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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Aug 1984, p. 7

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Site îîcmtaHllc Snùepcnîient ^Editors^ïazelan^Jacl^Crago Telephone 987-4201/ 1st Ranna Sinou, 2nd Helen Hobbs. Class 47 - Zinnia large - 2nd Donna Morrow. Class 48 - Zinnia Pom-pom - 1st Jean Rickard. Class 49 - Zinnia Cactus - 2nd Donna Morrow. Class 50 - Snapdragon - 1st Ranna Sinou, 2nd Fred Couch, 3rd Narda HoogKamp. Class 52 - Verbena - 1st Wylma Allin. Class 53 - Tuberous Begonia - 1st Margery Freethy, 2nd Jean Rickard, 3rd Helen Hobbs. Class 54 - Sweet Peas - 1st Ranna Sinou, 2nd Wylma Allin. Class 55 - Any annual not listed - 1st Hazel Crago, 2nd Wylma Allin. Section E Vegetable Classes Class 60 - Beets - 1st Hazel Crago, 2nd Ranna Sinou. Class 61 - Carrots - 1st Hazel Crago, 2nd Betty Blaker. Class 62 - Beans green - 1st Hazel Crago. Class 63 - Beans yellow - 1st Hazel Crago. Class 64 - Cabbage - 1st Ranna Sinou, 2nd Hazel Crago. Class 65 - Corn - 1st Ranna Sinoy, 2nd Wylma Allin. Class 66 - Cucumber - 1st Ranna Sinou. Class 67 - Potatoes - 1st Hazel Crago, 2nd Jack Crago, 3rd Fred Couch. Class 68 - Tomatoes - 1st Bill Lover, 2nd Ranna Sinou, 3rd Hazel Crago. Class 69 - Green Peppers - The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 29,1984 7 1st Ranna Sinou, 2nd Donna Morrow, 3rd Fred Couch. Class 70 - Harvest Basket - 1st Betty Blaker. Class 71 - Tossed Salad - 1st Betty Blaker. Sweepstakes Prizes were awarded to Jean Goode for the aster, Ranna Sinou for the Dahlia, Donna Morrow for the Gladiolus, Ranna Sinou for the Rose, Donna Morrow for the Zinnia. The J. Anderson Smith Memorial Prize for the most outstanding flower arrangement arrangement was won by Jean Goode. For the most points in the flower section Donna Morrow was awarded the Elmhurst Silver Cup and Mrs. Dean's doilies. Ranna Sinou was runner-up and won a brown bowl. For the most points in the vegetable section Hazel Crago won the Ceresdale fertilizer. fertilizer. The New Exhibitor Award went to Bill Lover. United Church News On Saturday, August 25th, at 3 p.m. at Newcastle United Church, Rev. Donald Stiles united in marriage Diane Rose Clarke and Tim Van- stone. At 6 o'clock on Saturday, August 25, 1984, Janet Rae Pruner and Bob McCormack were married at Newcastle United Church. Rev. D. A. Stiles officiated. On Sunday, August 26, at Newcastle United Church, flowers adorning the sanctuary sanctuary were in memory of Mrs. Lambier, Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Perrin, Peterborough, Dora Morris of Durham and Mrs. Grace Reid drove to the Annapolis Valley recently where they enjoyed visiting Mrs. Reid's daughter and son-in-law, Liz and Art Oakley, Granville Ferry, Nova Scotia. On Friday evening, Mr. Charles Cowan attended the 40th wedding anniversary in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stapleton, Bowmanville. Last Wednesday Mrs. George Felgate and Pam, Unionville spent the day with her mother, Mrs. Gladys Wood. Mrs. Linda Moore and Tammy enjoyed the afternoon with them. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Myrtle Alldred is home following surgery in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. We welcome home Wilma . Scott who underwent knee surgery last Tuesday and spent Tuesday to Friday at Hillcrest Convalescent Hospital, Hospital, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wagar and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Paterson are glad to be home following a three-week motor trip to the west coast. They visited relatives in Calgary and Vancouver and attended the IGA convention in Edmonton. Edmonton. They report that the prairie folks are still looking for rain as they were when we were there in June. We are blessed to live in Ontario! Mr. and Mrs. George Buck- ley spent a few days last week in Bracebridge, visiting Mrs. Win Couchman. Mr. Ken Pearce, Orangeville, Orangeville, attended the golden wedding anniversary recep- ; lion in honour of Mr. and Mrs. William Lake on Sunday after- ; noon and was a supper guest of his sister-in-law and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce enjoyed a tlvo-week vacation in their trailer at Emily Park. While thére, grandchildren Jeff and Michael, visited and also Viki and Kirk of Bethany. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Walton and Adam, Bowmanville, were also visitors with her parents at Emily Park. Miss Amanda Storks enjoyed enjoyed her birthday party on Sunday. Newcastle guests attending the Carveth - Fleming wedding wedding in Brighton on Saturday, August 25, were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Garrod, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Walton, Mrs. Irene Cunningham and Bonnie, Mr. and Mrs. Harper Kelsey, Mrs. Raye Friedlander and Mrs. Pauline Storks. On Wednesday Mrs. Pauline Storks and Mrs. Raye Friedlander Friedlander visited Raye's great- grandson, Vincent Norton, who is a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Mrs. Nellie Brawley remains remains a patient in Oshawa General Hospital while her husband Ivor is in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood, Peterborough, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Young, Bridgenorth, were Wednesday luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shetlcr and Wendy, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Cooper, Oshawa, and Mrs. Marg McDonald, Bowmanville, were Wednesday evening visitors visitors with Mrs. K. Kimball. Birthday greetings to Murray Jose, Harve Bona- thon, Pauline Storks, Russell Powell, Jaime Jessica Wright, Lillian Bottrell. Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chard on their wedding anniversary. Mrs. Aresta Williams underwent underwent surgery in Oshawa General Hospital on Monday morning. Mrs. Florence Tuson is a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hold : away, Port Britain, were Wednesday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Sunday luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade were Mr. and Mrs. Don Murdoch, Murdoch, Manotick, Mr. and Mrs. John Broadfoot, Brucefield, and Mr. and Mrs. Warden Hanney, Seaforth, were also Sunday guests of the Wade's. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ormis- ton, Ebenezer, were Sunday night visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred. Golden Wedding Anniversary On Sunday afternoon, Aug. 26th, Mr. and Mrs. William Lake celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary at their home. It was a beautiful day as they greeted two hundred and seventy-five guests from Orangeville, Brampton, Peterborough, Lindsay, Oshawa, Toronto, Halifax, Bowmanville, Newtonville, Orono and Newcastle.. The Lakes were recipients of many cards, gifts, flowers and money. Plaques from all levels of government were presented to them. We extend our congratulations and best wishes. Newcastle Horticultural Summer Show On Thursday, August 23rd, the Newcastle Horticultural Society held its annual flower and vegetable show. At the meeting in the evening, President President Wylma Allin opened the program, thanking all who helped, including those behind the scenes, mentioning I u 1 " I©) 0 Ever wonder if you're paying' too much for car insurance? Ask one of your neighbors about State Farm's low rates aid fast, dependable service. Then give me a call. DON IRVINE Telephone 623-4482 108 Waverley Road Bowmanville State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Canadian Hoad Office: Scarborough, Ontario ORONO FAIR Wood Cutting Contest Sat., Sept. 8 - 6cOO p.m. - Three to a team •1 Chain Saw Running per learn at one time (E?<tra saws and axes may be on hand) • Wood to be cut in 12" lengths ■ $10.00 entry lee. •Prizes: 1sl • $50.00 2nd- 30.00 3rd • 20.00 • Wood to be auctioned oft alter cutting • First live team accepted • To enter call Aleck Modal, 983-5358 Madeleine Buckley, who prepares prepares the show book. The President congratulated all who participated in the show, especially the Juniors and thanked judges Mr. and Mrs. Challice of Orono. Mrs. Chal- lice echoed the president's remarks in praise of the Juniors. Mrs. Narda HoogKamp, HoogKamp, capable Junior leader, awarded the prizes to her pupils, who made 168 entries, 61 in the older group and 67 in the younger group. List of Winners Junior Horticultural Show Aug. 23 1. Gardens - Philip Cunningham, Cunningham, Darren Morrow, Jeff Pearce and Michael Pollard tied. 1. Miniature Garden - 1. Philip Cunningham, 2. Darren Morrow, 3. Lisa Marie Wright. 2. Toy Arrangement - 1. Philip Cunningham, 2. Cheryl Moulton, 3. Sherry Lee Wright. 4. Recycling - 1. Julie Coburn, 2. Philip Cunningham. Cunningham. 3. Dreamhouse - 1. Philip Cunningham, 2. Darren Morrow. 5. Vegetable Character -1. Julie Cobqrn, 2. Cheryl Moulton, Moulton, 3. Sherry Lee Wright, 4. Matt Coyle. 6. Kitchen Potpouri - 1. Philip Cunningham, 2. Julie Coburn, 3. Adam Stephenson. 7. Spring Wildflowers - 1. Philip Cunningham, 2. Jared Peel. 8. Zinnia -1. Philip Cunningham, Cunningham, 2. Sherri Lee Wright, 3. Casey DePlaa, 4. Lisa Marie Wright (3 and 4 tied.) 9. Marigold - 1. Darren Morrow, 2. Philip Cunningham, Cunningham, 3. Sherri Lee Wright, 4. Matt Coyle. 10. Stocks - 1. Philip Cunningham, Cunningham, 2. Darren Morrow. 11. Carrots -1. Matt Coyle, 2. Julie Coburn, 3. Darren Morrow, 4. Jared Peel. 12. Beets - 1. Sherri Lee Wright, 2. Philip Cunningham, 3. Darren ' Morrow, 4. Lisa Marie Wright. 