i i I -ri '"T ^ >iv . C^V- Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. December 12,1984 15 Museumobile Visits Here XX" 3 Pn! .'A, DIET KKBIYE, XA ! x;- ' . ~ . ' '2- ! " o/l- j ■ .XL TAD DIET COKE or; rt • /• jj / - / a '■ V ( \:U . . 'x, -•«' - : 1 • • ■•••• .21 -Of ' "■ I // , 0 '1 - s - * ' i :: ! - • : c j 1 /■ . i V / o / -ox:..,' ■' " ;il; - : ( ... -, ' s 1 C."- i . i " ,)\ ; .IX: K ■ . ' -• . j ■ i 750 mL i / . 3 , .... : 1 - - DTE. , -► t . ' * • ; \ ) *■ j y s 1 : ■ ' ' j 1 C. : i ■■ ■■ iti: ! 1 ; ; r 1 | ;' ' ••■- ■ / Î vZ. Til! ; : PLUS .20 0E;\ PER DTE. : ■ ' . ! ' f j 1 • Î; j 7%. OK, i'll! j: .'YnrXioi ji ■;c{9j!ii:?ojx .X.vX.r, ! 'i r W ' r .j-fX'oh) i>v,. PROCESS CHEESE FOOD.oo^' SÜ5GLEG (24 8I.IGIÎ0) ; U( vXüiX ■ / ■; üo» (> pi;c. (i ... , . XX ° PLAIN OR ASSORTED '"««la ; iiv=' ' FRUIT covror.i VARIETIES 'H [A p .... *-» ... _ n lj (XX : . j ;XX ' VKK '• i ij V.V ' ' ' n r :'"E 'i Z à fj C1JP • \ SPRITE, DIET SPRITE, DIET COKE OR Coca-Cola CASE OF 24x280 mL TINS 5.99 FANCY GRADE, PEACH HALVES OR SLICES OR, Del Monte Fruit Cocktail NONALCOHOLIC Hennlnger Beer SLEEVE OF 6x330 ml BTLS. 2.99 28-FL OZ. TIN 1.49 Hunts Tomato Paste 3 'S .99 CHOCOLATE OR STRAWBERRY FLAVORED Fantasle Instant Drink Mixes ONION, SNACKERS, CHEDDAR CHEESE, WHEATO'S, CORN OR VEGETABLE Country Harvest Crackers 250 g PKQ. .99 750 g conT. 1.99 BLANCHED, SPANISH OR BBQ Trophy Salted Peanuts 400 g PKQ. 1.25 ASSORTED VARIETIES OF REGULAR OR COUNTRY STYLE Lipton pkq. of 70 SUNNYQOLD, CURRANTS OR SEEDLESS Australian 375 g PKQ. Sultana Raisins .89 SMALL M s, MEDIUM 26's, LARGE 36's, NEWBORN 84's OR TODDLER PLUS 40's Luvs or Pampers Diapers EACH PKQ. 9.69 Cup-A-Soup ENVST mi & MFG. PRE PRICED $2.35, LIQUID Sunlight Detergent btl 1 -wS NORMAL/DRY OR OILY 225 mL BTL 1.39 WHOLE OR JELLIED Halo Shampoo Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce 'Vt QQ TIN «WW RICE OR CORN ^ CÛ Chex Cereals boj? 1 REGULAR, MINT OR GEL Crest Toothpaste 100 mL TUBE 1.19 WITH OR WITHOUT GARLIC OR POLSKIE OGÔRKI Bick's Dill Pickles JAR 1.69 450 g 900 g 1.35 kg HOSPITALITY . " ^ " Fruit Cake 1.89 3.69 5.49 SPRING MORNING OR FLORAL SACHET SCENTS, GLADE Rolair Refills EACH PKG. .99 (CUT L-RCiV! CANADA SHADE A BEEF, M.X . v..cn; ? ci\ H.h.;. XX o 3 ., t=),i, lb 11 - oYp ■ '-ivutaî,i ; ; || a fiic X, a à A. Xi X. /X ■o, ■ /::: ('■ , 1 CANADA CFiADE'a, i-nOEGN, YOUNG, COATED, i'ODt; IC.IC; VKOBUK; D. '0., :ca.vHC o;; hoc.:h '©'■■4 ..o : ■ o COOKED. SMOKED. •■SEMI-BONELESS" fP^Half & Quarter @?Hams VACUUM PACKED 6.59* 2.99, b "EUROPEAN CUISINE" ^Deli Vjxj/Sausag e 250 g CHUB 1.89 ieners ^o a 1.89 PAN-READY, FROZEN Haddock Fillets 5.27kg 2.39. SLICED jf^Side ÜE9 Bacon ^ Q ° 2.59 CANADA GRADE A, FROZEN Young 2 kg Ducks 4 avÏ 3.06* 1.39b COOKED, SMOKED Boneless ViX# Dinner Hams 7.25* 3^9. CANADA PACKER'S, JUBILEE BRAND, Extra-Old T E Cheddar p!e h c e e 8.80* 3.99b ^ Dill 4 Pickles 7 Tar l 1 .99 Liverwurst chu% 1 .29 ASSORTED VARIETIES, Salads ^ 1 .4 9 0®* Golden Fry n , A vzJ Sausages pkq 8 Z.19 CANADA GRADE A, FROZEN Young Geese 3.06„ 1.39, UNDER ' 5 kg 11 lb. I eV^lb. ^SLICED. \r'i Bologna COOKED, SMOKED, VACUUM PACKED f^Ham tt? Steaks 175 g PKG. 375 g PKQ. 1.79 CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF, "BONELESS & LEAN" Stewing Beef 4.17* 1.89, "GREAT FOR STUFFING" OR "SLICE & FRY" Sausage @9 Meat 500 g CHUB 1.39 1.79 From Our Deli ■ 35/IOOg 1.59,b FILLER'S, Polish Sausage COOKED, _ _ 4^Black Forest le Ham 3.99» AVAILABLE ONLY AT STORES WITH A DELI DEPT. 0 PRODUCT OF U.S.