10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 25,1984 Section Two Midsummer Frolic Planned In W arkworth August 3-6 The Warkworth Improvement Improvement Committee is getting geared up for their annual Midsummer Frolic on the long weekend in August. The dates are August 3 - 6 inclusive. This includes five events in four days. The weekend kicks off with a wine and cheese party on Friday evening, August 3 from 8-10 p.m. This is a courtesy evening but you can win yourself a prize by entering the Victorian Victorian Period costume contest. contest. This contest will celebrate celebrate the 100th birthday of the Warkworth Town Hall. The contest is open to ladies, gentlemen and children, children, with three first prizes of $25.00 each, three second prizes of $15.00 each and three third prizes of $10.00 each. Enter when you arrive. arrive. There will be three judges, so get busy on a costume. costume. The Warkworth Public Public Library has reference books on Victorian dress and costumes can be rented in Belleville and Peterborough. Peterborough. For more information information on this please call Miss Ina Bowen at (705) 924-2025. The Swinging Strings Orchestra Orchestra will provide background background music all evening. Don't miss it. Saturday evening, August 4 a special evening is planned planned in the Town Hall at 8 p.m. Mary Hutchinson, Chairperson of the W.I.C. will welcome everyone and introduce the Council representatives representatives of W.I.C. -- Elmer Laver and Ruth Newman Newman who will cut the ribbon to unveil the new stage in the Percy Township Town Hall, which has been a project project of the W.I.C. Mrs. W. Platt will start off an evening evening in retrospect from 1850, on Percy Township, commemorating commemorating the 100th birthday birthday of the Town Hall, which will include the life of the artist from Percy Township, J.D. Kelly, 1862-1958. This segment will be taken by Mrs. Aureen Richardson and Mr. R. Hymes. Mr. Hymes who is retired from Confederation Life Assurance Assurance Co., will present 24 framed prints of J.D. Kelly's, courtesy of Confederation Confederation Life to Mr. John H. McCracken, a descendant of Mr. Kelly. To depict the impact impact these paintings had on Canadian history, Mr. Stan Morrow has prepared a James Insurance DOUG JAMES ELEANOR DAMANT GAYLE WINDSOR 24 King St. East, Bowmanville 623-4406 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountancy WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 35 King St. W„ Newcastle Telephone 987-4240 WM.J.H'. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bownqanville Phone 623-3612 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A, 118 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 ' WINTERS, SUTHERLAND & MOASE Chartered Accountants 23 Silver St., Bowmanville 623-9461 49 Division St.. Oshawa 579-5659 Dental PATRICK G.DEEGAN DENTURETHERAPY CLINIC 5 George SI. 623-4473 Office Hours: Mon., Tuos., Wed., Tliurs. 8:30-5:00 Friday 0:30-noon Computers ANDY BATELAAN B.A. Consultant Programmer Software Development Maple Grove Ret. N. Bowrrinnvillo 623-2375 Chiropractic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment LEONARD JAY, B.Sc., D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 96 Queen Street Bowmanville Phone 623-9297 JOHN W. HAWRYLAK, D.C., F.C.C.R. Doctor of Chiropractic Certified Roentgenologist Nutritional Counselling 168 Church St. Bowmanville 623-4004 LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor ol Chiropractic 306 King St. West Oshawa L1J2J9 Phone 433-1500 Naturopathic Medicine LAURENCE A. GREY, N.D Doctor ol Naturopathy