< < 4 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, November 28,1984 Section Two Neighbors Rally to Help Leukemia Victim Van Belle on Gardening Five-year-old Paul Ouderkirk is undergoing treatment for leukemia at Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children. His parents, of Martin Road in Bowmanville, hope that he will be home for Christmas. Local Winner at Royal Winter Fair Linda Bird was this year's winner of the Ladies' Lead and Wool Competitions Competitions at the Royal Winter Fair. The judging was based on the poise and behaviour of Linda's yearling lamb named Dusty, and the choice of her all-wool outfit. Susan and Dan Ouderkirk Ouderkirk discovered recently that their little boy has leukemia and neighbours of the Bowmanville family have gathered to help them. Five-year-old Paul, a student student at St. Stephen's Senior Intro Dating Service Why spend the long winter alone? Let Intro introduce you to that special someone. You've seen us on T.V., in magazines and newspapers. Now's the time to call, all ages. Toll Free 1-800-268-4348 Special Senior Citizens' Rates HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE J/pgy Main St., Orono Mmmmm 983-5115 SERVING YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS FOR 35 YEARS Susan Sawyer JudyWoodbeck Nelda Dawson 705-277-3117 983-5519 623-4835 Kindergarten, was taken into Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children on Tuesday, November 6, with acute monoblastic leukemia. He has undergone surgery to implant an "infuse-a-port", a tube leading directly into the blood stream, which facilitates chemo-therapy. Dan Ouderkirk believes that the prognosis is good for his son. Paul seems to be responding well to the therapy and is a "good, strong kid." Paul's leukemia could be cured with a bone marrow transplant, transplant, perhaps from his younger brother David. However, Paul will be undergoing undergoing treatment at Sick Kids until Christmas at the earliest. The cost of travelling to and from Toronto and staying staying there regularly is more than the Ouderkirks can afford. afford. To help their friends, neighbors Lori Calvo and Roseanne Shaw have set up a fund in Paul's name. Contributions to Paul's fund can be made at either branch of the Canadian Imperial Imperial BankofCommerce in Bowmanville. by Catherine Denny Bowmanville resident Linda Bird was this year's winner of the Ladies' Lead and Wool competition at the Royal Winter Fair. The show, which took place last Wednesday evening at the CNE in Toronto, included 15 entries of various various sheep from across Canada. The winning lamb was a yearling Dorset named "Dusty" who was born in November 1983 at Ayre Acres farm located just east of Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Judging in the competition was directed towards both the animal and the women escorting them around the indoor track. Lambs were rated for their poise, appearance appearance and behaviour, and the lead-. ers were judged on their choice of costume. : ;i! . "My outfit consisted of a-red' lamb's wool sweater, a black and red hat, a grey scarf,< and black heels," explained Linda, adding that, "Although some of the girls made their own costumes, it was not Th w year, wish your friends and relatives the best, of the season the easy way. . . with a personal Christmas Greeting in i The Canadian Statesman for only $3.25 per column inch, and in The Newcastle Independent for half that price. v Tfylÿptyone 623->3303 and one of our Classified Advertising consultants will be happy to assist you. (Eanabian Statesman Newcastle Snbepenbent a condition of entry. I purchased my clothes from a store." The regulations stipulated only that the sheep be yearlings or ewes and that clothes chosen by the contestants contestants be made of pure wool. "I started my training with Dusty in September," explained the 22- year-old winner. "She was a bit stubborn at first, but the more I worked with her the more she became became used to the idea of wearing a halter and having to walk beside me." By November, Dusty had been in several fairs throughout Eastern Ontario and was well prepared for the tension of her first important debut. Linda's efforts were rewarded with a first place ribbon, an inscribed inscribed silver bowl, and the honor of joining in the closing ceremonies', at the Royal Winter Fair last Satur-, day. She will also have the privilege of awarding ribbons to next year's winners of the Ladies' Lead and Wool competitions at the CNE. Indoor Fun With Plants Discover the beauty of growing plants yourself, in the home. Propagation of plants is easy and a lot of fun, especially for the kids. The next type of propagation is called, SOIL LAYERING. Some plants produce runners, such as the Strawberry plants, the Spider plants, they produce little plantlets at the end of the stem. These plantlets can either be cut off and planted or you can place a pot close by the main plant and lay the plantlet on top of the soil and it will root quickly, then you can cut off the plantlet from the branch after rooting has taken place. Boston fern can be propagated by placing the mother plant in a pot that is three times the size of the original pot, and keep the soil loose around the root ball, then the runners will grow into the loose soil, and new plants are formed. Then cut them off the main plant and plant in 3 to 4 inch pots. Just make sure that the soil is friable and loose. CUTTINGS - This is the most common method of propagation. Practically all plants can be reproduced from cuttings. To name a few at random, Geraniums, Poinsêttias, African Violets, Begonias, Roses, Maple trees, etc. As the name suggests, CUTTING means to cut something from the mother plant. The trick is to keep the cutting alive until the roots have formed. Most plants will root faster when the moisture around the foliage of the cutting is kept high. This can be done by misting the cutting several times a day, or a better method is to keep the container where the cutting is placed in, surrounded with a plastic bag, or in a terrarium which is covered with plastic. This will limit the loss of water from the leaves by transpiration and enables them to carry on until enough roots are formed to supply their needs. The rooting medium varies with the different plants, although commercially two mediums are used, the first is PERLITE and the next one is VERMICULITE. I like the perlite the best, it seldom will