♦ I I The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 5,1984 17 Phone 623-3303 Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m. Phone 623-3303 Articles for Sale Brand new R.C.A. Video Cassette Recorder remote control, search and still pause, one year warranty. $488.88. Krazy Kelly 350 Wentworth St. E., Oshawa 571-1412 43-tfSNP PONTYPOOL BARGAIN CENTRE and FLEA MARKET Specializing in good, new and used clothing, furniture appliances. We do not sell junk. If we don't have it, you don't need it! We also buy good used furniture. 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT WITH THIS AD. VISA 705-2772830 49-1SN Reprocessed Marantz Stereo Receiver 100 watts, dual turn table, cassette deck, two huge Cerwin Vega three way speakers $688.88, under $9.00 weekly. Krazy Kelly 350 Wentworth St. E., Oshawa 571-1412 43-IISNP Christmas Trees Cut your own $11.00 and freshly cut $8.00 - $14.00 Prestonvale Springs Farms ' Prestonvale Rd., south of Bloor, just east of Oshawa Town Line Phone 433-2396 49-2SN Snowtires P195-75-R14 Steel belted radiais melted on rims, Brunswick Billiard table and accessories In new condition. Baby items - crib, stroller, swing, jolly jumper. Phone Newcastle 987-4251 49-1 SN Cut Your Own CHRISTMAS TREES at Theo Van Oosterom's Highway 35 North, 5th line of Manvers, 3 A mile east Pontypool Phone 277-2812 $8/each Only Spruce, Large Sizes 49-3N Furniture, Antiques OPEN SUNDAYS New hours lor your shopping convenience. Thursday - Monday inclusive 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 4,000 square feet of Early Canadian and good used furniture. Heritage Hall 50 - 54 John St., Port Hope 885-2588 28-lfP Chesterfield Suites Loveseats, Sectionals Less than Vi Price LARGE SELECTION McKEEN FURNITURE 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa 725-5181 FREE DELIVERY 25-tfSN Reprocessed fabulous 20" Colour R.C.A. T.V. $188.88 under $4.00 weekly. Krazy Kelly 350 Wentworth St. E., Oshawa 571-1412 STEEL buildings. Manufacturers clearance. Limited quantities. Buy now. Immediate or spring delivery no interest or storage charges. Substantial discounts during sale. Phone toll free 1-800-461- 7689. (Area code 807 phone (705) 335-5972.) 49-1SN $ OVERSTOCKED must sell $. Quonset buildings available at tremendous savings. Limited quantities. Manufacturer overstocked. No reasonable offer refused. Spring or Fall delivery. Won't be undersold. Phone (416) 486-1807. 49-1SN AN Atlas at last. The perfect Christmas gift for Ontario travellers. "BIG RED" the street atlas of Ontario in compact book form. Contains over 300 street guides of Ontario towns and cities with mileage indicators and highway guide. Big Red is the "Good Buddy" of anyone who uses Ontario roadways. Order before December 18 to ensure delivery before Christmas. We will ship by courier. Get $350 worth of street guides, all in one compact library sized book. Easy to read, fits glove compartment. All for only $29.95 plus sales tax and $2 shipping. Money back guarantee if not completely satisfied. Phone (416) 239-5553 or (416) 239-8405. Credit cards accepted or send cheque or Money Order to Maple Leaf Map, 4800 Dundas Street West, Islington, Ontario. M9A 1 Bl. 49-1SN AMAZING New Dillon MK 111 gas welding torch. Welds and cuts aluminum, stainless cast iron and all mild steels. Fantastic new design saves 50 per cent fuel easily and sharply reduces slag and oxidization. A better torch and we can prove it. M.R.B. Dist. Box 33, R.R. 2, Frankford, Ont. K0K2C0. (613) 962-9717. 49-1SN HOME video catalogue. All titles protected by copyright. Colourful boxes. Phone toll free, 1-800-663-6555 or write, On Track Vision, 13381 72nd Ave., Surrey, B.C. 49-1SN FRESH or frozen chickens, turkeys for the freezer, for more information. Phone 263- 8841. No Sunday sales. 