECIALLY MARKED RACKS (Including maternity wear) Thurs., Fri., Sat. -- July 19 -20-21 Also . . . Don't miss our SUNRISE SPECIAL -- SAT., JULY 21 6 a.in. to 8 a.m. Only 50% OFF EVERYTHING (excluding Infant Layettes) SUoflfM JUd. 33 KING ST. WEST -- ALL SALES FINAL -- BOWMANVILLE