13. Gladiolus - 1. Darren Morrow, 2. Philip Cunningham. Cunningham. Sr. Children 11 and Over Gardens -1. Debra Kelleher, 2. Natalie Wicha, 3. Jenny Hopkins. On the Shore - 1. Jenny Hopkins, 2. Sharon Waterfall, 3. Natalie Wicha. Landscape - 1. Sharon Waterfall, 2. Natalie Wicha, 3. Jenny Hopkins. Recycling - 1. Diane Stephenson, 2. Jason Coburn, 3. Jenny Hopkins. Vegetable Zoo - 1. Natalie Wicha, 2. Brandon Coyle, 3. Jason Coburn, 4. Sharon Waterfall. Miniature Arrangement -1. Debra Kelleher, 2. Jenny Hopkins, 3. Diane Stephenson. Wild and Wonderful - tie - 2. Sharon Waterfall, 2. Natalie Wicha. Zinnia -1, Debra Kelleher, 2. ; Sharon Waterfall, 3. Brandon Coyle, 4. Jenny Hopkins. Marigold-1. Natalie Wicha, 2. Brandon Coyle, 3. Debra Kelleher, 4. Stephanie Miller. Stocks -1. Debra Kelleher, 2. Jenny Hopkins, 3. Natalie Wicha. Carrots -1. Casey DePlaa, 2. Debra Kelleher, 3. Sharon Waterfall, 4, Brandon Coyle. Beets -1. Debra Kelleher, 2. Jenny Hopkins, 3. Sharon Waterfall, 4. Diane Stephenson. Stephenson. Gladiolus - l. Debra Kelleher, Kelleher, 2. Jenny Hopkins, 3. Casey DePlaa. Special Prize - Ian Moulton. Lions Plaque for highest points Juniors - Philip Cunningham. Cunningham. Lions Plaque for older children - Debra Kelleher. Following are the winners of the Annual Flower and Vegetable Vegetable Show: Section A Gladioli Classes Class 1 - Basket of glads, 12 spikes - lsl Fred Couch, 2nd Donna Morrow, 3rd Hazel Crago. Class 2 - Mantle Arrangement Arrangement - 1st Wylma Allin, 2nd Grace Haldenby. Class 3 - Barbeque Time - 1st Hazel Crago, 2nd Wylma Allin, 3rd Donna Morrow. Class 4 Single Spike Class - (a) white-1st FredCouch; (b) yellow - 1st Fred Couch; (c) light red - 1st Donna Morrow 2nd Fred Couch ; (d) dark red - 1st Hazel Crago, 2nd Jack Crago, 3rd Fred Couch; (c) pink - 1st Eva Couch, 2nd Fred Couch, 3rd May Burley; (f) purple - 1st Hazel Crago; (g) orange - 2nd Eva Couch; (ID bi-colour - 1st Fred Couch, 2nd Jean Goode, 3rd Muy Burley; (i) not listed - 1st Murray Jose, 2nd Wylma Allin, 3rd Fred Couch; (j) miniature - 1st Murray Jose, Class 5 - Container of Dahlias - 1st Donna Morrow, Class (i - Container of Zin nias - 1st Donna Morrow, 2nd Hazel Crago. Class 7 - Container of Mixed Flowers - 1st Donna Morrow, 2nd Narda HoogKamp. Class 8 - The Future - 1st Jean Goode, 2nd Donna Morrow. Class 9 - The Past - 1st Donna Morrow. Class 10 - Country Road - 1st Hazel Crago, 2nd Jean Goode. Class 11 - Congratulations, table design with roses - lsl Narda HoogKamp, 2nd Donna Morrow, 3rd Grace Haldenby. Class 12 - Corsage - lsl Wylma Allin, 2nd Jean Goode. Class 13 - Antique Party - 1st Donna Morrow, 2nd Narda HoogKamp, 3rd Hazel Crago. Class 14 - Tall and Stately - 1st Narda HoogKamp. Class 15 - New Life - 1st Jean Goode, 2nd Wylma Allin, 3rd Vicki Lesnick. Class 16 - Me and My Shadow - 1st Donna Morrow. Class 17 - Small Wonder - 1st Jean Goode, 2nd Donna Morrow, 3rd Grace Haldenby. Class 18 - Geisha Girl - 1st Jean Goode, 2nd Narda Hoog-, Kamp. Class 19 - Growing Together - 1st Margery Freethy, 2nd Narda HoogKamp. Class 20 - Three Tuberous Begonias - 1st Wylma Allin, 2nd Jean Rickard, / 3rd Margery Freethy. Home Garden Classes Class 21 - Best Patio Planter - 1st Mary Garrod, 2nd Eva Couch, 3rd Jean Rickard. Class 22 - Best Flower Bed - 1st Fred Couch, 2iid Greta Biersteker, 3rd Donna Morrow. Section B Flowers Class 23 - Asters - 1st Jean Rickard, 2nd Jean Goode. Class 24 - /Asters mixed colours - 1st Jean Rickard, 2nd Jean Goode. /• Class 26 - Asters, powder puff - 1st Jean Goode. Class 27 - Carnation - 1st Ranna Sinou: Class 28 - Cosmos - 1st Jean Rickard, 2nd Donna Morrow. Class 29 - Dahlia under Six Inches - 1st Ranna Sinou, 2nd Betty Blaker, 3rd Vicki Lesnick. Lesnick. ;■ Class 30 - Dahlia over Six Inches - 2nd Betty Blaker. Class 31 - Dahlia cactus over Six Inches - 1st Ranna Sinou. Class 32 - Dahlia Cactus Under six inches - 1st Ranna Sinou! 