Æ, T o- CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, "ICEBERG VARIETY" q ^ mm 49 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. Cranberries 340 g 12-OZ. PKG. ,( .m PRODUCT OF SPAIN 1.3ÔJ.59 PRODUCT OF JAPAN, Mandarin Oranges 4.08 kg N 9 lb. BOX 7.99 PRODUCT OF U.S.A., Yams 1.10* 2», .99 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. OR B.C., CANADA EXTRA FANCY GRADE Red or Golden Delicious Apples 1.74* .79 PRODUCT OF U.S.A., Green Onions 3.99 PRODUCT OF B.C., CANADA EXTRA FANCY GRADE PRODUCT OF U.S.A., 170 g Cello Radish O k°l .99 Anjou Pears m 1.96 kg .89b PRODUCT OF U.S.A., HARTLEY VARIETY, JUMBO SIZE PRODUCT OF P.E.I., CANADA NO. 2 GRADE Baking Potatoes Walnuts In The Shell 2.18* .99b. 4.54 kg 10 1b. BAG 1.49 PRODUCT OF GREECE 397 „ f\f\ String Figs '?£; .99 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO ^ 2 27 g J| Mushrooms W Sa 1.Za PRODUCT OF U.S.A., Mixed Nuts In The Shell 3.95* 1.79b FOR FRESHNESS, KEEP SOIL MOIST AT ALL TIMES Poinsettias 15.2 cm 6" POT "3.99 CRACKER BARREL, MILD, MEDIUM, OLD OR EXTRA OLD Kraft Cheddar 22s g to Cheese Sticks c25 g TO 227 g PKG. ASSORTED VARIETIES, Dainty Instant Fried Rice 350 g PKG. 1.99 .69 FROZEN, 9 INCH SIZE, GAINSBOROUGH Pie Shells 15-OZ. PKG. OF 3 1.79 FROZEN, ASSORTED VARIETIES Pepperidge Farm Layer Cakes 13-OZ. PKG. 1.49 ASSORTED COLORS, 2-PLY, IGA Bathroom Tissue 4 pkg l . l 1.39 ALL VARIETIES OF 100% PURE CORN OIL OR SUNFLOWER OIL Flelschmann's sl of ve Soft Margarine Stubs' 1.49 .00 WITH THIS (©COUPON SÏÏTM .00 REGULAR OR DECAFFEINATED Maxwell House 0 Instant Coffee '°f JA „ I GENERAL FOODS cio A.C. NIELSEN « PO. BOX MOO | ST. JOHN, NO FEATURE PRICE WITHOUT COUPON $5.99 LIMIT ONE COUPON PER FAMILY, ONE JAR PER COUPON COUPON VALID AT I0A UNTIL CLOSING SAT., DEC. 15TH, 19B4 00U030GSBSH PRICES EFFECTIVE WED., DEC. 12 TO SAT., DEC. 15,1964. OPEN SUNDAY 9-6 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Seniors 5% Off Wednesday PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY Values effective only at IŒJ GRAHAM'S IGA 77KING STREET EAST 623-4161 BOWMANVILLE WE DELIVER FOR A NOMINAL CHARGE -- The Museumobile, a travelling exhibit of fossils from the Royal Ontario-.Museum, made a three day stop at Bowmanville Senior Public School recently. recently. The museum's Paul Cornfield is seen here within the narrow confines of his mobile "classroom", "classroom", with some B.S.P.S. students. Maple Grove W.I.-U.C.W. The joint meeting of the W.I. and U.C.W. was held on Thursday, Dec. 6th at 6:30 p.m. in the form of a pot luck supper and social evening. Name tags and numbers for each of the 10 tables mixed the ladies into various groups. Mrs. H. Cryderman, Pres, of U.C.W. welcomed the ladies and all joined in singing Grace. The ladies did justice to many casseroles, salads and desserts. Mrs. E. Wihlidal was in charge of the gifts, one for each table where a lucky saucer was marked. The Collection