49-2S COLEMAN oil furnace 55,000 BTU $100 or best offer. Phone 987-4468 after 6. 49-1N ONE bed chair, $65; brown muskrat fur jacket, size 18, $125; one Philips mixmaster, 2 bowls, $65; one Kerosene heater $70. All in good condition. Phone 723-3698. 49-1S DUCKS and geese, oven ready. Order now for Christmas. Phone 263-2156. 49-1S YAMAHA Tri-Moto 125cc. A-l condition. Must be seen. Phone 263-8084. 49-1SN A variety of Fall and Winter ladies' coats. Size 13-14. All in excellent condition. Phone 623- 2132. 49-1SN TWO lambskin rugs (natural shape), desktop calculator, binoculars, luggage - nylon and vinyl garment bag. Greb workboots, size 7, never worn. 623-7490. 49-1SN GIVE a gift that finds money! Fun and profit for young and old begins with a Garrett Metal Detector ! For free buyer's guide or nearest dealer contact: Canadian Metal Locators, R.R. 5, Waterford, NOE 1Y0 (519) 443- 5193. 49-1SN TWO tractor tires, 12 x 24, $125 pair. Phone 263-2589. 49-1S PRESTON oil furnace in good working order, 165,000 BTU. Best offer. 786-2929 after 6 p.m. 49-2SN TWO pair skates. Boys - 1, Girls - 13, P185R13 Viva, ISL all terrain, bike rack, pair ski boots, size 11.623-1510. 49-1S LOOKING for furniture or appliances? Visit Cherney's Furniture World, 1650 Dundas St. C., Whitby, and ask for Gord Carnegie of Bowman- ville to show you around their beautiful showroom. Articles for Sale BIG sale! My fat husband's leather coat, % length, size 36, has been reduced 17 per cent. Now $75. Still never worn. Phone 623-2973 after 6 p.m. 49-1SN BRAND new Schmidt autoharp and case, new stove hood (never installed), dining room chandelier, complete set - English fine bone china, Osterizer blender (never used). 623-7490. 49-1SN 9" ROCKWELL table saw, table extension and all attachments. Good condition $200. Phone 987-5227. 49-1S DUO-LENS microfish, $100 or best offer. Phone 623-1553. 49-1SN HO MODEL train set, 2 engines, many cars, transformer and tracks. Never used. $125. Phone 623- 5278. 49-1SN REFRIGERATOR for sale. Avocado, excellent condition. $300. Phone 263-8288. 49-1SN POOL table, 4x8, slatene base, balls, cues. Good condition $150. Phone after 6 p.m. 983-9608. 49-1SN ANTH ES hot water boiler with burner, 234,000 BTU, like new. Two half-ton tailgates Chev. and Ford. Phone 263-8172. 49-1SN IMMEDIATE delivery on hockey jerseys - $10 up. Buy direct from the factory and save! Peter Upton Jacket Works. Phone toll free 1-800- 661-6461 for your free catalogue. 49-1 SN SMALL pot belly stove $40. Franklin fireplace $50. 28" x 36" fireplace screen $28. Wooden baby sleigh $10. Sears garbage compactor $75. Good quality metal desk and chair $75. After 6 p.m. Phone 263- 8141. 49-1S PIONEER home stereo system in excellent condition. Phone 623-3784. 49-1S GAS stove, like new; automatic washing' machine. Best offer. Phone 263-8443. 49-1SN FREE ear piercing. Studs $5. Birthstones $7.50. Hooper's Jewellers Ltd., 39 King St. W„ Bowmanville. 623-5747. 45-4SN NEW vanity cabinet, 24" x 19", marbleized top; negative ion generator; Sperti sun lamp; stereo record player. Phone 623-3675. 49-1SN FOR sale, one Vary greenhouse, free standing, double poly. Size 27' x 108'. Phone 983-5987 after 5 p.m. 48-tfSN DRY apple wood for sale. $45 a face cord. Phone 623-2996. 48-5S POTATOES - red or white, onions and carrots. Will deliver. Joe Bouma. Please phone 623-2847. 46-tfSN Careers TRUCKING careers. Job training and placement help. Among Canada's top 10 wage earning group, Phone Merv Orr's nearest branch. Cambridge (519) 623-2430, Toronto (416) 251-9073. 49-1SN FREE 128 Page Career Guide describes 200 correspondence Diploma Courses. Start on your new career today. Granton Institute (Dept. 5A), 263 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. 