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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1984, p. 26

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6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 5,1984 Section Two Career Week at M.J. Hobbs By Junaid Shaikh On Monday, November 4 the staff and students of M. J. Hobbs began Career Week activities. During the entire week the students were tested on their ability to recognize various careers. Each morning morning a riddle was read following the morning exercises. The students submitted their answers to our two career week co-ordinators who selected selected the correct answers. Congratulations to Lucy Davidson and Tracy Mclmoyle who did an exceptional exceptional job at setting up the schedule on Career Day. On Tuesday, November 5, the students assembled in the gym for a presentation by Mrs. Swail from the Women's Directorate of. the Government Government of Ontario. Mrs. Swail spoke about the changing roles of women in the work force. The following day the students students were treated to a Career Day sockhop during the lunch hour. In the afternoon all students were divided into groups of peers who shared an interest in the same careers. That afternoon each student went to four career electives. In total M. J. Hobbs had twenty-seven presenters speaking to students about their job. On the Thursday at our Career Week activities, students participated in the annual hobby show. Over twenty students displayed their various hobbies. From woodcarving to motorbikes. I'm sure all students enjoyed and learned through our career activities and our staff and students would like to express our thanks to all who made our Career Week possible. Sports The senior girls soccer teams of M. J. Hobbs placed first in the soccer tournament. The Bowmanville girls placed second, and the Pines girls' team placed third. Excellent sportsmanship and skills were shown by all of the teams. A special thanks was given to the coach, Mr. H. Webster by the girls who presented him with a plaque for his help. Brenda Walsh made the presentation and added this poem of appreciation: This soccer season was quite a blast, Thank goodness we didn't come in last. Pines and Bowmanville played a good game, But they didn't win, what a shame! ahh, Durham Student Newtonviiie Receives Award Canadian Diabetes Association DURHAM REGION BRANCH 7TH ANNUAL DIABETIC FAMILY CHRISTMAS PARTY Monday, December 10,1984 6:30 p.m. $5.00 per family Kingside Park Clubhouse, Dean Ave., Oshawa T.V. Puppetree will entertain. For more information, call Pam Taylor at 576-2981. Your coaching of the team was excellent, Your box position an experiment. experiment. . We see you yelling from the side line, In the pouring rain you looked looked just fine. The season's over, the fans have gone, No more games are going on. One thing we have all learned, The "Number One Coach" you have earned. In volleyball the Hobbs senior girls'- team played at Whitby where eight teams from various school boards held a tournament. The Hobbs Hawkettes placedfifth. Congratulations girls, keep up the great skills! In October,, the boys' soccer team placed third in the soccer games. Pines came first, and Bowmanville second. There was great participation by all. Also the boys would like to thank our coach Mr. Coles. Poet's Place This is our winning Hallowe'en poem from grade eight by Jessica Veenstra of class eighty-one. THE GOBLIN A knock on the door, I open it wide, A goblin is there, Standing outside. It demands a treat, Or destruction tonight, I reach for a goodie, Trembling with fright. I drop in it's sack, A candy to chew, It looks at the treat, And says "Thank you." It wheels right around, On big ugly feet, Lugging along, It's crisp tasty treat. CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Public Notice MUNICIPAL GRANTS All organizations seeking a grant from the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for their activities during 1985 must submit a completed application form to the office of the Treasurer on or before DECEMBER 17, 1984. Application forms and copies of the Municipal Grants Policy are available at the municipal offices of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle at 40- Temperance Street, Bowmanville. Kathryn A. Campbell, C.A., B.Comm., Treasurer Oct. 24, Nov. 14, Dec. 5,1984 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC NOTICE CONCERNING PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE COURTICE URBAN AREA PLAN, COURTICE NORTH NEIGHBORHOOD 3B DEVELOPMENT PLAN, AND THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE'S COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW 84-63 TAKE NOTICE that the Council ol the Corporation ot the Town ol Newcastle will hold a public meeting on Monday, January 7,1985 at 9:30 a.m. at 132 Church Street, Courtroom 2, Bowmanville to consider the following: 1) an amendment to the Official Plan ol the Former Township ol Darlington • Courtice Urban Area (Amendment No. 12), under Section 22 ol the Planning Act. The purpose ol the proposed amendment is to provide more llexibility in the locational requirements between high and low density residential developments and permit a reduction in residential density adjacent to high density proposals. 