Nutrition, homeopathic and botanical medicine; Colonic therapy & acupuncture 306 King SI. West Oshawa LU 2J9 Phono 433-1500 CERTIFIED FOOT REFLEXOLOGIST Cheryl Frlede 270 King SI. East, Bowmanville 623-4004 at home I short mini-rail tour highlighting highlighting Mr. Kelly's works. Interspersed with Mrs. Platt's saga, music of the late 19th century and early 20th will be sung and played. A piano duet will be performed that was played at the opening of the Town Hall in 1884. The audience will have a chance to participate participate with a sing-song of old favorites. This auspicious auspicious evening will conclude with a plaque unveiled by the Reeve Glenn R. Allen to commemorate the 100th birthday of the Percy Township Township Town Hall. Descendants Descendants of the architect, builders builders and Mr. Kelly are being invited to attend. Also the descendants of the first clerk of Percy Township Township - Mrs. A. S. Platt. Everyone will be invited downstairs to view all the paintings in the Council Chambers and upstairs a birthday cake and coffee will be served. A gala evening evening indeed for all residents and descendants of the pioneers of Percy Township. Township. The weekend continues with a variety concert in Percy Centennial Park on Sunday evening, August 5th at 7:30 p.m. Bring your own lawn chairs. Mrs. Hazel Jol- liffe has consented to be the emcee by unanimous vote again this year. The committee committee in charge has lined up an excellent program consisting of the Stirling Citizens Band playing while the crowd gathers and during. during. The very popular Duoro Irish Step Dancers are returning returning to entertain in their inimitable way, plus a renowned renowned male chorus, plus the well known Swingning Strings. Their presentation will include humorous commentary commentary by Vic Taylor and a sing-song and more program. program. In case of rain (no, no), the program will be in the Town Hall. To wind up the weekend, a pancake breakfast will be held on the parking lot in front of the Royal Bank (weather permitting), if raining it will be in the Town Hall. This event is sponsored by the Warkworth Chapter Order of the Eastern Star. Be sure to come and invite your friends and relatives to all of these events. or away shop <■ - > -v ; -, : ; * . : ; .V -.-X '• : : XX z . :- : : : :'XV : : V. : :■ . IN OIL OR WATER, STAR K!ST fi.Ti'iv'VAv: X. ; ..vriri V! % t.iL ivri " ,ri' ; n Xri '.ri' 1 .,' ' 'ri , '0 . ... : ..... , 1/i riL. Ay 'ririv-RtV' ' * i X :riri! vriri .....r, ri; « - ririri'ri- / PRODUCT OF U.SA, CANADA NO. 1 QRAM ^■Lam tl»^H mm Æm RQ PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Iceberg Variety Lettuce i?'.■(v- *'-V - •. *W-V 0: V- À r . ; \ A FO R 'rifi È00I riri.. - V fl" liiffW W&éW uàâwi PRODUCT OF U.$A, CANADA NO, 1 GRADE, CARDINAL VARIETY '"ÀBOFiTXib'FRÜ >;X X': :i v X.yriy ; yX - ■ .. ■ Bp^ün;iî : : l'ririxy.- y>* ;lnr ,'ri ri* : -y 1?îj y ; x ,-■■■ CUR , <J .,;-:X l ri.v-.yriy, : 0$0 XriX : , ;y y X! : -U . / 'i . : y--;:. ' X Xv; y Vi ■ -iX.'Vy 100% PURE VEGETABLE OIL, PARKAY Soft Margarine MAXI'- I 10 BOWL II IV IN OIL, TOMATO SAUCE OR MUSTARD Jf M Brunswick Sardines 1 "n 9 .tI ASSORTED VARIETIES Pep Dog Food 25.5-OZ. /IQ TIN iTW ASSORTED VARIETIES, (MEATS EXCEPTED) Heinz Strained Baby Foods qa^ fl. qa or Juices v MRs.yy Hunt's Tomato Sauce 14FL. CQ OZ. TIN iW - ' 'yyyyri*> X Xy,ri;.yXi:ri:Xxx ; - : ' ' ri i X- :. &:X. \mmuu :i : riiI:-:!' ri.. IfX.U. : -, - ,i...,, ri.:-! xxrixvx v;y.xvxv:hri.ririri rii, ri' CriX-Au ' ; VritRri'-i : dr-' VF V ... . Rj : d'üÿïi . ; : 1 ■ : .