49-1SN INCOME tax. Confused? Pay the least taxes possible. Learn by correspondence. Free brochure. No obllaatlon. U 8< R Tax Schools, 207-1345 Pembina Hwy. Winnipeg, Man. R3T2B6. 49-1SN Services UNEMPLOYED help centre: Need help? Workers' Compensation, Welfare, OH IP Assistance, Unemployment Insurance, or crisis referrals to other agencies, phone: 579- 1821. 47-25SNP Business Opportunities EASY moneyl Earn extra money as a part-time Regal representative. For your free gift catalogue write Regal, 939 Egllnton Ave, E,, Dept. 638, Toronto, M4G 2L6. 49-1 SN Cars for Sale '70 MONTE Carlo, good condition, needs muffler to certify. $500 as is. '76 Chevette. A-l shape, AM/FM cassette $1100. Certified. Phone 983-5318. 49-1SN GRAHAM'S GARAGE Haydon 263-8172 78 Pontiac Acadian, 4 dr., 4 cyl., automatic, certified. Preserve the old. Protect the new. (oil type) UNDERSPRAY Phone for an appointment. 49-1 SN 73 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass. Good clean condition, excellent second car, price is right. Phone 623-1436. 49-1S 350 CHEV. 2 barrel, 2 bolt main, runs well. Asking $150 or best offer. Phone 623-7664 after 6:30 p.m. 49-1S 1975 VEGA, 2 door hatchback, 4 cylinder, standard, reg. gas. Asking $450. Phone 987-4825. 49-1SN '84CHEV. Celebrity, two-tone, 4 door, V6, automatic, P.S., P.B., power windows, air conditioning, AM/FM cassette, rear defogger, tilt steering, cruise, console, power door locks, extended warranty. Phone 987-4825. 49-1SN Motorcycles for Sale '82 CB 900 HONDA Custom. Mint condition, Honda-line fairing and luggage rack. Best offer over $2900. 623-5027. 49-IS Snowmobiles SKI-DOO for sale. Nordic Twin $275. Phone 263-8288. 49-1SN It-'" Livestock For Sale PUREBRED Arabian weanling filly for sale $850. Phone 623-4135 and leave a message. 49-1SN HACKNEY pony - eight years old, gelding, good and quiet. Phone 623-3788. 49-1 SN BOARD available for one horse. Phone 987-4012. 49-1 SN Dead Stock FREE REMOVAL OF FRESH DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK $5.00 Charge on Sheep - Goats - Pigs $20.00 Charge on Rotten Animals CALL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 47-tfS Trucks 1972 DODGE heavy duty Vi ton truck With cap. As is. 983-5050. 49-1SN '75 FORD half-ton, new brakes, P.S., P.B., automatic transmission. $800 or best offer. Phone 263-8079. 49-IS 1979 GMC % ton heavy duty truck. Clean. Mileage 50,000 km. Phone before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. 987-4313. Glenn E. Allin. 49-IS '77 CHEVROLET half-ton truck for sale. Please phone 987-4239. 49-2SN Test Drive a 1985 TRUCK Long Box, King Cab, Hustler, Ulosol, 4x4 MIDWAY MOTORS LTD. 1300 Dundas St. E. 668-6828 Whitby 47-3SN 43-lfSNP 33-tfSN Wanted to Buy PADDY'S MARKET is looking lor fridges, slovos, washers and dryers for parts or restoration. Wo also handle sales and service. 263-8369 18-tfSN Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcyles Snowmobiles For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID FREE PICK-UP ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 01 -IIS Work Wanted Help Wanted HELP WANTED Applications will be received until December 20th, 1984, for the position of Manager for the Durham Central Agricultural Society. Duties include occasional work during the year and arranging Fair events as directed by the Board. Apply in own hand writing to Don Welsh R.R. 4, Bowmanville Telephone 263*2325 if further Information Is required. 49-2S SUBLET private office, showroom, studio, 200 feet, air cond., broadloom, telephone answering and reception available. Ernie Harvey 623- 2527. 49-1S STORAGE SPACE Boat - Car • Furniture, etc. Wellington & Scugog Sts. Reasonable Rates By the month. 