become soggy, and it is sterile so you have little problem with rot and diseases. The best lime to make cuttings is between March and September, since the mother plants will be growing the strongest. This does not mean that cuttings cannot be taken at this time of the year. The size of the cutting will depend on the variety of plants, and the most common size is 4 to 5 inches long. Take the cutting from a healthy plant, by cutting it about 6 inches from the top of the branch and then remove the top 2 inches which is usually soft. Always use a sharp knife and cut them on a slant. To help speed up the root action the cutting can then be dipped in a rooting hormone, before sticking it in the medium. Place the cutting about two thirds in the rooting medium, and pack it in firmly, then as mentioned above keep the air around the cuttings moist. Some plants root easier from leaf cuttings, such as the African Violet, Gloxinia and the Rex Begonias. With the African Violet, cut off a good healthy leaf with a sharp knife or razor blade and place in the rooting medium, so that the leaf does not touch the medium, since the rooting will take place at the base of the stem not at the part where the leaf joins the stem. After the cuttings have developed a good root system, they can be transplanted into the soil, which should be made up of a loose friable material. A good mix is Vs peat, '6 sand and Vs soil, or buy the already mixed soils that are available for African Violets. Until next week, happy gardening. G4MER7S Bigger Pictures Plus Fast Accurate Service FREE! 5x7 Enlargement with every C41-110, 126-135 film processed. INSTANT PASSPORT PHOTOS OSHAWA CAMERA ' CENTRE LTD 728-4631 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE (ACROSS FROM THE PM ONE CENTRE) P3ftnciP3cr/on Something To Think About GARY CONWAY DIRECTOR-- PRE-SELECTING A FUNERAL CHAPEL There are a number of important advantages to choosing a funeral chapel in advance of death. To begin with, it will enable you to find the one that best suits your needs. As with most other, professions, there is a whole range to choose from. With a little effort on your part, you can surely find a funeral chapel that will otter the arrangements you want, at what you leel is a fair price. Having pre-selected a funeral chapel can be especially helpful if you or a loved one dies away from home. They can help make arrangements with a funeral chapel where the death look place. If the place was another country, this is doubly true. Our country's embassy or consulate abroad MUST have the name of a mortuary in the home city in order to ship the body. Having named one will save the survivors from having to investigate and decide upon a funeral chapel under pressure of haste and grief. Morris Funeral Chapel 4 Division St. Bowmanville Tel: 623-5480 Serving Durham Region Since 1881 PROPERTY ASSESSMENT and your 1985 Municipal and School Taxes Regional Offices located throughout Ontario are responsible for assessing all real property for the purposes of municipal and school taxation. , ^suiting Assessment Rolls are delivered to municipalities which use them to set their mill rates and compute municipal property tax bills. The amount of property tax you pay on your home or business depends on the assessod value and the mill rate set by your municipality. The assessed value multiplied by the mill rate will determine your 1985 property taxes. Open House Sessions Open Houses are your opportunity to fully understand your assessment and to evaluate its equity. Open Houses are held in every municipality at convenient times and locations, to provide you with the opportunity to discuss your assessment with staff of the Regional Assessment Assessment Office. An assessor will be pleased to explain the basis of your property assessment and is authorized to amend any information as may be necessary prior to the delivery of the Assessment Assessment Roll to your municipality. If you have any questions but are unable to attend the Open House, please contact your Regional Assessment Office at the address or telephone number shown below. Assessment Notice Property owners and tenants will receive an Assessment Notice only if information regarding their property or assessment was changed during the past year, if the assessment assessment was appealed last year, or if the property property has been reassessed under section 63 of the Assessment Act. If you receive an Assessment Notice, it may reflect changes you have requested in your school support designa tion, in the amount of your assessed value, or other recorded information on last year's Notice. Appeal Procedure If, after attending your local Open House, you are still dissatisfied with your assessment, you have a right to appeal it to the Assessment Review Board. The Assessment Review Board conducts informal hearings and is responsible for determining whether the assessment under appeal is fair and equitable with the assessments assessments of similar properties in the vicinity or neighbourhood, and may alter your assessment assessment accordingly. Appeal Deadline The final date for appealing your assessment is January 9,1985. Your appeal must be forwarded, either on a Notice of Appeal Form or as a letter, to the Regional Registrar of the Assessment Review Board on or before January 9,1985, noting your property address, Roll Number and the reason forthe appeal. To assist you in this regard, Notice of Appeal forms and the address of the Regional Regis- trar of the Assessment Review Board are available available at Open Houses, your Regional Assessment Assessment Office, or your municipal office. CITY OF OSHAWA .... TOWN OF AJAX TOWN OF WHITBY ... TOWN OF PICKERING . TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Ministry of Revenue Schedule of Open Houses • 5 £ & pm !° 8:00 pm, City Hall, 50 Contre St. S„ Osliawa • S' ? £ '80 pm o 0:00 pm, Municipal Office, 65 Harwood Avo. S„ Ajax ■ S' $ £ m LOO pm o 8:00 pm, Regional Assessment Office, 505 Rossland Rd, E, Whllbv ' S' r £ nn :00 / im r> nn 8:0 ° 'n 11 ,' Munlc| P al 0IIICD ' 1710 Kingston Rd., Pickering y ' nl r'lnn p "V°n B ™ 0|,m ,', l ? llco nnd FI, o Bldg., 132 Church St„ Court Rm//2 Bowmanville Doc, G, 1.00 pm lo 8:00 pm, Police and Fire Bldg,, 132 Church Sl„ Court RnU/l, Bowmanville DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICE 005 Rossland Road Easl, Box 270 WHITBY, Ontario L1N 5S1 (410) G08-9351, Toronto Lino 680-1422 Zenith 67146