\ f t The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 21.1984 7 Stye Nemcaatle Unbepenbent Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 / I Miss Audrey McLeod, ; Toronto, was a weekend guest ! of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. ! Tom Wilson, Golf Course Road. i The annual Progressive i Conservative Pot Luck supper was held at the Newcastle United Church Sunday School Hall on Friday evening. On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Johnson, daughter Glenda Rumbles, Krista and Mark, of Norwood, and Miss Sandra Kelsey attended the Open House at the Toronto Institute of Medical Technology Technology where Gary Johnson is a student. Last Monday Mrs. Gladys Wood entertained the ladies of the Euchre Club. Last weekend Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade visited Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chiswell, Cambridge Cambridge on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Williamson and family, London, on Saturday, and Miss Grace Watson and sister Ruth in Paris on Sunday. Birthday greetings to Rick Pearce and Sandra Barnett (in Alberta), Frank Gray, Jeremy Wight, Frances Wright, Delann Chard, Ivor Brawley, Lisa Vickers and Reta Embley. The Newcastle Horticultural Horticultural Society holds its Christmas Show and Pot Luck Supper on Tuesday, November 27 at the Newcastle United Church Sunday School with the meal starting at 6:30 p.m. On Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Fred Andrews and Janelle, R.R. Orono, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago. Sympathy is extended to relatives and friends of Danny ' Burns, who passed away on Friday. Master Darren Elaschuk, Oshawa, was a Friday overnight overnight guest of his grandparents, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rickard. Mrs. Frances Wright is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Parkview residents held a very, successful bazaar on Saturday. Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Kathleen Kimball were Mrs. Jean Cochrane, Isobel Harris and Doris Trimble of Bowmanville and Lena Graham and Helen Nesbitt. The ladies all attended the : musical program at the ; Community Hall. The Bowkun •Trio with Sandra Bowkun on I flute and twin sister Julia ;Bowkun on cello and Ellen 1 Meyer at the piano are certainly certainly talented musicians and the program was a real musical treat. The next Newcastle Newcastle and District Concert will be held on March 10,1985. Grandchildren Stephen and Allison Burley and Michael and Adam Burley, all of Oshawa were weekend visitors visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burley. All enjoyed the Santa Claus Parade in Bowmanville on Saturday morning. Mrs. May Burley remains a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brown, Peterborough, accompanied by daughter Janice, of Oshawa, visited Saturday evening with Mrs. Gladys Pacey and family. On Sunday, Mrs. Gladys Pacey and family visited with friends in Port Hope. On Thursday morning as Jack was raking the last of the leaves from the culvert, he found a child's jacket. If you have been searching for that boy's jacket, please give us a call. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stiles, Peterborough, were Friday overnight guests of Mrs. Sheila Stiles and Donnie. Saturday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Harris were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Harris, Elginburg, Mrs. Velma Ferguson and family, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Danny Harris and girls, Oshawa. After spending a couple of weeks with his parents, Mr. Harold Powell has returned to Chicago. Prior to his departure, departure, all the family were at home with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Markle, Alyssa and Andrew, Scarborough, Miss Judy Powell, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hunt and Russell, Pontypool. The former Bank of Commerce on King Street West in the village has certainly certainly changed. On Friday, the . official opening of the Newcastle Newcastle Chiropractic Clinic took place in that building. Welcoming guests were chiropractor Dr. Johannes Baarbe, D.C., B.P.E., B.Sc. and his lovely wife, the former Joanne Le Gresley. Joanne's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Farn- comb Le Gresley were also welcoming the many guests who came to congratulate the chiropractor at his new office. Mrs. Vera Barchard, Oshawa, visited on Tuesday with Mrs. Margaret Pearce. Mrs. Charlotte Hendry returned returned home Thursday after spending a few days in Ottawa with son George, his wifq Pat and grandsons Matthew and Christopher. She also visited Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hendry. