v I The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 13,1985 9 Prices effective thru Sat., February 16th, 1985. r J I- A&P reserves the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements. WE REDEEM ALL FOOD STORE COUPONS! SAVINGS SHOWN IN THIS AD BASED ON A&P CURRENT REGULAR RETAILS. ENTER A&P'S MAPLE LEAF BONUS GOAL RUSH CONTEST Listen to the radio hockey broadcast on Sat Feb 23rd between Toronto & Detroit On stations in your area.Each time the Maple Leafs score, a ballot will be drawn for a S250.00 A&P Gift Certificate If the ballot includes a label or facsimile from any one of our 'Goal Rush' sponsors, they win a S 500.00-Gift Certificate. (Watch for 'Goal Rush' product signs at your A&P Store.) MAPLE LEAF HOCKEY BROADCAST GOAL RUSH BONUS GAME CONTEST " Detroit/Toronto game Sat. Feb 23rd You could win a 1 1 StiOO Gift ilsrîificaîs each lime a Maple Leal player scores a goal jj Name J Address 6 City P.C.. Phone l cave this ballot with the A&P Food Store cashier Featured at our Deli Available at most stores CANADIAN, MILD, MEDIUM OR OLD Cheddar Cheese REGULAR & DIET 7UP-Case of 24 POWDERED LAUNDRY Sunlight Detergent 6 LITRE BOX 280 mL TINS (Limit 1 case per $5.00 purchase, excluding this item. Maximum 3 cases per family purchase) (750 mL btl .59-plus .30 btl deposit) YOU'LL DO BETTER AT*$^ t AT A&P! SAVE .70 SAVE 1.10/kg .50 lb COMBINATION PACK-CONTAINS: 2 RIB ENDS, 2 LOIN ENDS, 4 CENTRE CUT CHOPS ijpt r , r> ' r/kg#;*$]' i j Loin Pork Chops a T I: v ! L:- / ' Ui' y iv, w>7, -y, \.:-y y u . ■ y 412E 7 . H V 7 ! J [j i j ' ■/ 7 SAVE 1.54/kg-.70 CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF SEMI-BONELESS, BLADE OR CHUCK Short Rib Roast )■?/ 'T'iifiS /rfj @18) SAVE 1.20 SWIFT PREMIUM Wieners SAVE .66/kg-.30 m i i /kg / 0 i!x ! FULLY SKINLESS, SMOKED. COOKED 14 TO 18 LB AVERAGE Swift Whole Hams / ::3 fl|7l ■ m r ! ; vv 450 g vac pac L : : /kg BLADE. CHUCK SHORT RIB OR SHOULDER-BEEF Boneless Roasts 5 05/029 /kg / mm lb REGULAR 6 BONE CUT Prime Rib Roast SWIFT SMOKED COOKED HAMS 770/049 f /kg / W lb Shank or Butt Half 4lg/1 89 EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING Blade Steaks FRESH, MEDIUM Ground Beef RIB EYE STEAKS 13.21/kg-5.99lb Rib Steaks FROZEN. NEW ZEALAND. SEMI-BONELESS Lamb Legs 5^/2^ SWEET PICKLED (CENTRE CUTS 4.83/kg-2.19 lb) Back Bacon E,.d cuts /i39/1 " A&P, REGULAR OR THICK SLICED Side Bacon *39/199 /kg/ I |b 073/169 U /kg/ I lb 8 13/069 /kg/ U lb 5^/2 9 lb) A 39/1 /kg/ I lb SLICED. PREMIUM. SUGAR PLUM OR LAZY MAPLE Swift's Side Bacon v a 5 c P< ?c 2.99 SWIFT PREMIUM. SLICED. 8 VAR. INCL. MOCK CHICKEN 175 g QQ vac pac . SWIFT PREMIUM (BY THE PIECE 3.51/kg-1.59 lb) 375 g 1 CQ _ vac pac I i V w SWIFT OLD MILL "" 169 Ham Quarters 4Ï/1 Cooked Meats SWIFT PREMIUM (BY THE PIECE Sliced Bologna SWIFT OLD MILL Breakfast Sausage 3^/1' RIB OR 3 TO 3Vi LB CUT TENDERLOIN PORTION Pork Loin Roasts 3t*/1 7 ü 3 2 "/1 lb 1759 1 69 vac pac I .W 500 g O CQ vac pac ti.Vw PROVIMI VEAL CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST PROVIMI VEAL, DELFT BLUE Veal Scallopini 17"/7 99 Veal Chops 6^/2 9 S e Bakeshop, (Available at moat etoree) SWIFT PREMIUM. SLICED Cooked Ham LAZY MAPLE PURE PORK Swift Sausage 5 p°k 0 g 9 2.29 SWIFT. THINLY SLICED. HAM. PASTRAMI. CHICKEN. CORNED BEEF Cooked Meats v7L .69 SWIFT. REGULAR OR ALL BEEF Sausage b,ow„ & su™ "V 1.99 SWIFT, DINNER STYLE. 2'r TO 3 LB AVERAGE Sugar Plum Hams 8*°/3 99 PREVIOUSLY FROZEN. WHOLE Turkey Legs PREVIOUSLY FROZEN, WHOLE OR SPLIT Turkey Breasts SIENNA, HOT OR SWEET Sausage nmum style SIENNA, PEPPER BUTTS OR Capocollo SIENNA Pepperoni 49 lb 5 71 /059 /kg/ C. lb 5 71 /OS9 /kg/ m lb b:=/2 7 ü 6"/2 99 lb FROZEN FISH FROZEN. BOSTON BLUE FISH STICKS. FISH IN LIGHT TEMPURA BATTER 700 g. FISH FRIES OR KRISPS 680 g 3.29 Blue Water Fish plg FROZEN, HADDOCK IN BATTER OR COD FISH STICKS. High Liner Fish ï;2.09 DeliShop I Aw.ll.Ki» ■« rrvnal •liu»l * (Available al moat stores) BAKED FRESH DAILY White Bread 454 g lonl 11 rtf. ft vL 7'ji BAKED FRESH DAILY Valentines call 71 BUTTERSCOTCH OR DOUBLE CHOCOLATE Torte Cake 40 0/ iilro I' jn-Jii, SHOPSY, EXTRA LEAN Cooked Ham 1' /100 g !»:! ' / pH) 9/ C ALL BEEP Shopsy Salami jm „oo g/, , , b CLEARVIEW GOURMET, ROAST Turkey Breast Ï m J SAUSEA, FRESH Shrimp Cocktail ia°r z [ III..