2nd Jean Goode, 3rd Donna Morrow. Class 33 - Dahlia Pom-Pom - 1st ! Jean Goode, 2nd Jean Rickard, 3rd Ranna Sinou. Class 34 - Geranium - 1st May Burley, 2nd Ranna Sinou. /Class 37 - Marigold over four inches - 1st Ranna Sinou, 3rd Helen Hobbs. Class 38 - Marigold 5 -10 cm. - 1st Ranna Sinou, 2nd Hazel Crago. Class 39 - Marigold one to two inches - 1st Jean Goode, 2nd Hazel Crago, 3rd Grace Haldenby. Class 40 - Pansy - 1st Donna Morrow. Class 41 -Petunia double - 1st May Burley, 2nd Ranna Sinou, 3rd Helen Hobbs. Class 42 - Petunia grandi- flora - 1st Ranna Sinou. Class 45 - Rose, hybrid tea - 1st Ranna Sinou, 2nd Fred Couch, 3rd Jean Rickard. Class 46 - Rose Floribunda - Ni ISâeklô SdvwC SAVINGS from Kurl Beauty Shop $ PERMS 27.00 For Students and Children ' WASH, STYLE CUT, BLOW DRY AND UP INCLUDES CUT $ 8.50 (7 years and younger $7.50) To Serve You Are: Wendy, Darolyn, Lorraine, Linda, Diana and Violet Special prices available until Sept. 15th PHONE 623-5019 71 KING STREET "EAST" BOWMANVILLE "Open 6 Days a Week" ■ ' v * " 1 /.A : y/. Full Sixe p- ■ rr? BED SOFA ( by ^ Reg. 639» ' MF lit more I $ 529 95 SAVE *110 | POSTS | SALES TAX INCLUDED Durable combination fabric of nylon & polypropylene, (loveseat optional) 11 1«Sf Cfiole* Furniture * Applience Wireheuse will rehind the emount oquel io salée ten ' on e furniture puroheié. 2 Piece LIVING ROOM ? PACKAGE $ 498 SALESTAX INCLUDED 11 I : f ' * 4 7 Piece DINING ROOM SUITE PRICED SEPARATELY: kinw Buffet $399» <e j:::". Hutch *599 95 5 g 99f 71 , Table(2 leaves) . .*5 9 9 95 SALE c Side Chair *189 95 ea . tax Armchair *19 9 95 M included WALL UNIT by CAROL Carol Ann has created the wall system that puts a world of entertainment at your fingertips. The attractive russet pecan melamine finish with brass accents give these hard working units a blend of variety and beauty. x-/V - .°/>gp4 y 0$ c 4 Piece KITCHEN NOOK AVAILABLE SEPARATELY K />/ •Table J V/ •Corner Unit • 2 Benches ^ Oc^Oa ^ i $ 297 77 < SALES TAX INCLUDED 7 J_ % \^J 77 $ 347 SALES TAX INCLUDED COFFEE or END TABLES F -¥ XTS^r S k er l 1 $ 1OT 77 cocktail m W Æ ^ , SALES TAX INCLUDED Thehonest beauty of alight chestnut finlshcomplemcnted with parquet and glass Insert tops. Pure contemporary beauties that will setoff any rooms in your home with warmth 8 elegance. i.-T'; M57 77 hujUa WASHER - 2wash/spinspeeds - 3cyclcs - 3 w.ilcr leinp. controls - High deluxe stylo console - Heavy dutyconslruction - Porcelain lop. lui) Hid. - Free hookup by Inglis $ 497 OO AM TRANSISTOR RADIO LIMITED QUANTITIES (batlery not Included) PRICE GUARANTEE II wilhm 30 days from yotlr date ol purchase you find the identical item in all respects with the same terms nruf conditions lor loss money, at any retail outlet Best Choice guarantees to refund difference In lull Sf BEST CHOKE we deliver Furniture & Appliance Warehouse Ltd. Mon.-Fri. 9:30-9:00 Sat. 9:30-6:30 1540DundasSt. E. FREE LAYAWAY Phone 571-0000 Toronto 686-1914 FREE PARKING Mu SI. E. 1 1, i-- a butt'll',ml A»»**

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