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hendry, Benjamin and Melissa, Cambridge, were weekend guests of his mother, Mrs. Charlotte Hendry. Anglican News St. George's Anglican Church Women had a business meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 14, at the Parish Hall. At the eleven o'clock service in St. George's on Sunday, Mrs. Marg Tait and Mrs. Nell Yates gave a presentation of the work of the A.C.W. and the Altar Guilds for the stewardship stewardship program. At the Baptisms at St. George's Church, at two o'clock on Sunday, Nov. 18, 1984, Jonathon Fraser McArthur and Nicholas Bee- croft McArthur, children of Mr. and Mrs. Roderick McArthur were baptized. United Church News On Sunday, November 18, at Newcastle United Church, interim minister Rev. Donald Tansley preached the sermon, A Compliment for the Church. Mrs. Stella Morton presided at the organ and the choir sang, Come Unto Me. Next Sunday, November 25th after morning worship, there will be a practice for the Sunday School Concert. Letter to the Editor If you want to get the most for your homeowners insurance dollar, check with state Farm. Call, and let me explain State Farm's unbeatable combination of service, protection, and economy. DON IRVINE Telephone 623-4482 108 Waverley Road, Bowmanville STAtl FAIM iNSUKANCI Answer to last week's editorial: Bowmanville! Where! Why? Whose? Where's our home? Yes, indeed where is it, why has it disappeared from maps and road signs? What in Heaven's name is happening to Bowmanville? Bowmanville? Of course we're NOT "being negative", maybe somewhat repetitious. As Morgan says, "we're chewing over the same issues we were ten years ago." Our Hon. Mayor making the same reasonable sounding replies. Strange...the people of the town are not receiving reliable answers and few, if any results. Oh yes, the Town has received a great face lift. Entering from the east on highway two it really has a shored-up look. And we love it. It has a wider Main Street with trees and flowers in summer and great lighting and decor at this time of year. Our mayor and council should receive some credit for that. Thanks Garnet, you do have a tough job, taking all blame and receiving little credit. Wouldn't relish it, most of us, not for any money. We know you love the land too, that is why so much of what is happening is such a mystery to us. Still our arable land is being used for purposes other than agriculture. (Oh dear God if the Ethiopians had a portion of it.) Housing is needed and growing, but most of those coming here think they are getting away from harried hassle and crime. What a fantasy that is. Our Town Hall may be a mouldering as Mrs. Hubbard says (Councillor that is). It is a shame in comparison comparison with the way other towns in the Region keep up, refurbish refurbish and use their Town Halls. Let's sandblast, prop up and for goodness sake use the space we have, for the space needed for important town records and.oh the old stage... In 1972 I saw a troup of tiny ballerinas in immaculate, crisp, pink and yellow fluffy tu-tus, flung out from behind the dusty stage curtain onto the slivery, old, musky-smelling, musky-smelling, boards of that stage. They looked like Easter chicks, the result of a hopeful ballet teacher's year's work, breath-takingly beautiful. Also next summer from then a darned good Canadian play about a puzzled Canuck looking looking for his identity. Well, we've found it. We have it. Thank you Pierre, The ballerina ballerina class disintegrated, the players moved on East and West and now successful in U.S.A. The small amount of elbow grease and carpentry that would have been such a help then, now would cost, well you know all that...But carpenters Perm Special Quantum Perm Acid Balanced Perm Reg. $Afk 00 $70.00 NOW ... 