- jV '.J FRESH, DRESSED (VAC PAC FOR FRESHNESS) Rainbow / Vi Trout /ht, i /; V 7 ii) ECONOMY Mother Parkers Tea Bags ; l wi ry f lb FROZEN. REGULAR. BLUEBERRY. BRAN OR RAISIN 8 SPICE SAVE .20 Eggo Waffles 3 Pk 2 g 9 1.39 FROZEN, FANCY. STRAIGHT OR CRINKLE. FRENCH SAVE .46 Superman Fries ^1.39 FLEISCHMANN'S, FROZEN SAVE .20 16 02 O CQ cln b.v9 FROZEN, REGULAR APPLE OR APPLE CRUMB SAVE .20 Mrs. Smith's Pies 6 P 8 k 0 g 9 2.39 Egg Beaters BUY 3-SAVE .39 GERBERS, STRAINED. MEATLESS VAR OF FOODS & JUICES Baby Foods 4.5 fl 02 jars %/ M wl 0 #3 /kg/ 1 lb' 99 lb SWISS STYLE, ASSORTED FLAVOURS BUY 3-SVE 1.00 Gay Lea Yogourt mL 9 3/1.49 BLACK DIAMOND, PROCESS "LITE" SAVEM.OO 500 g pkg SAVE .90 3409 .99 Cheese Slices 5 P k 0 g 9 2.99 HOLIDAY Luncheon Meat tin FLORIDA CITRUS PUNCH, REFRIGERATED .SAVE .60 64 II 02 coni OHV C. .OU 1.99 Sunny Delight WESTON, ASST. VARIETIES Wagon Wheels Pkg CHRISTIE-BONUS PACK 350 g PLUS 100 g FREE SUPER BUY! Ritz Crackers SAVE .60 =1.69 450 g 1 QQ pkg I . wtl strawberry shortcake „„ SWEETHEART. DIET FUDGESICLES. FROZEN SAVE UP TO .50 Good Humor Novum, 1S pk I 01 1.79 SANITARY PADS Kotex Lightdays box ol 30 SAVE .50 2.49 IDEAL GIFT FOR YOUR Special Valentine SMILES & CHUCKLES. MILK OR DARK CHOCOLATE Turtles [7 q > i 7/1 n ; ' J U' 717# BLACK MAGIC, DAIRY BOX, POT OF GOLD, NUTCHOS Assorted k ami Chocolates s, 1 ), y!; J Blackstock Area News by Joyce Kelly On Saturday, Roy and Shirley Turner, Joyce and Gerald Kelly and Elaine attended the Silver Awards presentation presentation at Victoria Hall, Cobourg when Elaine was among the recipients recipients of her Silver Award presented by Lieutenant-Governor John B. Aird. The impressive impressive ceremony was followed by a reception in which all were introduced introduced to Mr. Aird. The activities concluded with a dinner at the Cobourg Motor Inn. Of interest to the Blackstock area, that most the arrangements and planning had been very efficiently carried out by a former Blackstock girl, Mrs. Janet Leadbetter. Happy birthday is wished to William Forder who celebrated his 92nd birthday on Saturday. A few family members and friends called on Saturday night to help him celebrate. Congratulations, Mr. Forder. Blackstock Pathfinders Pathfinders would like to celebrate "Thinking Day" and the Seventy- fifth Birthday of Guiding in a special way with special people. If you know of anyone, male or female, who will be 75 in 1965, please contact Beth Schryburt or Brenda Bryant as the Pathfinders have something special for them. Rev. and Mrs. Dale Davis have enjoyed this past week on vacation. They were spending the first part visiting friends in Montreal as well as including including some winter activities activities especially skiing at their cottage in the Haliburton area. In his absence on Sunday, the student minister Elaine Barber took charge of the morning church service service in a very effective manner. The topic of her thought-provoking sermon sermon was The Time Of Your Life dealing with the choices we all have to make. This Saturday, the Nursery School held a successful dance at the Recreation Centre. Blackstock folk are very busy this wintry weather with many dances. Next Saturday, the Curling Club will be holding a dance also at the Recreation Recreation Centre to the music of Glenn Howsam. The Scouts will be holding a Bottle Drive next Saturday. Seventeen members of the Evening Unit of the U.C.W. met on Wednesday Wednesday night at the home of Carolyn Morton. We were pleased to have Elaine