623-4622 or 623-5828 45-tfS MINI STORAGE UNITS from $35. per month 623-2510 38-tfSN Wanted to Rent ONE bedroom apartment for January 1, 1985 in Bowmanville by a responsible middle aged couple. Phone 623-1745. 47-3S Wanted FISHER Price castle with figures. Phone 623-5181. 49-1SN RIDE needed from Bowmanville to Ajax' for 8 a.m. or Oshawa for 7:30 a.m. Phone after 6p.m. 623-1577. 49-2S YOUNG man looking for accommodations within walking distance of high school while continuing education. Please phone 623- 3935. 48-25 PEOPLE to trade manufacturers' coupons and refund forms. Phone Skippy at 623-9519. 49-1S Wanted to Buy DOUBLE box spring and mattress. Must be clean and in good condition. 623-5179. 49-1S Pets SIAMESE kittens. Reserve early for Christmas. Blue, seal and lilac. Also stud service. Will board one or two cats in private home. Enquiries evenings or weekends 987-4281. 45-7N AMERICAN Staffordshire terrier, one year old male, neutered and registered, good with kids $150 or best offer. Phone 987-4468 after 6 p.m. 49-1N THREE, seven week old kittens, free to good home, litter trained. Phone 263-8208 after 5 p.m. 49-1SN LOP-EARED rabbits, registered, in time for Christmas, make good pets. Phone 263-2601. 49-1 SN FREE to good home, two kittens, one black, one grey, both male. Phone 623-7417. 49-IS BIRDS. Baby Cockatiels, Budgies, Zebra Finches. All colors, cages, feed, etc. After 5 p.m. Crozier Aviaries, Oronc. 983-9311. 41-tfS PROFESSIONAL all breed grooming, boarding, training. Labwell Kennels. Phone 786- 2334. 48-tfSN P. Terribrae Kennels Registered Grooming of Terriers, Poodles and most breeds. Now Open New modern boarding facilities-all breed. Reasonable rates. Phone 623-1104 47-IISN Notices IMPROVE YOUR EMPLOYABILITY Free Career Counselling and Upgrading. Call SlrSandlord Fleming College for Information on the Technical Upgrading Program (TUP). Phone 372-6865 or 372-6866 and ask (or TUP. 49-1P PAPERBOY/GIRL NEEDED to deliver in the areas of DEERPARK - ASHDALE Established route of 42 Available Dec. 5 Please apply to The Canadian Statesman 62 King St. W„ Bowmanville 623-3303 49-1S Employment Wanted CHILD care in my home. Any age welcome. Full or part weekdays. 623-6118. 49-3S EXPERIENCED ECE teacher offers daycare program in her home. Phone 623-1739. 49-2SN RELIABLE babysitting in my home. Can comfortably accommodate a child between 10 months to pre-school. Conscientious mother. 623- 7451. 46-4S MIDDLE .aged woman requires live-in housekeeping job, no babies, excellent references, Bowmanville or surrounding areas. 623-7096. 48-2SN Lynda's Housecleaning Service Cleaning of Residential Homes Established since 1975 Bonded 433-1462 48-tfS Notice Br. 178 Legion Lottery Draw Nov. 28,1984 The regular monthly draws were made al the Ladies Auxiliary Bingo on Wednesday evening, November 28th, 1984 in Branch 178, Royal Canadian Legion. Harold King of Bowmanville was present at the Bingo, and as he was a winner of $50.00, 5th prize In the October 24th Lottery Draw, and had just won $25.00 in the jack-pot Bingo, was called on by the chairman to make the first draw - he pulled #1418 from the drum, which was held by Brian "Doc" Adams of 15 Flett SL, Bowmanville, Ont. who was the recipient of the $1,000.00 first prize cheque, but it was later found that he had shared this ticket with four others - but the group of five were pleased to get $200.00 each. 2nd prize ticket was drawn by Mrs. Phyllis Rose of the Ladies Auxiliary and she drew ticket #1154 from the drum for the $400.00 second prize cheque for the holder, Mr. Glenn Prout of 36 Concession St, E., Bowmanville, Ont. 3rd prize of $200.00 was won by Phyllis Rose when her ticket was drawn (#1122) by one of the bingo players. As Mrs. Rose had just won, she was asked to make another draw and this time the winner