4rl/ (Includes cut, style, conditioner) Hairport Styling 133 Church Street Bowmanville Telephone 623-4901 are hard to find. They've become specialized in wood carving and or, are busy in far away construction companies. We're celebrating the Birth of a Carpenter for the next month or so ( or did you think it was only Santa Claus?) Maybe we should ask Him for help to save the identity of our Town of Bowmanville on the map and road maps. If Queen's Park doesn't answer, He will. If we deserve it. I think we do. In 1972, the population on the sign entering town said 5000, now according to the latest figure from the town hall records it has doubled. The population is now 12,915, Twelve thousand, nine hundred hundred and fifteen. In 1974-75 a petition of over 1000 names objecting to the name change was presented to council. Results, ditto. M.P.P. Alex Carruthers, (God rest his soul) at that time, went to bat for us in Toronto. He was laughed at for his loyalty. Little did those who laughed, considering Alex and his concern for his people, anachronistic anachronistic in face of modernism and progress, realize they paved the way co now, when undoubtedly we will regain our identity as a Town. Newcastle is still a village. Bowmanville is growing so fast in the name of progress it seems to have progressed right off the map! We still object. Taxes haven't been any less for the taxpayers, though that was the explanation we were given when we dug for an answer as to "why not Bowmanville in The Township of Newcastle"? We were told a huge Town, including all the little places and municipalities with identities identities of their own, would cost taxpayers less as "a Town", than a township. Something to do with zoning by-laws. So much double talk sounds plausible when one is talking to officials. Since that wasn't and isn't right, now, may we please have our Town's name, Bowmanville, back? All other little towns and hamlets kept theirs. Please give our Town back its rightful historical name. Dear Heaven, it's Sesqui- centennia! year and Bowmanville Bowmanville has marched right along with Ganaraska and Ft. Toronto in Ontario. Where is Bowmanville on the Ontario map? Why has it been treated so arbitrarily? Whose Town is it? The Government's or ours? If the Government's, then we're calling ourselves democratic democratic as a facade for something something we all dread happening here. Rose A. Lilley. Kendal The Kendal Women's Institute held their November meeting at the home of Mrs. G. Manders, Mrs. L. Cathcart read an interesting article relative to Remembrance Day. There was a lady from the Phillipines who offered her services as a spy when the states entered W.W. II. She was extremely successful and at no time was ever stopped or questioned. She pursued this service until the end of the war when she was presented with a medal of freedom. This brave little lady lived to tell the tale and died from leprosy some years later from which she had suffered throughout her wartime service. Don't forget the pot luck supper to be held in the Sunday School room November 25th at 6 p.m. It's for a good cause, all funds raised are to be used to pay for the new choir gowns. Ladies to take one main dish and one dessert. Where these days can you get a meal with all you can eat, plus the children under twelve get in free, all for three dollars. There's even some light entertainment. Incidentally, Mrs. R. Wood will welcome anyone wishing to sing in the choir. Mrs, Nita Ransburv is in Peterborough Hospital to undergo some serious surgery -we wish you well Nita, Panasonic, EARLY Chmtn^as Ï NOW AT A PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD g Fri. Highland All Day Sat. only! Special Purchase! Limited Quantity FULLSIZE Microwave Oven $ 299. 95 8 X * WITH TURN-AROUND 8 Stand optional Series 350 from Technics Hi-Fi System * 80 watts of stereo power with quartz analog tuner * Memory pre-set channels * Deluxe tape deck with Dolby * Direct drive quartz lock turntable Super $OQQ 9 Special 10-year 100% WARRANTY 1 Panasonic r NE-7960 ! Microwave 0ven *679. 91 mmmm PSIlfliSOniC m m m FutureWave Auto Sensor Control Takes the Guesswork out of Cooking Complete with $50.00 Food Voucher Sito$«ïi«ito^^^lto3^^5toiSS!BSSï5SBS$£S£B8£iSS5B8£BS£BS£BSBSi3SCï5î$$5SC$SSï5SiiB8£ïSSïSSi=8$ïSSlSSiSs£!iS!£SESSBS£BS :^^$«^^^^^3sS!BS£iSSB5£$ISiSSiSSïSSïSS£SSES!£ÏSSÎISS$5S£3S«BS$Be£ÏS8:3e8£B5SÏS3[BS££»£iS!£ïffl$BS$SSiSS$SSBSlSSîBSi' Panasonic, PC-2063 20" Portable Colour Television » Vi 59 • Quintrix II CompuFocus Video System • On-screen Channel Display • Wireless Remote Control SUPER SPECIAL 839. 95 ÏSS JÏ5! ÏSX KÎ3 ÿss; &a£ £3 £3 V*! yy ÏS3 ISS ïæ Ï9X ÏKÎ ÏSJ KS £92 ftS ^ ^ ^ ^ àæ J?=£ ESS iSsi KS ÏSS £5; ÏS2 1K2 2S2 ÏS2 ÏS2 £32 SsS *Toys 'Radios 'Personal Stereos 'Computers BOWMANVILLE AUDIO-VlàlON 20 King St. W. Telephone 623-2312 tVe have a store full of specials. NO PAYMENTS UNTIL 1985