* h H i . , - v : • : . ; • ' V' ïDOml. Cïl; ' ..Rri OX. id, ' (MFC. PRE PRICED *1.25), LIQUID 500 mL BTL. .99 ASSORTED FLAVORS, REALEMON OR WYLERS, SUGAR FREE, FLAVORED PKG. OF 2x4.3 TO CHAMPION, PANDO, PANCHO, RIO OR TRADITION Dare Twin Pack Cookies Drink Mix Crystals 10.2 g envs. .59 400 g PKG. 1.49 ASSORTED VARIETIES Catelli Pasta 1 kg BOX .99 TOASTED ALMOND, PEANUTS & HONEY OR BUTTER WALNUT, NEILSON Country Crisp Snacks 255 g PKG. 1.49 ASSORTED VARIETIES Monarch Sponge Pudding Mixes p 5 k 5j) ^ GRAPE, FRUIT PUNCH, ORANGE OR LEMON LIME Kisko Drinks With Straw GULF 10W3O Motor Oil 1 L CONT. 1.09 206 mL , POLY 1 POUCHES 1. X OririX- XriXG-iriQXiv X.x.xx;; y VriXYri.X.. ri-j " ri y ,!(),«) ,,'v . : . GLAD Garbage Bags PKG. OF 20 2.99 • TXHDuriVOiri 0 } ' : '00 ' POBisqw x : :. jri > t».L % "X. -ri: ! ; £ / T ■ ' n-V ' 1 * * s X : ■ fc. à y;. y: 1 Xy'-yri- Avgy ; .y.. r ' : \ ,J l feri-riyyririy:.'. ; y y'ri X X ■ X ; - 'i 10 ■ X / 3 lb; 0 ■ ■ ■ Ay i 5,'i. ■ , : ; v : I I;- FRESH! LOIN Centre Cut PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Bunch Carrots W ea. .09 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO 1^. A f\f\ Bunch Radish # 3 F0R .99 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO a^, Green Onions ® 3 F0R .99 PRODUCT OF NEW ZEALAND f\f\ Kiwi Fruit 2 F0R .89 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, .M„ CANADA NO. 1 GRADE f\f\ Field Cucumbers 3 FOR .99 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. ■ ^ jyk Watermelon ea. Z.oo MADE IN CANADA, JB BRAND Assorted rkry Fruit Drinks btl l .99 MADE IN CANADA Kraft Salad 2 ^ L . Dressings cream base) 1 .49 5e05/kg 2.29, b FRESH! Pork Side Ribs 4. 1 7/kg 1.89 SHOPSY'S 500 g CHUB 2.49 SWIFT'S, "LAZY MAPLE", SLICED 500 g PKG 2.29 Maxwell House COFFEE 10-OZ. JAR ASSORTED VARIETIES, Nestlé SLEEVE OF Mini Puddings ^■'ri 4.99 1.39 FLAMINGO Butter Tarts Big "Q" Cheerlos PKG. OF 10 .99 REGULAR OR TROPICAL BLEND Nestea Iced Tea Mix FRESH MINT OR MILD MINT Macleans O nrk uia i»outn cZl 4.00 Grapefruit or Orange Juice FROZEN, CONCENTRATED, 100% PURE FROM FLORIDA Old South 6V4-FL. OZ. TIN FROZEN, HIGH LINER Macieans rnçH] nn - Toothpaste tube 1 «vv Sole Fillets 16-OZ. PKG. POWDER FRESH, MORNING FRESH, RAINSHOWER FRESH OR EARLY SPRING, GLADE SOLID Air Fresheners con?. .89 REGULAR 72 8, EXTRA ABSORBENT 60's, SUPER ABSORBENT 54's, TODDLER 48's OR TODDLER PLUS 40's Pampers Diapers "ox H 9.49 FROZEN, ASSORTED FLAVORS, PUDDING ON A STICK, Jell-O CTN. OF Pudding Pops treats CRACKER BARREL, MILD, MEDIUM OR OLD, Kraft Cheddar Cheese Blocks pkg 9 CANADA GRADE A, YOUNG, FROZEN Butterball , StUffed UNDER ' Turkeys S. 1 1.73/kg 1.69 SWIFT'S PREMIUM Wieners S f 1 1.29 SWIFT'S PREMIUM Brown & Serve Sausages S = 1 1.69 SWIFT'S PREMIUM, SLICED - Salami pkg 9 1 ■ >i <0 SWIFT'S PREMIUM, SLICED SELECTED POPULAR VARIETIES Sandwich Meats p 7 kg ■79 ■ ■ SWIFT'S, "OLD MILL", PORK & BEEF g* QJË Breakfast Z.b®kg Sausages STOnEPACKED 1.29, SWIFT'S, "OLD MILL", COOKED, SMOKED, "BONELESS" Dinner Hams 4.39/kg 1.99 CLAUSSEN - Dill Pickles XXX 1 ■99 ». ~ ASSORTED VARIETIES 500 g TUB m m ^ 3.79 Shopey's Salads 1.19 SHOPSY'S, SWEET PICKLED BRISKET Corned Beef VACUUM PACKED 4.39/kg 1.99 PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. JULY 25 TO SAT. JULY 28,1984. t ' o/ /o Discount on Wednesdays for Senior Citizens Open every Sunday WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. SATURDAY & SUNDAY SPECIALS Coke & Sprite or Diet Sprite /' i, ( V, 1 /;■' ' ' ' with each $10.00 purchase excluding this product & tobacco products Reg. 5.49 Values effective only at D GRAHAM'S IGA 77 KING STREET EAST 623-4161 BOWMANVILLE --WE DELIVER FOR A NOMINAL CHARGE -- I I