8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 13,1985 Nestleton - Caesarea News by Mabel Cawker Benefit Dance Successful The benefit dance held in Nestleton Community Centre, Saturday evening evening last in aid of John and Linda Arbuckle and family, was an incredible success! A large enthusiastic, enthusiastic, supportive group of people turned out ready for the fantastic fantastic evening of dancing in store for them- a casual, friendly atmosphere, atmosphere, and they all enjoyed themselves dancing dancing and listening to the fine music of D. J. Frank Barker- an old hand at the game. Interested folks were present from Oshawa, Toronto, Bradford, Bradford, Newcastle, Tyrone, Orono, Hampton, Port Perry, Blackstock, Nestleton and other points. Around about midnight, satisfying refreshments- buffet style- were served by the Court Lady Snowbirds. We felt sorry the Ar- buckles were not able to join us. It was nice to meet some of Linda's family, including her mother- Helen Goslin of Utica and Uncle Walt Rogers of Oshawa. The committee in charge worked very hard and we do commend them- Arlene Malcolm and Janice MacKenzie taking the lead. We thank the Port Perry Star for good coverage working up to the dance- which is a must for a successful successful event. All in all, a great evening- and we extend our warmest wishes from this area to John and Linda Arbuckle and family for a healthy, happy future - problem free! News Events of Interest David and Regenia Walker of Scugog Point "hosted" a birthday party party for small Kyle- who celebrated his 2nd birthday birthday on Sunday. Those present for the occasion were grandparents Bert and Jean Hill of Whitby, and Bill Walker of Oshawa. A belated happy happy birthday to Kyle on the 10th of February - from this area. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Fish for supper on Tuesday of last week were: Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Holland, Chad, Craig and Alanna Dawn of Bowmanville. For a bit of fun, they took the boys for a ski-doo ride. On Sunday afternoon, afternoon, Grahame's daughter, Mrs. Larry Smith and Penny of Hampton were guests and had supper with them. Dorothy was celebrating a birthday this past Monday, February 11th. Best wishes for many more. While visiting- Penny enjoyed enjoyed a horseback ride on Birdie. Glad to hear Mrs. George Bowers has been released from Port Perry Hospital and is progressing well at home, Our best to Ella from the area! The Sam Cawkers went to Toronto on Wednesday and dined in style with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cawker of Scarborough. Scarborough. Later- they called on Syl, Chandre and Jason and had a visit before returning home. Visiting at the farm during during the week were Curtis Cawker and Rob Smith of Oshawa. Caesarea Community Chtarch A nice company of people people on Sunday morning and a real good service, Rev. W.H. Crawford D,D. used as his theme "The Anointed Preacher" taken from Luke Chapter 4. Daniel Pugh assistd with the, worship, The minister played for the hymns, We wish better health to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hcayn - also Mrs, Crawford, Next Sunday for a warm welcome to the friendly Community Church, 11 a.m. Yours truly attended the Honeydale Branch of the Women's Institute meeting this past Thursday Thursday held in the Municipal Hall- and found it most interesting with an educational flavour and lots of fun - President Clara Warren at the helm. Notices The World Day of Prayer Service will