was Frank and Kathy McCarthy of 1707 Dean St., Apt. 43, Oshawa, Ont. with ticket #1188, as 4th prized $100.00. Mrs. Nyhl Sheehan who was calling the Bingo numbers for the night made the last draw lor 5th prize of $50.00 which went to Mrs. Doris Wilbur of Hampton, Ont. with her ticket #1646. December 26th draw will conclude the winners for the year, 5 prize winners will be drawn on Boxing Day lor the $1,750.00 of prizes which brings the 1984 prize winners' total to $21,000.00. Branch 178 will be holding a similar draw In 1985 with the first draws being made on the 4th Wednesday of March, and monthly thereafter on the same day of each month throughout the 10 months ol 1985 and January and February ol 1986. We ol Branch 178 hope that we will be able to sell all our winners of 1984 tickets on our new lottery, there will be 750 tickets available In the next couple of weeks and II is hoped that they will all be sold by the first draw date ol March 27th, 1985. Tickets will be the same price, $50.00 with the one ticket being eligible lor every draw throughout the months ol March to December 1985 and January and February ol 1906, The prize structure will bo similar with a prize total ol $1,750.00 monthly lor the annual total ol $21,000.00 In prizes. Whore else can you got a lottery ticket (or $50,00 that will entitle you to 60 draws throughout 12 months. Sian L. Dunn - Lottery Chmn. 49-1S MATURE help for cleaning of private homes, must be bondable, references required, car essential. Phone 433-1462. 49-2S HOUSEKEEPER/babysitter. Mature, responsible lady, live in Wednesday to Sunday for doctor's large home in Courtice. Two children. 3 pets. Good salary and own apartment. Phone 571-2986. 49-2SN PARAMEDICAL firm requires R.N.'s to complete health history reports in the Bowmanville and surrounding areas. Car necessary. Good wages. Flexible hours. Please send resume to: P.O. Box 398, Agincourt, Ontario. MIS 3C6. 49-1SNP Notices Come visit us at Ontario Hydro's Darlington Generating Station Information Centre. Films, presentations on nuclear energy and site tours available free of charge. Open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday to Friday Groups may book other times. Located on the south service road inside the site gates. Phone 623-7122 37-lfSN- NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF VELMA EILEEN GAY, late ol the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, Retired, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Velma Eileen Gay, late of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, Retired, who died on or about the 6th day of August, 1984, are hereby notified to send particulars of the same to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of December, 1984, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person whose claims he shall not then have notice. DATED this 19th day of November, 1984. Harry Lawson Gay, Administrator, by his Solicitor herein, Peter Z. Magda, Q.C. 292 King Street West P.O. Box 2064 - Oshawa, Ontario L1 H 7V4 47-3S Tender ^Ontario tip Hydro Ontario Hydro Forklift Truck Maintenance Ontario Hydro invites contractors to submit tenders (or the scheduled preventative maintenance maintenance and emergency servicing for approximately approximately 8 electrical forklift forklift trucks for a period of one year commencing February 1, 1985 at the Darlington Generating station located in Newcastle. Tenders will be received up to 2 p.m. local time, Wednesday, January 9, 1985. Tendering documents may be obtained FROM: (or (or inspection only) 700 University Avenue 6th Floor Reception Desk (9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily) WRITE: Ontario Hydro Alin: J.D. Garry, H6C26 700 University Avenue Toronto, Ont. M5G 1X6 PHONE: (416)592-3593 The successful tenderer may bo required to furnish a performance bond. Further details arc contained In the tendering documents. The lowest or any lender will not necessarily bo accepted. 