2) an amendment to the Courtice North Neighborhood 3B Development Plan. The purpose ol the proposed amendment is to establish land use designations 1er those lands currently indicated in the Neighborhood Development Plan as being deferred (see key map below). 3) an amendment to By-law 84-63, Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law. The purpose ol the amendment amendment is to'change the zone designation ol a 5.26 ha parcel ol land in Pari ol Lot 30, Concession 3, former Township ol Darlinglon (see key map below; File: DEV 84-23) from "A-Agricultural", "EP- Environmental Protection", and "(H) R1-Urban Residential (Holding)" to a. Special Provision to permit the development ol 70 Townhouse Units, a 96 unit Apartment Building, and a Neighborhood Convenience Commercial Block. 4) an amendment to By-law 84-63, Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law. The purpose ol the amendment is to change the zone designation ol a 3.45 ha parcel ol land in Part ol Lots 29 and 30, Concession 3, former Township ol Darlinglon (sec key map below: File: DEV 83-22) from "(H)R1-Urban Residential (Holding)" to a Special Exception to permit the development ol uses permitted by the "R2-Urban Residential" subject to lot area and (rentage restrictions. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support ol or In opposition to the proposed Official Plan Amendment, the proposed Neighborhood Development Plan Amendment, and the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed Official Plan Amendment, the proposed Neighborhood Development Plan Amendment, and the proposed Zoning By-law Amendments is available lor inspection between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the Planning Department, Municipal Offices, Hampton, Ontario. T.T. Edwards, M.C.I.P. Director ol Planning Planning Department Files: OP 2.2 OP 2.2.3 DEV 84-23 DEV 03-22 Published the 5th day ol Decomber, 1904 Evelyn Day and Tom Wilson, Wilson, board members representing representing the Alzheimer's Society Society of Durham Region, have presented a special award to a Durham College student specializing in gerontology. The award of $200 was presented Wednesday, November November 21, to Doris Axford of Hampton, who is in her third year of the College's extension program in gerontology. The award was given in recognition oftheeffortand interest shown by Doris in the area of field placement, and her excellent progress throughout the three years of her program. This award will be made each year at this time during during National Alzheimer Awareness Week, which brings attention to the nature nature of the disease and efforts efforts being made to alleviate alleviate the effects on the families and those who care for the affected patients. Durham student, Doris Axford, the recipient of an Alzheimer Society award. CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS Removal of Snow & Ice From Highways and Sidewalks Within the Town of Newcastle Pursuant to the provisions of ; the. Town- of Newcastle By-law No. 78-119, all oçcupants or owners of lands adjacent to highways or sidewalks are requested to: ;.v-. (1) .Clear away and remove'ihe snow and ice entirely from the sidewalks adjacent to the property within 24 hours of the commencement commencement of the fall of snow. (2) Clear away and remove within 24 hours snow and ice from the roofs of buildings where the eaves are less than three metres from the sidewalk at their closest point. (3) Refrain from placing snow and ice from private property upon the travelled portion of the highway or sidewalk. (4) Failure to remove snow or ice during the time prescribed in the by-law may result in its removal by the Town of Newcastle, the costs being charged against the property. (5) Any person who contravenes the provisions of this by-law may be prosecuted and upon conviction liable to a penalty of not less than . $50.00 or more than $200.00 for each offence exclusive of costs. David W. Oakes, B.A.;A.M.C.T., Town Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. L1C3A6 File 10.38.99. Dale of Publication: December 5th, 1984 Something To i A Think About Paul R. Morris DIRECTOR- CONFIDING YOUR WISHES Unless you lake certain common sense measures now, the arrangements lor your funeral and burial may turn into a source ol conflict and misery among your loved ones. II Is not enough lo conllde your wishes lo your spouse or perhaps a close friend. Ollier relatives may lake exception lo certain arrangements and try to override such wishes and even