be held Friday, March 1st at 2:30 p.m. at the Nestleton Presbyterian Church. The speaker for the day will be Rev. Fred Swann. More information information later. Don't forget the Scout bottle drive to be held this coming Saturday, February 16, for the Boy Scouts of Cartwright. The proceeds from the drive to help finance the trip to the Scout Jamboree Jamboree being held in Guelph in July. Scouts will be collecting all day Saturday, so have your bottles ready when they call at the door. For information information call Joe Williamson 986-4233. That's my little piece for this week. Just a word of warning before signing off "Keep your snow shovel handy - just in case! Nestleton United Church A fair attendance on a gorgeous winters day at Nestleton United with student minister Elaine Barber conducting the service, while Rev. Dale and Anita Davis had a brief holiday. A warm greeting at the door was extended by Kay Not- man, Claire and Jennifer. Jennifer. Elaine Barber used used as her theme- "The Time Of Our Life" based on Scriptures Job 7: 1-7 and Mark I: 29-39, a fine message! While I'm not handing out an Oscar, just a tribute to Elaine - in whom we have considerable considerable faith. M. Cawker read the passages of Scripture. The young fry were bright and responsive this a.m. for the Sunday School story told by our ministers before going to classes. A harmonious duet was rendered by Kay Notman and Janice MacKenzie with organist Gwen Malcolm accompanying. accompanying. Next Sunday, February 17, induction and installation of Elders and Stewards and the U.C.W. Executive. A cordial cordial welcome to attend. Caesarea Euchre Report We congratulate the following winners for last week's euchre held at the Centre, and sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary. First prize winner- Walter Brown and Val Priebe tied- each holding 86. Second- Frieda Wingrove- 79, Third - Irene Train- 52. Roy Werry had 17 lone handis for the month of January. A fair turnout for frigid weather. This Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. for a good game - good lunch and sociability. Blackstock Glad to report that Muriel Lawrence and Edith McLaughlin are both out of hospital now after spending some time there, Both Bill and Ruby Johnston are not at all well. Hope that you both are feeling better soon. Larry and Beth Schryburt, Vicki, Art and Joel enjoyed the weekend in Ottawa, where they participated in the events of Winterlude such as skating on the Rideau Canal as well as enjoying a visit with Larry's mother who lives in Ottawa, do better 53i » MnnOmtamv BOKAfi COffE£ A PREMIUM HEARTY CUSTOM GROUND, NOTHING BLEND BEATS THE BEAN Bokar Bean Coffee /ftJË» : ' \ Mm • m ) I Æimmtr ifllJfP 1 LB BAG / . ' . • \ / . ■. . '. ".A | • I --- ', « J.Y e ùï »■---1-»- .j-t mm '•■m V'.'.V SllE 111 ".Jll ill* 3 lb bag 8.79 SAVE 3.90 SAVE 1.30 JANE PARKER Peach Pie 624 g SIZE I m BUi OR Mj -. V ■ -y v ir . y (made with 100% pure vegetable shortening) SAVE. CHUNK LIGHT, IN OIL OR SPRING WATER Star-Kist Tuna 6.5 OZ TIN i ) A..7 V J V / V , / mv... . i SAVE .36 SLICED, A GOOD SOURCE OF NATURAL FIBRE Jane Parker Bran Bread ; n e® JANE PARKER, SLICED Buttermilk Bread JANE PARKER (PKG OF 8-1.39) Hot Cross Buns JANE PARKER English Muffins JANE PARKER Pumpkin Pie SAVE .40 675 g 7Q loaf . *9 SUPER BUY! y 1.89 SUPER BUY! pk i°' .69 A Taste of Summer Sweet Fruit from the Tropics! PROD. OF CHILE, SWEET, JUICY Fresh Nectarines ' •/ (-?