49-1S GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhanging Carpentry Remodelling General Repairs Interior Exterior 14-tfS FURNACES CLEANED Parts and Service Policy HARVEY PARTNER 4 SONS Bowmanville 623-2301 Orono 983-5206 4-lfSN WHYTE'S UPHOLSTERY Have your chesterfield professionally upholstered. 25 Years Experience For Free Shop & Home Service Call RALPH WHYTE , 623-5252 125 King St. E. Bowmanville 26-tlSN Les Shelley Plumbing Hot Water Heating For repairs or renovating FREE ESTIMATES Phone 433-1112 26-tfSN HOLROYD'S HEATING Authorized ESSO Home Comfort Dealer Oil burner sales Cleaning and Repairs Parts and Service Plan Bowmanville 623-2185 7-tlS LOOKIN'GOOD IN WOOD We make: tables • wall units - dressers vanities - doors - stairs - etc. to your specifications. For all custom made woodwork Phone Gerry Lens fora free estimate at GERRY'S WOOD MILL 623-2371 27-tfS BILL SELLERS CARPENTRY General Contractor and Home Improvements ADDITIONS GARAGES REC ROOMS KITCHENS BATHROOMS CERAMIC TILE PRIVACY FENCE WOOD DECKS PATIO DOORS Repairs of all types FOR ESTIMATE CALL 623-4116 DON BROOKS & SON General Contractor Phone 753-2577 or 623-2755 32 years experience serving area in all types of household and commercial repairs. Carpentry-Plumbing Electrical and Masonry YOU NAME IT-WE DO IT! Free Estimates 20-tfS BYAM PLUMBING & HEATING INC. and AIR CONDITIONING NEW WORK and RENOVATIONS FREE ESTIMATES Village of Tyrone R.R. 5, Bowmanville 263-2650 25-tfSN NEWCASTLE UPHOLSTERY Modern, antique, free estimates and pick-ups. Call 987-4958 29-tfSN JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS Phone Hampton 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 • Bowmanville 4-lfS Mutton Masonry All Types of Cement Work Concrete Floors, Foundations and Walls Brick and Block Laying Chimney Construclion and • CHIMNEY SWEEP G.W. Mutton 623-5981 1-tfSN DUANE T. TAYLOR GENERAL CARPENTER Tyrone 263-8471 Experienced in all aspects of residential wood construction plus cabinets, lathe work, lurnilure and repairs, custom doors and windows. Carpentry done the right way at the right price. 18-IISN Fred's Auto Body 163 Baseline Rd. In Bowmanville Very reasonable rates on complete collision and rust repairs. Insurance Claims Come In for your free estimate or phone 623-6353 Fred Devries 17-tfS 18-IIS Notices The Neighborhood Nursery School Liberty St. S., Bowmanville For immediate sale due to ill health of owner. Two established programmes. Interested parties please phone 623-3935 ■ Mrs. Keates 48-25 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC NOTICE REGULATIONS FOR WINTER SEASON Area Residents are hereby advised ol the Provincial and Municipal Regulations applicable to the winter season, as follows: The Highway Traffic Act (R.S.0.1980): Section 147 (10) prohibits the parking of vehicles on any highway in such a manner as to interfere with the movement ol traffic or the clearing of snow from the highway. Section 147 (13) provides the authority lor the removal ol any vehicle, al the owner's expense, found to bo causing an obstruction on a highway. Section 157 prohibits the depositing ol snow or ice on a public roadway. By-Law 79-1, Town ol Newcastle: Section 5(l) prohibits the parking of vehicles on any highway for a period ol longer than three (3) hours, and Is also applicable lo over-night parking on any road under the jurisdiction ol the Town of Newcastle. R.G, Dupuis. P. Eng., Director of Public Works, Town ol Newcnstlc, Hampton, Ontario. LOB 1J0 48-2S Date ol Publications: November 28,1984, December 5,1984.