lake over responsibility together -- particularly II you have entrusted tills to a friend. Your best course Is to loll all Involved parties wluil you have decided so there Is no question about It later. You may even wish to name the responsible parly In your Will, or in a "Letter ol Instruction," along with specific wishes. Unless you do this, there is a good chance that such responsibility will bo lurried over to your closest living relative, regardless ol your relationship to the person, and arrangements made alien to your wishes. Morris Funeral Chapel 4 Division St, Bowmanville Toi: 623-5480 Sorvlng Durham Region Sinco 1801 The U.C.W. met Wednesday evening in the Sunday school. Mrs. Bea Jones, Janet Paeden and Dora De Smit presented the devotional. Jean Kimball, the president presiding over the business with the various reports given including the secretary, treasurer's, sunshine sunshine and social functions. More Christmas decorations will be purchased. The installation installation Of the Sunday school door was discussed, also hand rails at the steps to be purchased. purchased. The Christmas meeting meeting is to be in the form of a pot luck on Dec. 12th at 6:30 sharp with a gift exchange of $2.00. Any of the ladies who have helped with the different social events to be invited also to this meeting. Mrs. Harold. Gorton who with her husband, spoke of their hobby of "Homing Pigeons." This was very interesting and informative. informative. They also showed a film on this topic. They stated the pigeons were used during the war carrying messages from one ship to another, also for sending blood samples from hospital to hospital and for underwater manoeuvres for rescuing people because of their exquisite eye sight. The Queen of England, Roy Rogers and Charlie Pride also have this hobby. They travel as long as 600 miles in one day and are greatly treasured by their owners. Lunch was served and a social time followed. Thanks was expressed to the Hortons and their two fellow companions. companions. Ray and Doris Tompkins welcomed the church goers on Sunday. The church was decorated with Christmas decorations for the holiday season. Flowers also were placed at the altar by family members of Miss Norma Hallowell and the family of the late Mr. Robert George Lawrence. Mrs. Mary Vinkle assisted with the opening and the scriptures. Mrs. Marlene Stacey and Beverly presented the Lighting of the 1st candle. The choir sand the carol "The First Nowell." The sermon by Lynda King was entitled "Preparation for Christ's Coming." You may order your Newtonviiie Church plates from Sandra Mclnnes or Carolyn Gilmer. Mrs. Mary Vinkle had the honour of opening the Orono Heather Rebekah Bazaar held at the Oddfellows Hall on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Inez Boughen also attended. Mr. Charles Gray of Newcastle Newcastle took Mrs. Bea Jones and Mrs. Mary Jones to visit Mr. Melville Jones who had an operation in the hospital at Oshawa last Monday. They returned to the Gray's for Sunday supper. The Hall Board is having a Bake sale to be auctioned at the Sales Barn on Friday evening at 7 o'clock on December 7th and at 8 o'clock that same evening another progressive euchre party will be held at the hall. Stuffed Animals Pet E Food and supplies for all kinds of pets. * Free Delivery (min. $20.00 purchase) * Name Brand Products Open: 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturdays 122 Waverley Rd. Bowmanville 623-1415 Check Out Our Specials . CASE PRICES 5% Off regular price for cases (24 tins) CAT FOOD Size Price Expires Pamper, Purrr 3 for .99 Dec. 29 Cat Chow, Gourmets Seafood only .. 2kg 3.34 Dec. 8 DOG FOOD Derby ... 23.5 oz. .82 Dec. 29 Martin's Top Breed Gourmet ... 8kg 7.29 Dec. 8 Pal .69 Dec. 23 Tufty's, Chunk, Hi-Protein ... 8kg 7.68 Dec. 15 Tufty's, Chunk, Hi-Protein ... 20kg 16.46 Dec. 15 Tufty's Puppy : ... 8kg 7.68 Dec. 15 WHILE SUPPLY LASTS Purina Dog Meal 10kg Gaines Select 4 kg Gaines Select 8kg Gravy Train 8 kg Gravy Train iekg Ken-L Ration Kibble 8kg Ken-L Ration Kibble 20kg Ken-L Meal 8 kg Ken-L Meal 20 kg Nutram 8 kg Nutram ; 20kg Pablum 8kg Performatrin Growth 4 kg Performatrin Maint 4 kg Purina Protein Plus 20kg MONDAY AND TUESDAY ONLY Pamper eoz. Gilpa 21% 8kg 11.55 5.77 10.81 10.98 20.07 9.20 19.85 9.20 19.85 8.85 19.36 10.70 7.70 6.91 21.25 .29 6.60 We,will not knowingly be undersold! BEAT THE FREEZE NOW! Dog and cat sweaters and coats just arrived } grab one while they're hot! This near, Irish ijour Jemals and relut 1res (hr best of (hr season the elist/ //'(///. . . infh a personal (jinstinus (Ircelnnj in The Canadian Statesman Jar onlif $3.2f> pi e min mu inch, and m The Neieeastlc Independent for half that price. I(jephone (Ud-JdOd and one <>J one Classified Ad vert istny consultants irill hr happy to assist you. (Eanahtan Statesman Qtye Newcastle 3nbepenbent

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