Barber, Marion Larmer and Ruby Van Camp join in with us. Elaine Barber filled us in on some of the things she's been doing in regards to her study in the Ministry, This was most interesting. Plans were made for the General Meeting on February 27th, and for the Federation of Agriculture Banquet on March 15th. A film "Strong Kids, Safe Kids" starring Henry Winkler and dealing dealing with Child Abuse ami Abduction was shown and found to be very informative. After a discussion time the evening concluded with delicious desserts served by Carolyn. Blackstock Women's Institute held their February meeting on Wednesday, starting with a dessert luncheon. The tables were smartly decorated for the Valentine Valentine season and each lady drew her table spot by way of matching the Valentine puzzle piece picked at random from a paper bag. After lots of chit-chat and that devilish second helping of dessert, the meeting began. Mrs. D.C. Sleep played the piano for the Institute Ode. Mrs. H. Martyn led everyone in the Mary Stewart Collect. "Here Is Dawning Another New Day" was then artfully recited by Mrs. Martyn assisted by Mrs. L. McArthur. Minutes of the January meeting, correspondence and treasurer's report were read and approved. A request request was made by the President, Mrs. Martyn to have Mrs. Sleep prepare a forecast of expenditures expenditures based on last years spending, this was put in the form of a motion, motion, seconded and carried. Nancy Green was present present to receive her gift of recognition from the Institute Institute on her 4-H achievement of County Honours, which constitutes constitutes a completing of six home economy courses. Nancy spoke to the ladies about the different different courses she has taken and her desire to achieve even more. She thanked the Institute for ' their generous support of the 4-H Homemaking Club. Anne Marie Hooge- veen was unable to attend attend to accept her token of recognition for earning earning her Provincial Honours in 4-H Home Economy, the completion completion of twelve courses. Mrs. Martyn reported that there are three courses available free of charge from the Agricultural Department for the benefit of the community. The Institute Institute will decide on the basis of public interest which of the following courses to organize: Favourites From Your Freezer, Sewing For Your Child, or Wise Money Management. The freezer course is a one meeting instruction while the other two would take three meetings. These courses would be available to the public so if anyone is interested interested please contact Mrs. H. Martyn as to which course would be of interest and if daytime or evening would be preferred. It was decided to send a small cheque to the O.N.O. for the yearly use of dishes at the Rec Centre. Centre. New table cloths will be made by Mrs. J. Kristensen in the Institute Institute colours to brighten the monthly meetings. Mrs. L. Schryburt will make a request to the principal 3f Cartwright Central to send the third place speaker of each zlassroom, total of ten, to sur March meeting. Roll Call was made, by showing an article made within a ten mile radius of Blackstock, many unique unique items popped up. Keeping with the theme of "Canadian Industries" Mrs. C. Adams showed a film entitled "Food Connection." Connection." Next months theme will be, "Education" "Education" one of the highlights will be ten great public speakers from the public school. Anyone is welcome to join with the Institute on March 6, at 1:00 in the small Town Hall. Roy Turner will also be on hand for some talks on gardening. Sometimes, I like other correspondents wonder the point of it all, This past week I received a letter from a former resident resident of Blaqkstock, Mrs. Alberta (Riches) Plum of Edmonton. She tells of her father building the Town Hall, 75 years ago, Mrs. Plum reads the Blackstock news each week,