8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 5,1984 Section Two Blackstock Area News by Joyce Kelly On Sunday, Catherine Ranetta, infant daughter of Cheryl and Brian De- Jong was baptized at the Hope Christian Reformed Reformed Church, Port Perry. Following church, Cheryl and Brian hosted a family gathering in Catherine's honour. Guests were Ben and Wemke DeJong, Ivan and Brenda DeJong, Anita DeJong of Peterborough, Peterborough, Ralph DeJong home from college at London, Peter Sibma, Lloyd and Thelma Wright, Don and Andrea Wright, Leslie Wright, Toronto, Harold and Melanie Wright, Caesarea. On Friday evening the Achievement Program for the recent 4-H Club Fitness Fare was held at Grandview Public School. Leaders of the two Blackstock Groups- Blackstock 1- Barbara Byers and Gail Johns; Blackstock 2- Carol Mairs and Sharon Wilson were presented with their Leader's Badges along with the other leaders of the area. Among the Club presentations were Women in Sports- Karen Kyte and Diane Densmore of the Blackstock Fitniks and Blackstock Farewell Fatties gave a skit- The 11:00 a.m. Blahs with all members participating. Congratulations to Anne- Marie Hoogeveen who was awarded Provincial Honours upon the completion completion of 12 projects completed. The Public is reminded of the special speaker at this week's Lions meeting on Wednesday evening at the Recreation Recreation Centre when an R.C.M.P. officer will speak on the Drug Problem. Problem. The meeting is open to the public at 8 pim. Bill and Jean Ferguson and Kevin, along with Alan whom they picked up at Waterloo, and Mrs. McKee, Jean's mother from Woodstock travelled travelled to the home of Jean's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McKee and family at Norwich for their annual annual pre-Christmas family gathering on the weekend. Helen and Stuart Dor : rell of Charlton were in the area in mid-week. Helen visited with her NESTLETON- CAESAREA Caesarea Euchre Results of the Wednesday Wednesday evening card party as follows: First prize- Doug Thomas- 96. Second Second prixe- Ross Keeler- 82. Low- Ed White- 43. Dorothy Edwards held 19 lone hands during the month of November. Don't forget this Wednesday Wednesday evening- same place- same time- for a friendly friendly game of cards and an evening of fellowship. The Ladies Auxiliary will have a draw on a Ceramic Christmas Tree and a Flower Arrangement Arrangement at the euchre on Wednesday, January 2nd. mother Mrs. Wilbur Toms, with the Harold McLaughlins and other relatives while Stuart was in Toronto attending a meeting. Best wishes are extended extended to our C.H.S. senior Girls Basketball team as they leave for the all-Ontario finals this weekend to be held at Guelph. There were 8 tables at the weekly euchre party on Tuesday evening with the following winners: 1. Bernice Wells- 89; 2. Harold Swain- 83; 3. Dorothy Edwards- 74; 4. Belle Werry- 72; 5. Bertha Bertha McLaughlin- 72; 6. Norman Rohrer- 69; Low- Betsy Staniland and Draws- 1. Harold Swain; 2. Leonard Cane; 3. Doris Rohrer. Sunday dinner guests of Gerald and Joyce Kelly, Kelly, Elaine and Esther were Eunice and Herman Herman Rodman and Blair of Little Britain, June and Bob Fetch, Kent and Catherine of Aurora. Quite a number of local residents enjoyed attending attending A Night At The Grand, starring David Walden and Arlene Meadows, accompanied by Howard Baer at the Town Hall 1873, Port Perry on Saturday evening. Sorority Happenings By Gayle Stevenson Xi Zeta Lambda members met at the home of Linda Hargest Oct. 23 for their annual Hallowe'en meeting. Instead of having a costume party this year, Lynda Gibson hosted a 50's party on Oct. 27 th. The young hoppers (dressed in appropriate style) danced the night away, demonstrated the hula hoop, held twist contests, and dined on barbequed hot ' dogs and coke floats. Barb Rousseau opened her home Nov. 13 and introduced Mr. Paul Morris who gave us a very informative talk on different aspects of preplanning preplanning funerals and an interesting interesting discussion followed. Our annual Christmas Craft Auction was held at Cathy Koenderman's. Many beautiful beautiful handmade objects were on display and auctioned off. The money realized is used for many of our community projects projects in the area. The three Bowmanville chapters of Beta Sigma Phi worked together to create the float "The Night Before Christmas" for the Santa Claus Parade. Following this parade everyone gathered at San Marinos for a family Christmas Party where a delicious lunch was served and the children were entertained entertained with several movies. Next week we will have news of the Christmas Dinner and the name of the winner of the Cabbage Patch Doll and complete layette. 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