/ 33 CANADA NO. 1. PROD. OF CHILE,. LARGE. SWEET DELICIOUS IN FRUIT SALAD SAVE .60 - - 1.79 Avocados 624 g size Ml 8 ! SB i m / -/ I foj i L ! fl<8 / ü HUP Hit PROD. OF U.S.A., DELICIOUS IN SALADS Fresh 2/.99 Fresh Plums Fresh Pineapple ah/ Aft M ii W# BMM §F / wgjTf ,, / m UU 'kg I n xfiF EG â f-y-;-.- LL.il V , . ' each CANADA NO. 1, PROD. OF CHILE, BLACK OR SEEDLESS Greened a 39 /-19g /kg / I lb Grapes PROD. OF U.S.A., SWEET, DELICIOUS Fresh Kiwi Fruit 2/.99 SAVE 2. REGULAR & DIET Pespi-Cola Case of 24 E IP 280 mL . 1 j j 'L'pN'è; tins V J ['■) V' L 1 ^; (750 mL bll .59-plus .30 bll deposit) SAVE .30 2 °" s 1.49 pkg SAVE 1.00 HOSTESS, ASSORTED VARIETIES Potato Chips ORANGE PEKOE ... Red Rose Tea Bags pk 6 9 o 0 '2.49 ASSORTED VARIETIES BUY 3-SAVE .78 Del Monte Vegetables'VL 0Z 3/1 59 ASSORTED VARIETIES, TETRA PACKS SAVE .50 Del Monte Juices Kl 3 1.19 NATURE VALLEY, ASST VARIETIES SAVE .36 Granola Bars PROD. OF PERU, LARGE SIZE Fresh Mangos each 1.69 PROD. OF HAWAII, SWEET. DELICIOUS Fresh Papaya ea Ch 1.49 PROD. OF MEXICO, RIPE, SWEET Fresh Watermelon 1 ?£/, b .59 PROD. OF DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Coconuts 2/ .99 CANADA NO. 1, PROD. OF U.S.A.. LARGE SIZE Fresh Celery Stalks bun Ch .99 SAVE .52 , 00 ,1.99 On Sale at A&P! 3 Beautiful Patterns Superb Elegantly Crafted Stainless Steel Flatware BRAVO, PLAIN Spaghetti Sauce (Tsn Em ! v. /•/ 14 II oz tin ta 1# LI y at an exceptional \ value j THIS WEEK'S FEATURE Three / Handsome (,. Patterns Dinner Knife ! t Ij){ i ! ; I ; 1 1 WITH EACH $5,00 PURCHASE ASSORTED VARIETIES Lancia Pastas DEL MONTE, ASSORTED VARIETIES Pudding Cups ASSORTED VARIETIES INCL CHOCOLATE CHIP .SAVE .60 Dare Cookies 900 g QQ pkg i Jw SUPER BUY! pkg o(4 1 CQ 5 oz lins I . U w 450 g *1 QQ pkg I .W SAVE 2. PURE VEGETABLE Bravo Oil y° QQ 3 Hire ,n plstjug \:Jj ! 1 SAVE. AUNT JEMIMA, REGULAR. BUTTERMILK OR BUCKWHEAT Pancake .a Miy i k g 1 1 (LWMj ■VIIA pkg i:J tl ifl V&fi Aunt Jomlnin Syrup All Var. 750 mL 1.99-SAVE .80 4/,98 PRODUCT OFU.S.A. Fresh Lemons PROD. OF U.S.A., CALIFORNIA, SWEET, SEEDLESS Navel Oranges ba i 9 8 0l 3.99 CANADA NO. 1, ALL PURPOSE P.E.I. Potatoes b°g b 3.69 CANADA FANCY, PROD. OF ONTARIO McIntosh Apples ü,g1-89 CANADA NO. 1. PROD. OF U.S.A.. CALIFORNIA. LARGE. SNOW WHITE Cauliflower each 1.99 BUY 3-SAVE UP TO .62 CONDENSED, MUSHROOM, CONSOMME, CHICKEN NOODLE CHICKEN RICE, FRENCH ONION Heinz Soups 10 II oz lins ID/| 57 dJ/ 1 SAVE .30 IN TOMATO SAUCE SAVE .22 Heinz Spaghetti 28 II oz tin CHOICE Heinz Tomatoes 1.57 2-SAVE 2/r BUY 2-SAVE .61 19 II oz 0/157 lins INSTANT, HOT, ASST VAR INCL LITE 200 g Carnation Chocolate 5 =°,°n 9 2.99 SAVE UP TO .62 KOSHER OR NO GARLIC Heinz Dill Pickles 1 litre iar . , .... Broad ft Huiler Pickles I Litre jar 1.97-SAVE ,82 g K7 HEINZ, FANCY Tomato / Juice Iw 1 19 FL OZ TINS ! K7 1 bu/ PROD. OF U.S.A., DELICIOUS IN CAESAR SALAD Romaine Lettuce =acn .89 CANADA FANCY, PROD. OF ONTARIO, RED Delicious Apples bag2.69 Ideal Gifts for Valentines Day FOR THAT SPECIAL PERSON-CHOOSE FROM A LARGE SELECTION OF ATTRACTIVELY PRICED Fancy Fruit Baskets PROD. OF ONTARIO, CHOICE OF COLOUR Potted Mums 6 p" h 5.99 SAVE .80 DETERGENT FOR AUTOMATIC DISHWASHERS Dishwasher Sunlight 14 kg box / i l-j'Y, POWDERED BLEACH JaVeXunblonchablcs 2 litre : box SAVE .26 3.19 I-PLY BATHROOM, ASSORTED COLOURS SAVE .60 I'" rolls White Swan Tissue pk9 or 1.69 PRINTED, ORANGE, GREEN OR GOLD SAVE .60 White Swan Towels pk ^= 1.09 SUPER BUY! WHITE SWAN. BEIGE, WHITE, YELLOW Facial Tissue box ol 200 sheclr. |1Q SUPER BUY! CAPRI, ASSORTED COLOURS, I-PLY Bathroom Tissue (km RMJ pkg ol 4 I p roll;, I j Vj-yi