was for the Salvation Salvation Army amounting to $100. Mrs. S. Found paid special tribute to Mrs. H. Brooks who for many years has done typing of programs etc. and this year ran off our W.I. Bicentennial Cook Books. A gift from our W.I. and a cook book was presented to Mrs. Brooks to which she replied very graciously. The W.I. Cook Books were on display and several were sold and orders taken for them. Mrs. H. Prescott, District President for our W.I. brought greetings from the District and announced plans for a bus to go to London Convention on June 17th, 1985. Mrs. H. Cryderman turned the program part of the evening evening to Mrs. W. Brown, Pres, of W.I. Mrs. Brown extended a welcome to all and called on Mrs. E. Wihlidal for the worship worship service. This service of the Christmas story and carols had been prepared by Mrs. T.' Kelsey who was unable unable to be present. The carols "0 Little Town of Bethlehem", "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear" and "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" were interspersed with the Christmas story. Mrs. C. Russell and Mrs. P. McIntyre favoured us with two duets "Love Came Down 'at Christmas" and "Silver Bells" with Mrs. W. Laird at the piano. Several ladies of the W.I. acted out the reading of a selection "Twas the Night After Christmas" narrated by Mrs. S. Found. Ladies taking part in the skit were Mrs. C. Swallow, Mrs. H. Prescott, Mrs. H. Bradley, Mrs. R. Bubar, Mrs. W. Laird, and Mrs. R. Metcalf. This closed another social evening enjoyed enjoyed by members of our U.C.W. and W.I. and their guests numbering approximately 55 ladies. Win Brown Press Sect. James Insurance i Eleanor Damant, Gayle Windsor, Doug James, Nesta Akey A 24 King St. East, Bowmanville 623-4406 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountancy WILLIAM C. HALL B. Comm. Chartered Accountant 35 King St. W., Newcastle Telephone'987-4240 WM.J.H', COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bownr|anville Phone 623-3612 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 118 King St. East. Suite2 623-6555 WINTERS, SUTHERLAND & MOASE Chartered Accountants 23 Silver St., Bowmanville 623-9461 135 Simcoe St. N„ Oshawa 579-5659 Dental PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURETHERAPY CLINIC 5 George SI 623-4473 Cilice Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. 0:30-5:00 Friday 0:30-noon Computers ANDYBATELAAN B.A. Consultant Programmer Software Development Maple Grove ltd, N, Bowmanville 623-2375 Chiropractic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment LEONARD JAY, B.Sc., D.C. Doctor ol Chiropractic 96 Queen Street Bowmanville Phone 623-9297 JOHN W.HAWRYLAK, D.C., F.C.C.R, Doctor ol Chiropractic Certified Roentgenologist Nutritional Counselling 168 Church St. Bowmanville 623-4004 LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor ot Chiropractic 306 King St. West Oshawa L1J2J9 Phone 433-1500 Naturopathic Medicine LAURENCE A. GREY, N.D. Doctor ol Naturopathy Nutrition, homeopathic and botanical medicine; Colonic therapy & acupuncture 306 King St. West Oshawn L1J2J9 Phone 433-1500 CERTIFIED FOOT REFLEXOLOGIST Cheryl Frlode 270 King St. East, Bowmanville 623-4004